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From the Holy Sh*t Files

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I was playing against my dad the other day in a PBEM scenario when I saw the most amazing thing.

This is in no way a complaint.

I scooted my US M3 halftrack around behind some buildings to find a German Puma lurking there.

Well, I knew he was there, but it sounds better that way.

To make a long story short, the halftrack ended up about 2 meters away from the puma firing its .50 cal the entire time. The Puma exploded and caught fire, knocking me off my chair.

It occurred to me that the way to explain this was that the .50 was high enough up and close enough to the Puma that it penetrated the top armor on the back deck.

What do you guys think?

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your experience is not unusual at all, rather it is what should be expected: the 50cal can kill the Puma from any aspect, look at the stats. Even from the front, I think it was the lower hull section which makes the Puma vulnerable to the 50cal even from the front.

I remember there was a discussion back then about the lower hull section armor thickness being different in the 234/1, 234/2 and 234/3. Only one, either the 2cm or the 7.5cm stub, can't remember which, has the thicker lower hullsection that makes the vehicle .50cal-proof from the front.

IIRC then that was a data glitch because the Puma was supposed to have the thicker lower hull section as well.

some fink like that.

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Ooooh. I LOVE that story.

Makes me sad, too.

I was playing Wiltz PBEM and I had set up a .50 crew in the woods, covering the open clearings in front of my Victory flag.

Around turn 10, those clearings fill up with 3 german halftracks and 1 PUMA. I'm practically peeing my pants, waiting for my turn to come back, as my orders for my .50 crew were simply to "un-hide." Hee hee hee . . .

Well, over the next two turns my boys fire off about 10 bursts at two of the tracks, plus the PUMA, but to NO EFFECT. Ugh. The PUMA and tracks then proceeded to kill off my entire crew. (Sniff)

I had already pictured a clearing FILLED with abandoned tracks. Alas, I was extremely unlucky. Or so it seems. smile.gif


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In A QB, a Marder III buzzed right by my MLR, sustaining no damage. It then came across my M3A1 HT and fired, immobilizing the HT and killing the gunner, but losing its TC. A 50 cal. that it had passed by then rotated and fired a long stream of bullets into the rear of the Marder, blowing it up.

Now that was cool... smile.gif

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I have lost 2 PzIV to Daimler AC to frontal shots in the 300 to 400 meter ranges (Panthers made short work of them after that).

Also once had a Stuart knocked out a Panther on at about 250 meters on the frontal hit (Panther was too busy blasting my TD care about the Stuart).

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I'm sure I read somewhere that the .50cal was designed (or based on a design) in WW1 specifically as an Anti-Tank Machine Gun, to deal with the newly arrived WW1 era tanks.

Hopefully a better grog than me will pick this up, but if you bear that in mind then it's no suprise that they can shred any light armour.

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who needs .50cals?? I'm playing a huge game with Jadayne made by The Desert Fox and all and I mean ALL of his American HT's have been wiped out by me using my MG's on my German Halftracks!!! :eek:

First off I have never taken out an American HT with any type of MG in my gaming time. But this battle I have taken out at least six of his little Purple Heart Boxes!! heh.. who would have thought my widdle HT crew loaded up with AP Tungsten rounds. heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cos:

I have lost 2 PzIV to Daimler AC to frontal shots in the 300 to 400 meter ranges (Panthers made short work of them after that).

Also once had a Stuart knocked out a Panther on at about 250 meters on the frontal hit (Panther was too busy blasting my TD care about the Stuart).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've had PzIV KO's by Daimlers & Stuarts at around 450m. I learned my lesson- now I keep the PzIV back and use StuG closer work if I have to.

.50cal can be further out to get kills- In Small Gain I had a .50 kill ACs, Lynx, and HTs at 500m. Maybe being in the Top Floor helped...better angle?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cos:

I have lost 2 PzIV to Daimler AC to frontal shots in the 300 to 400 meter ranges (Panthers made short work of them after that).


I have lost a Tiger to Daimler at 650 meters. Front penetration too.

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If you look at the stats for most modern light AFVs the most they boast on sides and top is proof against 7.62. The U.S. is currently fielding a new 4x4 AC for MP duties that can defeat .50 cal. but it had be made of fancy laminate armor. It's those heavy mgs and anti-tank rifles that prompted te Germans to start building bigger.

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