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Peng Challenge . . . by Jury

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB(I exempt Lawyer as he contributed nothing ... as usual) [/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I contribute this, you nasty vaporous faux humanoid. Any REAL LAWYER would appeal the case! Apparently, that is beyond your pale, joe shaw (belittled intentionally).

Plus, I always contribute my warm charming personality to the MBT. Pro bono, in fact.

And one must inquire... WHERE IS SEANACHAI?

[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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"WAIT! We wants a hangin'!"

"We ain't 'eard from the Bard yet."

"We wanted somefing gory!"

"Draw and Quarter 'em!"

"Kills the Defense!"

"Ook, ook, what's that bright shiny thing all about, then?"

"We wants a SPECTACLE!!"

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We waz robbed!!! We wanted a hanging....

*pulls out rope and makes noose*

...and by crikey we are going...

*fastens one end to a beam of the roof*

...to have ONE!!!!!

*climbs on chair, slips noose around neck, and kicks chair away*



[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

After careful consideration I am taking a more militant stance on something I feel very strongly about and have had enough of. From this point on I will not play anyone who insists on numbering turns (the only exception being CMMC battles because they represent the only real reason I can think of to number turns at all). When a game begins with one of you cretins I will remind you of this and if the return file I receive is numbered I will not even give the curtouesy of letting you know why I am stopping the game I will just delete the file and not answer questions as to where the file is. Any curent games that I have going that people are numbering (I never number mine I just send back the same file name that was sent to me) will continue and you may do as you see fit with regard to numbering.

I wish I knew who started this whole numbering thing because it is the only truely stupid thing that people do. There is only one real reason that someone might want to number turns and that is if they are writing an AAR.. Any other reason I have ever heard has been answered by and shown to be silly. I do not wish to debate this issue any more than I already have with some of you (jd and Markymark4 come quickly to mind). I doubt this will stop any of you hat want a shot at the unbeatable Elvis from challanging me. If it does Idon't care because I usually have more games going than I can handle anyway ya yellow cowards.

I will allow a brief bit of debate but it will most likely jus involve me copy/pasting emails sent to jd and Mark69 as they seemed pretty much to sum it up and answer any weak reasons you hammerheads try to come up with. Since I am on typing roll here I will cover the major bases.

1) "you can keep track ofwhose turn it is" ARE YOU NUTS!!! If you are not sureif it is your turn try to open the file..if it asks for your password then it is your turn...if it doesn't then it is your opponants turn.

2)"But if I have it numbered I don't have do that". What takes up more time....doing what I stated above the very few occations you wll have to do it or cleaning out all the piles of game files in your PBEM folder. I don't know about you but I don't lose track of wose turn it isvery often but I do find myself cleaning out my cluttered PBEM folder pretty often.

3) It is not a problem for me at this point but those files eat up a decent amount of drive space.

4) And another thing about "it lets me know if it's my turn or not" What if you numbered the file like a good little conformist but forgot to email it? You don't know that anymore if you number it than if you don't.

I have many many more reasons but I am at work and duty calls.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think the real reason is that you can't count higher than 3.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

I think the real reason is that you can't count higher than 3.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Wun! Tae! A lot!!"

Ah waish tae controvershully state, tha Ah didnae aintend tae number mah haddocks nae more. Ah'm sick oop an' faid o' tha demn thangs bein' mis-sorted an' Ah faill tha' an entire lack o' numberin' wid bae a major enhancemaint tae mah haddock managemaint rrrroutine. An' afore ye git all worked oop aboot at, Ah alraidy knoo wha' ye gwintae sae! Tha's reet, hoo kin ye possibly knoo whuch haddock ye just salted af'n ye didnae number thaim? Tae whuch Ah am obleeged tae rahplee, wha' gi's ye tha notion tha Ah gi' a flyin' ****e? Ye'll noo sae mah wid tha veins poppin' oot o' mah forehaid af'n Ah shid encoonter a wince noombered haddock! Mah advice tae ye noomber retaintive bastarrds ais tae gi' tae baid wi a coop o' ho' chocolate an' a viagra pill. Tha' ho' chocolate waill send ye tae sleep, an' tha viagra waill stop ye fraim rollin' oot o' baid.

