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Summertime...And The Peng Challenge Is Easy...

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

...I will inquire

Just ask him if he recalls kissing Lars. The horror of it is sure to jolt his memory. I can assure you, it's an image I've been trying to block out ever since.

Papa </font>

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Kan dui svarra erligt på denna fraåga... Hvad aer tree pluss sjuh?

Note that the above text will not work in any online translation gadget. Only a real Swede (or dane/norwegian/finn) can answer that one.

I was under the impression that most, if not all online translation devices only dealt with real or popular languages, so that your disclaimer is not really necessary.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Kan dui svarra erligt på denna fraåga... Hvad aer tree pluss sjuh?

Note that the above text will not work in any online translation gadget. Only a real Swede (or dane/norwegian/finn) can answer that one.

I was under the impression that most, if not all online translation devices only dealt with real or popular languages, so that your disclaimer is not really necessary. </font>
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Eh? (That's Canadian for Eh? for all you furriners out there), wot's this? It's summertime?

When did it become summertime? Who (why) is Joe? Am I still a kaniggit? Was I really here (or there) before? Am I still in a house, or a condo?

It has been so long. Too long. Almost forever long. My apologies for not making it longer.


Ps. This space intentionally left blank.

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Originally posted by Harv:

Eh? (That's Canadian for Eh? for all you furriners out there), wot's this? It's summertime?

When did it become summertime? Who (why) is Joe? Am I still a kaniggit? Was I really here (or there) before? Am I still in a house, or a condo?

It has been so long. Too long. Almost forever long. My apologies for not making it longer.


Ps. This space intentionally left blank.

Speaking of goober nations ... <large>WHOPPP!</large> ... remind me to remember that my wife is Canadian will you?

HARV, oh former Squire O'Mine, good to hear from you ... how's the wheat ... how's the wind ... how's the VAST empty spaces, I mean Saskatchewan not your head ... well that too.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Just ask him if he recalls kissing Lars. The horror of it is sure to jolt his memory. I can assure you, it's an image I've been trying to block out ever since.


Oh give it a rest. It was a very manly kiss. It's not like we cuddled afterward.

I did, in fact, come home that very same night and write a lengthy post on the entire day. It had plots, subplots, witty exchanges, and dialogue of quite some quality. There were significant characters, wandering monks, and villagers.

It was a masterpiece.

If anyone finds what thread I actually posted it to, please let me know.

Or even what forum. If you can narrow it down at all, I should be able to bring it home again. Chances are there's some very confused buggers trying to fit it into the reality of their ongoing message thread about granate ammunition. Or the triumph of right-wing politics. Or, perhaps, the proper way to cook asparagus. It's even possible that they're still running it through Bablefish in an attempt to cast it into their native language and find out what it has to do with the next community meeting.

I shall, tomorrow, do my best to reveal to the yet unknowing world the truth about 'The Day on the Lake'.

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Kan dui svarra erligt på denna fraåga... Hvad aer tree pluss sjuh?


Now, what's so interesting about that?

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Now if you'll just be so kind as to tell me what RPG-rulebook the quote in your sigline is from, I might very well accept a setup from you afterwards.

Jag minns faan inte vilken det är...men jag vet att jag har spelat det spelet... Neotech?

Good catch! Phoenix Command. Not something I've played a lot, but it did have some catchy lines in it.

"Why are you ducking? They couldn't possibly hit us in the head from over there."

- Humpbert NoDose, his last words


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Lordy me!!! its good to see that, 1. Hortlund has finally found another doofus to communicate with. Although once SirFake realizes what a bozo he is, all that chummy Nordic comraderie will soon fly out the window.

PSSST, hey SirFake: let me clue you in, just because that neer-do-well speaks your language, it does not mean you will ever get a turn out of him. I suspect his E-Mail program has no "send" feature. Either that or he is too busy chasing 14 year old Polish girls, trying to get a date.

Cut to Leutnant Hortlund, lurking furtively near the Stockholm bus station. Translated into English for all Aussies, Canucks and Yanks.

Hortlund: Good evening miss, first visit to Sweden?

Polish girl: Go away, pervert, father me told to stay away altogether, Swedish men from!!!

Hortlund: Now, now, I am not a pervert, I am a lawyer, but that is not quite the same, we pervert common sense, it has nothing to do with sex.

Polish girl: Father me warned also to stay away from lawyers, he say they no different from squishey things, that under rocks hide!!

Hortlund: Where are you from?

Polish girl: I have just traveled from Kracow, looking for job job here as secretary.

Hortlund: Really?, I just happen to need a secretary for my practice. Can you use a computer?

Do you know how to work an E-Mail program?

Polish girl: I am very good with computer, went to school to learn. Can't everyone here use computer? My friend Konrad tell me all Swedish men very smart with computer.

Hortlund: I could use you, I have this game I play on the computer, but I cant figure out how to send the turns back to people I am playing with.

