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Peng just challenged my newborn son andwill still lose

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Damn, all of your lice ridden, leasion infested hides! You all suck so much, you suck the filth from a bloated mule's ass!

Time is running out! If I am going to get another shot at the Galic spewing, ballywog of a pathetic drunk named Fionn I need to be "nominated"!

You're all a bunch of prissy, drug-addled whores fighting over the last dildo, if you ask me! But you won't! Do I care! No! But dammit I need some sort of "go chew on thier stumpy legs Jefe" before I can get in. So give it up and let a little sewage out of those bloated egos, and just say YES! Your wives and GFs do, and they can grin and bear it! Why can't you?

Peng while I am always welcome your jovial and witty banter you cannot be serious.... Hiram? He couldn't command his way down his GF's pants let alone troops on a battlefield.

Unless one of you really think you got the stones I really think the choice is obvious. Bah!


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf:

If I am going to get another shot at the Galic spewing, ballywog of a pathetic drunk named Fionn I need to be "nominated"!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, so you´ve already lost to Fionn?

You must suck pretty bad. Playing him again will only result in you losing again of course.

If Hiram is unavailable I suggest we ignore them. Maybe they will go away. My second niominee would be Hakko Ichiu but he is also unavailable. Then there is no other choice left but ...

The French. It´s a one in a million chance but it just might work.

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Speedyhump: Rematch to avenge my honor just begun. I plan to nail his spleen to a plank and beat the homeless with it. I'd just like to point out that Speedyhump won our last game by only the narrowest margin, and that if I hadn't been beaten, then I surely would have won.

WhirliBerli: Playing some pig-punching scenario-like thing by Pengalina. For a few turns my winded hairdressers held off WhirliBerli's tentative toymaking elves, but I believe awful things will soon be happening to both of us.

This scenario has reaffirmed my conviction that Pengalina should have his Pod railgunned up a montainside and out into deep space.

OvumGropingStarskyFewmet is owed a setup. A setup he will get.

Marlowbrow: on hiatus.

Josie and the Shawcats: on hiatus.

Lawdog: on hiatus.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Speedyhump: Rematch to avenge my honor just begun. I plan to nail his spleen to a plank and beat the homeless with it. I'd just like to point out that Speedyhump won our last game by only the narrowest margin, and that if I hadn't been beaten, then I surely would have won.


I would like to point out, oh dimwitted one, that at the end of our recently completed soiree, the sole offensive power remaining to you was a single 4 man rifle team. At the end of the game you were left with the now-to-be-expected gamey tactic of rushing a company hq at the victory flag, in a vain attempt at redemption. Gamey bastiche.

Our new match appears to be an interesting one. With the computer generating a completely random setup, I am left to defend a small village with what appears to be a regiment's worth of barbed wire and a mobile bakery. I shall enjoy the buttered rolls while you flounder through my obstacles!


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Gentleman and not so gentleman,

Could we get a nomination from the Cesspool whom will represent all pengers in the Invitational Tourney of "Stars"... *this week*, please ;)

Now tear each other apart and let Treeburst155 know (soon!) at RCMein@aol.com or at Mikeman@cablelynx.com !

We'll hate NOT to have an excellent PBEM'er to represent the 'pool in the Invitational. Beer drinker of course do not qualify! :D (Gitless joke)


Charl Theron

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

I would like to point out, oh dimwitted one, that at the end of our recently completed soiree, the sole offensive power remaining to you was a single 4 man rifle team. At the end of the game you were left with the now-to-be-expected gamey tactic of rushing a company hq at the victory flag, in a vain attempt at redemption. Gamey bastiche.

Our new match appears to be an interesting one. With the computer generating a completely random setup, I am left to defend a small village with what appears to be a regiment's worth of barbed wire and a mobile bakery. I shall enjoy the buttered rolls while you flounder through my obstacles!


Well, when I'm scouring the battlefield and I bump into 6 guys with bullet-shooty things, and I know you're weak too, I push them forward.

That's not really gamey as compared to knocking down every building on the map before venturing forward. I only had a single team in those buildings to start with anyway. Why? Because I figgered you for a building-knocker-downer type of guy.

And save some buttered rolls for me. And some of that long French stuff, the baguettes. (or did I just express a desire to consume someone's luggage?)

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I believe Mr.Peng should make his final nomination. Below are whom I determine to be the most fit for such a contest, in order of priority:

Panzer Leader Though perhaps not the most ferocious or victory-minded, he would at least be able to make a complete mockery and shamble of the event.

