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Oh my, oh MY...

I tried to ignore the pompous ass but he keeps on yappin. What is the deal with the influx of scum-sucking newbies with member numbers less than that of Stalin's Member??

I just don't get it, after lurking away the year, now all of a sudden they crawl out of the woodwork. Thankfully, only one of this onslaught directed their witless tirade towards myself, though one did (ineptly and hilariously) randomly call on my pater un-natiorialous.

For Lars and Terence, who seem to think their members are worth somethig: it is like a dollop of cream on top of putrescent flesh. I have no need or inkling to direct my words to you, since it might enciourage yourselves to remain. As for the SSN who directed his attacks at me personally - sod off! You have no pair of anything, and the word it WIT not WITLESS, so you are confused and unremarkable in that as well.

My platter is full of worthwhile games, so instead I propose a cess-tourney. Even a squire gets overburdened, so I feel the need to take on a stable-boy. Perhaps if we were to send Terence and Lars ona double date, the survivor of such an incident could have the burgeoning joy of cleaning up my horse's manure, feeding the pigs (with Berli and tending my flock (with Mace.)

Now, are there any more SSN's around? We need one to battle Stalin's Monkey for the (dis)honor of stable-boying Mrspkr...

Who wants a stable boy? I'm rounding 'em up for market over here!

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Kaniggets: Hearken to my words!

I believe I have hit upon something here. Here are my reasons why this would (and should!) work:

1.) SSNs generally play a game and are never heard from again. Let them play each other!

B.) Another level on the great climb towards Knighthood. We all love social ladders!

III.) What could be more degrading than to be Panzer Leader's stable boy? That alone should keep our gate swinging empty!

Part the Next.) We don't like them, nor do we want them, so if they MUST stay, it at least gives us more reason to taunt, jeer, and heckle their pointless existence.

I believe that whenever we round up a pair of doe-eyed SSNs, we should make them cock-fight for the glory of coming under the direction and leadership of their elders. to wit: the worst and vilest of squires!

Hoo, the glee that would create! It is titillating I tell you! Let us prepare an envoy to the blighted lands and speak with the Emperor Palpapeng. He must needs be made aware of this startling (in its despicability) idea!

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Hey Pansy loader, you're obviously a quite intelligent and deep thinker, so ponder this:

What is the real meaning of life?

Go away, ponder this, and come back with a full report once you find the answer. But not before, ok?

(hopefully, that'll keep him occupied for the rest of his life)


[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Kaniggets: Hearken to my words! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I believe I have hit upon something here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Look lad, we're not interested in your dating practices, really we're not, so don't regale us with chapter and verse on your "Gag" pick up lines. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Here are my reasons why this would (and should!) work:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You ARE a slow learner aren't you.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>1.) SSNs generally play a game and are never heard from again. Let them play each other!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh my, aren't we the high and mighty one now that we're a squire aren't we just precious and ever so filled with ourselves aren't we just. It wasn't THAT long ago that YOU were a vile and disgusting SSN and don't you forget it laddy my lad. Leave the policies of the CessPool to your betters ... HINT Virtually ANYONE other than you.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>B.) Another level on the great climb towards Knighthood. We all love social ladders!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The only ladder you should be concerned with climbing is the evolutionary one from your current ranking of Blue Green Algae. How DARE you suggest anything to do with the rank of Knighthood, learn your place or suffer the consequences.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>III.) What could be more degrading than to be Panzer Leader's stable boy? That alone should keep our gate swinging empty!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Squires, you silly little prattling toad, do NOT have underlings, THEY are the underlings and damn happy with their station they should be too. You'll have the opportunity to snag a squire on the day you become a Knight ... snicker

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Part the Next.) We don't like them, nor do we want them, so if they MUST stay, it at least gives us more reason to taunt, jeer, and heckle their pointless existence.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh my, WE don't like them do WE? WE don't want them do WE? Just because you're a JUNIOR Squire to Sir Seanachai doesn't give you the right to put on airs you know. YOU don't represent the CessPool ... you are barely able to represent yourself.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I believe that whenever we round up a pair of doe-eyed SSNs, we should make them cock-fight for the glory of coming under the direction and leadership of their elders. to wit: the worst and vilest of squires!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The purpose of having SSNs fight is to have them fight a CESSPOOLER ... having them fight another SSN is no better than a sneer Outer Board Match! We must judge them by their posts and ability to withstand the punishment dished out BY A CESSPOOLER. In short ... dumb idea.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hoo, the glee that would create! It is titillating I tell you! Let us prepare an envoy to the blighted lands and speak with the Emperor Palpapeng. He must needs be made aware of this startling (in its despicability) idea!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We're happy that you're amused by your concept and are certain that it will provide you with many hours of entertainment ... but again ... NO! As to Peng, he is NOT Emperor and has no connection to Emperors ... unless you count that unfortunate weekend with a certain large penguin ... hmmm, could THAT be the origin of his name? Peng is ... Peng ... and Father Confessor of course.

