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Peng just challenged my newborn son andwill still lose

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thank god we don't live inside a dog! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What kind of conversation led up to that?? Never mind, I don't wanna know. At least you are not so stupid as to idolize jizonhand like he seems to of himself.

Wow, what a loser. This guy, how did he ever get in here. To be honest, until this recent outbreak of kindergartenish "I'm the best, the BESSSSSST!" I never even noticed him before. It is kinda funny, but not ha ha funny. It is more like "Get a life" funny. He has no perception about what even the lowest snail of a scum sucking newbie knows about the Mutha Beautiful.

How did he ever get kanigget-hood?? Who sponsored him?? I want to challenge THAT half-wit for such a stark dereliction of duty.

Oh man, someone get this guy outta here, he is embarrassing me. Hey jiz go beat some one up, okay? What? Oh, you're really a 4'6" tall 90 lb weakling who compensates for his "small stature" with a 21" monitor and the latest CM gaming fashion straight out of Chez Tournament House?

Oh man! Too much! And what's with the loss to Fionn anyway? Why even bring it up? You are killing me with your strutting and billy-club palming.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Wow, what a loser. This guy, how did he ever get in here. He has no perception about what even the lowest snail of a scum sucking newbie knows about the Mutha Beautiful.

Who sponsored him?? I want to challenge THAT half-wit for such a stark dereliction of duty.

Oh man, someone get this guy outta here, he is embarrassing me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh this is rich! These are almost word for word the same thoughts I have had when reading your offal {MrSpkr, no sic here please}.

This leads me to the following thought. Pawbroon I hate you for allowing Panties to hang around here. I hate you for your indecipherable posts. I hate you for your "Shagadelic" mods. I hate you, as I hate Mace, for your online infatuations with other members of the Pool. I hate you because you are French.

As such, I challenge you. You should be punished for all of the above and more. I expect terms or a setup soonest.


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Ooooo... Look at my plummage, ain't I pretty? I am so kewl and smart, and I am still a SSN!


I posted to this thread with frequency, let me say this slowly so you can fully appreciate this, A---L-O-N-G---T-I-M-E---A-G-0. This was right about the time when you really didn't matter or count around here, and the only change to that now is that I am pointing it out to you in public. In truth it is whiny, little pukes like you that sucked the inspiration and soul from me in the past that prevented my almost eager daily attendence here. So in essence nothin' has changed.

I have felt inspired to return to claim, AND MY RIGHT TO DO SO (you snot nose git!) a nomination for the tourney. Who the hell are you to even make a peep about it?

Until you get a few more games (i.e. losses)under your belt AND get knighthood, as I have said before, shut yer piehole!.

Besides even the great Peng himself has said "...his game play is truely a wonder to behold. modest players such as myself have no real chance against him, while good players will have a hard time. when it comes to cesspoolers shagdorf is truely the creme de la scum."

That should answer any of your pathetic little questions SQUIRE. Now run off and wet yourself or somefink.


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem (regarding Pawbroon's new squire, who compulsively (and tediously) responds to every feckin' post in the 'Pool):

'Fess up: you're really Meeks again, aren't you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If he were really Meeks/Hamsters/Dorosh he'd either make more sense or less. As it is, he's thoroughly working over the proverbial lollipop of mediocrity: not deranged enough to be mensch, not erudite enough to Seanachai, not bitter enough to be Hiram, not evil enough to be Berli... generally not enough, period (except for his postings, of which there is far, far too much). He's like DekeFentle without the annoying alliteration that elevated his posts from mind-numbingly tedious to utterly intolerable.

BTS, pls fix or do somefink! It's destroying my immersive Cesspool experience! Oh no, wait, that was just Mace tripping over the drain plug. Someone shove a squire down there before all the floatie bits get stirred up. (Hmmm... is a Cess whirlpool clockwise or counter-clockwise?)

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:


What an incredibly tragic and meaningless person you are. How old are you, 13? You really think this matters don't you? You really think winning a match in a computer game means something significant, that someone will notice or care? What are you going to do when no one "nominates" you? Throw another tantrum? Threaten people?

Good luck with your life.



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hey, you guys must have all have got some serious **it kicked out of you at school.

Now listen, its all over. we left the playground a long time ago. nobody's going to beat you up. nobody's going to to steal your packed lunches.

its time to let all that hurt and anger go.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

I nominate jshandorf.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhh...He is wise. For that I may go easy on you the next time we meet in battle. That is, if you ever can stomach the pure pain and agony it is to play me.

Just ask Shaw he knows....

Once again I will fail to notice Geier.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jerkshardoff:

I have been insulting those of the pool long before you were a wet spot on the collective pool concious. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well there's the lie from his own feeding tube!

If he'd been here as long as he claims he'd know that hte only collective thing about the pool is it's inability to collectively do anything at all.....except caterwaul and defecate!

The pool is no more capable f acting in concert than a herd of cats - nasty flea-ridden mangy scrawny alley-cats at that!

Clearly joe-shagger-dork is a fake, an imposter - even worse than a SSN-spokesgit, lower than an outerboard pubescent FPS addict!

