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Does Peng Taste Gamey???

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Originally posted by Priest:

I HAVE RETURNED............and nobody cares

that be right preacher boy.. go back to your bibles and insest. er... insence..er.. the stuff you sniff all day to get a cheep high.

I suggest you start up a game with..oh.. croda.. I hear he's a easy win and he doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear" - but then again he doesn't know the meaning of most words.

I guess why no one noticed you is becuase you look different... you did something no? You look like a one eyed budgie with a squint now..oh thats it...

move along nothing here to see.. please don't feed the budgie.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily."

-Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Stuka:

That would be no gameyness such as that displayed by your Armoured car which, on the first turn of our battle, charges at full speed roight through my town to my end of the map?

Surely not in an attempt to intercept any reinforcements I may be receiving? Hmmm?

Ahh - I just saw this.

Picture this... You are in command of some elite Hamster scouts with light armour. You know the bloody French place ahead of you is full of petulant and obnoxious Frenchies with an attitude and the belief that they have a right to shoot at you with their hunting rifles, bloody Franc-Tireurs. So yes, since you have more of these armoured cars than you can shake a stick at, you use one of them for the express purpose to machine-gun any sort of reinforcements the smelly Camembert eaters (who no doubt resent it dearly to be commanded by an Aussie from the country of inferior w(h)ines) may or may not receive.

If said Aussie CO doesn't block the road through the town before biting the hand that subdued his lot so well in 1940, then I would suggest that is not gameyness on my part, but lack of oversight on his. Deal with it buster. A nicely positioned Bazooka would have done the trick - if you don't have any, take it up with Berli or your quartermasters in London.

Also, although I probably should not tell you this - you now have an unsupported AC at the wrong end of the town. If you can not take it out, I suggest you go back to playing with your Barbie doll and sell your copy of CMBO.

If it was 'your' town, pray tell how could I charge through it and live? Eh?

Edit - David beat you all to it. Treeburst155 will be humiliated while attacking me on one of David's maps.

Abbott - I am afraid I am not very much into meeting engagements.

Berli - I give yours a whirl with somebody else.

Did I miss someone who offered?



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 03-23-2001).]

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me you git. (germanlad) hahaha.. yes I still have the file, no I have not touched it and yes eventually I will.. you know why and Live With It.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily."

-Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

... I think I got a dud squire.


Sir PansyNZer

Pray, what have I done to offend thee?

While in Holland, I pined by your abscence, I could not sleep a wink in the sewerage pit you knidly gave me as shelter, for a broken and empty heart.

I have redecorated my pit, by the way. The bricks, chicken bones and broken wine bottle you knidly tossed my way last night sit proudly pushed into the soft walls. Could I ask that when you next give such generous gifts that you don't throw them so violently, Sir. My ability to eat solid food has passed into history now that my only remaining tooth was dislodged by the brick. And the bottle has unfortunately removed one of my lips while I vainly tried to lick up the last drops of that tremendous wine. All that is an aside now, anyway, as one of the chicken bones I was sucking the fat off slipped from my grasp and has become embedded at the back of my throat, ending my ability to consume any foodstuffs at all, Sir.

I will, however, endevour to serve you to the very best of my ability, and have constructed my very own gift to you, Sir. If you would kindly follow me into the woods over there, I will present you with my gift, at not inconsiderable cost of labour and expense.

...What, Sir? That horde of youths with clubs and batons? No, Sir, I do not know who they are or what they are doing in our path.

They look angry, Sir? Caressing their weapons, Sir? No, surely not. Merely passing the time in a community get-together, probably.

They're running this way, Sir? Shouting and screaming bloodthirsty war cries, Sir? 'Tis but a game, I'm sure, Sir.

Actually, I think I have neglected one of my duties. I don't think I quite got the buff right on your horse's arse, you kindly asked of me, Sir. If you would kindly excuse me for just a moment, I will attend to it immediately...


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

that loathsome neo-weasel Agua Perdido, he who came among us spouting Very Bad Prose

Yes, it has been a while... thanks for reminding me.

[setting: Space. A plastic spaceship model floats against the www.hamsterdance.com background animation. You can almost see the wire.]

[Cut to: Bridge of spaceship. The incredibly annoying "hamsterdance" background music (ie, that bizarre Roger-Miller-meets-The-Chipmunks version of "Do-Wack-A-Doo") plays at high volume. The CAPTAIN GUY is pounding on his control panel with his fist, while ENSIGN NYE (THE SCIENCE GUY) sits calmly at his station, wearing a pair of airport-runway-worker-style hearing protectors.]

