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The Imperial Peng Challenge Thread OR Seanachai's Finest Hour

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Originally posted by PondScum:

PS Did I mention that Noba just sent his tanks "over the top"?



It's a hard life. It's even worse when you have to put up with useless tits like Joe. (Hang on, is there such a thing as a useless tit ??)

Anyway, adding young <font size=-2>PONDSCUM</font> to that list seems futile, but it must be done. This is the player (losely termed) that comes out of retirement to hand out another kicking to moi ! He is a wretch. A bloated, blaggardly blowhard. I sucked him into a rematch to make up for the last 3 episodes where he kicked my pixels all over maps HE chose. So he grants me this, this little thing and I choose his downfall by the scenario Von Lauchert.

WRONG, FAIL. I'd offer spoiler warnings but it's not worth it. Don't bother playing this one as Russian, unless you can get the German player to PLAY LIKE THE GERMANS REALLY FOUGHT. i.e. Stand back and kill lots of marauding Russian tanks with your extremely powerfull and brilliantly sighted guns. Don't let him charge forward and take up hull down postions that YOU have to charge. The cowardly un-German way of playing this one makes his true light shine through. He has obviously studied ALL the scenarios and found way to cheat like a real GROG. Who else would motor Uber Tanks to a gully and hide, waiting for Russians close up ???

BUT, we are not dismayed, we WILL beat <font size=-2>PONDSCUM</font> sometime in this life... wait for that day and rejoice.

[Now if I can get him to play 'IL Be seeing you', or whatever it's called........... ]


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Life is sometimes, so fecking weird, I have to come in here for some sanity, that is saying something.

So, the family and I are at Wal-Mart today, to get some carpet freshener stuff, cat food, and cat litter. I am drifting around the grocery section with my step son (Look dad, Shrimp!!! No Eric, those are Lobsters, but they are pretty cool) and trying to find the cat litter. I decide to ask one of the blue vested employees. I walk up to him, and what do my wondering eyes perceive?

The HIV positive, cross dressing "exotic dancer" I pulled out of a house at gunpoint and arrested the day before Christmas. Well, he gave me my directions, and I said thank you and exited stage left, post haste.

Luckily most people don't recognize you with out the blue suit.


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Noba you are Australian and as such do not DESERVE to play IL Be Seeing You ... even as the Germans.

I have sent turns to those in need:

Boo_Radley will defeat me, barring a miracle finish, but I hold my head high and cherish the truth that I did NOT purchase FlameOnPanzers ... whatever ... for a fog scenario. I did the right thing ... even if my opponent did not.

dalem will defeat me, barring a miracle finish, but I hold my head high and cherish the truth that ... uh ... let me get back to you on this one.

OGSF will defeat me, barring a miracle finish, but I hold my head high and cherish the truth that ... he cheated ... so there.

Peng will play me ... AND I SHALL TRIUMPH ... hey I'm due.


[ August 06, 2003, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So, the family and I are at Wal-Mart today, to get some carpet freshener stuff, cat food, and cat litter. I am drifting around the grocery section with my step son (Look dad, Shrimp!!! No Eric, those are Lobsters, but they are pretty cool) and trying to find the cat litter. I decide to ask one of the blue vested employees. I walk up to him, and what do my wondering eyes perceive?

The HIV positive, cross dressing "exotic dancer" I pulled out of a house at gunpoint and arrested the day before Christmas. Well, he gave me my directions, and I said thank you and exited stage left, post haste.

You mean you didn't introduce it to the wife? Where's your manners?

Oh yeah, send me my turn pillocks!

[ August 06, 2003, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: Sir Augustus ]

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Originally posted by Sir Augustus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So, the family and I are at Wal-Mart today, to get some carpet freshener stuff, cat food, and cat litter. I am drifting around the grocery section with my step son (Look dad, Shrimp!!! No Eric, those are Lobsters, but they are pretty cool) and trying to find the cat litter. I decide to ask one of the blue vested employees. I walk up to him, and what do my wondering eyes perceive?

The HIV positive, cross dressing "exotic dancer" I pulled out of a house at gunpoint and arrested the day before Christmas. Well, he gave me my directions, and I said thank you and exited stage left, post haste.

You mean you didn't introduce it to the wife? Where's your manners?

Oh yeah, send me my turn pillocks! </font>

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Posted by Joe:

Noba you are Australian and as such do not DESERVE to play IL Be Seeing You ... even as the Germans.
Feh and PooT in your direction. That old Australian chip on your shoulder must be aching again. Woke a synapse or two, did it ?

In other news.

OGSF sent <font size=+2>3 TURNS in ONE EVENING !</font>

Something about having his kilt in the drycleaners and needing to give his hands "something to do." (His wee spaniel was very much relieved as well).


