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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Roborat has finally realised that he is supposed to go near those flag thingies, subsequently he is starting to suffer casualties.


Ohhhhh, that's what they are for, thanks for filling me in. I thought that they marked the campground for the weenie roast and singalong after the fighting was over. I will tell my men to get out of that map corner, and head thataways. I was wondering why your guys weren't coming out to play. (except for that bloody SP? at? that blew up my car, they were just coming into town to by some beer and smokes.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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jshandorf wrote:

> They all have names that sound like kitchenware being thrown down a flight of stairs.


A Canton named Sandra? Hmmm. Frankly, names aren't descriptive any more, they're just a label, so it doesn't matter what you call somebody. If I ever had children*, I would just make up names for them, since I'm not using a ready-made name when I don't even know what it's supposed to mean. That doesn't mean "He Who Watches Sheep" or "She Who Feels The Wind Blow", although that would be an awfully good idea. Something more along the lines of... Laylae. Of course it probably means "**** you" in Swedish.

*which I wouldn't, because if they listened to their daddy they would become manic depressives and commit suicide as soon as they learned to speak.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

I have been cheated by the devil Berli, but then I should really have seen that coming, huh? Lorak please etch a win for it and a loss for me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Belay that Lorak... that wasn't a real game. Was quite entertaining though smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Okay, I did an inventory of the games I am playing and I see that I have room for a couple games. (Shut up, Mace, our game will go out to you in a few days.)

So, which limp bastards are brave enough to take me on. I need to pad my stats some more since 9-3 doesn't nearly scream "I RULE!" like 12-3 would.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd be happy to modify your score to 9-4. Send a setup

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Having survived the sheer boredom of playing against someone so inert as to be dubbed Tectonic, the FooFightingFrog is rather ashamed to announce a 52 to 35 victory over the aggregated Legions of Moriarty.


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I'd be happy to modify your score to 9-4. Send a setup


Allright, then. I will send a setup out your way. I will be attacking. Do you have any preference as to the type of troops you would like to see die under your command?



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 01-18-2001).]

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First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itelf."

Secondly, as most of us cannot control our bodily functions and those that can use the pit where wildman and stevetherat fight for our enjoyment, Roborat's job as towelboy is of course for the ladies room. It's too bad the bastard blinded himself, not that it'll change his quality of CMmanship but now he can't see what YK2 and Kitty look like when they strip out of their biohazard suits and need their glistening bodies to be toweled off. Well, I'll ruin the suspense and just say, YK2's a 7.5 and Kitty's a strong 7 but makes up for it in bed.

Thanks for pointing out the cavscout thing, I'm sorry and I'll never respond to posts like that again. Ever. So dammit, who's going to play my sorry, never played TCP/IP ass? Hunh?! Who?

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Elijah Who Watches The Raging Sea wrote:

> everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itelf."

Hmmm... remind me never to visit your country. The natives don't sound very appealing.

> Well, I'll ruin the suspense and just say, YK2's a 7.5 and Kitty's a strong 7 but makes up for it in bed.

And I thought chauvinism was dead. Of course, I read a liberal broadsheet, so here's me thinking that feminism is sweeping the world and women don't like being owned any more.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

So, which limp bastards are brave enough to take me on. I need to pad my stats some more since 9-3 doesn't nearly scream "I RULE!" like 12-3 would.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>A dusty border town. The sun shines mercilessly down on dusty streets as dust devils whirl and dance, their hyperactive call. No shadows are cast and an air of expectancy whispers it's desires. It is high noon. The silence is broken by the shaky plinking of an out of tune piano, playing a long out of date song issuing from within the cavernous darkness of the buildings interior. Muted voices lilt from time to time as the inhabitants, hidden behind the swinging half doors seek to forget the misery that awaits them outside.

A figure, riding a horse comes to a stop outside of the building. His eyes conveying no emotion, but the sweat beads on his brow as he contemplates his intention. After the barest hesitation he swings down and strides to the doorway. For the briefest of moments his courage deserts him, yet compelled he pushes his way into the fetid interior, his eyes slowly adjusting to the light.

The patrons, if that is what you can call them, a collection of villainy and scum, drifters and sheepshaggers, who find solace in remaining out of sight and in some cases, out of the law's hands, look up at the intrusion to eye the recent arrival. Bloodshot and rheumy eyes take in the shining black leather- ette clothes that encase the stranger. Straggly blond hair escapes a wide brim black hat with dangling tassels and the appearance of what in some quarters be classified as peach fuzz grace his chin. The black chaps with fringe and the nagua black stiletto heels completed the ensemble. Slowly walking into the darkness, the stranger looks around and in a remarkably high pitched voice, warbles, "They call me Kid Shandorfff and I am the biggest baddest meanest cussedess son o bitch on these here parts. Why I am 9 and 3 in head to heads ( and the 3 only winged me) I am here calling ya out, you sorry cuusses, to see if I can add another notch to my guns here." With that the "Kid" slaps the leather holster at his side, a beautiful turned pearl handled revolver.

Glaring at individuals he tromps through the bar. His murderous eyes glaring he bellows "How about you, Hiram boy?" The intended victim only slinks and slouches lower in his chair. Suddenly a voice cuts though the air like a knife sharpening a whetstone. "Leave the boy alone and pick on some one your better" Whirling in anger the stranger spies a figure in the corner. His long legs out stretched before him, his face shaded by his hats brim as he intently stares at a piece of wood he is whittling. His dusty stained clothes hang from his lanky frame loosely, and the salt and pepper hair peeks out from under his hat. The kid stomps over to him and towering over him spits. "what did you say old man?'

