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CMBB, go on Steve, throw us a bone!

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I understand why Steve and the crew do not wish to spend all their time on the forum. I too am keen to have the game as soon as possible and do not wish to distract anyone.

However, I do feel the vow of silence that BTS have taken with regard to CMBB is a bit extreme. I followed the run up to CMBO in detail and can see why Steve and the others do not wish for a full replay in terms of time spent on the boards discussing the up and coming game.

I monitor a number of wargames that are in development in the forlorn hope that another will also reach the stunningly high standards set by CMBO. Simply no realistic hope of that. However, my point is that BTS have gone from being the most welcoming and friendly, in terms of their willingness to leak information about their coming game, to being the most tight-lipped.

Could BTS not leak some information on CMBB to cheer us all up? Allowing us to generate a few minutes of childish enthusiasm for CMBB.

Greatly looking forward to CMBB,

All the best,


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I can only agree with you.

I know that BTS is working hard to give us a truely amazing game, but some information about their progress would really be nice.

I never really understood that, when they gave interviews to game/online mags concerning CMBB, it wasn't BTS who told us "hey, if you want some infos about CM2, go to..." but some guy from the forum who posted the information here.

I don't want to criticize BTS, afterall I'm sure they have their reasons to run their business the way they do.

But hey BTS, are we really that bad, nasty bunch of grognards who will tear your baby apart the second you show it to us?

No, we're much more (OK, most of us... :rolleyes: ) the loving family who can't wait to hear some news...

[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Umm..... uhhh.....umm.... well... I... think we are...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I imagine coming to the Forum the day after release of CMBB and first page is full of "There is something wrong with this thingy" or "Why my uber-sloped-T34 just blowed up?" or "Where is the Ambush command?" or "My SS Plumber squad never came out of the sewers"

I think at that time i'll take some days off work, just not to miss anything.

[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: ciks ]

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I agree, I am alsolooking forward to the complaint that will be ganarated. My Kv-2 was killed by Pz-38t, thats impossible, I am returning my game.

This afcourse will be regular, it will go on for about 1-5 months and maybe start to die out. But just look at CMBO, people are still "discussing" the same thing that has been "discussed" eight times before. Oh well, should be fun.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ciks:

I imagine coming to the Forum the day after release of CMBB and first page is full of "There is something wrong with this thingy" or "Why my uber-sloped-T34 just blowed up?" or "Where is the Ambush command?" or "My SS Plumber squad never came out of the sewers"

I think at that time i'll take some days off work, just not to miss anything.

[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: ciks ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I think the only people who will be doing that are the newbies and the uninformed, who are used to games without the element of chance involved. In most RTS game, for example, a certain unit will ALWAYS kill a certain other unit in equal conditions. In CM (and CMBB) lady luck often throws a monkey wrench into your perfectly running mechanism and screws up your plans really, really bad.

Us grognards (ok, Im kidding myself on that one) are used to this sort of occurance. Most of us here know what to expect and will only be all the more delighted at an unexpected twist of events.

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We really need to recognize that the beta testers are probably at work right now on the game, or at least they are talking about it, and we know for certian that Krazy and gang are coding and making models as fast as they can. This of course is probably taking everyone's attention.

In all likelyhood, if BTS released lots of details, various pressure groups would start in. You need only read the less historical, more political threads to see that BTS can do no right when it comes to its modeling. That is not to say they don't like the board and the ideas here, just that they have to read an awful lot of guff for each diamond, and they are likely to busy with the diamonds they have.

I am sure once the Beta test is under way (whenever that is) that we will get more data, but BTS probably wants to keep quiet until the game is proved out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Most of us here know what to expect and will only be all the more delighted at blah blah delirious blah blah.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> What do you mean Tigers don't get a hit bonus from the Zeiss optics! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Tiger mantlet is way too thin!! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> SMG squads have way too much ammo!! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Gyros are way too effective!! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Gyros are way too ineffective!! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> My tank drivers&gunners are idiots!! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Bunkers are way too fragile!! :mad: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Bunkers are indestructable!! (angry face here) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And so on...

So you can only place 8 smilingens on one post? News to me..

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

In CM (and CMBB) lady luck often throws a monkey wrench into your perfectly running mechanism and screws up your plans really, really bad.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's true. I've seen I SturmgeschützIII taken 4 direct hits - the last a non lethal penetration - from a Sherman on less then 100m. Thanks god it was MY Sturmgeschütz, and it blows this f... Sherman with the first shot into heaven. I'm glad that my opponent has good nerves ;)

Even if it has never seen the light, I will be really pissed if the Germans won't have P1000 landbattleships: p1000.jpg

Weight : 1000 tons, 35m length, 15m width, 2 x 280mm guns :eek: , 8 x 20mm and 4 x 15mm :D

[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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I must say, with complete honesty, that only on this company's board would a plea like this even be acknowledged, let alone get some form of positive response. Thanks for simple pleasures. Kip, thanks for starting the thread.

I must now return to the evil task of converting the rest of the young adult males in my office to CMBO converts. 2 down, 2 to go.

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Heya Guys,

We are arranging some screen shots for you smile.gif

Steve has given it the okay but we will have to wait until Matt is around so we can get him to post them. Keep in mind that they are beta shots and textures arent final, but they should give you something new to look at... smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...but we will have to wait until Matt is around...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

this can mean only one thing. Yes guys, its....


smile.gif :cool: :D :cool: smile.gif

[ 09-19-2001: Message edited by: JonS ]

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