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Sir Peng, I take your challenge to Lord Raglan

Guest Germanboy

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Malathion is not a registered trademark, rather it is a servicemark and should, thusly, be treated as such. Only an imbecile with no grasp of relativity theory would post such an idiocy as that. Next thing you know, he'll start to claim DDT is copyrighted (Or, knowing this poor excuse for a handmaiden's brazier, he'll call it copywritten).

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Seanachai: As you are still pondering the difference between skyways and overpasses I will assist you with a clue. “One has cars and trucks on it.” Having passed on that lesson I am sure you can see the value in accepting a challenge in order that I might further enlighten you. I am sure with your propensity for apologies everyone will look forward to your whine of defeat.

Chris1: You’re from CA. Enough said.

Skyways? Bloody suburbanite. West suburbs? No, they're afraid to even go into the city... It matters not. Walk through the actual streets, you plushy toy, not the suburbanite habitrail. At least accusing me of a 'propensity for apologies' shows some promise. That's a fairly harsh accusation around here. I shan't acknowledge you again until I know your locale. I'd hate to find out later I'd been acknowledging a traditional clan enemy. Or worse, you could be from some disturbing area of the outstate.

As for Chrisl, although he's admittedly a limp lotus eater now, he did dwell here in the North for several years. While it wasn't enough to make a man of him and prevent him from moving to Kalifornia, it did teach him how to fight in the snow, and he's familiar with the concepts of a Real State. A year or two more, and he might have been salvaged. Sigh. Still, maybe we shouldn't judge too harshly. Maybe he's only in Kalifornia because he's in prison, and has no choice. Keep a good thought, I always say.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

As for Chrisl, although he's admittedly a limp lotus eater now, he did dwell here in the North for several years. While it wasn't enough to make a man of him and prevent him from moving to Kalifornia, it did teach him how to fight in the snow, and he's familiar with the concepts of a Real State. A year or two more, and he might have been salvaged. Sigh. Still, maybe we shouldn't judge too harshly. Maybe he's only in Kalifornia because he's in prison, and has no choice. Keep a good thought, I always say.

Perhaps that prison thing is true. I thought I detected a Lompoc accent in his post.

Out of state?! Shut your mouth! Aside from your breath that foul assertion should be saved for Norwegian farmers. I am a denizen of the great city of Shoreview the true axis upon which the Twin cities turn.


Winning is why we play!

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Ahh, a brief Tome update for the unwashed masses.











I guess I could use this space to gloat over my victory... but the scenario was so lopsided it would be pointless.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Please, oh majestic Hamsters, please enlighten me!

First off, toots, it's hamsters, not hamster. We are a multitude of hamsters occasionally making our domicile in a tree, mimicking the tree full of rats which is so crazy in it's ratty treefulness. Lorak, of course, lies like a cheap rug. How does a cheap rug lie? Poorly. It is simple to understand that on Tuesdays, as opposed to Wednesdays, you are commonly known to be tarred, feathered and paraded about the land on a wagon made up solely of leftovers. Don't act so shocked, we know you like it. This should not, could not and would not be confused for the big, white, feathery god who some among us like to place higher than cheese and other valuable foodstuffs, so much so that they would rather visit said deity than eat their pathetic morsels of granola. You, being nothing more than a silly woman, which ranks higher than a womanly sill, can not possibly understand this, which is ok, as Lorak will likely show up later and explain it as weird, inane ranting, except Lorak only has a 157 word vocabulary and does not know the meaning of inane and would instead just repeat the word 'weird', thereby setting your mind at ease, as has been done since time immemorial.

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I like stupid people.

You're in the Cesspool. Q.E.D.

And right now I feel like Einstein on powerade.

And you look like Leo Szilard on smack.

Now as a Knight of the Pool and holder of the Sacred Sig Files of Dalem and Croda...

There may be little debate as to the Sacredness of the SigFile of Croda, but to call the SigFile of Dalem the DogEared Boy sacred is an affont to Peng and Man. Get a grip (not now, bauhaus!)

I will educate you with a setup of your choosing...

Really! Good! A small map with my Jumbos and 14"-ers --dammit! bauhaus, not NOW!-- will await your roadblocks and assault boats... file on the way!


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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

I release you from the onus of the defeat you would of suffered and claim the victory that is rightfully mine. Would you care to make it two out of three?

