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Peng Challenge . . . by Jury

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Well, well ,well.

If it ain't Sir Seen a chuhuahua look'in fer another spank'in at the hands of the Stukmeister.

Very well, a set up is forthcoming and if time zones permit, perhaps we can indulge in a little TCP/IP tomfoolery also.

Now as to your other concerns, Unteroffiziers Richards and Jolie are my flight crew, nothing more. In fact Richards is a little on the thin side for my taste and Jolie has a goddam tatoo fer Peng's sake! I am nothing if not fickle and while, yes, they may follow me around like love struck SSN's, hanging on my every word and throwing garlands of roses at my feet as I stride around the airbase offering pearls of wisdom to our Kaniggethood of avowed Antiouterboarders, I maintain a chastity against all others save the spousal unit.

The 3 seater JU-87 is not merely for lugging around a rear cockpit full of silicon and collagen, no Sireeee. We are a fighting unit of biblical proportions and I find that a gunsight full of pouting, media moistened lovelies will cause many an opponent to pause, finger on his trigger, drool hanging from bottom lip to crotch, long enough for an Immelman turn and then Voila!, its Stukey on your tail, a belly full of lead and home for breakfast. Smoke me a kipper!

I hope this has cleared up any comprehension difficulties you may be experiencing.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Reporterette: "But didn't Judge Lorak note that, as a bard, Seanachai had a higher duty to speak the truth, and that by lying, he breached that duty?"

Reporterette: "But why would Judge Lorak miss such an obvious call?"

MrSpkr: "Well, as an officer of the court, I feel it is inappropriate for me to speculate as to why the judge may or may not have made a certain call. I would, however, point out one fact: Judge Lorak did not seem all that upset when jdmorse revealed that Mr. Shaw had recruited RuPaul to serve as the judge's, umm, PERSONAL assistant. In fact, if anything, he seemed a little MORE, er, distracted, than before."


Here, lad, and none appreciate your efforts on my behalf more than myself, we shan't cross certain lines, now shall we?

Lorak is right, and more than right, that the duty of any Bard is to tell the truth, and we could pass words on the telling of truth in this one.

Happy Birthday, Lorak me lad, and know that amongst all those who could be, should be, and will be Loathed, that you're one of the right sort, you awful swine.

Lorak is of the clans, Mr Spkr, and quite beyond your attempts at boisterous humour.

We never feared wrongful judgement from that quarter, but we never doubted the need to a certain duty.

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Davey stinkin Bellyaching, mighty kaynigit of the pool, ran away fast enough to score 32 points

Stalin's Organ, a fine upstanding example of an SSN got all the rest - that's 68 for those of you wot are arithmetically challenged.

I do believe that this requires the traditional shout of Lorak - pen it thus:

Stalin's Organ: A fine, indeed a brilliant victory

David Aichen: a loss, fled the field in disgrace, a pathetic cowardly defeat, oh the shame of it!

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Let me just say it will be a frosty day at Berli's place when any true cesspooler ever posts to an MBT started up by a spotty little ADHT over-posting SSN like Fieldmarshal. That little bastige is almost (and that's a serious reach) as annoying as Cpt Manieri was, although more mentally impared it would appear. The impudence of the little cur to think that he could start up a Peng thread and then get his facts totally screwed up by saying that Linden (never heard of him) has anything to do with this odiferous association.


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Mace you insipid pestule. There's always one in every bunch isn't there? You should have just posted your scolding here, you cretin, rather than support a thread which is: (6) premature, like everything that is likely to come out of that little git until he is 35, and (iixv) suitable only to be ignored by someone of your standing (and if you are not standing, please do so now). Where's the brick?

{SMACK upside Mace's fluffy skull}

The next Kanigget caught doing anything other than letting the pretender wither on the vine will be visited by von schrad in the van which will cause much rue-age on the part of the offender I can assure you.

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Lorak Rack'm up!