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Who let this guy in here? I made the mistake of being nice to him, and now it is like the homeless guy you gave a nickle for spraying his little bottle of windex on your windshield, and now, every morning, there he is, grinning like Seanachai perusing a drunk moose.
Uh, NG Cavscout did you, uh, did you actually SEE the little bottle of windex he used to spray your windshield? I ask because, well ... you DO know that windex is blue right?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Who let this guy in here? I made the mistake of being nice to him, and now it is like the homeless guy you gave a nickle for spraying his little bottle of windex on your windshield, and now, every morning, there he is, grinning like Seanachai perusing a drunk moose.

Uh, NG Cavscout did you, uh, did you actually SEE the little bottle of windex he used to spray your windshield? I ask because, well ... you DO know that windex is blue right?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

The HIV positive, cross dressing "exotic dancer" I pulled out of a house at gunpoint and arrested the day before Christmas.

His dancing was that bad?

(Edited to say I'm STILL not a-scaired of Joe Shaw!)

[ August 07, 2003, 08:39 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So, the family and I are at Wal-Mart today, to get some carpet freshener stuff, cat food, and cat litter. I am drifting around the grocery section with my step son (Look dad, Shrimp!!! No Eric, those are Lobsters, but they are pretty cool) and trying to find the cat litter. I decide to ask one of the blue vested employees. I walk up to him, and what do my wondering eyes perceive?

The HIV positive, cross dressing "exotic dancer" I pulled out of a house at gunpoint and arrested the day before Christmas.

Jeez, I knew cheeseheads tipped poorly, but reduced to supplementing his dancing income at Walmart?

Have you no shame?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Bribe kids; they are easy.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Meeses are best lured with cheese, and then doused with sulphuric acid.

You could have done the same thing to the "Exotic Dancer", and saved yourself the uncomfortableness of the Wal-Mart encounter with your step-son.

BTW is cat litter considered a "grocery" in Cheeseland? I know in New York, those items are usually found in the "Pet Supplies" aisle. Your first clue should have been the lobster tank.

[ August 07, 2003, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Boo_Radley you had best be afraid, very, very afraid indeed. I may ... or I may NOT "call on" Muffin and LasVegasTimmy (you actually KNOW and TRADE EMAILS with people who have names like that ... have you NO shame) ... as Hannibal Lecter said at the end of "Silence of the Lambs", but I shall certainly not forget this campaign of email terror you've unleashed upon the unsuspecting Peng Challenge Thread.

You shall pay, oh yes Boo you shall pay heavily for this travesty.

I challenge you to a game of CMBB, you lout, the winner to email Muffin and LasVegasTimmy ... whatever they choose! Yes Boo, think upon it. I would be revealing WHO YOU ARE to, presumably, your closest acquaintances outside of the CessPool? Of course the odds are equally as good that they are simply a couple of people picked at random off a bulletin board someplace (one dealing with macrame would be my guess) since I find it hard to believe that anyone would STAY in contact with you unless they, like we, had to.

This quest is SO important, Boo, so critical to the future of the CessPool, that I shall forfeit the game in progress between us! That's right, I shall surrender EVEN THOUGH all the smart money in the CessPool had me winning in three and half turns. I shall do this FOR the CessPool and to chastise you for your evil ways.

Pick the scenario, QB whatever, NO RESTRICTIONS AT ALL! Well ... no fog of course, or rain but YOUR HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OTHER THAN THAT ... no snow either ... and not too big, BUT YOU HAVE A FREE HAND ... no burning buildings or excessive smoke BUT THAT'S IT ... oh, no Flamensupperpanzerthingies either. You see, I give you the best chance to win because I'M a fair and balanced player ... not like you.

You may, of course, choose to ignore or otherwise decline this challenge, I have long been a proponent of the rights of Knights (even one such as you) to accept or decline a game for any reason or no reason.


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I confess to God the Almighty, and to you, my brothers and my sisters that I have sinned. I have been playing Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne instead of doing my turns. The dwarves are funny!! However, I did process some turns this morning. So, that should placate both of you who actually care about such things.

I’m waiting for the lackwit known as Boo Radley to reply to this even though he can’t play CMBB at the moment.

Now, for something much more important: Phillies in the Playoffs?? Discuss amongst yourselves.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I challenge you to a game of CMBB, you lout, the winner to email Muffin and LasVegasTimmy ... whatever they choose! Yes Boo, think upon it. I would be revealing WHO YOU ARE to, presumably, your closest acquaintances outside of the CessPool? Of course the odds are equally as good that they are simply a couple of people picked at random off a bulletin board someplace (one dealing with macrame would be my guess) since I find it hard to believe that anyone would STAY in contact with you unless they, like we, had to.