CG: Dammit! How do you shut this crap off!

EN(TSG): Everyone seems to have left this incarnation of the Cesspool Sector, sir.

CG: Then gets us the hell out of here--hey, how can you hear me with those earmuffs on?

EN(TSG): I have a copy of the script.

[bridge scene dissolves in cheesy Video Toaster effect.]

[iris in to: Space. The plastic spaceship model now faces the other direction, and is floating over a half-crushed box of van De Kamp's chocolate donuts (you can definitely see the wire).]

[Cut to: Bridge of spaceship. The CAPTAIN GUY is eating a chocolate donut while ENSIGN NYE (THE SCIENCE GUY) monitors his instruments.]

CG: Stabtus ribhbutt!

EN(TSG): Don't give orders with your mouth full, sir.

CG (swallowing his donut): Shut up and give me a status report!

EN(TSG): We have arrived in the Holland system, Captain.

CG: The last known location of Cesspool sector!

EN(TSG): Very expository of you, sir--incoming message from the Hollanders!

[Cut to: viewscreen. An irate HOLLANDER appears, looking very much like vacation video footage of the "dutch kids" in the It's a Small World ride.]

H: There's more to our system than hookers, cannabis, tulips and dikes, you know!

CG: I think we might stay here a while.

EN(TSG): No sign of the Cesspool here, sir.

CG: Dammit! Set a course for the nearest Peng's Gamelicious Drive-Thru; I'm feeling a bit peckish.

EN(TSG): Aye-aye, sir.

[Wipe to: Table outside a fast food restaurant. A piece of white posterboard with "Peng's Gamalishus Drive-thru" written on it is leaning against the table. The CAPTAIN GUY and ENSIGN NYE (THE SCIENCE GUY) are eating Big Macs. You can see the McDonald's PlayLand in the background.]

CG: I should have known we'd find the Cesspool sector in this gamey-tasting place. What's our battle situation?

EN(TSG): We're still waiting for a setup for our rematch with stevetherat, who will undoubtedly die like the dog he is when he finally gets around to it.

CG: Very good. What about Seanachai?

EN(TSG): Even his turns are over-written. His gamey motorized infantry is stumbling in our direction, though we mulched one squad that stumbled a bit too close.

CG: DekeFentle?

EN(TSG): Hasn't been around the 'Pool or sent a turn in a while, even though the map is gamey crap.

CG: Is Croda still a brainless prat?

EN(TSG): Aye, sir. He even fiddled with our email to make it look like we sent him the wrong file.

CG: He'll die all the same. What about that new halfwit?

EN(TSG): His setup is still in committee, but we'll get it out to him Real Soon Now

[EN(TSG) winks at "Real Soon Now." CAPTAIN GUY laughs. ANNOYING KID wanders into the shot.]

AK: Can I have a fwench fwie?

CG [shoves AK roughly]: Get the hell out of the shot!

EN(TSG): Everyone wants to be a star, sir.

CG [shaking head]: We only have enough tape for one take.

[ANNOYING KID'S ANGRY MOM storms into the shot, grabs the CAPTAIN GUY by shirt front.]

AKAM: What the hell are you doing pushing my kid? I outta wring your neck! Police!

[EN(TSG) stomps on AKAM's foot. AKAM yelps, tears off front of CG's uniform and stumbles backward.]

CG: Run like hell!

EN(TSG): Like our game with Seanachai?

CG: Shut UP!


[cut to commercial]

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Hamsters, Berlichtingen, Agua Perdido

I was called away on an emergency basis last Sunday and have only today found a place to gain access to this festered infrastructure of organic fertilizer. I shall be returning to my home (barring going down in an airline disaster, which you all hope for I am sure) Friday evening ZULU –6.

As I recall my games are proceeding as follows.


Whacking the crap out of my armor with his AT guns. (note to self “buy ATG’s on the defense when high quality troops are available”) My infantry is still intact and the battle has yet to be truly joined.


I have him right were I want him. He is directly on top of me pummeling the crap out of me. This means it will be easy to direct my counter strike. When do re-enforcements arrive during QB’s?

Agua Perdido

This poor sod is still trying to run my guns out of ammo as he advances across our “fecking pooltable”.


Set-up will arrive NLT Saturday.

Seanachai & Shandorf

Tuesday @ 17:00, Kieran's Irish Pub, see you there.

The rest of you are beneath mention, but a general “sod off” is always appropriate.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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Poor deluded StevetheGit. Don't you realise I would never travel without my squire firmly attached to a harness (to pull my buggy of course) so it is clear the above ranting is meerly some naughty rebelious dream of yours.