After a dash landing of OFGDASF Crack and Elite Queens Own Rifles of Canada vs. Menchies wonderful German Troops shot him up to no end! His lads had no chance. I could hear the Scot yelling and cussing from here in Germany. I must say though even though it was a double blind game.. it sucked!!! sucked large bad design.... I challange him to another battle worth singing songs about.

Allied Forces (OGSF other wise known as LOOSER)

130 casulties (30 KIA)

25 captured

5 men OK

Score: laughable 16%

Axis Forces (Mensch owka DA WINNER)

13 casulties (4 KIA)

2 Pillboxes KO'd

51 Men OK

Score: impressive 83%

I must add some salt to his wounds by adding his Moral was 0% and mine at a shocking 68%

I'm sure he will post soon, yelling and cussing in his favorate Scotlish tounge how he was robbed.. what I did find amusing is for the last 10 emails his only reply

"Where's my tanks!!"

yes if this was a true Historical Scenario the lad should have got bloody DD tanks and ARVE's but alas.. it was (the scenario) crapply made.

I still laugh at his weenie defeat, cuz he out manned me by 4:1.... HA HA!!

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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I awake to find that Seanachai has returned from forever riding 'neath the streets of Boston to post six pages of hoohah. I guess that explains WHY HE HAS NOT RETURNED HIS NEXT MOVE numbered with an "s".

I did think it peculiar when the appended "s" started showing up in response to my numerical progression. But then I expect peculiar behavior from a tired old folkie who still believes "If I had a hammer" is the finest song ever written, next to "The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" that is. And he lives upstairs from his mother like Jeffrey Dahmler, another fine product of Minnesota with peculiar "tastes".

There can be no true healing and forgiveness in the Seanachai matter until he repents. I note that his overly long song to self after the verdict contains not one whit of repentance. Not even a simple, "I'm sorry". Hell, even Mace can murmur that phrase, and in fact does so every time he looks in the mirror.

So I say Seanachai must be re-tried and re-hung. Plus, his reasoning is faulty indeed for seeking new quality recruits to the Cesspool in a grog thread. Quality is anti-thetical to the Pool. You don't find leeches in a pond of healthy fish. And the inhabitants here both act fishy and smell fishy, and a few even have scales.

Now, I endured without complaint the disappearing number system of Elvis. I dutifully numbered the files, and they dutifully were overwritten when I saved the return file from Elvis. Again, I accept peculiar behavior from peculiar people.

It's early yet, but all this wisdom I am sharing pro bono with you gits is making me woozy. Perhaps I shall relieve the tension of reading the garbage posted by having a quick and productive visit to Mr. Crapper.

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Several of you have taken shots at me and my effeminate behavior...I am just as God made me so you cruel people should stop picking on me for being such a girl...It is very mean.

There now I feel better.

I took the time to read your retorts and have only seen one with a reason beyond "it's what everyone else does so I do it too". And that came from the Lizardboy. I almost never go back and rewatch movies. If you are a person who does it very often then I can see why you might want to save every file. When I want to save a file for future watching (which I have done on very rare occasions...I still have two movies from when I beat Kitty with my conscript Poles against her Vet. German armor and a file or two from SSpantywad {no a pooler}) I save the file under different name. I don't see the need to junk up my PBEM with 40/50/60 files per game being played so that I might want to watch one or two movie files again.....Doesn't seem worth the effort.

So I put it to you hammerheads that not only can no one give me a reason that numbering "must" be done but no one can even give me a good reason for doing.

Use your heads people...don't let conformity own your lives. You have found a spot in the world where you finally feel accepted, unlike the real world, and you are trying to make sure you "fit in" the only society that will have you by obeying some silly waste of space and cause of clutter (much like my postings).

Now someone who has a pair take your best shot of telling me why I'm wrong instead of the "he can't count" lines (which are hilarious by the way).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

That's as high as I can count.