Noo, sod off a lot.


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M'Lud Lorak! Knights and Squires of the Cesspool! And gentle readers of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread

I stand before you, a man accussed, a man villified, a man judged. I reminisce before you, a man of remembrance. I remain before you, a man well satisfied.

I come before you tonight, not to praise Peng, but to remember him. I cast before you memories, scattered like pearls before swine (and never, in human history, has that bit of hubris been more justified).

I remember the first post I ever read by Peng. And I remember my reaction. I remember thinking: 'That goddamn sonofabitch is a complete ****e, and is looking to kick off an hideous flame-war.' Imagine my surprise, confusion, and guarded delight, when I realized that the vicious, syphilitic postings of Mr Peng were treated as the musings of the Ultimate Curmudgeon...that is to say, the ultimate 'Peng Challenge Threader'.

And so I made a choice, and posted my 'challenge' to Peng. There was barely a Beta Demo then, and I, no Grog, no Significant Contributor, no Long Time Poster, still sallied forth, and flung my gage at the feet of Peng. Puzzled, he accepted.

Surprise surmounted surprise. For, having 'Challenged' Peng, I found the Evil Berli had shown up and met 'The Peng Challenge', and in Peng's own name. Soon others had flocked to make their own challenges, and mocked and belittled the posters, and done further damage to the 'gentlemanly' behaviour of the Board.

Dizzy with the joy of taunt and boast, counter-taunt, and opponents of wit and sarcasm, I realized I had found a homeland. More joined us, including those reprobates from the convict nation Down Under, such as the Lizard King. Swedes appeared. The Horror of the Mormon Wives occurred, and the survivor's, many of them deeply scarred, found Shaw amongst us. What a long, strange trip it became.

And then the Knights of the Cesspool were born. How many here remember crouching in the goddamn sewers under Minnesota Joe's house, taunting him? Who does not remember the creation of Squires, the realization that standards of participation would have to be set, and maintained? Then came Pengnarok, Pengerdammerung, and the death of the first Peng Challenge Thread, followed by schism, heresy, and the wars of religion.

They, in turn, were laid to rest by the creation of the Office of the Inquisition, with Meeks, Arch-Heretic, repentant and brought back into the fold by the promise of amnesty and power, named as Inquisitor General. Followed, of course, by the horrible Dark Age of the Meeks Persecution, when, mad with power and orthodoxy, Meeks alienated everyone in sight, and finally fled the Thread of threads to read Playboys in Finnish, and, as far as can be determined, to conduct Polar Bear Scat studies.

Finally, there were the dark days of disaffection and ennui, anger and despair. And the Old Ones went into the landscape yet uncharted, and waited for the people to follow them.

And the People have continued their noisy, contentious, and chaotic journey into what was nothing, to be the now, and to continuously create the World that is the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread. And the world they have created stretches out behind them. And some parts are great, and some are good, and many are complete ****e, but they continue to Stomp Upon the Terra.

Now, I am accused of crimes against the Peng Challenge Thread, and I one of the Old Ones.

There is no doubt that what Berli has accused me of, I have done. What is at question is the nature of the 'guilt' in what I have done.

There is an ignobility amongst the folk of the Peng Challenge Thread that is quite noble.

Some among the Outer Boards have seen it, and recognized it for what it is. Others, deeply humourless, or, perhaps, so certain in their moral rectitude (Yes, my friends, join me in a hearty 'Sit Down, Bauhus!') of their fitness to judge the behaviour of others, and find them wanting, have dismissed the Peng Challenge Thread, have disparaged it, have, on many occassions, even called for its banishment, or elimination.

But we of the Peng Challenge Thread, walking forever forward into the cybernetic nothingness of 'never never, but will be and always was' know that the New Folk will show up. Some as gypsies, some as squatters, most moving on, forgotten, or leaving but a quaint tale behind them, but all of them moving the Thread on into the Dreamtime, leaving only reality in their wake.

