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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

It's "all right", you illiterate ape-man. Not "alright" and absolutely not, "allright". Stop butchering my language and get your head out of that little misqouting harlot's bottom.

Edited to add:

Hell, I didn't even notice the blatant abuse of apostrophes. You bastard.

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-17-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


But despite its use by a number of reputable authors, the spelling alright has never been accepted as a standard variant, and the writer who chooses to risk that spelling had best be confident that readers will acknowledge it as a token of willful unconventionality rather than as a mark of ignorance. That said,only the truly ignorant would think of pointing out such an error.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I noticed that nobody cared to comment on it...except of course, stevetheweasellikebastardwhopeeksintheboysshower.


There, there, little Croda don't cry {hugs to bosom} if you had taken the time to study my post (page six, post 6) you would see that I also cared to comment on your absence. Sometimes I just care too much.

However you lack of attention in class does bother me. You will write 1000 times "I will vigorously study all Stuka's posts as they are all witty and interesting and hardly ever mention thingeys anymore"

Now run away quietly.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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PeterNZ.... You foolish dolt. Of course I have recorded your win over Elvis.

As reported by Elvis on 1/13/01 at 6:29 on page 4 of this thread. And added to the tome and acknowledged by me on 1/14/01 at 11:23 on page 5.

Now for some more rambling from yours truly.

"Three accomplishments that are well regarded in Ireland. A clever verse, music on the harp, and the art of shaving faces.

Three smiles that are worse than griefs: the smile of snow melting, the smile on your wife when another man has been with her, the smile of a mastiff about to spring.

Three scarcities that are better than abundance: a scarcity of fancy talk, a scarcity of cows in a small pasture, a scarcity of friends around the beer.

So the Triads tell us, and they are as true today as they were in sainted Padraig's time."

Lorak the loathed

Bringing knowledge to the unwashed masses.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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I wrote a lengthy post here and was heartbroken to lose it by forgetting to enter my username. After that unhappy episode, "Screw it!"

The gist of my lengthy post was as followed:

I've been away a while but you should cut me some slack.

JD, check your mail.

I am most verily disappointed that nobody noticed me gone.

I have all but beaten somebody. As my first all-but-victory I believe this deserves a little bit of recognition. Nobody too well-known, no Cesspooler, but I would appreciate a couple pats on the back anyway.

Scrodam, stop that. I mean it, you filthy boy. Stop!

/me runs from gross invasion of personal space...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

.. but I would appreciate a couple pats on the back anyway.

Scrodam, stop that. I mean it, you filthy boy. Stop!

/me runs from gross invasion of personal space...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah not a good idea to invite such actions. Mace and PNZ may misinterpret. Bauhaus will, and avoid Seanachai if he offers you coco and a backrub.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Afternoon, assorted scum suckers. Battle update is as follows.

I have been cheated by the devil Berli, but then I should really have seen that coming, huh? Lorak please etch a win for it and a loss for me.

Moriarty and I had to settle a small disagreement over who had the sodding file. It was decided that a 2 out of 3 purse fight would be used, which I subsequently won with this new beaded job I picked up duty free for the wife in Dubai. File has been transferred and I am currently dodging the lead rain which ensued.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>the Bard:

Lorak, please note that as of tonight, I have crushed the first of a string of Australian players, when I defeated Mace. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lo and behold what did I see in the post today but a long (and I mean seriously long) awaited turn from his verboseness as part of this new crudely planned-out southern hemisphere conquering scheme he has going. Sorry, Seanachai but I think it’s going to be a long wait between victories if you plan on me being your next ANZAC scalp. I shall acquaint you with the term Buckley’s-and-****-all to describe your chances in our current action.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Lizardboyo and I have just started rune's map of evil the "Cold Stream Guard" a river runs right through it with no bridges, It's damp so bogging is a problem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your lads would move a ****load faster, counsellor, if they didn’t have to cart all those flexible files, rolodex’s and funny looking lamps around with them. Your imminent screaming is the music I will be enjoying next.

Elvis, Bauhaus and Hiram are all plodding to their collective dooms like so many shambling mounds.Any of you mooks practice tactics in the last three months?

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 01-17-2001).]

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Normally I try to conduct myself in a reasonably mature fashion. When I see the drivel that is secreted onto the main board with topics like "I've played the game three times now, Major Bug found!" and "Paint chip frequency algorithm needs to be fixed" I refrain from posting thread topics like "I ONLY GOT TO THIRD BASE WITH MY SISTER TONIGHT - POSSIBLE BUG?". If only out of respect for the fact that that's only funny for about five seconds.