Ask yourself this, who keeps the holy records: you (sniveling yapping chihuahua) or Lorak (sniveling yapping ..err.. Great Dane)?

So unless you have photos of Lorak in a compromising position with a *insert Lorak's favorite person/object to be caught in a compromising position with*, the record will stand at 0 out of 0!


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-05-2001).]

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The best way to satisfy this Deke character is to do what we did with Armornuts, say you'll play him and then buy nothing but AT mines and an airplane. You never have to do anything for your turn and you get to watch ol' 'Look at me, I'm a moron.' newbie get blowed up in silly and interesting fashion. Eventually they find out that your sum total of forces consists of 2 LMG teams and four snipers and they probably get more than a little pissed off at being considered so lacking in any merit and thus deserving such a slap in the face. Not sure about the last part as ol' 'Dur de dur dur' newbie is still under the impression that we may have armor or RI assets somewhere. Tee hee hee.

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When two cesspoolers collide!

Announcing the inaugural meeting over dinner of Aussie Cesspoolers, Mace and Stuka (where hopefully copious amounts of alcohol will be consumed, because to be quite honest, I don't want to face Stuka sober)!

Where: Melbourne, Australia

When: 8 March 2001

Time: circa 6pm Aussie EST


btw, Stuka has been unable to post here for the past few days due to lack of a PC. Please take advantage of this by trolling, flaming or belittling Stuka during his absence (eg. Those ears that Kitty provided are actually smaller, yes smaller, than his real ears...and you know what they say 'the bigger the ears the littler the thingy'!).

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

The best way to satisfy this Deke character is to do what we did with Armornuts, say you'll play him and then buy nothing but AT mines and an airplane. You never have to do anything for your turn and you get to watch ol' 'Look at me, I'm a moron.' newbie get blowed up in silly and interesting fashion. Eventually they find out that your sum total of forces consists of 2 LMG teams and four snipers and they probably get more than a little pissed off at being considered so lacking in any merit and thus deserving such a slap in the face. Not sure about the last part as ol' 'Dur de dur dur' newbie is still under the impression that we may have armor or RI assets somewhere. Tee hee hee.

LOL. Reminds me of one of my recent opponents who thought it would be a good idea to target a German LMG team with an M7 Priest at a range of 10m. Blew himself sky-high, he did. It's worth losin' to see bonehead stuff like that I tell ya.


"The common ordinary SS soldier was just following orders from their superiors..."- Maximus

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Mmmm Perhaps I did miss something...

That's more like it. Nice start with Mace, but you kind of trailed off lamely after that. Some promise shown. Well, send a setup, and we'll see who gets embarassed.

Oh, and ignore Mace... he achieved Knighthood out of pity.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

and ignore Mace... he achieved Knighthood out of pity.

A Knighthood earned out of pity is still a knighthood, Sir 'I lost most of my King Tigers & had to surrender' Bellytingling.


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Originally posted by jd:

Brick Please! We seem to be experiencing a local outbreak.......

Sigh. Thereby hangs a tale...or rather, from a tail thereby they hang...

At one time, oh Practitioners of the Peng Challenge, Elijah Meeks arrived among us, claiming to be a multitude of hamsters, and very apparently as mad as a February Hare (a much more brutal and stupid month, here in the North Country, than March). By steady, repeated, and yeomanly application of the Brick (now on view in the Peng Challenge Thread Museum. Reproductions available in the Gift Shoppe), he was driven, pounded, and molded back into the personnae of Elijah Meeks. A wonder of modern psychological practice, you say? Alas, alas, Babylon. It was not so.

How many of you have seen the brilliant and darkly satirical Brit film "The Ruling Class"? Andreas, if you haven't seen this one, it's a must see for you, my lad, it's right up your alley (Sit Down, Bauhaus!...here, I'll be licensing that soon. I make a motion that no one who isn't a full Knight be allowed to tell Bauhaus to sit down. Where do strolling half-wits get off telling Bauhaus to sit, after all? One should have to earn the right to tell saintly perverts to get a grip on themselves (Bauhaus! Don't make me repeat myself!)).