Berli, as the Spirit in the Desert, is the Great Devourer, the Unmaker, the Spirit of Flame and Deception that knows that every thread in a pattern must eventually be cut. Berli is the knowledge of what is the Future. Peng is the Spirit of Judgement, the Now, the Moment, the Great Drunkeness of Existence that cannot remember yesterday, and can't be troubled about tomorrow.

And I, I am the Past, and so I lead the way. I invite in the New Folk, and have a care for where we are going next, for without moving forward, the Past is a memory without rememberers, and no one new will be raised up in the Way Things Were, and Shall Be, and are Bloody Well Going To Be, and so I find myself, on occassion, in the Outer Boards, that often dull, occassionally sublime, and always, always, the tedious present, and sometimes, I tell them about the Dreamtime. I tell them about the Peng Challenge Thread. And I tell them that the Challenge can be theirs.

Some are so stubbornly judgemental that they ignore the offer. Others, as I've said, so humourless that they resent the offer, and grow angry. Others are insecure and rather paltry little people, so wrapped up in the glory and importance they imagine, and even require, to be themselves, that anything that doesn't reflect that is wrong and must be suppressed. And some are just wrapped up in their own concerns, and have never even heard of the Peng Challenge Thread.

And some, in all fairness, enter to encounter a fair amount of tediousness in the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread, or bursts of crassness, and decide to give it a miss. No one can blame them. But we should never cease trying to make them realize that, if all the truly gifted and interesting people in the world came in here and headed off into the Wasteland, this would be one of the most truly briliant, entertaining, and thought provoking places in the Universe.

Even now it's way ahead of television for entertainment; kinder and gentler, even at it's worst, than politics; and frankly, far less sick and disturbing than what I hear on my drive to work each morning.

I have invited in the Grogs. I have made offers, that were not strictly mine to make, to the Outer Boarders. I have attempted, M'Lud Lorak, Knights and Ladies of the Cesspool, and you Gentle Readers of the Outer Boards, to save those who were redeemable, and in so doing, to save us all.

Oh, and I'm always looking for a bit of new talent for the jolly singsongs.

Now, Berli, you see, is not into salvation. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread (the mad old man declaims) I am the One who is all about redemption.

Lorak has judged, the Seniour Knights have had their smile, the Knights have cavorted like a gang of f'ing seals, the Squires have been stalwart, and as thick as two short planks, and even the Pissboys, serfs, and SSNs have done their part. The rest is...well, the rest is what shall happen next, now isn't it?

I trust that I have answered at such length and obtuseness as to provide the bonafides that I am indeed the Seanachai, the Bard of the Peng Challenge Thread, a Cesspool bard though I may be, bolded or not, as you choose, and an Old One of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread.

Oh, and for those of you who question where I've been all this time, more on that anon.

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I begin to understand why that book of mine "Famous Scottish Battles" is just a litany of defeats: no one could understand a goddam thing anyone else was saying! Even when I was lost in the Spey Valley (and what a place to be lost in!), a farmer in a tractor pulled up to give me directions to Glenlivit. I swear before that jewish carpenter dude: I still have not the slighest idea what in the Hell he said to me... and me, a professional drunk!

OffalStinkin'GassyFeltcher, while you may be prolix, jimmy, you're still no better than when I, a rank SSN git, kicked your heather up around your Wick. If you care to salvage what little (sorry for the physical reference there, Emma, I'm sure it's not true for all your Alban mates) prickly, thistlely honor you might be hiding in that TINY sporran of yours, send one on, JIMMY!

PS Nice to have you back, Seanachai. Note whatever bolding you like, but just send the fecking turn. Rune's waiting.

[edited 'cause Seanachai's back, Elvis still sounds like a chick, and my stalkette got a really nice haircut]

[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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Sure go ahead and line up to make fun of the guy who finally says stop the madness...each of you lemmings go back and ask your "I want to be loved" selfs why you number. I bet not a single one of you fools can come up wih a better reason than "everyone numbers files..it's what we do". Wankers.

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"We wants some blood!"

"We need the distraction to continue, to endure, to prolong the engagement of our fleeting, spot-like attention."

"Feed the SSN's to the 'gators!"

"Praise the Thread Eternal!"

