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The Peng challenge, a thread that will live in infamy

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Oh yes, that's interesting. Stalin's Cock seems to think that multiple posts will make up for singular neurons.

Peng, you still exist! Why haven't you shot these damn smilies? I try and try to resize my window but I still see them. Yech, blech and ech.

Where's Aitken, I miss him terribly! And jd, I resolve to play even more gamily and rotten, taking advantage of whatever loopholes still exist in the game, including the Pompous Frenchman code and the Wild Angry German Who Believes Free Speech is Wrong (Cough - Andreas - Cough) cheat. Oh, you will suffer the slings of outrageous fortune soon, you legally briefed pigmilker.

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Roight..I've shown the way - let us get rid of this abomination ASAP.

What fecking moronic idjit let this thing loose?? No, Not Go-down-on-me boy - it's about as much as I'd expect from a culturally advanced Aussie.

But who in their right mind would allow a statement of historical fact as a Peng thread title? And you morons all complain about the idjicy of SSN's??!! Sheesh - pot, meet kettle.....

As for the return of Croda - well so what? Another old fart has-ben who has to have a month off between games to recover? Is that supposed to impress?

Well it does actually! I wouldn't have though anyone with as few brains as he's reputed to have would have been able to find this thread with both hands!

You're all morons, the Aussies are even more moronic than usual, and hate is wasted on you!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh yes, that's interesting. Stalin's Cock seems to think that multiple posts will make up for singular neurons.


Calling an aussie a singlar Neuron is an insult to neurons you idjit!

Anyway - shouldn't you be buggering off and inheriting the earth or writing a sermon or something? Why have you come back here to bother good honest hard swearing SSN's? Don't you know that your time has passed and you shuold give up gracefully.....or disgracefully - hell either will do as long as you give up!

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[/ignore Stalin's Organ]

Mouse, I apologize.

Well, apology is a bit strong. Perhaps, I don't think you are quite as worthless as I thought you were.

No, that's not right either. Wait, wait, I've got it.

Mouse, You are an incredibly worthless git, but Lenin's Monkeyspank is truly more worthless than you could ever aspire to be.

Yes, that's it.

[ignore Stalin's Organ]

Croda and Meeks have returned? Swell. There goes the neighborhood.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

as for dweezlestick, with all of 5 posts methinks a poseur with some history.....as AquaPutridsuggest perhaps Andreas has returned or not.....he did show some immediate sparks with Croda which fits......hmmm inquiring minds want to know.......we however don't<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A poseur? Moi? Don't be silly. Simply a lurker who has watched the decline fo the thread with disinterest.

Tell me, is that the best your dull wit and simple mind can determine? That I might be [ugh] Germanboy? For your client's sake, I would hope you could do better.

However, you are correct in determining that I believe Croda to be an overrated, useless twit who should dodder back to the old age home. As for Elijah Meeks, well, it appears the heretic has returned to the fold.

How . . . disgusting. Rather like that twerp Stalin's Urinary Tract. Utterly useless.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Dweezil44 ]

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[The scene]

In the darkness of the deepest part of the cesspool, a lone figure sneaks. He has the assignment to spy on the Old Ones of the cesspool. Mace doesn't remember volunteering...but with the alcohol consumption in the Land of Sheep, it is amazing he remembers his name. Staying in the darkest shadows, he approaches the Old Ones and listens in...

Rune: "Add a pinch of SSN into the pot..."

The second dark figure does...

Rune:"Pour in the POD juice..."

Again, the second figure complys...

The second figure then speaks...

"Add a dash of our inner croda"

Rune does so, and a bright flash is followed by the shaking of the room for several minutes...

The two figures gather close to the kettle, and start laughing a laugh so evil, that it almost makes Mace forget about sheep.

"It is done. So evil...so totally evil that 8 small countries have already been over-thrown due to its influence. Who should tell the Cesspool about the ultimate evil we have created..."

The two figures whisper and Mace does not hear...

Rune once again speaks: "I will leave it up to you to tell the Pool then. The mere mortals do not have a chance....it is agreed then... Berli, go forth and tell the Cesspool what has been accomplished today..."

Mace runs away in fear when he realizes that Rune and Berli were working together....

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Well, well, well. Its a bright, shiney new day here in god's own country and as befits the best land on this ball of galactic mud, the MTB has come home to roost.