Mr.Peng He IS the personification of the Mutha Beautiful's dark side.

Seanichai All goodness and light. He would be like Henry Fonda to Catherine Hepburn.

Phillies Phan AWOL, no dice.

OGSF His illegible ramblings would be a positive indicative of just how witty and intellectual we really are.

Mark IV He finally wrote something funny!

Pawbroon Get him away from modding for a while, please!

Cesspians who should NOT be eligible as follows:

Jsandoredfg Gimme a break, his barrel-chest pumping is SO unbecoming.

MrsPeeker He is a welp and a cur, he has mange and sniffs other people's privates. Get him OUTTA here.

Lorak After his admittedly stupid absence, he needs to be punished.

Dame Achin' Does not use the higher explosive armour piercing mods.

Now then, since the kaniggets are so indecisive about all this, what say we start from the top o' the list and the first one to accept be granted the "mini-break?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Panzer Leader Though perhaps not the most ferocious or victory-minded, he would at least be able to make a complete mockery and shamble of the event.


How should I start?...AH! I know!

NO, NO, NO!!

Panties is:

1) a Squire {I hate you Pawbroon}

b- the newest Pool member {I hate you Pawbroon}

4@= mindnumbingly puerile {I hate you Pawbroon}

and most important, if he were given this responsibility, he would feel the need to tell us all about it, all the time, in excruciating detail.

Give it to that freakin' Scot. Understanding his posts should be considered a basic requirement for entry into the pool. It might scare off some of the SSN's!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Give it to that freakin' Scot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I second (or whatever letter we're on) the nomination of Sir Once-known-as-easy-to-remember-OGSF-but-I-can't-keep-bloody-track-of-whatever-the-hell-initials-and-bollocks-all-he-calls-himself-now. If we can't inflict the unending horror that is Hiram on the Boardies, let's baffle 'em with whatsisname. Consensus (or at least a majority of those speaking right now, namely me)?

Aye! OGSF (or whatever) it is!

Agua Perdido

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***Pushes his way forward carrying some sort of sack***

Oh. Hello all.

***stomps on PintLiter's toes***

Excuse me.

***turns in place, elbowing PaintSniffer in the face****

Oh, terribly sorry. Pardon me.

***turns away, smacking Pinsized across the face with the bag. Pintsize is last seen tumbling down the stairs to the cellar***

Oh, who left this door open? That could be dangerous. I'll close it before someone gets hurt.

***slams door in PaintThinner's face and locks it. A series of muffled {THUDS} are heard coming from behind the door***

There now. Look here -

***opens bag and reaches inside, pulling out a rather bloody severed cat head***

I got this Tomcat head, just as you said to, Berlithingforgotten.

***tosses cat's head to Berli-poo's feet***

Now, who should I joust for knighthood?

Oh yeah - one other thing - if the Pool is not willing to allow me to represent it (and I am just a squire, so the reluctance is understandable), then I vote for Sir One-vowel-and-three-consonants. If we are gonna try to shock, confuse, or otherwise mystify the Outer Boards, then that insane Scotsman from those rugged peaks (of the Rocky Mountains??- close enough, I guess) and highlands is the man (and I use that term loosely) for the job. Heck, we could think of him as sort of the Orkin of the Pool - just the thing to keep creepy crawly SSN's away.

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First off Hiram won't play and as much as all of you want to mock this little competition you won't get very far sending the likes of Hiram or OGSF.

Let's be honest, these players care not for our banter or witty repotays, they care about the fight and if you send some week kneed pansy (See: Panty Liner) in there they will chew him up and spit him out AND THEN laugh at the pathetic little poolers! Now while I for one could care less about what I or anybody else in here say about any of you, I am NOT going to have some stick up the arse grog make fun of ME nor anyone else here! That is unless he wants to wade in here knee deep and go toe to toe.

So, with that being said, get REAL people! Hell! I would support someone but me if I thought the were better but other than PNzer I can't honestly think of anyone else.

As for the Feckin' SSNs havin' a say in this....How about a tall, cool, glass of SHUT THE HELL UP! If I want any noise out of you I will squeeze your heads to listen to the air quickly pass over your nasal membrains and make that whistling noise I am fond of.

And one more thing... If any of you panty sniffing wankers think for just one second that you can beat me in a game then SEND ME A SETUP! I will show you pain and angoy that doesn't even measure up to gettin' you nuts in a vice! You got me, PANSY MAN?!

