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Does Peng Taste Gamey???

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Originally posted by Ksak:

As my (ethnicity deleted) secretary used to say, "Youse people is crazy."

As my people used to say (in the vernacular of my high school) "Have you seen the monkeys fly out of my butt?"

Frickin' Wanker!

(sorry, Elvis. He deserved it)

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Bamse, you know how to taunt!

The Nefarious Legion of Croda, Inc. (Yes, we're incorporated now.) is interested in procuring from you the Divine Eye of Light. Come down this dark alley and let us show you some watches we've acquired.






(Smashes Bamse over his Swedish-English-Madagascarian head and runs off)

"We've got the Divine Eye of Light!!!!!! Fear the Legion! Fear the Legion!!"


Woot! - Maximus2k

Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.

You are quite correct, but sniper is an easier term to use than 'Semi-regular soldier hiding out and shooting enemies unawares.' - wwb_99

The New CessPool


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Originally posted by Leeo:

(sorry, Elvis. He deserved it)

Roight LeeO, first squirely lesson:

Never, under any circumstances apologise for anything in the 'pool. Even if you are wrong, or especially if you are wrong. There'll be none of that limp wristed fanny kissing by a squire of mine.

Fanny kissing is Hiram's job.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Will someone please tell me what the hell "Woot!" means?

Oh, glorious fluffy one who upon entering the cess casts a shining glow upon this otherwise dismal place - this is much open to conjecture, so allow me to disinform you.

It is either a mantra to be chanted by cesspoolers at times of religious significance, or the sounds of the harmonics generated by Sir Stuka's ears as they oscillate back and forth in the wind!

Thank you in advance for all the wonderful responses I'm bound to get

You're welcomed. It is always my pleasure. I hope I didn't leave you wanting. etc etc etc.

Mace (the benchmark against who grovelling is compared)

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Will someone please tell me what the hell "Woot!" means?

Thank you in advance for all the wonderful responses I'm bound to get.



While Mace tries to help out by overloading his brain trying to be clever. Let me tell you the real story.

Once upon a time on the BTS forum. An idiot named Maximus2k stopped by. Being a total creep he was banned in a day? same day?

Anywho... His watchword was "WOOT". I assume it means great or cool or some such other tripe.

In the end he is gone.. but WOOT remains.

Much like that other idiot GAZ_NZ who started "Somefink".

Hope this helps

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Will someone please tell me what the hell "Woot!" means?

Thank you in advance for all the wonderful responses I'm bound to get.


OOOoooo. A Waydee!! I'm intrigued, confused, and a bit verklempt, as my pissboy guild did not instruct on the proper manner with which to hold a bucket for a way-dee. "Way-dee, oh way-dee. Here's your bucket, oh mythical fluffy one!"

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Roight LeeO, first squirely lesson:

Never, under any circumstances apologise for anything in the 'pool. Even if you are wrong, or especially if you are wrong. There'll be none of that limp wristed fanny kissing by a squire of mine.

Fanny kissing is Hiram's job.

"ROIGHT!! I'm not sorry, and I'd do it again if I had the chance! Ha haaahhhaaahha!"

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Here's your bucket, oh mythical fluffy one!"
Right then laddie Leeo, that'll be quite enough of that. As if Dame Kitty would let the likes of you ... well ... anyway Mace wouldn't like it a bit, taking his dream job away and all that.







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Originally posted by Bamse:

I have been a lurker in the pengthread for a while now. Sitting in the darkest corner, afraid to step out of the closet....uhmm NO I mean afraid to step out in the light. Afraid that you would laugh at my Swedish-English no good spelling and grammar.

Hell, another Swede. Geier! He's one of yours, take him in hand, or do somefink, will you? Actually, he doesn't read any worse than Mensch (or as Mensch did until the latest blow to the head brought us Menschspeare). As for no good spelling and grammar: have you read Shandorf? And he's a sodding Minnesotan, one of the chosen people of the gods.

But behold you miserable little band of hamsters. I have the ultimate weapon that will make you tremble and beg for merci. You can beg but i will spare no one. Mark my words NO ONE !

I knew it, he's having us on. "Begging for Thanks", that's inspired. Where are The French?!

Hitler had loots of Eyes of Divine Light

I thought Goering did most of the looting...

MadMatt I have mailed you a Save game and a picture of The Eye of Divine Light . Not because it's a bug, I just want you to fear me!

Now there is hubris for you, and style. He wanders into the Peng Challenge Thread, silly little Squarehead that he is, and challenges the MaddModerator.

Any resemblance between the spotter and me is merely coincidencial.

Gah! Good for the Spotter then. Someone give the poor sod a game. If that is what he looks like in the Real World™, he deserves our pity and whatever we can do for him.

Björn Elfström

What, some sort of Swedish Elf? Lorak, is he one of yours, as well?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mace:

Oh, glorious fluffy one who upon entering the cess casts a shining glow upon this otherwise dismal place - this is much open to conjecture, so allow me to disinform you.