Joe, it had to be done. This question of Boo denying we of the Cesspool proper contact with 'Muffin' and 'Las Vegas Timmy' had become intolerable.

When you win, Joe, and we are at last given access to 'Muffin' and 'Timmy', I shall want a hand in the emails contacting them. These individuals are, in all liklihood, quite disturbed and will need sensitive handling. Not only are they, apparently, in correspondence with Boo on a regular basis, but they were subjected to several days of Cesspool 'reply to all' emails on a variety of odd and no doubt off-putting topics.

I imagine that these two are now quite fragile. Imagine the horror of first being subjected to association with Boo, then being barraged with a series of strange emails from 'Poolers, none of whom you know, talking about things you do not understand (and very likely do not want to understand).

Of course, for 'Muffin' and 'Las Vegas Timmy', the whole incident probably seems like just a continuation of the 'sock puppet theatre of cruelty and madness' that their whole association with Boo has probably deteriorated into.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Done and done, Seanachai, perhaps we should begin the process immediately and allow input from the 'pool? The salutation first of course:

Deer LAsLega$Timy and MUFfin

How's that for a start then?


Might that not inspire too much horror in them, as it would be all too reminiscent of Lars' emails from the last exchange? I mean, does a guy in Las Vegas really need to know all the ins and outs of various animal urines as a fashion accessory?
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Done and done, Seanachai, perhaps we should begin the process immediately and allow input from the 'pool? The salutation first of course:

Deer LAsLega$Timy and MUFfin

How's that for a start then?


Perhaps we could also attach a montage of Persephone's various visual works of art? If that doesn't scare and confuse these poor unsuspecting people, what else would?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Done and done, Seanachai, perhaps we should begin the process immediately and allow input from the 'pool? The salutation first of course:

Deer LAsLega$Timy and MUFfin

How's that for a start then?


Might that not inspire too much horror in them, as it would be all too reminiscent of Lars' emails from the last exchange? I mean, does a guy in Las Vegas really need to know all the ins and outs of various animal urines as a fashion accessory? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley you had best be afraid, very, very afraid indeed. I may ... or I may NOT "call on" Muffin and LasVegasTimmy (you actually KNOW and TRADE EMAILS with people who have names like that ... have you NO shame) ... as Hannibal Lecter said at the end of "Silence of the Lambs", but I shall certainly not forget this campaign of email terror you've unleashed upon the unsuspecting Peng Challenge Thread.

I UNLEASHED?!?! I sent an innocuous photo to a bunch of malcontents and it was YOU gaggle of flacid ninnies who began throwing the E-mails about like a bunch of spitballs!

You shall pay, oh yes Boo you shall pay heavily for this travesty.

Do you take Diner's Card? Or being a Mortgage Banker, do you only accept 2nd party welfare checks from poor widows?

I challenge you to a game of CMBB, you lout, the winner to email Muffin and LasVegasTimmy ... whatever they choose! Yes Boo, think upon it. I would be revealing WHO YOU ARE to, presumably, your closest acquaintances outside of the CessPool? Of course the odds are equally as good that they are simply a couple of people picked at random off a bulletin board someplace (one dealing with macrame would be my guess) since I find it hard to believe that anyone would STAY in contact with you unless they, like we, had to.

You're really quite entertaining when you're all "Lillian Wroth" with indignation.

This quest is SO important, Boo, so critical to the future of the CessPool, that I shall forfeit the game in progress between us! That's right, I shall surrender EVEN THOUGH all the smart money in the CessPool had me winning in three and half turns. I shall do this FOR the CessPool and to chastise you for your evil ways.

That's certainly amusing. You're willing to give up on a game where I'm pasting you all over the battlefield for yet another opportunity to be pasted all over the battlefield. Do you happen to wear a bike helmet in the shower?

Pick the scenario, QB whatever, NO RESTRICTIONS AT ALL! Well ... no fog of course, or rain but YOUR HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OTHER THAN THAT ... no snow either ... and not too big, BUT YOU HAVE A FREE HAND ... no burning buildings or excessive smoke BUT THAT'S IT ... oh, no Flamensupperpanzerthingies either. You see, I give you the best chance to win because I'M a fair and balanced player ... not like you.

You may, of course, choose to ignore or otherwise decline this challenge, I have long been a proponent of the rights of Knights (even one such as you) to accept or decline a game for any reason or no reason.


I'll do you one better, Satchmo. I'll let some other Poolers pick the scenario or QB or what have you. So long as it's not some technicolor yawn from the colon of Ker Dessel*, I don't much care.

So, have we a deal? And do we have someone who will provide the battle?

*(Ker Dessel --When you want to play CM in the worst way.)

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