"Who's givin' a ride out to Leech Line 19?"

"Is that all there is?"

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Seanachai, never let it be said that I am without compassion, that I am mean spirited nor that I harbour grudges (and certainly NOT that I harbour seals). I choose to beleive that you have learned your lesson and I, as Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool say to you ... GO FORTH, AND SIN NO MORE ... or is it Go Sin and Froth No More? No matter. You name is now bolded again and shall remain so until such time as you exhibit recidivist tendencies and should that time come, rest assured that the Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool SHALL BE ON THE CASE AGAIN.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...rest assured that the Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool SHALL BE ON THE CASE AGAIN.


"We knew there'd be a hangin'!"

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Well ,here I am, another year older and gosh darn it, another year better looking.

Thank to all for your birthday wishes, now kindly sod off.

As to the rumour that Lorak is my twin, well, best speak to mother about that.

Nice to see that the trial of Seanachai is over but a shame to have to hand my Stenographer back. Mind you, tail gunners Richards and Jolie were starting to show a little of the green eyed monster as young 'Buffy' was getting rather 'attached' to my person and god knows I would have had a Berli of a time controlling a 3-way cat fight with one arm in a sling.

On the subject of the injury, my charming doctor has decreed that I am too poorly to attend work for at least another two weeks.

The longer I am off work, the more my accident insurance will pay so its a win-win for your old Uncle Stukey.

Now two weeks should give me enough time to study Elvis' numbering theorem to deduce a reason as to why files are numbered. I must admit, I've always done it but for what reason? Hmmm, I'll jot down a small thesis on the matter and report back, or not.

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(MrSpkr and jdmorse exit the courthouse and walk to the waiting crowd of reporters. The klieg lights snap to life, bathing all in their unearthly glow. A comely reporterette grabs MrSpkr and pulls him in front of the lights. The local blow dry tv-news guy grabs a protesting jdmorse and leads him towards cameras some distance away.)

Shapely Reporterette: MrSpkr, do you have any comment on todays ruling?"

MrSpkr: "Of course, Tawni. Todays ruling has clearly exonerated my client. As we have maintained all along, this so-called 'prosecution' was nothing more than pure character assassination and slander, led, of course, buy that saturnine malcontent, Joe Shaw."

Reporterette: "But MrSpkr, wasn't your client found guilty of one of the two counts against him?"

MrSpkr: "A mere technicality that will be rectified by appeal. Obviously, Judge Lorak was throwing a bone to the prosecution in this matter. Seanachai proved, and the evidence clearly showed, that the entire stunt to lure grogs into the Muthah Beautiful Thread was nothing more than bait for an ambush."

Reporterette: "But didn't Judge Lorak note that, as a bard, Seanachai had a higher duty to speak the truth, and that by lying, he breached that duty?"

MrSpkr: "Well, it might seem that way to the uninitiated, but those rules certainly did not apply in this case. Seanachai's post was neither prose nor verse; therefore, the duties and obligations of a bard did not apply to the specific statement in question. We are quite confident the appellate court will agree on this issue, and look forward to clearing Seanachai's name once and for all."

Reporterette: "But why would Judge Lorak miss such an obvious call?"

MrSpkr: "Well, as an officer of the court, I feel it is inappropriate for me to speculate as to why the judge may or may not have made a certain call. I would, however, point out one fact: Judge Lorak did not seem all that upset when jdmorse revealed that Mr. Shaw had recruited RuPaul to serve as the judge's, umm, PERSONAL assistant. In fact, if anything, he seemed a little MORE, er, distracted, than before."

Reporterette: "I see. Well, what are you going to do now?"

MrSpkr: "Well, I think I'm going to point out to my colleague, Lawyer, the fact I saw his wallet in Joe Shaw's briefcase (although it did look a little empty). Then I'm going to that bar over there. I might even buy a round or two. Care to find out?"

Reporterette: "Well, there you have it. Seanachai is once again a free man, and I appear to have a new story to follow. This is Tawni Reynolds, live at the Cesspool Courthouse. Back to you in the studios, Dan."