Now, to the matter at hand. This Bamse oddity has captured my attention, I shall do battle with him shortly I think. Meanwhile, how are your battles going? You are prooving the antithesis to my winning streak no? Anyway, go find another squire and taunt them into fighting. I have a scenario for you to play! Yes, Gilligan's Isle is ready!



- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf -

Der Kessel scenario design group

Combat Vision movies

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Useless waste of bandwidth punctuated by repeated bouts of boredom interleaved with mindless delusions of adequacy

Send me a turn, you pimply pocked pork paunch!


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Well, stepping into this thread shooting my mouth off has had the desired effect. A setup arrived last night, which I returned this morning even after the numerous “Go away demands” .

After reading the above gibberish I think I was pegged as “The new halfwit”. This still will not dissuade me from my tasks at hand. Be warned one of you cried havoc and let loose the Cesspool ideal of placing blame where blame is due for any result other then a victory

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Now, to the matter at hand. This Bamse oddity has captured my attention, I shall do battle with him shortly I think.

Might I suggest Crodaburg as the setting for your match? It ought to be Bam-Bam as allies against the defending Peter"Can hoof and mouth be spread by intimate contact?"NZer.

Croda-- Please make the aforementioned scenario available to the hoof-and-mouth boy.

Oh, and why not have Stevethegit play Gilligan's Island against Oleo? Neither is from the US so they probably won't be spoiled by knowledge from the TV series.



[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Hmmmm, Chrisl

It is a passable suggestion. I am tempted to order my minion to do the dirty work, but since the new person needs humbling more than he needs his ego bloated perhaps I better defeat him rather than my boy loose to him and make the swedish twat think he's good or somefink.

I could make him battle it out on Gilligan's Isle with me..



- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf -

Der Kessel scenario design group

Combat Vision movies

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Originally posted by chrisl:

Oh, and why not have Stevethegit play Gilligan's Island against Oleo? Neither is from the US so they probably won't be spoiled by knowledge from the TV series.

I'll have nothing to do with a scheming, knight-trapping git like stevetherodent. He's not worth time it takes to expel the phlegm in his direction. Bloody feckin' excuse for a 'Pooler.

Oh, and chrissyboy, I AM from the US of A, ya puckered porcupine prong! (OOoo, more alliteration) Have you not the brain cells required to read a very useful tool called a "profile"? Granted, we're a little different up here in the Northwest, but it is still in the United States. Or did ya also fail elementary geography?

(There, sir Stuka! Is that a bit more belligerent? While not up to your personal high standards (mutter, mutter, mutter, I didn't apologize.)


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Originally posted by Abbott:

I think I was pegged as “The new halfwit”

No, that implies a good half-a-wit more than you've displayed thusfar. I was talking about Leeo, who at least manages to say something mildly unflattering if you poke him with a sharp stick five or six times.

You would be more like "the new idjit lackwit who can't manage the simplest 'Pool protocol of singling out a particular Cesspooligan with some particularly vicious abuse to taunt him/her/they/it into a game, but instead posts bland pleasantries to the 'Pool as a whole (and not even to the 'Pool as a hole)."

And don't pat yourself on the back about getting a game with that slut(s) Hamsters (unless you've got a big bottle of tetracycline). Now, cash in yer cedar chips and bugger off to the main board with the rest of the polite people.

Speaking of the new halfwit:

Leeo, who wishes desperately that he were as creative as even the addled-pated mensch, wrote:

Send me a turn

Sorry, I thought you were too busy loitering in the nether regions of the bouncy, trouncy and flouncy to actually PLAY SOME FRIGGIN' CM, ya knee-biter. You'll get nothing, and like it!

Now quite yer whinin', or I'll replace the fine QB we normally serve with dark, sparkling Folger's Crodaburg. Mmmm! Good to the last retch.

Agua Perdido

[Edited because voluntarily typing the word "Crodaburg" caused severe convulsions.]


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

[This message has been edited by Agua Perdido (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Game Update:

Lawyer -- Wins again

Iskander -- Loser and Lost Soul

Alas, poor Iskander was making a decent effort in his ill-fated quest to beat the Hand of Justice until he inexplicably agreed to become jd's squire or bitch or somefink nasty just before the last turn in our battle. Everything for him changed for the worse after that. Suddenly, his zook team jumped off the M20 Ike sent in a gamey suicide rush to kill my remaining Panther. This jd-inspired tactic failed, of course, and Justice Prevailed in the end with my victory.