*Excuse me*

*Postures around the stage in a Mick Jagger impersonation of a viagra engorged rooster*

My condolences go out to my erstwhile compatriots, Macey Gray and Blo-anna, better luck next time chaps.

Is it mere co-incidence that two old guard members have wriggled out of the woodwork to participate in this incarnation?

I think not.

A hearty Gidday mate! to both Crow-duck and E. Geeks. Now sod off.

So nice to see that my thread title has annoyed Miss Shaw, my work there is done.

Perhaps I could have woven in a reference to my tail gunners to annoy Makin Bacon, *Sigh*, so many people to upset and so little time.

So for the next 250 odd posts you are all camped in my back yard, enjoying the sunshine. And the dust and the cactus' and the flies. Oh yes, and the rocks, must'nt forget the rocks, or the spiders and snakes.

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It appears that it falls to me, yet AGAIN, to set the record straight.

Elijah Meeks and Croda have returned I see ... please excuse me while I celebrate wildly ... whoppee ... as I've completed the celebration I shall continue.

The decision was made MANY threads ago that the CessPool should exhibit MORE CLASS and LESS CRASS, does that mean that all bile and venom is gone from the thread? Does it imply that we shall now be polite and show consideration for those lesser beings amongst us? Does it even suggest that we shall lower the flame used to scorch the idiots that wander in? IT DOES NOT!

More Class, Less Crass simply expresses the intent of the CessPool to make it's points using more Wit and less S**t.

Not because we wish to be politically correct, not because WE are offended by vulgar or common language and not because we fear that MadMatt will shut us down if we don't conform to published rules ... well okay, maybe THAT. No my despised community, it's because we HAVE A RIGHT TO EXPECT MORE OF CESSPOOLERS!

Now perhaps our NEARLY departed friends and the SSNs among us (some things just KEEP turning up like bad pennyies don't they) haven't been keeping up with the thread, if so then they may take this as an update. If they choose to ignore the wishes of the CessPool, may the wrath of the assembled fall upon them like a barrage of rickets spotted by an elite FO with gobs of TRPs and a clear LOS.

Finally, I don't know who this Swivel44 chap is, but I doubt that it's Germanboy. In the first place Germanboy wouldn't be AFRAID to tell us who he is, unlike Drizzle44, and in the second place he is just a BIT more lucid than Germanboy, don't you think?


[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Ahh well now that a thread has been decided on by the BTS overlords.

Tome updates:












Col Sanders-loss

So nice to see Croda and Meeks back..... but at the same time? I wonder if Croda is alaskian slang for cantonese girlfriend?

I guess we may never know....

Lorak the loathed

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Aiiieee! I have seen this..this...words fail to describe it!!!

The Rune/Berli spawn is an abomination of such evilness and corruption, that it blighted the pastural lands within 1000km of my house, and drove insane all those within 500km.

Curse them both!

Btw, Joseph's flacid member, by the jib of your posts I believe it time for your daily dose of mental viagra.


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It's true!

Should Davidov ever be forced to jump out a window or hide in his closet with his pants around his ankles there'll be time to recount a US presidential election before there's any actual action!

I predict that such a situation could quickly end all chance of him ever reproducing, and so it's something we can all hope for.

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My what a lunch I have had.

As many of you know, I like to read... a lot.

Yes I even manage not to move my lips when doing so. Sad thing is, I flit from subject to subject. Usually just grabing what ever catches my fancy as I roam the aisles.

But! I am never one to discount chance or circumstance.

So.. I was wondering the rows of books during lunch looking for something to read tonight. When I saw a book with its back facing me.

Being a nut. I originaly had just intended on turning it back around but decided to read the bac anyway.

"An ancient secret brotherhood.

A devastating new weapon of distruction.

An unthinkable target."

umm.. sounds intresting, let me read the rest of the cover.

Ahh, cryptic symbols seared into the flesh of a physicist? Vendetta against the Catholic church? The illuminati?

Yes this might be interesting.. The title?

"Angels and Demons"

I wonder who the author is?

Dan Brown

Well that just sums it up. Some twist of fate just can not be passed up. Angels, demons,burnt flesh, ancient brotherhoods and the illuminati, written by some guy claiming to be Dan Brown?

Just can not be chance that I found this book. It has to be a holy sign from the one true Peng himself.

....to be continued.

Lorak the loathed

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