It is either a mantra to be chanted by cesspoolers at times of religious significance, or the sounds of the harmonics generated by Sir Stuka's ears as they oscillate back and forth in the wind!

You're welcomed. It is always my pleasure. I hope I didn't leave you wanting. etc etc etc.

Mace (the benchmark against who grovelling is compared)

You know, you want to hurl, but then you come to realize it's a sort of 'cosmic' grovelling and boot(spike-heeled)-licking, and you just stare in bemused horror, and, eventually, appreciation. I...I...I want to see Kitty make him do tricks.

The real question, of course, is could Kitty make him slam Oz. Academic, of course, because as a 'top Sheila', it will never be put to the test.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then laddie Leeo, that'll be quite enough of that. As if Dame Kittywould let the likes of you ... well ... anyway Mace wouldn't like it a bit, taking his dream job away and all that.


Oh, my fair Dame Kitty, I apologize profusely! It must have been the ammonia fumes, and the thought of a lady of the court and all, well, I'll just knock myself in the head. Really. My unmitigated gall! Imagine, a poor professional pissboy like me, presuming to hold a bucket to your...(dead faint to collapse upon the ground)

(edited for mutiple ethanol induced formatting errors)

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

OOOoooo. A Waydee!! I'm intrigued, confused, and a bit verklempt, as my pissboy guild did not instruct on the proper manner with which to hold a bucket for a way-dee. "Way-dee, oh way-dee. Here's your bucket, oh mythical fluffy one!"

Squire, although it is beneath my dignity to once again instruct a lowly insignificant life form like yourself (which is rightfully Sir Stuka’s task), allow me to show you the proper manner....

*takes bucket, tips contents on Leeo then places bucket upside down on Leeo’s head*

Ahhhhh…don’t you love it when they know their place!


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Originally posted by Leeo:

Oh, my fair Dame Kitty, I apologize profusely! It must have been the ammonia fumes, and the thought of a lady of the court and all, well, I'll just knock myself in the head. Really. My unmitigated gall! Imagine, a poor professional pissboy like me, presuming to hold a bucket to your...(dead faint to collapse upon the ground)

Wonderful. Dueling hormonal sycophants. The Peng Challenge Thread would like to apol...er disown, disavow, and disparage the preceding show of vulgar grovelling. Don't annoy the Aussies, lad. They leave disgusting exit wounds.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Oh, my fair Dame Kitty, I apologize profusely! It must have been the ammonia fumes, and the thought of a lady of the court and all, well, I'll just knock myself in the head. Really. My unmitigated gall! Imagine, a poor professional pissboy like me, presuming to hold a bucket to your...(dead faint to collapse upon the ground)

Stop apologising dammitt!!!!


How many times do I have to tell you. That bucket is for the exclusive use of my goodself (and sometimes Moriarty, but only if he asks nice)....Got it? Good!

(I'm beginning to think Lord Lorak ripped me off at the serf auction.)

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I'm becoming really annoying. Please shoot me now.

But that's nothing that a few blows to the head with the brick won't cure. Is the brick still around? I thought Meeks might have tried to leave it in antarctica. They're cheap anyway, and we can always pick up a new block of concrete or a paving stone cheap if it needs to be replaced.



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I have noticed this latest round of feverish Squire clutching (now, nothing of 'country matters' here, you lot. Bauhaus, bless the vulgar and vile, that rose to their feet all aflutter) that has been, apparently and almost 'mystically', set off by Shaw. Apparently, after a long, hard winter (Genuflect, Bauhaus!), Spring is in the air (that's right, you toads, spring into the air and fall into the Cess), and I, most ancient, wise, and damn near as...no, I'm sorry, even I am not as pompous as Shaw; even I am moved by this sudden frenzy to mentorship.

But what are the Old Ones to do? Potential Squires have been snatched up like discarded nub-end Havannas on a city street corner by 'rag and spray bottle' wielding Thunderbird-in-a-bag derelict Knights like Stuka and his ilk.

Still, it's a sign of a healthily vile ecosystem, I believe, that those newly raised up from the mud in which they recently grovelled (while searching for something pointy to thrust into their Betters), are now stepping forward to have a slash on those who haven't yet gotten to their feet.

Don't know if many of the Real posters here have read them (or if most of the posters here can, in fact, read) but the Peng Challenge Thread reminds me of a rather brutal parody of Sci-Fi writer David Brin's 'Uplift' series of novels.

I could, at some length, explain the meaning of this analogy, even to those benighted souls who have not read the original novels. So, in fact, I shall.

The concept behind Brin's rousingly fine novels is that no species arises to true 'sentience' without the aid of a 'patron' species. This process of patronage is termed 'Uplift', and by it species win big points in the Cosmos, as well as allies and clients that help secure their own position of dominance. This is a simplistic interpretation, of course, and therefore appropriate for many of the 'pre-Uplift' Squires to be found here.

Now, all that said (and not at one tenth the length I'm capable of, you swine, if anyone wants to risk bringing on an even longer explication by annoying me) I will get to the thrust of my post (yes, Bauhaus, cue the choir!)