Dan the TV News Guy: "Thank you, Tawni. Next up, we have the story of a man who hasn't bathed in three hundred and eighty five days -- get ready to meet, Communist Churchpipes. First, though, the tragic story of a crossbreeding experiment gone horribly awry. From the Ralston-Purina Goat and Dog grounds comes the story of a young lad we will simply call Pats-her- surfer42 -- right after this word from our sponsors."

(fade to black)

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Sure go ahead and line up to make fun of the guy who finally says stop the madness...each of you lemmings go back and ask your "I want to be loved" selfs why you number. I bet not a single one of you fools can come up wih a better reason than "everyone numbers files..it's what we do". Wankers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For the bloody love of a Nazerene on a crutch, would you shut the hell up about turn numbering, you pillock?!

Now, Elvis, while I realize that you are...well, not the identical, nor fraternal, but rather 'emotinally sequential' twin of Peng himself, your going on about the turn numbering thing is complete ****e.

Here I am, playing PBEMs against the like of Bauhuas, who starts out relatively on-board, and slowly switches to a system of turn-numbering that he claims to have learned from 'the Rats of NIMH'. I enjoy a hearty chuckle over the difficulties of getting the goddamn things into my subfolders without constant vetting, only to slowly discover that OGSF has apparently been bathing in the same font of madness, with occassional resets.

Berli, of course, chooses to return the next sequentially numbered turn, or something labeled 'Deal With It, Signed, Satan'.

Peng sends me anything from the next, sequentially numbered and properly named turn to something sent to another player, to something intended for another player, to something disguised as a turn to another opponent, but that is, in fact, the next turn in our game.

Mensch sends me turns named after pets he's owned, or, more disturbingly, women he's slept with, and there's no goddamn way to tell which is which, and even a close analysis of his email remarks leave you wondering who was named what. I still retain an appaling affection for MadMensch, because both his posts and his email are like an ongoing encounter with the works of Thomas Pynchon, except that Mensch is a little less literary and and can't vet his posts for typos worth ****e.

Most everyone else makes occassional errors, and, whenever I make a mistake, Shaw calls me a dumb ****.

And do you know who always returns every single goddamn turn to me, correctly numbered in sequence, even when I get the sequence wrong, and has noted without having it explained my personal system of marking my turns with an 's' to help with my own internal record keeping, and never fails to mark his returns with a 'p'?

Pawbroon. You whinging, Philadelphia waste of genetic material, The French, with noblesse and complete aplomb, manage a task which has actually occupied your alcohol sodden brain to the extent of posting complete ****e about your inability to count to 21 without removing socks, shoes, and undoing your goddamn zipper, and then whining about how you can't get past 20 because 'little elvis' is lost in pee-stained cotton that you simply aren't sober enough to navigate through.

How I loathe you.

And I don't say that just because you beat me in our first game, you resident of Baja-New Jersey. A quick analysis of America reveals the only useful, contributing purpose of Pennsylvania to be keeping the more useful and intelligent portions of America buffered from the useless detritus of the Eastern Seaboard, as no worthless sack of ****e from New York or New Jersey would risk the travails of crossing the Pennsylvania wastelands to impose their failure of vision and personal worthlessness on the rest of the country, while assuring themselves that they are the very pinnacle of mankind, because they're not from Pennsylvania.

As such, I suppose we should honour you, but I'd prefer to wait for one of those brief periods of lucidity in which you and I both have time free in which I can instruct you in the need to maintain some connection to reality, and at least a passing familiarity with a numerical system not based on whether you're incarcerated or not, while attempting not to damage your psyche further by calling up images of the those days when the long-suffering school that you attended (doubtless Catholic, and filled with shame by your progress), attempted to teach you 'math songs', and were subjected to the vision of you groping for '21', and challenge you to another game. You pillock.

Now, if you've nothing more to contribute to the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread than that you're a complete and utter tit, then I advocate sending you to the Outer Boards as an Ambassador, to prove that we can be just as goddamn fixated on issues of no sodding importance to the continued existence of the Universe as the most stupid of Outer Board discussions, ala: 'more graphically and blood covered, it-takes-the-numerical-display-of-an-entire-village, why can't I make my Heavy Machine Gun squads run for office in an attempt to properly determine the German superiourity that is intrinsic in both optical equipment and the need to represent vehicles that make me dribble a bit of saliva while retaining my right to judge the statements of everyone else as making me go ha-ha!, a submissive/masochistic vision of why the Outer Boards often do not enthrall' sort of post.