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I must agree with Elvis here: 40 is as high as he can count. I also agree with his analysis of turn numbering. It sucks and is stupid and a waste. I do it because I suck, am stupid and a waste. What really sucks is that Eudora forces me into involuntary turn numbering. Unless there is a switch somewhere of which I am not aware, Eudora will kindly refuse to overwrite a file, and instead appends an incremental numeral to the end of the file.

Elvis and I screeched violently at each other over this before I realized what was going on: he blamed me for numbering, I accused him of shoddy cheap jokestering - it was ugly. But it was all Eudora's fault, the whore.

I do find it strange that the convict Seanachai chooses to add an 's' to his return files. I am certain that it has something to do with being almost Canadian. I also find it strange that he is getting away with time served.

I would also like a ruling on jd's motion that the convict Seanachai was my agent and therefore I am guilty as well. I would be quite pleased with a guilty verdict. Then maybe this whole Peng thread crap will wither and die as it should have a year ago.

Piss off


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I can't let this issue go..it has been bugging me for to long and has now reached the boiling point.

Before any of you post a reply trying to shoot me down just do this one thing (esp. you people that hve many games going). Go look in your PBEM file and wherever else you download turns and look at it...then ask yourself "do I realy nee all this junk?". I think you will answer no.

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Well, I can add one little anecdote about how serial numerators and obsessive file hoarders don't have it when they need it. And I'm talking games here, not sex lives.

Several moons ago, I was playing Mark IV, who admitted to saving every file from every game he ever played for some obscure reason I don't recall. He said he had megabytes of them. But when he lost track of the current game, he was unable to dig it out of his hoarded stash of .txt files. Naturally, I saved the day by easily locating the file in question. (BTW, I also won that match, of course, and he dried up and snuck away "on business" like a slug crawling down the Fresno freeway on an August afternoon. I think he now keeps himself busy trying to coax Hiram into playing again.)

So Elvis has a point. I save the games until they're finished just in case the nitwits I'm playing can't find a file, but then I erase 'em.

Also, I have actually met Elvis in person. Yes, he is high-strung and a little light on his feet, but he has covered it well by having a real wife and a real son who are quite normal and nice. Which is more than most of you who are seeing "Final Fantasy" for the umpteenth time in the hope that it will all become real. And then we have the animal "husbandry" crowd. You know who you are.

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

... I save the games until they're finished just in case the nitwits I'm playing can't find a file, but then I erase 'em.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And -- though I only reluctantly get into this pseudo-grog conversation (damn you Seanachai) -- similarly, I only retain the file that I have most recently received and the file I just sent out. That way, if my oppo loses his original, I can send it back, for whatever reason. Plus, after long delays (and you know who you are), I can answer an email of "now where were we?" with "you sent #xx last."

Sure I have to hit "delete" two or four (if zipped) times when prepping to send, but as I am not a girly-man like Elvis, this presents no hardship.

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Well I have to admit I am a number sender.

But I don't see what the big deal is either way. I go for the simple sequential order where one person sends all even turns and the other will send all odd turns. Renaming files is a no brainer, hell just backspace once and type a digit.

As for a crap load of files in my PBEM folder...

Yes you do manage to get quite a bit.

I have a seperate folder for every person I play. Then when the game is over I just delelte the whole folder.

But hey I'll live with whatever the guy/gal I am playing wants.

Except!! for those people that try to follow the damn game turns!! I still can't figure out all that lorak-foe-T1,lorak-foe-t1tm,lorak-foe-t1m,

crap like that trying to keep up with ever step of every turn and matching the game turn.



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That's swell knowing how you guys name the files and how you delete them but no one has really provided me with the reason of why you do. As long a you have the most recent file that is all you need. Why do you need the last file you received AND the last file you sent? You should only need the last file you sent in case the hammehead you're playing loses it. And to do that renaming the file isn't needed.

It is not a hardship to delete the files but it is a drag and clutter....for what purpose?

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We've been indulging your limited aspirations regarding a debatable topic. How about something a little more scintillating, like "where is Chandra Levy"?

