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Peng Challenge Telethon a Success – Australia Saved

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Ahh, the good fatherly Joe we have all come to know and despise. Here's a hint, IcuddahadaV8, don't sit on his lap, even if he tells you he is Santa Clause.

Turns out tomorrow. Literally. You figure it out.


MrSpkr you are, at one and the same time, a LAWYER, a REPUBLICAN and a FAUX TEXAN! Deny it if you can!

Besides I don't do that anymore, I've learned a neat new game called "Pull My Finger".


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My original post on this thread was meant to be the only post on this thread. I saw the word peng, did some research and found a lot of the original posts, which I dutifully read and enjoyed. I thought I'd bring back some of the style in a short post by a n00b for a bit of fun. However, despite the fact that I did not insult or challenge anyone, NG felt the need to make fun of my adopted country and my sexual orientation, encouraged by Nidan1 and yourself.

I had some spare time this week, and thought I'd enjoy the peng thread while I could, in good fun. I never took any of the insults to heart, and I hope neither did you. After all, this is the peng thread and


If you look over my posts, I doubt you will find any violations of the rules of the MBT.

So, with all that said, I will continue my annoying posts, although perhaps at a slower rate, to keep in shape for the time when when my copy of CMBB arrives and I am ready to attempt my first challenge. I am sharpenning my skill by playing PBEM CMBO against my friend and the occasional hotseat CMBB game at his place. So, until next time, ta-ta[/serious]

<font color=blue size=4>Translation for</font> <font color=maroon size=1> cesspooers </font>

<font color=red size=8>SOD OFF</font>

[ July 17, 2003, 01:57 AM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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That'll be the day, when we take a pinch from a graesy little SSN with member number in the bazillions. And those Special Olympics jokes are going to have the Texas lawyers all over you like a cheap suit, lad.

Just like a Kiwi to take the name of vodka from {snarf!} New Zealand. Why don't you name yourself after a sheep, or a good dry fly or something related to bungie or something you could be rightfully proud of (or at least know something about)? Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Kiwi.

Geier thanks for the invite, mate, but I am not sure when I will fire up CM again. I am about to buy a new Laptop which will only run on OSX and will therefore keep me from playing any CM soon. And I do so long for some more of the treatment that only The Olde Firm can supply. I will also be pretty busy for the next year as it would appear I am going to get involved in a JV here in the Rodina for the next year.

But I will try to keep up and pass on the odd painful observation and a few bits of Russian trivia. For instance, were you aware that Lenin's favourite tree was the cottonwood? Yuzhno is just filthy with that cotton ****e in the air every afternoon in the summer (both weeks of it), which is like having it snow and thereby reminding us of what it looks like around here predominately. This, to me adds proof to a thesis I am developing. Namely, Lenin had some pretty good ideas, but his taste was in his arse.

Not unlike dirty old Jo Xia actually.

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Geier the Hunter-Strangler Eel Man now has the Spellbook Animate Nightstand at level V (and Seasick at level XIV)!!!

More fearsome is of course his +11 Heavy Vorpal Peen-arm.

Goanna, I yearn to have you in my sights again.

[ July 17, 2003, 02:58 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]

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Originally posted by v42below:



My original post on this thread was meant to be the only post on this thread...

Bugger. And I just finished...well, I just finished some time ago...can't be too sure of some of that time, when you get right down to it...

In any case, I at some point in the not too distant past just finished telling Shaw that you were probably a bloody useless and annoying little tit.

It just goes to show. What, I'm not sure. I guess, actually, that you can be wrong about anyone. Oh, and good on you for making Shaw come over all reasonable and nice.

I also reiterated for him my feelings about all those Commonwealth types: Aussies, Kiwis, South Africans, Indians, Canadians. You know, all those peoples who paid back with blood and glory everything the Brits had ever done for them, without worrying about paying them back for everything they'd ever done to them.

Nationalistic acts of unconditional love, as it were.

Umm. Funny old thing, life.

Now piss-off, you little adopted Kiwi berk.

Don't want anyone thinking we've gone soft, do we?

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Originally posted by Lars:

Advantages of American statehood for Australia:

*Access to the world's best higher education system – {God knows they need that}.

I personally found the previous thread lacking, and the Seanachai sponsored taunts and digs at Australia a disapointment with not one remark causing me any ire.

You certainly made up for that with this one comment. HARUMPH

In fact, I now hate you so much I've added you to my Christmas card list so I can....

*scribble, scribble*

... cross you off!

*cross cross*

By the way, our educational system is far superior. So there!


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Originally posted by Geier:

Geier the Hunter-Strangler Eel Man now has the Spellbook Animate Nightstand at level V (and Seasick at level XIV)!!!

More fearsome is of course his +11 Heavy Vorpal Peen-arm.

Goanna, I yearn to have you in my sights again.