It takes it right out of a man to write run-on ****e like that, but it's still preferable to some dog-piss sodden Philadelphian going on about his irritation with a sequential numbering system.

Let me know when you've overcome your deep-seated fixation with the horrors of male menopause, and we shall play our second game. You pillock.

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Of course in his Cheesesteak mentality, Elvis has of course missed an extremely god reason to number files, especially when playing him - So you can watch the movies of his pained death over and over! For all his prancing and preening will not be able to disguise the fact that in our last match, I did uphill(both ways), in the rain, with green troops, kick his lily white ass across the map.

Favourite movies from this encounter (in order):

23. His AVRE getting nailed without firing a shot

B12. His Wolverine getting nailed without firing a shot.

QQ. Using infantry guns (on attack) to wipe out a platoon of mortars

(i) Watching his arty fall for several consecutive turns on woods I had previously cleared.

Oh sure, you may say that the snapshots should suffice, but the crowd prefers live action video.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Well ,here I am, another year older and gosh darn it, another year better looking.

Thank to all for your birthday wishes, now kindly sod off.

Nice to see that the trial of Seanachai is over but a shame to have to hand my Stenographer back. Mind you, tail gunners Richards and Jolie were starting to show a little of the green eyed monster as young 'Buffy' was getting rather 'attached' to my person and god knows I would have had a Berli of a time controlling a 3-way cat fight with one arm in a sling.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here, lad, I've largely overcome my objections to you. But let's be real, adult, men-of-the-world, lad, and set aside all this useless posturing about plastic women on media channels, and examine the realities of existence, and come to grips with the fact that, unless you hired some blondie to be pictured with on Lorak's site, your own lovely wife is a goddamn babe.

And, by your near constant and almost incomprehensibly odd postings on this Thread, a woman of singular perception.

Now, lad, a man who then makes boasting posts regarding women who are about as 'real' as Joan of Arc or Salome, is a man who's either an idjit, or who fears he doesn't deserve what he has.

I'd like to think Colin, you , and the Missus are going for a bit of a walk-about soon, while mocking fools, and you and yer own lovely wife staring deep into each other's eyes, while you clasp her hand and assure her that she will never, ever, actually have to meet me.

Young love. You useless lucky pillock.

Send me another setup.

Richards? Jolie? Bah, lad.

Oh, and happy birthday, you annoying Aussie ****e. Sorry to hear that your (rather disturbing and very sad) phyiscal injuries didn't occur while it could have done my troops some bloody good. Heal up quick, or I'll draw out my life's savings to come and console your poor, poor, blonde, young, beautiful, er...I'll come and have a bit of a singsong with your own lovely wife.

Neglected, no doubt, while you go on about women that are about as real as Leda and Europa. Pillock.

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For the -3 of you that care, I shall be leaving for Wisconsin (shudder) for a full week. I will be unable to dispense my wisdom during that time, as well as my challenge to Lard. Feel free to taunt and mock me during this time, as you no doubt will. I wish you all a slow, horrible death at the hands of Peng.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

For the -3 of you that care, I shall be leaving for Wisconsin (shudder) for a full week. I will be unable to dispense my wisdom during that time, as well as my challenge to Lard. Feel free to taunt and mock me during this time, as you no doubt will. I wish you all a slow, horrible death at the hands of Peng.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wish to apologize to the entire Peng Challenge Thread for the very existence of this alleged individual. He could, very likely, actually exist, but the fact that he does so does no one any credit, and especially does harm to our own fair State.

He is, self-admittedly, from Roseville, and apparently age 12. It is hard for me to properly express my apology, horror, and embarrasment.

I mean, Roseville. What useless, sordid, outer-ring suburb will show up next?

And I don't hold with High School students. If we acknowledge them, who will we let in next? The Mormons?!

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