So I come back to the pool for solace.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. But please, hate me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:



First, what kind of friggin' amateur would bring up his sister here?

2nd, re: your problems with the board...

They're having fun in their own way. Believe it or not, they think THIS place is odd. The Paint Chip algorithm is deeply flawed, as a matter of fact, there is way too much cyan on the late Marder mix. But you're getting too worked up...

Just look out over the valley, dalem, some day we're gonna build that rabbit farm over there, right over there on that bank...



Stupid bastard, third one today. Someone help me lug the guts into the next room.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

And roborat, where do you get off asking to be the doorman. I try imagining you dressed up in some epaulet laden monkey suit, but picturing your oafish visage in anything other than rags is enough to make me blow milk out of my nose.

You constantly duck me in our 5 month Peng Thread challenge. Blah blah blah.. something about incompatable CM versions.Blah Blah Blah.. I am sick of your excuses, you squire-whore. What happened to Berlichtengensenden? I thought you were HIS squire?


Foobar, what the hell are you talking about? Let me see if I have this straight. You screw up YOUR game doing the beta patches and somehow lose the PBEM files. I resend the last, you can't load it. I, at great personal effort and time, reload older files until one can be saved and reloaded as a 1.24 file. I send that to you, you send me back not only a 1.05 file, but one that is your (allied) turn, not mine. So after all this, your screwups are somehow my fault!!! Bite me softly. And, for your information, I have again sent the file, converted to 1.1 format, and checked on my machine before I sent it. If it is still screwed up, I would suggest that you wipe your entire directory, and reinstall from scratch, because you have obviiously fouled something up in there. Better yet, find a little command called "format", and apply it to all your hard drives, don't worry, it's ok, don't bother backing up those shaved sheep jpegs you got from pNZer .... there, problem solved.

As for your other questions:

1)I have always been Meeks's Squire, not the evil ones

2) (a)- Because I am his squire, and I should get some perk for having to put up with that indignity, and (B)- nobody else has asked yet. Besides, I have this cute little red velvet number picked out, big ass epaulets, gold piping, a new kilt in the (correct for my ancestry) royal stewart tartan, complete with a wolverine fur sporran, decorated with genuine Canadian gopher trim.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Greetings, Cesspudlians.

Operation Lizard is out of the closet. Berli's 93-7 victory, which was aptly attributed by the Lizard to unfairness, may have stirred some thoughts about what lay ahead.

Once we settled the who's-turn-was-it debacle in the, ahem, "modified" Last Defense, the true meaning of Operation Lizard became apparent.

The first hint could have been the 81mm mortars landing on target 8 seconds into the first move. (TRPs are wonderful things, aren't they?)

However, when the 14-inchers came in on T-2, taking out the KT, a StuG, 3 of 4 HTs, etc., it was apparent this wasn't your mama's Last Defense. Almost disappointing that the eight fighter-bombers and nine 76mm M4s in reinforcement didn't get to play.

It was agreed upon that the "farce" should go no farther.

Lorak, no need to chalk this one up to anything more than fun. We have begun one of Rune's creations.

My thanks to all who participated, thought about participating in and wanted to participate in OPLIZ ... and remember the only standing order: FIRE AT WILL.


"Moriarty, you suck." -- Dunno, but somebody must've said it somewhere along the line

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 01-18-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:


Just look out over the valley, dalem, some day we're gonna build that rabbit farm over there, right over there on that bank...


Mark IV, tell dalem about the rabbits...'cause he likes them, they're soft.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Greetings, Cesspudlians.

Operation Lizard is out of the closet.


I thought the whole concept was wonderfully cruel. I told friends about it, and they were shocked and horrified that a large group of men would get together and agree to torment one of their own in a vile and underhanded way. Silly bastards. Not Peng Challenge Thread material at all, at all. Although one did suggest that people should abuse Goanna by mutating his name to 'Guano'. I thought she was at least in there and bowling a good game. As for Goanna's belief that I won't whip his arse around the borders of his land as I did with Mace, while singing my own rather disturbed version of 'Waltzing Matilda', let me just say: Ha. And again, Ha. So many Australians, so little time to teach them all their place (a visual reference for the mentally challenged among them: Australian, face-down, prone, supine; Seanachai upright, smiling, booted foot resting on Australian neck, striking that classic, 'Big-Game Hunter' pose).