Bwahaha!! SirReal the level 16 Skraeling Mu-Fu Monk with his dreaded Slime Finger VI, would conquer your silly Eel Man easily!


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Originally posted by Goanna:

That'll be the day, when we take a pinch from a graesy little SSN with member number in the bazillions.

you already have

And those Special Olympics jokes are going to have the Texas lawyers all over you like a cheap suit, lad.

I'm sorry I used their portraits without asking for permission first. In any case, I'm out of their jurisdiction, let them come here for the court case and stay for the sheep, if you are anything to go by, they will prefer our sheep to your women

Just like a Kiwi to take the name of vodka from {snarf!} New Zealand. Why don't you name yourself after a sheep, or a good dry fly or something related to bungie or something you could be rightfully proud of (or at least know something about)? Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Kiwi.

I name myself adter this particular vodka because I am Russian, and have, on numerous occasions, consumed my bodyweight equivalent of 42below. However, even in the middle of the heaviest zapoi [there's some Russian trivia for you], I doubt I could bring myself to risk a glance at the likes of you for fear of losing my sight

BTW, if I understand correctly, you are currently in Russia. I will, therefore, forgive you for any insults you may produce wuth the help of those little fat piggies you call fingers (I doubt you use your brain, or even have one for that matter), since, no doubt, they are simply an attempt to hide the feeling of low self-esteem. I'm sure that, having taken your first look on the streets of the crappiest little town in Siberia, you would have realised that compared to the uggliest doyarka [another peace of trivia] you look like the talking horse from the circus.

You know: "And now, the world famous talking horse!!!"

[The lights go on and the public sees an old horse hanging 20m above the centre of the ring. A cement slab lies directly below it]

"Drum roll please!!!" [trrrrrrrrrrr... the rope is cut and the horse swooshes down into the slab with a loud THUD, It staggers to it's feet and slowly opens it's mouth]

"Oh, dear God, when the f*** will I finally die?"

"The talking horse, chaps and chapesses!!"

[ July 17, 2003, 04:51 AM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've know Mace for years now and consider him one of my best ... "mates" ... doubtless that will make him spew his Fosters ... not that there's anything wrong with that ... Australians drink too much anyway.

Well I would have spewed my fosters but decent, forthright Aussies don't drink that horses p*ss (nor do I).

And I must admit I love my real beer too much to let it escape the confines of my digestive system except via the more conventional way.

Regardless, I am now somewhat traumatised and will require psychiatric care for the rest of my life, no doubt.

Oh ... I bold the name of Australia to remind myself ... and them ... that SOME Americans remember the losses they suffered in Bali ... and thank them for their support of the war on terror.
I do enjoy the online company of my USA mates (special g'day for Kitty) as much as I enjoy the friendship of those from other countries (hiya Emma) and the support offered by my friends at such times is warmly recieved and welcomed.

Hmmm, I feel a group hug coming on.


[ July 17, 2003, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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I’ve been saving my 100th post for something ‘special’ and even though I hate you all with a vehemence usually reserved for old ladies in Marks & Spencer blocking my path to the sandwich aisle at lunch-time (I mean, they can shop at any time and their bladders wake them up at 6.30am every day. They could be on the bus by 8:00, in town for when the shops open and back at home asleep in their favourite chair before 12:30 when the office worker population of the world begins its daily feeding frenzy (apart from those addled souls who get on the wrong bus by mistake and end up in a housing estate on the other side of town of course – but at least they’d be wandering aimlessly somewhere else). Instead they inhabit the aisles of supermarkets between 12:30-14:30, walking at tangential angles to the rest of the population, occasionally stopping in their tracks as they remember what it was Albert said in the Anderson shelter on October 8th 1940 that made them all laugh, oblivious to the pile-up of humanity that they leave in their wake)

Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, I thought the best place to share good news was here where the warm welcome guaranteed by the slow roasting of SSN’s in the basement never loses it’s appeal.

Australian Research

Now, <big>SOD OFF</big> the lot of you, or if you’d prefer to <big>TOSS OFF</big> do so in the knowledge that it might just save your life.

Edited to say: Perfect timing Elvis!

[ July 17, 2003, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Nestor ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

And I must admit I love my real beer too much to let it escape the confines of my digestive system except via the more conventional way.

...by spewing it all over the floor as you drive the porcelain bus.

Regardless, I am now somewhat traumatised and will require psychiatric care for the rest of my life, no doubt.

Old news.

I do enjoy the online company of my USA mates (special g'day for Kitty) as much as I enjoy the friendship of those from other countries (hiya Emma) and the support offered by my friends at such times is warmly recieved and welcomed.

I notice that you only mentioned the Ladies, you fence builder.

Hmmm, I feel a group hug coming on.


First you give us all brand new sheepskin jackets and then you ask for a group hug. Gee, Mace, you sure are a nice...Hey, wait a minute...
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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mr. Tittles:

Those boat pictures remind me of Cap'tin Stabbin porno.

