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If Peng Challenges No One In The Forest, Will He Still Lose?

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Mr. Stalin's Pecker,

May I just call you Pecker? OK then. Pecker, you are apparently under some the delusion that we actually want you here. This is apparent by your telling Lard:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Yuri's Unit:

Here's an idea - in the interests of more class less crap, why don't you go away...you rmember what that is - like back at school when no-one would play with you and yuo sat in the corner all alone? Well go back to that corner......and endure your miserable pointless life alone.


While it is always fun watching the 'Pool dippers roll around in the mud like two fat chicks at the Mud Wrestling Emporium on amateur night, it would be even more fun to watch you trundle off into the sunset with Lars under one arm, and Mini Johnson under the other.

Dale Evans,

just curious, but rumor has it that your gaming group also discuss in great detail what the Spartan warrior "brothers" did in those quiet and lonely time between battles.

Mr. Spanker,

I find your familiarity with the "Porn Tzar" of Utah somewhat disturbing. The 'Pool is no place for airing your peculiar fetish for 40 year old Mormon virgins. There must be an "alt" news server that would better suit your needs.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

bring me pain I haven't felt since my doctor splintered the specimen stick in my uretha and I peed blood for a week.



Don't blame the Doctor. Didn't your mother warn you about "those" kinds of girls?

[ 07-02-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

pain I haven't felt since my doctor splintered the specimen stick in my uretha and I peed blood for a week.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bloke!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Dale Evans,

just curious, but rumor has it that your gaming group also discuss in great detail what the Spartan warrior "brothers" did in those quiet and lonely time between battles.


That's no rumor - that's a space station. Should we invite you for the next session? No proof of citizenship required.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Mr. Stalin's Pecker,

May I just call you Pecker? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



OK then. Pecker, you are apparently under some the delusion that we actually want you here. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What fantasy world did you say your brain cell is inhabiting? I have no such illusions.

My presence here is obviously embarrasing to many people made uncomfortable by my brilliance, wit, zany sense of humour and sparkling personality.

Of course all you inadequate excuses for humanity want me to leave so you no longer are illuminated by my brilliance.

However I am feeling unusually charitable this millenium, so have bought my light to this dark, damp corner of the universe. Your lives will be better for having known me, and my reward shall come in heaven, where I shall surely go once my work here is complete.

For the liturgically impaired this means: why would I care about anything you have to say?

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I almost forgot...Lorak let the record show that my winning ways contiued on Saturday night in a fun TCP/IP with Peng.

After several connection problems we managed to finish the first game of our ouble header (sit down bauhaus).

Elvis - Victor

Peng - "Down on his luck"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

[QB]Almost time for a new thread:


Jumping the gun a bit there aren't you, Macey old girl?

There are grog threads going longer than the MBT these days, I vote we wait until called upon by the bald one. It takes so long to weed out the looky loos and wannabees that opening a new thread prematurely will only serve to open up a Pandora's box of tourists.

And we all know how hard it is to get rid of some of the more clingey ones.

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You can find time to post here Stalin's Organ but not send me your next turn? Now I have to wait for you lunchbreak? Damn, I'm so looking forward to how you plan to deal with brick wall I've built up in front of you.

Lars hats off to you, I have never been so shamefully and horribly misquoted in my entire life. Do you work in government or the media? BTW did you have your high protein shake and sticky buns for breakfast this morning?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mace wrote:

Almost time for a new thread:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Twelve pages, you twit, not ten.

A certain SSN wishes those present to know that yours truly lost nine useless Shermans (one a Jumbo), a Pershing and some useless infantry to his four indestructible pillboxes (which don't die even when you put HE through the firing slit), assorted AT guns, at least one tank, and a score of MG bunkers in The Battle of Fort PantyLiner, well actually not quite a battle, more of a "WTF, you expect me to assault THAT with THIS? BANG BOOM PLINK PLINK PLINK PLINK PLINK ARRGGH". We have called it quits rather than endure nine more 15-minute lots of the same. I intend to get my own back by showing that the Allies (the British, of course, in my case) can actually lose horribly while defending against the assault... did I say lose horribly? Whoops, a bit of realism crept in there. But I have heavily biased the scenario towards myself, aside from giving the git something like 4000 points to get off on.