This chest beating comes with an spine back 30 day gaurantee! If I don't kick the **** out of you, then I'll send your spine back to you unharmed and whole!


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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Hey MrSpock, I am glad to see we finally agree on something, actually several:

a- Panties should be knocked down any available set of stairs.

8 and that Scottish fella should spend his time confusing the outerboarders.

Now two questions, who the heck do you think you are asking to be a Knight already?!?!? If it wasn't for you, me and that Panties fella, there wouldn't be anyone to muck out the stalls. Find a replacement first, cause I am not picking up your slack.

Did your wife call me crazy?!? But she doesn't even know me! I'm hurt. I am only slightly unbalanced.


[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

blah blah I am almost as great PeterSheepshagger blh blah<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Look here Loser there are two, count em two, poolers who are undefeated in the pool. You are not one of them. Both of them nominate OGSF or The French. Not you. Anyway, that is irrelevant.

The Three will decide this, one way or the other and I sincerely hope that they won't even mention you.

You have just managed to equal Fanzy Pantz in boorishness and the fact that you actually take this seriously is most disturbing.

Bugger off and remember, we are all laughing at you already, a grog or two won't matter.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

First off Hiram won't play and as much as all of you want to mock this little competition you won't get very far sending the likes of Hiram or OGSF.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What do you mean - they will play the same number of games as everyone else - they just may not score as well.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Let's be honest, these players care not for our banter or witty repotays {SIC}, they care about the fight and if you send some week {SIC} kneed pansy (See: Panty Liner) in there they will chew him up and spit him out AND THEN laugh at the pathetic little poolers!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So what? Heck, maybe someone like Fionn will win it - he's banned, and we won't have to listen to his crap. Besides, winning or losing isn't the thing - its the taunting that counts here, handjobsforabuck.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now while I for one could care less about what I or anybody else in here say about any of you, I am NOT going to have some stick up the arse grog make fun of ME nor anyone else here! That is unless he wants to wade in here knee deep and go toe to toe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You sound a bit sensitive as to other people's opinions of you. Perhaps you should seek some therapy.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So, with that being said, get REAL people!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If there were any, we probably would; however, this IS the cesspool, you know.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hell! I would support someone but me<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A dubious statement.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>if I thought the {SIC} were better but other than PNzer I can't honestly think of anyone else.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When is the last time you thought ANYONE was better than you at ANYTHING? My word, man, you make Zaphod Beeblebrox look like an effeminate basket case with severe self-esteem issues.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for the Feckin' SSNs havin' a say in this....How about a tall, cool, glass of SHUT THE HELL UP! If I want any noise out of you I will squeeze your heads to listen to the air quickly pass over your nasal membrains {SIC} and make that whistling noise I am fond of.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nice adaptation of Fillies Fannies' comments to Joe Pshaw from a couple of months ago (relating to losing 0-100, IIRC).

shantytowndork, you are little more than a speck of flea crap within a soggy hairball coughed up by a worm ridden, rectum licking, scabies bearing tomcat with cataracts. You lurk in the background, saying little for weeks at a time, then decide to jump in and be the fecking savior of the Pool. Who the heck needs you to do that? You are an overrated cad with delusions of grandeur. Your sense of self-importance is more inflated than most South American currencies. I for one would rather see PintoLitter represent us because at least then everyone would understand it was a JOKE! They may not understand that if we send you because, just as most men cannot comprehend the size of the universe in relation to themselves, ordinary mortals would have great difficulty understanding what a massive joke you really are. They might think you were somehow a serious player (I never said the Outer Board dwellers were particularly smart), and when they handed you your head, they would feel empowered to come here and boast about it. We don’t want or need SSN grognards in here to waste our time and effort (unless they are volunteering for target practice, like our good friend PuntingLoser).

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

*Babble and worthless drivel that could barely pry a smirk from a 16 year old hazed over by an Ectesy induced binge.*


You worthless little twerp. I have been insulting those of the pool long before you were a wet spot on the collective pool concious. If you think you are "all that and bag of ****e" then send me a setup and quit hiding behind you Momma's skirt, boyo! Otherwise shutup.

Geier, if your opinion really mattered I might have responded... but alas...


P.S. Oh and the fact that you are about as funny as a broom stick enema.

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

pointless chest poundings and "ook ook grunt grunt" statements omitted here<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wondered how long it would take for your hormonal rage at someone pointing out the painfully obvious defects in your personality to induce you into a challenge.

I shall send a setup tonight - some of us have to work for a living (or at least pretend to do so).

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