Panzer Leader I begin to despair of you ... don't make me talk to Seanachai.


[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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***an unlit office***

***a hooded figure slinks in, stopping at a desk. He scans a few dusyt tomes, including "Res Ipsa Loquitor - It's not Just for Dinner Anymore"; "How to Shakedown Widows for Fun and Profit"; "The Joy of Sex and Other Ways to Describe the Attorney-Client Relationship." The hooded figure nods, muttering, "Ahh, this is the one."

***three hooded figures sneak into a dimly lit room. A noise not unlike the sound of a chainsaw encountering a spike imbedded in a tree is heard.***

Voice2: "It is as we believed - he sleeps."

Voice3: "Quickly brother. A great evil has awakened and is even now about in the land."

***the figures approach a figure sleeping on a stained matress in the corner of the room***

***one of the figures hold a small crystal vial next to Lawyer's sleeping form. A blackish coil of smoke wafts from Lawyer's nose into the vial.****

Lawyer: (groggily) "Hrmph . . torts . . . come here little girl . . . guess where I hid the gavel . . ." falls back to sleep

Voice1: "It is done. One down, three to go."

Voice4: "We must hurry."

***the hooded figures sneak out into the night***

to be continued

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted in the One true Original thread by (you can call him jd or you can call him jdmorse) Jerry Springer comes to Combat Mission!!! We want to indulge in the orgy as well and debase ourselves of the carnal alter of the opiate of the people <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Always liked that line........I do believe it caught some of the original inspiration.

Glad your back Joe, when yer ready give a holler.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

III.) What could be more degrading than to be Panzer Leader's stable boy? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Being panty litter himself springs immediately to mind as the obvious answer!

Panties your recent posts have taken on an unfortunate look of thoughtfulness and sensibility. Are you sure you're cut out for this long-message format thingie?

I've come to expect anything more than a few lines here to be full of meaningless twaddle best viewed through an isolation screen with a separate airsupply filtered to the highest standards.

You're letting the side down you moronic fool! This squiredom thingie seems to have gone to your head, which means the thingie is definitely in the wrong place.

So lift your face up out of whichever lap it's in and get with it!

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I tried to ignore the pompous ass but he keeps on yappin. What is the deal with the influx of scum-sucking newbies with member numbers less than that of Stalin's Member??

Held out a whole half hour. Training Panties, the whole point of a forum like this is to keep on yapping. Check the rules you git. Member numbers only matter to emasculated males like yourself who don't have a member to call their own.

I just don't get it, after lurking away the year, now all of a sudden they crawl out of the woodwork. Thankfully, only one of this onslaught directed their witless tirade towards myself, though one did (ineptly and hilariously) randomly call on my pater un-natiorialous.

For Lars and Terence, who seem to think their members are worth somethig: it is like a dollop of cream on top of putrescent flesh. I have no need or inkling to direct my words to you, since it might enciourage yourselves to remain. As for the SSN who directed his attacks at me personally - sod off! You have no pair of anything, and the word it WIT not WITLESS, so you are confused and unremarkable in that as well.

One is an onslaught? Wow, you are in trouble. If you don't want my remarks addressed at you personally, please tell me the worthwhile part of yourself to direct them towards. And by the way, please learn to spell. EngineerING twits like you are the reason I'll never be unemployed. I can only hope you meant toy trains.

My platter is full of worthwhile games, so instead I propose a cess-tourney. Even a squire gets overburdened, so I feel the need to take on a stable-boy. Perhaps if we were to send Terence and Lars ona double date, the survivor of such an incident could have the burgeoning joy of cleaning up my horse's manure, feeding the pigs (with Berli and tending my flock (with Mace.)

No, Training Panties, I called you out, with the parameters you suggested, not the flatulent doll. They don't do tourneys here, that would imply that winning the game matters. Check the rules again, git.