Coincidence?? I think not. Once a proud, loud, and angry drunk with a gift for ugly vituperation, Iskander has now reduced himself to a muffled whimpering whelp, snuggled face-first between the poisonous buttocks of the imperious jd, who previously could not even master his own domain.

More Importantly! This brings us to the embarrassing spectacle of the latest round of knigget-squire-serf nonsense. There's more dignity displayed on a yellow rain bondage forum than has been displayed here recently.

Led by that prig, Joe Shaw, a basis-point fearing Carrie Nation shrilly preaching temperance to a barroom full of inebriated but happy idiots, the Pool has lost its carefree joie de vivre as it becomes the stage for a parade of silly pompous fools, seeking self-worth in foppish faux-customs based upon imaginary rules of class superiority. How has this happened to such a disfunctional, hateful family of brave warriors?

A pox on it all. Pool worth does not lie in ass-kissing servility to smelly dandies prancing about in their polyester finery. As Voltaire said: "The first King was a soldier; he who serves his country well needs no ancestors."

So the question becomes what to do for those of us who are testosterone-powered when we are faced in the Pool with the constant posturing of frilly rule-boys seeking silky slaves for their unhealthy pleasures.

The answer is Croda-esque in its simplicity, crudity, and potential for abuse. We simply hang the scalps of the fallen on our belts, like the warriors of old. We adorn our sig line with our personal kills for all to see.

As a side benefit, there will be no need to waste valuable time peering at Lorak's List to see where a git stands in the Great Order of the Universe. We will finally be free of the Lorakian Calendar, which runs about two centuries behind times. Ask yourself, did the fearsome warriors of the Kahn or the Commanche depend upon a buffalo butthead back at camp to instill appropriate fear in their enemies? No way!

Thus, I have put my personal list of vanquished foes in my sig line below (which I control, unlike some dumb prigs out there). It may seem modest in number, but each of my battles is a thing of beauty and value, and thus takes time to create. Hence, I send every turn to the Smithsonian for historical preservation in our Nation's archives.

Let Meeks challenge the phonebook, seeking value in quanity rather than quality. I'm sure that each of those I have conquered on the field of battle finds honor in knowing that consuming his soul has enriched my own warrior spirit immensely. They are truly the Grateful Dead.

The Lawyer's List will grow as time permits, but the Tyrrany of the Kniggets is herby toppled immediately for the good of us all...


Lawyer's List of Vanquished Poolers

aka "The Grateful Dead"

jd, Mark IV, Babra, Iskander, (Watch this Space)

Lest We Forget

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Please Sir Pansy, forgive me for talking in my sleep. I think I may have eaten too much of that cheese you so kindly supplied me with from your under garments.

And, may I say what an effective method you have of waking me. That sharp and ferrocious kick to the liver was most refreshing. However, a slice of toast and glass of orange juice would have been ample, Sir.

As to one my battles, I think you will hear many a cussword from that Ultimate Pansy Wimpmelt. I dispatched one of his precious Tigers with one of my 75 Sherberts last night. There has never been such a pyrotechnic display since the milennium extravaganza on the Thames. Quite pleasurable.

The others are coming along quite nicely, especially the one with your esteemed self, Sir. Honestly, I'm trying my hardest to appease you with easy kills, Sir, but you seem relutant to take them, and instead offer your own units to be sacrificed. But, I'm happy to do as you wish, Sir, and will continue to slay all that you present to me.


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Two armored cars does not a victory make squire, and don't count your oats before you have sown them or some such.

I am waiting on you to hurry to your death. I have the time and the patience. It is assured whether you die now or in a few turns.

Meanwhlie, go and rough up some of these newby upstarts and you shall enjoy the benefit of Gilligan's Isle



- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf -

Der Kessel scenario design group

Combat Vision movies

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Waaa! Waaa! Why won't you accept me? I'm big and stwong! Fear me!

It's a poor workman who blames the state for not giving him a general contractor's license. You, sir, are a pompous, overblown gasbag (and with Joe Shaw and Seanachai potentially battling to be my mentor, I know whereof I speak).

Are you overcompensating for your stunted Inner Croda? You can be cured, but it'll take therapy and years of being locked in a small iron box. Hopefully one without a net connection, so we won't have to put up with more of your tedious, self-aggrandizing delusions. Go back on your medication, please.

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Watch me sing Springsteen.

Oh, yes. I suppose you're right. That's quite impressive that you know where you live. I was thinking of Bam-Bam. All you newbies start to look alike after a while. "Blather blather gimmee game wugga wuggaa kick all your asses ouch ouch, no stop help". and then you disappear.