If my dance card becomes too full with waltzing all over the Aussies, I will call in The French to help.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

I am most verily disappointed that nobody noticed me gone.


who are you? Hey! has anyone seen this guy before??? Stuka? Germanboy?.. no... well Chuck7 bugger off. we got some important belittling to do.

btw if you forgot your username (duh what a moron) and your password, you must be a real looser.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:


First, what kind of friggin' amateur would bring up his sister here?


I didn't! see an you all think I am mad...insane.. well they do say the brilliantly evil are insane.. hehe.. fear me for I have won against (LORAK THIS IS YOUR CUE!) against the non posting Hiram Snoodie!!!

I was bored out of my skull last night and monkey boy comes online last night, so I says to him

"hey Hiram! up for a tcp/ip!?" he says "shure oh great mensch, a mentor like you I would be honoured" so the sod asks me what I want I say give me Armour, make it random weather and time of day, also moderate trees.. the rest is up to you"

so the git asks "what forces do you want?" I says "suprize me o smelly one"

a natural responce from this speedy butterfly for brains says "you got to tell me what forces you WANT!".. me finks.. does this boy have any synapses in his head i just said suprize me!! oh well "give me germans" I types.

so he gives me the ip addy to connect and in a few minutes I am loading data... well heres what I see (screenshot to come later when I get home tonight)

Battlefield description: fatsdomino could play real well on this map.. flatter then Ally McBeal and as much terrain as the suface of OGSF balding head. So I looks at me troops and awaiting TANKS (you guys remember I said I wanted ARMOUR) well I got four halftracks, two 81mm mortars, 1HMG, two Mech Platoons, 1 sharpshooter, and one 75mm FO....

"funny looking armour" I says, then monkey boy responds "you got halftracks don't ya!?"

in the end the gamey sod puts one of his FO's on the map corner, in a feeble attemt to hide him behind a daisy or maybe a pebble. that was the first thing I shot at thinking only he would do that. Naturaly his FO got spooked and ran off the battlefield.. wadda git! well after a well needed beating the boy surrendered hammered

my losses 11 casulites (4 KIA), men ok 65+

his losses 25+ casulites (11 KIA), 63+ captured, 3+ mortars destroyed

score Mensch 97% Hiram Looser 3%

(note i have put "+" symbol there cuz my stats are at home and I will officially change them when I get home tonight with the funny looking map that git set up.)

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dalem wrote:

> I refrain from posting thread topics like "I ONLY GOT TO THIRD BASE WITH MY SISTER TONIGHT - POSSIBLE BUG?". If only out of respect for the fact that that's only funny for about five seconds.

Have I never told you about the time I nearly died watching Hot Shots Part Deux, or the time someone told a joke and everyone laughed, whereas I was paralysed with hysterics for the subsequent half-hour? And I can think of two occasions where I was getting a bollocking and I couldn't keep a straight face.

Moriarty wrote:

> However, when the 14-inchers came in on T-2, taking out the KT, a StuG, 3 of 4 HTs, etc., it was apparent this wasn't your mama's Last Defense.

Now that is funny.


Managing Director


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Looks at Check-me-out-I'm-six.

{Schniff, Schniff} (Stuka's are german remember)

Nope, can't recall this babe in the woods in the 'pool before. Look, he's still wet behind the ears.

Its not water though.

{Examines closer}

Ewwww! Oh no, Mace!

I see you've already met our pet pervert then....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Feel free to set one up. I'll be happy to point out the limitations in you weak and pathetic mind<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

your on, I always wanted to beat up a berli.. as a famous quote from the evil lad Gonadboy "hey greg if you ever want a easy win and feel good about yourself play Berli, hes a push over"

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Meeks, my fine waste of space, I would have to guess that your brain hasn't quite thawed yet from your ski trip to Northern CA (yes, I know the truth). If you're wasting your time correcting my mis-spellings and punctuation faux-pas, however agregious they may be, then you've obviously lost that small outpost of wit that you had only a few months back. Why don't you get your nose out of www.amihotornot.com and think of something more disparaging than the thoughtless abuse of punctuation, and my inclusion of extra letters (the use of which,I may remind you, is mandated in the Freedom of Letters Act of 1984. Being in 1st Grade at the time, you doubtless missed it in favor of Curious George meets the Leper). Anyway, go eat a herring that's been sitting in the sun.

Stuka, your thingy references have certainly abated, and we are a cleaner 'Pool because of it.

Mace ... 'Nuf said.

ButtCheekSix. No one missed you because no one relized you were here in the first place.

YK2. As always, your watching my back, and it is appreciated. Just to keep things even, I'll keep my eyes on your backside for a while too. <wink-wink>





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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