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Since the pool is by nature anarcho-syndicalist we shall not be able to decide or accept anything, much akin to the pre-revolutionary Duma of Russia.

Jefe has put forth the case for a competent commander and I agree. Not because of the ability to win, but rather the assumption that by staying around longer he'd torment and frustrate his opposition and thus provide us more cheap thrills and kicks. However, since I belong to the Never give the job to anyone who wants it School, I cannot support him. Very unseemly pool behavior.

Geier I who have only managed a 7-0-1 record for a total of 8! games had the right of it when he said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The Old Ones will decide this, one way or the other<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thus I call upon the denizens, spirits, demons, wraiths and familiars of the pool to go forth and to summons, in solemn conclave The Old Ones, Seanachai, Berli and Peng to secretly confer, cast bones, consult Panties' slit open gizzard and announce according to the runes, The Chosen One who shall act as our Champion and Straw dog.

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Oh my. Oh my.

This is almost funny.

First Panzerleader says that I can't be nominated as a punishment. Umm,whatever. That is actualy a blessing!

To set aside several months or playing grog after grog with no sense of humors? No thank you! Only one listed so far I have played that actualy made the game fun was Fionn, and hell you'd only play him on time.

No actualy I would have to follow Elvis's lead and cast my vote for Shandorf.

Hearing about Fionn shoving rockets up his arse last game was funny as hell. Hopefully this would be an opertunity to read more of the same.

The other reasons are obvious.

4) He is the only knight who has ask to play.

X) He states it as a case of wanting revenge(always a good reason)

&^%) Who the hell really cares?

The only problem I detected was in the way he ask for our blessing. The boasting and record thing were just too much. Would have been much better simple stated

"I want another shot at Fionn and plan to kick some major arse to get there!"

That would have came accross much better. But considering where he lives we shouldn't have expected any better.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf:

Damn, all of your lice ridden, leasion infested hides!]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jefe then goes on in his normal approach to 'winnging friends and influencing people'


Unless one of you really think you got the stones I really think the choice is obvious. Bah!



He's right. The choice is obvious. I say either Geier, or Mark IV. Both play a good game, are honourable, well spoken, and not complete idjits.

Shandorf is, of course, a fine player, but as well spoken as a skunk.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

I hate you, as I hate Mace, for your online infatuations with other members of the Pool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jealousy is a curse!

Neener neener neener!!! tongue.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by boy_Recon:

hey, you guys must have all have got some serious **it kicked out of you at school.

Now listen, its all over. we left the playground a long time ago. nobody's going to beat you up. nobody's going to to steal your packed lunches.

its time to let all that hurt and anger go.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well actually, no one beat up on me or stole my lunches because:

X) I was better built than most of the bullies,

23.5.1) I was good in a punch up, and

XVII) I could run fast when I had to!

Now, stop defiling the cess with your presence and depart. You are bringing down property values quite significantly!


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Very well, if its up to the Old Ones...


'cus revenge is always a good reason<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't know, Berli. I imagine Peng will go along with it, but I'd still prefer to see Geier or Mark IV go for it. What says the Pod?

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I concur, we should nominate shagdufus because otherwise:

ii) he'll just hang around here moping,

C17) he'll just hang around here moping,

and most importantly

3.1417) he'll just hang around here moping!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now, stop defiling the cess with your presence and depart. You are bringing down property values quite significantly!


Since I began contributing, "the cess" moved fractionally towards fragrancy. however, your uncultured contribution has once again overwhelmed it with stench of untutored illiterary.

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As owner of the "second post in the original Peng thread" and with a member number lower that Seanachai's (yeah I know not great references), but as a member of the Not so Old as the Old Ones class, as well as the first openly avowed lawyer in the pool, I'll reverse my opposition and go with Jefe Hopefully it'll distract him and he'll lose badly the game he is almost starting to lose with me. Besides, I think he should distribute a bottle to those who endorsed him.

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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but, hang on, i can't let this little gem of Post-Colonial wit flash by without a mention:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(q.) be humorous (humourous if you are from the land of fuzzy teeth).


At least we don't spend those oh-so-impressionable adolescent years with our heads wrapped in a gleaming framework of steel in order to correct a barely perceptible dental divergance from the vertical.

Maybe if Americans spent happier childhoods, they wouldn't be so defensive.

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What a complete load of boring horse hockey.

Six pages in and the biggest news in the 'pool is some skirt wearing, arms length, floppy wristed, nail scratching spat between some new blowflies and a "Mr Sometimes post" about who gets into some poxy Grog-Tourney.

Big Feck'in deal!

Real Life is looking more appealing all the time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pre-pubescent voyeur:

Maybe if Americans spent happier childhoods, they wouldn't be so defensive.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let's have some common sense here -

c) 'Merkin's will spend anything at all as long as it's on something trite, trivialnd/or from California

XXIX) 'Merkins are not defensive. They are offensive. They hate each other, they hate everyone else and everyone else hates them. The only way they could possibly be more offensive is if they were actually in my presence!

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