Polish girl: You play games, I thought that you a serious man, lawyer, bah, you just another Swedish pervert,like I think you were,

get away from me,or I call policeman. Real people dont play on computer, computer for serious work. (Kicks Hortlund on left shin)

Hortlund: OK, OK, I didnt mean anything, (limps away looking for next arriving bus) How will I ever figure out how to send EMails, hopefully someone can help me!!

So there you have it SirFake, he may be a "Landsman", but he's still a twit.

[ June 18, 2003, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Gamey Updates!!!

Iskander: Just gave him a hotfoot at the Zoo.

MrSpkr: Rumbling towards each other in a setup that even PanzerLeader was smart enough to bail out of many, many threads ago.

Speedy: He has tanks, I have none. I mean, I had tanks, but now they have "maintenance issues". Who's idea was it to name machinery after women anyway?

Boo: Still creeping towards each other on some map by dalem. No wonder we can't find each other. Psst, Boo, look by the psilocin mushrooms and I'll try over by the peyote buttons...

Malakovski.: He’s shooting at me. The nerve of some people.

The following miscreants owe a turn: Simon Elwen, Leeo, Aussie Jeff, and Hortlund.

SSN Hint Of The Day: If you can’t think of something nice, say something nasty.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Harv:

Eh? (That's Canadian for Eh? for all you furriners out there), wot's this? It's summertime?

When did it become summertime? Who (why) is Joe? Am I still a kaniggit? Was I really here (or there) before? Am I still in a house, or a condo?


Another prodigal has returned in a momentary lapse of common sense. I was about to send you an e-mail, figuring that we probably had another two months before the thaw hit that frozen wasteland of mud you call home. But now I can challenge you good and proper; flag-rushing, edge-hugging, coupon-clipping gamey bastige that you are (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Let me take a moment to welcome you back in proper 'pool fashion.

[throws sand in Harv's eyes and *BOOTs* him in the groin]

Welcome back, you tragic limp bit of Canadian bacon! Send me a set up, 2000 pts or less, the details don't matter. What matters is that I waste hours of your already pointless life with my inept playing.



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Originally posted by Lurkur:

It's obvious that Lt Hoarhound and Sir Loin are making up some fake Scandinavian dialect. All properly educated people know that in Swedish grammar, sentences end in "...mort mort mort!"

Actually, that's "b0rk b0rk b0rk", but then, only a true Swede would know that. So there.

What are you doing calling yourself Lurker? If anyone here could claim such a name, surely it would be me. You probably have more than one post per week. Bah. Newbie lurkers.


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

It's obvious that Lt Hoarhound and Sir Loin are making up some fake Scandinavian dialect. All properly educated people know that in Swedish grammar, sentences end in "...mort mort mort!"

Actually, that's "b0rk b0rk b0rk", but then, only a true Swede would know that. So there.

What are you doing calling yourself Lurker? If anyone here could claim such a name, surely it would be me. You probably have more than one post per week. Bah. Newbie lurkers.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And it's a hell of thing when the LURKERS are competing. Seems counterproductive to me, I mean you can't boast of being a lurker without posting and if you post you're not lurking ... kind of a zen thing when you think on it.

Well, little grasshopper. What is the post of two Lurkers reading?

When you can answer this, little grasshopper, you will be free to surf the Swedish Bikini Team website all you want.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah were nearly abducted bah feckin' aliens thus evenin', boot tha wee span'l went fer haes nads, an' Ah kicked tha bastarrd ain tha teeth as hae waint doon.

Feckin' aliens.

Why Jimmy, they probably saw that oversized, chinless head perched on that straw of neck connected to those sloping shoulders, concave chest supported by a Grinch-like stomach all atop those scrawny stick-like legs you have and innocently thought you were one of them.

And I don't think they're necessarily wrong.

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Originally posted by SirReal:

What are you doing calling yourself Lurker? If anyone here could claim such a name, surely it would be me. You probably have more than one post per week. Bah. Newbie lurkers.

/SirReal [/QB]

Actually SurFeit, I call myself Lurkur. Changes the meaning completely.

Okay that's a lie, but if you're going to misspell my name, do so deliberately, and in a way that displays a modicum of wit, or is at least vaguely insulting and not simply because you're obtuse, you sodden Swedish meatball!


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Nidan1:

So there you have ....

Yeah... thanks God he didn't touch her..

I will kill him for less then that.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Okay that's a lie, but if you're going to misspell my name, do so deliberately, and in a way that displays a modicum of wit, or is at least vaguely insulting and not simply because you're obtuse, you sodden Swedish meatball!

Bah, what do I care what a noodle-sucker like you thinks. You couldn't even figure out that I did misspell it intentionally, so obviously any wit above the level of a bucket of gravel is beyond your pathetic understanding.

Go shovel some prawns up your nose, you deformed sniffer of dog's crotches. That might improve your looks enough that your pet cockroaches will stop puking in your bed at night.


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