Oh dear what a pity, no email address and no "recognizable" location ... I suppose we'll just have to ignore this one lads.

By the way, V00above is NOT sent to Coventry and MAY be addressed ... though why you'd want to escapes me.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Nestor:

I’ve been saving my 100th post for something ‘special’ and even though I hate you all with a vehemence usually reserved for old ladies in Marks & Spencer blocking my path to the sandwich aisle at lunch-time (I mean, they can shop at any time and their bladders wake them up at 6.30am every day. They could be on the bus by 8:00, in town for when the shops open and back at home asleep in their favourite chair before 12:30 when the office worker population of the world begins its daily feeding frenzy (apart from those addled souls who get on the wrong bus by mistake and end up in a housing estate on the other side of town of course – but at least they’d be wandering aimlessly somewhere else). Instead they inhabit the aisles of supermarkets between 12:30-14:30, walking at tangential angles to the rest of the population, occasionally stopping in their tracks as they remember what it was Albert said in the Anderson shelter on October 8th 1940 that made them all laugh, oblivious to the pile-up of humanity that they leave in their wake)

Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, I thought the best place to share good news was here where the warm welcome guaranteed by the slow roasting of SSN’s in the basement never loses it’s appeal.

Australian Research

Now, <big>SOD OFF</big> the lot of you, or if you’d prefer to <big>TOSS OFF</big> do so in the knowledge that it might just save your life.

Edited to say: Perfect timing Elvis!

I knew there was a reason why I keep passing my annual physical, the damn hairs on my palms bother me though, and I'm not even Australian.

BTW, I think you should have saved this for your 1000th post, it would have given us all ample time to completely forget about you.

P.S. now that you have the bridge, what do you intend to do with it?

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Originally posted by Mace:

I personally found the previous thread lacking, and the Seanachai sponsored taunts and digs at Australia a disapointment with not one remark causing me any ire.

You certainly made up for that with this one comment. HARUMPH

All part of the service. No additional charge.

The article did call you "an unreformable society", so you'll fit right in here. I think we could squeeze you lot in between Kansas and Oklahoma and none would be the wiser. God knows there's nothing else there...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Pinch all the chocolate candies until you find the one you want.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by v42below:

I name myself adter this particular vodka because I am Russian, and have, on numerous occasions, consumed my bodyweight equivalent of 42below.

Well now, what have we here? A real Russian? My goodness, that would be a first, I believe.

Appreciate your clarifying your name, we were thinking it was pretty silly to be posting your IQ for all to see.

Well, lad, as long as you are not from Georgia there should be no problem. We have our own Georgia here, and the Great State of Florida has been in steady conflict since the days of *yore and yon. Each year there is a large outdoor cocktail party held in Jacksonville in which our beloved Gators apply a firm, but kindly, can of whoop arse on the poor Bulldogs.

Besides, it's hard enough getting anybody to actually want to play the Russians, so I'm sure you will not be lacking for games.

*yore and yon-a period in history that came before the dinosaurs and when Berli's posts were worth reading.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

We have our own Georgia here, and the Great State of Florida has been in steady conflict since the days of *yore and yon. Each year there is a large outdoor cocktail party held in Jacksonville in which our beloved Gators apply a firm, but kindly, can of whoop arse on the poor Bulldogs.

Oh, good grief, I'll just bet that's something you could sell tickets to normal people to come and watch. Two groups of inbred, neanderthalic troglodytes, drunk, no doubt, screaming what, to them, are witty rejoinders, but to anyone from civilization, sounds like one long vowel movement.

Bunch of grinning, gap toothed, good old boys who would make Junior Samples look like a Rhodes scholar.

So tell me. Enlighten me if you will. Which one of your teams or tribes of whatever you call them, uses the phrase "Squeal like a pig!" for it's rallying cry? My Gawd, next to you lot, even the feckin' Cheese Heads are subtle and demure.

(Edited to say that I hate Noba even more than usual due to the thrashing he's giving me in a scenario designed by Nidan who as you all know has had it in for me for quite some time. I'm keeping my eye on you, Bucko.)

[ July 17, 2003, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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However, despite the fact that I did not insult or challenge anyone, NG felt the need to make fun of my adopted country and my sexual orientation, encouraged by Nidan1 and yourself.
Well OF COURSE we felt the need ... you are an SSN, SSNs are habitually harrassed in all sorts of ways, not least for NOT challenging someone. The rules state very clearly that the purpose of this thread is to taunt and challenge and if you have no challenge then you have no need to be here! I believe you stated that English is not your first language, if so may I compliment you on your mastery of it. However, it is possible that many of the things we say can be misunderstood by those without a firm understanding of the nuances of the language.

Finally ... where did anyone make sport of your sexual orientation? Where would we even get a clue as to what that orientation was?


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