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You, sir, are a pompous, overblown

gasbag (and with Joe Shaw and Seanachai potentially battling to be my mentor, I know whereof I speak).

My, my, my ... and mine too as I think of it. Seanachai it is typical of you (in a way something of a compliment as you typify "atypical") to wager without chance of loss. Let us examine your {snicker} proposal. At the conclusion of current game, should you win, you would receive as prize the finest of squires, the loyal and trustworthy Agua Perdido ... who, I am disappointed to note, did NOT immediately disavow the suggestion of Seanachai. Is this gratitude? Is this meet? Is it even meat (sit DOWN Bauhaus?) After I've worked my pinkie to the bone providing for his every need he then has the nerve to actually appear to acknowledge the suggestion ... squires these days. Where was I? Oh yes, Seanachai would gain this fine, if flawed, squire. Let us examine the opposite result, should I win our match I ... GET TO KEEP THAT WHICH I ALREADY OWN! Now perhaps you could pull that on jshandorf or even Lawyer (no bolding for serfs), but with this proposal you've burned a bridge as you fly in the face of a far different kettle of fish. You'll have to do FAR better than that my silly northwoods friend.

As to the failure of Agua Perdido to renounce (tears would have been a nice touch too ... perhaps a statement such as "I don't need a REAL meal each day Sir Joe, squabbling over the leavings of your table with the curs of the manor would be MORE than I deserve for the boon of your experience." ) the scurilous offer of Seananchai. I am, I suppose, too kind a liege for the lad. I've perhaps neglected the rod in favor of praise. But he has progressed, I think, progressed nicely. So while I may shed a tear and wander the battlements in discouragement, I am PROUD of the lad ... {sigh}

As to he who's name shall remain unbolded, isn't it amusing that he supposes that anyone would care who a SERF has defeated and isn't it even more amusing that he puts stock in such things as winning and losing at CM. I think it's self evident why he remains a SERF despite his protestations.







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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


My apologies, liege. I certainly intended no ingratitude by not renouncing Seanachai's devious offer. I saw it as my place not to question the dealings (no matter how loathsome) of proper kaaaaanigits (no matter how loathsome), as I am but a lowly squire and accept my fate (no matter how loathsome) as fate wills it, etc.

To prove my loyalty, I have sent you a new alarm clock. I had it specially made with.. er... highway flares... attached to it, uh, in case of a power outage. You set the time by pressing the flashing red button.

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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MarkIV, yer a cowering wretch wi' the gonads o' a female vole pup. Ah called ye oot two pages agae, ye snivellin' wet streak o' flea scratch. Stand oop (sat doon Blowsmouse)an' declare yersailf.... are ye a wretched limpin' semi-aborted embryo o' a man, or are ye tha backslidin', fish ticklin', beer dreg drainin', poot sniffin', skankin' rat's arse wipe o' a mewlin' cowardly custard yella bellied, sap suckin. side windin', snivellin' ain ye sleeve, snot nosed pickin' sticky pants?

Af'n ye didnae send mae a setup, Ah'll send ye one - an' ye widnae lak at.


Wha' are tha rest o' ye lookin' at? Ye lookin' at mae, Jimmy? Eh?



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Stupid/gamey defense that works GREAT:

I was amazed how well the following combination works for newbie Gits:

15% points - lesion of Croda

40% points - Maces (best Ass Kisser!?!)

45% points - Stukas

In 700 points game you should be able buy about 3 Crodas, Maces, and over 30 Stukas.

This combination seems to stop cold 90% of Aqua PerDildos

There is so much units that even heavy 70's Elvis don't take enought of them.

You can position Stukas in every forest, house, outhouse and doghouse!

Maces can also cover 99% of all sheep with multiple deviant innuendoes!

Crodasshould be positioned to take out possible

pissboyconcentrations in front of your Stukas

Brains, tactics, Seanachi-a-pet is not needed.*

*All grammatical errors in original

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We must bring to the forefront Sir Shaw's beauty of a plan to give only losses to squires *kick* and their wins to their knights. Obviously, we have nothing to gain from this, having the two most worthless squires *kick* known to the pool *kick* but we feel things should also be amended *kick* to take away any reporting at all *kick* for serfs. Most Gracious and Humble Lord Lorak should not waste his time recording the goings-ons of some landless peasants. *kick*

Notice my new sig, which indicates the abject cowards who have refused games with us.


Lawyer *kick*

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