Personally, I think she was hitch-hiking across Kentucky when she was picked up by a horny alcohol-crazed pervert who likes big boobs and young bodies. Got any idea who??

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Who is Lars? And why is he bugging me? My email sits on a server and not my computer like these 1MB PBEM files. Old email gets deleted for me without me doing anything and if I want to save it I can. So shut up you lice brain unless you can be the one person that can provide me with a reason to number turns. Something no one has done yet.

Oh my God....I am losing my mind...and that would suck because something that small will be very hard to find. New baby, no sleep, quit smoking, working too hard and too long are all taking their toll on me...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Boy, I hate people who never clean out their e-mail inbox. Almost as bad as those who number their turns.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


You are comparing Apples with Squid. Keeping a clean in-box should only be of concern to females, anyway. ah damn that is right we have determined that Elvis is in fact female. Elvis you silly girl, KEEP YOUR BOX CLEAN.

Oh, and Lars, have a nice warm glass of shut the hell up. I got chunks of guys like you in my stool. Who the hell even asked your puny little opinion anyway? Did Pshaw give you permission to speak? If he did he'll get a boot in the groin. It is your little snide sniping garbage mouth that threatens to turn this thread into a grog-like outerboard pissing contest. Do not come here and attempt to make sense or bring any facts to bear. That is not for us. If you want to be one of us then you are more pathetic than we originally thought and will not have you, and you must also stick by the rules which have been told umpteen (that is one of my least favorite adult oriented non-numbers - it is as if I have gone into parent mode or something. feh!) times what the rules are and where you should go.

SO the issues is settled. Those who think turn numbering is worthless and for mooks and the feeblemided are right and true, and those who are for turn numbering are feebleminded mooks and should be put down with big fat put downy things.


edited for ubb failures

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

That's swell knowing how you guys name the files and how you delete them but no one has really provided me with the reason of why you do. As long a you have the most recent file that is all you need. Why do you need the last file you received AND the last file you sent? You should only need the last file you sent in case the hammehead you're playing loses it. And to do that renaming the file isn't needed.

It is not a hardship to delete the files but it is a drag and clutter....for what purpose?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My God, Elvis, we don't have to prove you wrong, as genetics has done that for us already. Do what ever you like with your turns, we aren't coming to your house to watch tumbleweeds blow across your empty and uncluttered hard drive.

Just stop demanding that everyone else in the universe climb on board the latest quirk in your spiralling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and allow the rest of us to do what we want with our files, Rainman.

And we never said you couldn't count. What we said was 'you don't count'. Several of us, of course, did point out that you can count, but only with difficulty and by concentrating to a point that usually causes you to wet yourself.

People (well, Lawyer, actually) are demanding that I apologize for inviting Grogs into the Thread, while Elvis is on his umpteenth iteration of his innumeracy rant, and no one's shot him yet. Someone run out and get a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy to come in here and put a warning shot through the back of his head.

(edited to remove referance to an actual number that might have sent him off into another fit of gibbering. Hopefully the child will take after the mother).

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

My God, Elvis, we don't have to prove you wrong, as genetics has done that for us already. Do what ever you like with your turns, we aren't coming to your house to watch tumbleweeds blow across your empty and uncluttered hard drive.

Just stop demanding that everyone else in the universe climb on board the latest quirk in your spiralling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and allow the rest of us to do what we want with our files, Rainman.

And we never said you couldn't count. What we said was 'you don't count'. Several of us, of course, did point out that you can count, but only with difficulty and by concentrating to a point that usually causes you to wet yourself.

People (well, Lawyer, actually) are demanding that I apologize for inviting Grogs into the Thread, while Elvis is on his umpteenth iteration of his innumeracy rant, and no one's shot him yet. Someone run out and get a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy to come in here and put a warning shot through the back of his head.

(edited to remove referance to an actual number that might have sent him off into another fit of gibbering. Hopefully the child will take after the mother).

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

what'd he just say?

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