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There is no need to be so rude guys!!! Back off!

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I thought we started over. There is no problem with a little humor in writing posts. If my political comments offended you, then let me know. Otherwise, please answer my questions and dont attack me. Im getting tired of 3/4th's of my posts being about Lorg of the Rings or how dumb I am. Back off, and let me enjoy the game like the rest of you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

I thought we started over. There is no problem with a little humor in writing posts. If my political comments offended you, then let me know. Otherwise, please answer my questions and dont attack me. Im getting tired of 3/4th's of my posts being about Lorg of the Rings or how dumb I am. Back off, and let me enjoy the game like the rest of you.<hr></blockquote>

Who was rude to you?

Was it Mom? Hi mom!! Mom, I promise to not get drunk this Christmas and dance with the cats in nothing but my Energizer Bunny shorts and Phillies slippers. (again)

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Unfortunately many off your posts don't carry over well sometimes. There is a particular attitude to your posts which apparently rubs many people the wrong way. This site has a broad range of people on it, so any posts made in a nonconventional way has a great chance of irking someone. Many people don't neccessarily realize many of your posts are tongue in cheek (at least I hope they are), and other people who do realize they are tongue in cheek still find them distasteful. Bravado is great sometimes, but sometimes it just irks people. Go play Swamp, get your but kicked, and learn a lot while losing. There's nothing wrong with losing, and nothing wrong with learning about the game. We honestly don't care if you suck or are a born prodigy. So there is no need to act like you are the best out there.

Realize that this game isn't Starcraft or Diablo II. In Starcraft, if you have twice as many X than he has Y, you know you will win. In diablo II, you collect lots of superpowerful items and become near untouchable. You see everything on the screen and know what to expect. Well, CMBO is a lot more deep and intracate than those games. Simple numerical supperiority or technological superiority doesn't mean much if don't use it the correct way. And the correct way is not a simple strategy tha can be applied to every situation, nor will two people ever fully agree on what the correct way is. Go read Sun Tzu's "Art of War" and you will realize how much more to warfare there is than what you find in Starcraft.


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Combat General,

First off, you have to be careful what you say in reguards to politcal opinions. Everyone has them, and most people get easily offended if a person gets a little too left or right wing from their own ideas of how the world should be. This doesn't change with age either. The older you get, the more you'll notice how others can get into knock-down, drag-out fights about thier individual politcal ideals. So be careful what you say. You'll learn from experience what you can say and what you should keep to yourself (or certain cricles of friends).

As the old saying goes: "Everything in life is somehow related to sex or politics."

Second, I've noticed that a lot of your comments are confrontational. You need to relax and try not to be so intense in you speech. Try using smilies to convey that you are not trying to be rude or attack anyone, and re-read what you write before you post it. You might find that you are unintentionaly rubbing people the wrong way. I'm not saying you have to bend to what the CM community wants, just that you need to improve you social interaction skills a little so that others will enjoy speaking with you rather than attack your comments.

Try this, after you get good at it, if people are still attcking you, then drop off the forum for a month or so, and then come back under a new name so that you can get a fresh start. Now, I'm not saying to change you name ONLY just to solve this problem, because if your speech pattern stays the same, the players on this forum will still know it is you.

CM is a great game with a lot of excellent people to play and converse with! If you try my advice out, you might find you'll enjoy this game and the forum much more.

Please excuse my horrid spelling. I know it stinks! ;)

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>

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CG, you should listen to the good fellas at this board. We have been reading and posting here since early 1999, so we feel like we own the board. Of course, you have every right to post what you like, but be prepared to be soundly bashed for it ;)

I have often felt the need to post something myself to shut someones stupid mouth up, but have never done that. I suggest you follow the same principle. Do not post unless you really feel strongly about something. Political opinions are best reserved for the general forum, anyway...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Heibis:

Political opinions are best reserved for the general forum, anyway...


Yes... Yes... Send him to us, please...

Ahhh! Fresh meat in the General Forum soooon... Mmmmhhh...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by argie:

Yes... Yes... Send him to us, please...

Ahhh! Fresh meat in the General Forum soooon... Mmmmhhh...<hr></blockquote>Argie, Argentina is, of course, a big country but I know I speak for all as we hope that all is well with you and things will speedily be resolved.

I may disagree with you on virtually everything but damnit, you're one of us! :D


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Let's examine the evidence shall we?

You've posted ONCE that I can see to a thread that you did not personally start.

You have no email in your profile (not even your goofy Imatroll@hotmail.com) thus making it difficult for anyone to contact you for a game even if they wanted to.

You've received numerous challenges but haven't responded to a single one DESPITE your insistence that you want to play the game.

You've posted any number of pointless AARs about battles against the AI and then tacked on some really dumb question to justify it.

You've made several claims that just don't add up, a graduate of Harvard Law would NOT write the way you do.

You post contentious and argumentative topics and then never return.

My conclusion is that you're a TROLL. If you wish to be treated differently, act differently.


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Troll.. Hmmm.. whenever I hear that description I think of those hideous troll dolls that were all the rave several years ago. In fact, I remember one in particular. It had green hair and you would place it upon the end of your pencil. So in essence this troll had a big stick up his ass.

Maybe that's Combat General's problem?


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Aahhh this is the Combat General guy from the other threads, man I have mainly been silent for the most part lately just waiting for tidbits about CMBB and of course interjecting what amounts to poorly attempted humor at certain points.

I digress, CB you have been given a glorious chance to remain part of this community and basically forget about your less than stellar start. Do so.

Regardless of political feelings your comments were rather ignorant and lacked any forethought. I feel that they were used purely for effect although again that is an opinion of mine, one that I have thought about and presented to the best of my ability in an even manner as should you when you present your opinions.

Just some advice.

Happy Holidays folks

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Remind me to never create a thread demanding that everyone stop picking on me. hehe

Perhaps I could start one with the subject of poking Shandorf with sharp sticks until he stops being belicose.<hr></blockquote>

Whaddaya saying, that I pick fights? Hmmm? Well, then...bring it on pudgy boy. I think it is nigh time I give you another lesson on how much you still suck at CM. Come on, wanna fight? Huh, punk? Huh?!


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Lol,sharp sticks

that makes me think of a commercial from an insurance company

a guy in a museum finds some sort of voodoo doll

and plays with it

next to him is a tv on with Clinton doing a speach,off course clinton does the same movements as the guy makes with the doll

Than at the end the guy sees the iron pin from the doll and slams the doll very hard back on it

could be a nice idea for our friend??

his first movie :D

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What is this fuss all about? Plenty of people post negetive things about me and my intentional avoidance of the shift key, hehe. Though once in awhile i'll use it since it sparked so much controversy.

So what did Panzer say that was so offending? anyone feel like bringing me up to speed?

For some reason i have a feeling it's not as bad as people are making it out to be.

My advise is to loosen up people, stop being so grumpy and anal. have fun and have a Merry Christmas!!!

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