"I said leave the boy alone. He can't do you any harm."

"I suppose an old geezer like you could take me?"

I reckin I might. I have taken out a few in my time. That is if I had a hankerin."

"Look at you, you couldn't fight your way out of a french bordello"

"Why would I want to, young fella"

"You makin fun of me grandpa?" Shandorffff yells.

"Seems like your doin quite fine yerself", the old-timer mutters.

"That's it ya old gummy bird dog, I am taking ya out right".......... but before another word could issue from his throat the old man suddenly uncoiled like a rattler and was behind him, his bowie knife at his neck, the sharp blade pressing into his sweat marked neck.

"Now, what was it yer was fixin to do?" he asked. "I suggest we go out side now and take care of this away from in here where some one might get hurt. Pushing the black clad figure out through the swinging doors, the old cowpoke stepped into the street. The Kid, for the first time was able to see the well oiled guns, the smooth and supple leather holster that obviously had been used over the years. A litheness and suppleness that belied the old codger that he had thought he was picking on. In that moment Shandorfffff felt a fear and uncertainty that he had not ever felt before. The old man spit out a toothpick that he had been chewing on. " In my day, they called us hired professionals, gunslingers who would take out the opposition at the drop of a retainer. A lawyer. Now let's see if ya know how to use that fancy hardware."

Suddenly, a cold chill swept through the Kid's guts, an icy premonition of his own mortality, and lack of longevity. Here before him, like a reincarnation of Toshiro Mifune was one of the long forgotten Seven Lawyers. They had cut a path of devastation and created a trail of tears for so many that had the misfortune to cross their paths. The old man was speaking but he words seemed to penetrate slowly into his collapsing consciousness and as a warm liquid sensation ran down his legs under the frilled chaps to pool around his boots, Shandorffff made out, "You have only one thing to decide. Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-18-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Of course, I read a liberal broadsheet, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bah, send it down to London, will you? We've got the Daily Mail to cope with.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>incorrest summation provided by Meeks:

...YK2 and Kitty look like when they strip out of their biohazard suits and need their glistening bodies to be toweled off. Well, I'll ruin the suspense and just say, YK2's a 7.5 and Kitty's a strong 7 but makes up for it in bed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Kitty? Only 7?

Surely you jest!!! Was your brain fried by Ionising radiation while swanning about at the pole?

Kitty is perhaps the most gorgeous creature ever to lead men to certain death in battle, and her adoption of the ways of the Aussie without reproach (big word! like it? I do!)

She gets my Top Sheila Spunk rat rating of 9 out of 10, which I will amend to the perfect 10 out of 10 once I get the job of towelling her glistening body off!

Now excuse me while I hold that thought! Mmmmmmmmm…… *eyes glaze over*

Mace (taking grovelling to new heights)

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Tome updates:





Berli, have no fear.. Not even one as low as I would have ever inscribed a game result from operation Lizard.

Now if the rest of you would be so kind as to stop picking at your arses and "Die Alot Now"

Lorak the loathed

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Christ, I come to work for a few hours peace a day, and what do we have here but the Asian Girlfriends Theme.

My home life is "Bridge Over the River Kwai", except louder, and the two biggest crimes are being caught playing CM and being caught on this stupid thread. The hours I spend in the Tiger Cage are worth a QB now and then, though. She seems to think the computer has gone from joint custody to being protected by a restraining order.

But... the end is in sight. The New Rig is en route, around Sacramento according to the UPS tracker, and then it's "here ya go mama-san, that there's yer ON button, here's yo mouse, sayonara."

MINE. MY Computer. 1.2 gigs of screamin' silicon, adding approximately 200fps to all my muzzle velocities and doubling my rotation speeds. 18 flat hi-res viewable inches of exploding Crodas, burning Babras, and Geiers on fire. Oh yeah its gonna be GOOD. And my CM time's gonna go up too, soon as I figure how to mount all this in the closet.

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jshanddorf, I have as many testes as I have pbem's going right now. That's two, as for most normal people, Mace. Surely you can spare a spot on your pbem platter for me. Send me a setup; I have no preferences but please, PLEASE don't make something stupid. I wouldn't mind a canned scenario, if there are any you haven't played. checksix224@aol.com

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

please, PLEASE


Please!, Bloody Please!

Who the hell says please in the 'pool?

Goddammit Chuck, the only one with manners here is Hiram and he's been weened off of that particular train of thought lately and has progressed to "slightly bitchy".

You do not EVER say feck'in 'please' here again got it?

Unless of course Mace has caught you while your'e down on all fours scrubbing the drawbridge and then, and only then, you may say "please Sir, may I have some more"

PS. Respect your betters and do the set-ups yourself.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

Mace. Surely you can spare a spot on your pbem platter for an insignificant lowly scum-sucker like me. Send me a setup; I have no preferences but please, PLEASE make it one of those brilliant pieces of work that you are well reknown for. I'll take what I get, because you are such a handsome aussie devil, a real man's man. I'm not worthy. I will wear that Sheep Costume....Beat me, beat me, beat me!!!! for a good time call checksix224@aol.com<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmmm..should I or shouldn't I?

Let me ponder it over the next few hours, and if you're fortunate, you will be extremely honoured that I recognise your lowely existance with a setup. If I don't send you a setup, suicide will be your only option!

A suggestion if we ..err.. play, make sure you have the bleating noises down pat when you wear that sheep costume!


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