In any case, the concept behind the movie, which features a fabulous performance by the young Peter O'Toole, is that the scion of a noble English house has gone quite mad, and believes he is Jesus Christ. By means of modern psychology, manipulation, electric shock, and trauma, the young heir is hammered back into the Real World. Except, of course, that he then decides he's Jack the Ripper. This results, finally, in him butchering everyone around him, while rising to high position in the House of Lords, and garnering the acclaim of the Nation.

We have suffered a similar occurence with Meeks. As the chittering verminous silliness of 'A Multitude of Hamsters', he annoyed and puzzled all. But, after he was brought into alignment with Reality by use of the Brick, we had...Meeks. And that, as we all know, was...well...Meeks.

Peng and I take full responsibility (shut up, Peng, you helped wield the Brick, and gave him just as many sound whacks as I) for the results. Yes, Ladies and Male Members of the Peng Challenge Thread (Bauhaus, goddamn your eyes, I shan't tell you again! Sorry, all, but it's often difficult to use the term 'gentlemen' here). We shan't make that mistake again.

If Meeks (shudder) has reverted to a Multitude of Hamsters; if the Peng Challenge Thread equivalent of Pol Pot has returned to a scurrying, snickering band of rodentia, hanging from every branch like mad vermin playing at being possums, then I, for one, shall acquiesce in the reversion, and leave well enough alone.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 03-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Blither and blather only slightly less useful than a kick in the head by our sainted mum.

You're damn straight, chickie mama, we's back and better than ever. We's beating the jder, the Jefer, the Seanachaier and we's would be beating ol' Armornuts but we's sets him ups withs a majorly pooch-screwed game sos wes won't wins buts at least wes be getting some funny pratfalls.

OGSF is still to chicken too return our challenge, as is the Croder.

And another thing, we are now aware that PBEM is faaaaaaaaaaar better than that steenking TCP/IP.


[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 03-06-2001).]

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I try not to venture into the cesspool to often as I prefer to avoid the distasteful decontamination necessary afterward. However, resting as I am from my great moral victory on the outside board over the hair trigger sermoniser, Dorosh, I took some time (about 30secs sufficed) to peruse the latest contents of this thread, I have observed some interesting behaviour from recent denizens.

This is the prolific use of the phrase: "sit down, bauhaus!" at every and any opportunity. It seems to me that such a 'cesspool newbie' would have no concept of the origin of the phrase, though clearly it's usage is sufficiently clear that even unineuron organisms can comprehend it. I can only conclude therefore that this excessive use stems from a pathetic and rather unoriginal attempt to 'fit in'. As if the Cesspool were some sort of 'club' or 'gang' whose membership was an attainment rather than a disparate group of individuals whose single distinguishing feature is that they represent the worst that the dregs of humanity have to offer. Elsewhere some might view this ingratiating effort to 'fit in' sympathetically (for all the bluster this is what it is), though it is pitiable. But not here I think.


"Stand to your glasses steady,

This world is a world of lies,

Here's a toast to the dead already,

And here's to the next man to die."

-hymn of the "Double Reds"

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Do any of you people have lives? I mean outside of this forum...

I wondered in here hoping to find some intelligent converstation going on but as usual it's more talk about rodents.

If you people are that desperate for sex, go rent a prostitute. If you don't have the money for that, go buy a sheep.



Youth is wasted on the young.

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From ColeSlaw:

While I certainly wouldn't go so far as to call it a "defense", it is better than running all his chaps off the field which was his alternative plan.

It is certainly defence (the preferred spelling) enough to counter the offence (or should I say offences) that you brought to the table. Running hither and yon with split squads may make for more targets, but six drop far quicker as well, leaving no one to tell the fellows coming up from behind (don’t even think about it Bauhaus!) where the shots came from.

Pity that that Kiwi trash may soon own your sig file, as I thought possession was 9/10ths of the law. Perhaps I should propose a duel with him for the rights.

Files should be currently up to date with all you scum. Rattle my chain if not. A full ÜberLizard update is pending once I stomp the last of the death rattle out of Seanachai. There’s only two movies left and I don’t see him holding up the finish for more than, say, another month or so.

Following that, I should have a spot on my dance card and beleive that I owe MarkedVIDeath a rematch.

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Next thing you know they'll be launching into diatribes about why they should or should not include the 4th return roller on their StuG IV mod...

Both of you go back to the main board if you can't come in here and pick on someone for no particular reason. We have our standards!


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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