Shaw, you Biohazard-Posting, Son-of-a-Mormon-Wannabe, Pontificating-Worse-Than-Me sack of ****e. You gamey, attritionist, recon-abusing (anyone else notice how the CM site has it's own schisms, it's own insults, it's own accusations of heresy?) Applicator of Silly Tactics.


You and I, Old Foul Joe (worthy opponents being, beyond the measure of the current generation of readers of this to judge) know Honour, and know Honour's demands. We know of Blood Hamster, we know of Challenges, we know of PENG, where PENG is the state of Cess.

So, Shaw, you toad. We are currently involved in a game, where there is, as yet, no contact. I pose as the stakes of our game the Squireship of that loathsome neo-weasel Agua Perdido, he who came among us spouting Very Bad Prose. But who came spouting prose none-the-less. I claim, call you out, maintain, sir, that you are No Fit Mentor to a Squire of his realized/unrealized potential/lack-there-of.

So, Shaw, what say you? Shall the winner take over the duties of kicking Agua Perdido around the 'Pool each day, while the loser looks on approvingly? Or vice versa?

(edited to add one 'r' to a word, which, in a post of this complexity, makes me your master, and I await your obeisance...yes, I'll wait a little longer while you look that up)


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Stop apologising dammitt!!!!


How many times do I have to tell you. That bucket is for the exclusive use of my goodself (and sometimes Moriarty, but only if he asks nice)....Got it? Good!

(I'm beginning to think Lord Lorak ripped me off at the serf auction.)

Aw, fer, cripes sake. Sir Stuka you never slap a Squire. It's unbecoming, unwarranted and thoroughly unmentionable to set your hand to the filth, the low, the swine.

Use your foot.


Or a nice big stick (sod off, Bauhaus). Ever see the "teamwork" scene from the movie "The Untouchables"? That's the ticket.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Readin' Sir Seanachai's last post, Ah cud almost hear tha' syntax snapping aintae place lak tha latex thong up a Bondi Lifesaver's crack. At were a bit like watchin' a penny rrrooolll doon one o' them sideshow things where ye drop tha penny ain tha top an at rrrrroolls left an' right 'til at reaches tha bottom. Ye start at tha top, get tae tha end, an' wonder why ye just wasted a minute o' ye life's braith. An' ye feel poorer fer tha experience. Ah fer one wud lak tae see tha looong exposition on tha Sci Fi thing, if ainly sae Ah cud skip past at.

Mark IV, Ah'm callin' ye oot. Yer a bandy legged snot-gobbler, weak as lolly water, an' culdnae win a bum slappin contest wi' both hands tied behind yer back. Af'n mah dog looked lak ye doo, some folks wud shave at's arse an teach at tae walk backwards. Ah'd just feed at aintae a hand cranked meat grinder. Yer a nancy boy's velvet plaything, tha sweaty band on a stoker's hat, tha sucking noise a cow's hoof makes an tha mud. A large manual labourer wud drink ten pint's o' beer, puke all over ye, an say, "Ah didnae remember eatin' *that*!". Send mae a setup, ye knuckle crackin' invertebrate, an' Ah'll dismantle yer units one shoddy rivet at a time. Short and balding doormen wud doff their caps tae ye, an remark, "As tha a gun ain ye pocket, or are ye tha dribblin' vacuous idiot ye look like?". Tha's right, Jimmy! Ah'm lookin' at yoo! Put tha bicycle clips on ye troos sae ye noo dribblin' ye fear across tha floor, and get tha setup sent. Boyo! Bucko! Dried thang on a Hiram's arse.

Tha rest o' ye kin sod off.



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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I HAVE RETURNED............and nobody cares

Anyways due to the fact that I had to reconfigure my desktop and am busy with other CM affairs (this addiction to CM I have is really sick!) I have been away. No longer I say. I have returned. Hammie a setup shall be sent to you post hastily. (intentional word screw up for all you grammar freaks) Lastly just to remind everyone that Lorak the Loathed is pronounced Lorak the Loser and Hammie is just a nice way of calling Hamsters and idiot. wink.gif


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Priest:

I HAVE RETURNED............and nobody cares

Anyways due to the fact that I had to reconfigure my desktop and am busy with other CM affairs (this addiction to CM I have is really sick!) I have been away. No longer I say. I have returned. Hammie a setup shall be sent to you post hastily. (intentional word screw up for all you grammar freaks) Lastly just to remind everyone that Lorak the Loathed is pronounced Lorak the Loser and Hammie is just a nice way of calling Hamsters and idiot. wink.gif

But, Priest, you're wrong, I do care.








The rankest, most tedious, and un-evolved pissboy in the place is posting more interesting things than you've achieved.

Is there a point to your shuffling about in here, grinning, bobbing yer head, and stopping just this side of COMMENTING ON THE GODDAMN WEATHER?!!!


You are this far from singing 'Barney' songs. I want to see some hair, lad. Some sign of a posting personality more significant than another moon-faced request that someone help you tuck in your shirt, 'cause you feel all untidy.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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