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Ok, bastages.

My weekend has stunk to high heaven. Seems that the Guinness I drunk on Friday night flushed my kiddneys...and in the prossess sent a stone a rolling.

So I am at work, in pain, and hating you all more than you derserve.

Your all bastages that deserve to be drug headlong, facedown through a chicken coop.

In other news:


Iskander- astrisk boy



Lorak the loathed

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

My presence here is obviously embarrasing to many people made uncomfortable by my brilliance, wit, zany sense of humour and sparkling personality.


Good gracious me, isn't someone just all full of themselves today, hmmm? Full of something anyway.

I hate to break it to you, digit-boy, but your brilliance is as the green copper in a golden temple. In this pool of cess, you are the black, meagre, compact little stool, excruciatingly grunted from the dough-like sphinctre of a fat, sweating drunk.

At your entry into our world was heard the pathetic, almost feminine "ploops" as the insignificant, though abnormally dense, nuggets dropped like so many rabbit pellets. Your only importance is in the uncomfortable feeling you leave on the bottom from the column of icy water that marks your passing. Nothing a good wiping won't take away. You could be mistaken for gerbil food, and no doubt often are.

Do you really think you are worthy, you deluded little stain? WELL DO YA, PUNK?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Baaaabra:

You could be mistaken for gerbil food, and no doubt often are.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Rather that than being mistaken for Flyspray's girlfriend!


Do you really think you are worthy, you deluded little stain? WELL DO YA, PUNK?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course not you grass guzzling set of sunday roasts! Why would I want to be?

Oh, and Missed-turd Johnston - unfortunately the civil service in these parts isn't quite up to letting me bring in the CM CD adn load it onto my machine. Sad, but true - it's just one of the misfortunes I have to suffer, although not nearly as bad as the one I inflicted upon myself having decided to play you!

For having done that I shall restrict myself to Grilled chicken breast and Vienetta ice-cream for lunch as punishment!

[ 07-02-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

And we all know how hard it is to get rid of some of the more clingey ones.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well if toilet paper doesn't work, there's always sandpaper, and after that, the anglegrinder?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

Good gracious me, isn't someone just all full of themselves today, hmmm? Full of something anyway.

I hate to break it to you, digit-boy, but your brilliance is as the green copper in a golden temple. In this pool of cess, you are the black, meagre, compact little stool, excruciatingly grunted from the dough-like sphinctre of a fat, sweating drunk.

At your entry into our world was heard the pathetic, almost feminine "ploops" as the insignificant, though abnormally dense, nuggets dropped like so many rabbit pellets. Your only importance is in the uncomfortable feeling you leave on the bottom from the column of icy water that marks your passing. Nothing a good wiping won't take away. You could be mistaken for gerbil food, and no doubt often are.

Do you really think you are worthy, you deluded little stain? WELL DO YA, PUNK?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That was beautiful man, just beautiful...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Almost time for a new thread:

How about:

Let me take you where the Peng Challenges grow

In salute of Cross of Iron?


*editted because I care!*

[ 07-02-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Instead, how about:

"Stick it where the Peng Challenge don't shine!"


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Mr. Johnson,

There is no bolding of names for SSN's such as ourselves. Especially not for one who is in dire need of a visit to the Red Door clinic and a shot of penicillin. You know who I mean.

As I see by your profile that you are from Oregon and a wrestling fan this lack of intelligence is understandable. Please do not repeat the error of your ways.

P.S. Good luck with the child molester thing. I hear castration can be considered a cure in desperate cases like yours.

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Almost time for a new thread:

How about...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dulce et decorum est pro patria PENG!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

My presence here is obviously embarrasing to many people made uncomfortable by my brilliance, wit, zany sense of humour and sparkling personality.



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I can assure you Lars that I am not a fan of wrestling, unless it involes women covered in Redhook ESB. And I'm no child molester even though I do spend all of my days of recent dreaming of burning down your house and farm, raping your horses and pillaging your women.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:


Brilliant? Witty? Zany? Sparkling?


Typical of the trailer trash wandering around the 'pool these days?

Sadly, yes.

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