Now, are there any more SSN's around? We need one to battle Stalin's Monkey for the (dis)honor of stable-boying Mrspkr...

Who wants a stable boy? I'm rounding 'em up for market over here!

You couldn't round up a Dominican hooker on a Friday night with a fistful of large denomination bills in your hand. Now send a setup, git.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

Message edited a whole bunch of times because I can, and yes, I'm drunk.

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

...Being panty litter himself springs immediately to mind as the obvious answer!


Dammit there, Malenkov's Member, you actually entered the same time zone as a funny statement!

Luck... nothing more.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Dammit there, Malenkov's Member, you actually entered the same time zone as a funny statement!

Luck... nothing more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What's luck? That you were sober enough to read it you leaky crawling bag of used liquor??

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte:

I just have to tell a story about my right little toe. It is broken. There was the story. I can't think of anything else but my right little toe nowadays.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah haftae admit Ah caught mah braith a wee bat when Ah raid thus. At were like Hiram ha' caim back tae us, tha Hiram o' auld, tha mewlin' whelp wi' tha forelock tuggin' blandness whuch bordered ain genius, boot sadly faill waill shorrrt.

Thas wee laddie ha' managed ain four shorrrt saintances tae contribute more tae mah readin' enjoyment o' tha Mutha Beautiful than tha entire waste o' bandwidth bah panties an' stalin's pee pee combined.

Ah'll bae watchin' ye laddie - tha cud bae a squireship ain thus fer ye....ain tha meantime, sod off...noo, wait,.....

...widye be oop tae smackin' tha yowlin' Christmas oot o' one o' tha other SSNs' ain a PBEM tae bae rrregularly rrreported on ain tha Mutha Beautiful?

Ah despise tha cut o' your jib slightly less than Ah loathe tae chewin' mah ain vomit, whuch as slighly less than Ah despise tha rest o' the crotch rash SSNs' aboot thas stainkin' porridge.

What say ye rancid laddie..."Fart" as at?....wha' sae ye tae mah proposal tae dish oot a hidin' tae ye butt-crack sniffin' equals?


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Seanachai take thy pathetic and most ill-humored squire in hand, he ways are unseemly and most borish. I personally have not read any of his posts as I am not able to understand his sub-syllabic ramblings.

Now I understand that someone suggested forcing SSN's to fight. Well, Howdy Doody, what an overused idea. Why I remember being forced into a cage match with StevetheRat, and given an unbalanced scenario to boot. Those were the days that squires did what they were told and no mucking about with knaggits. Yes sir, we knew our place. Shine the armor, polish the headgear, bring your knight a nice mutton sandwich, and the head of his nemisis on a plate. I had to walk uphill in the snow, BOTH WAYS, to fight Sir Speedy the Gamey Freak. No squires, these days just aren't up to the level we were back then, nope!

Now I off to drink more Molsten as I'm stuck here in Canada! Sod off!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

What's luck? That you were sober enough to read it you leaky crawling bag of used liquor??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your accuracy is noted... your point is not.

Besides that, as much as I dislike doing this:


Speedy and I fought like two strange bulldogs in a bag for a handful of turns in a very vicious ME. By the Grace of PENG and one Hell of a good shot by a lone PIAT dude (who got kilt two seconds after he got his shot off) at Speedy's AG, I salvaged a Victory, minor though it may be. I freely confess to FATHER PENG that I handled my armor like Mace does an ewe.

I continue to live in the frozen Ninth Circle of Hell with Peng and MrSpkr in some of Berli's damnations. Neither MS's banishment to OK nor Peng's "material analysis" has been enough for these fecking feckers to feck off. Feck.

I have completely forgotten both the point and objectives of my struggle with St. Rat. I am, however, attempting to educate him as to the fundamentals of the Laffer Curve. We have a ways to go, yet.

Either IdontknowwhoChristopherMarlowis is winning or I am... that would require sobriety and that is RIGHT OUT.

And firstly, Lord Seanachai and I are renegotiating our options. Several more whiskys will tell the tale there.

Songs and a poll to follow.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Your accuracy is noted... your point is not.


What made you think I had a point?

And if I did have one why would I bother trying to make it to ewe, or even be interested in whether or not ewe got it??

In fact I'd expect you to miss it completely....which you did...except there wasn't one anyway......so who gives a toss??

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

We all love social ladders!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We hate rules... 'cept those we make

Btw, i have a message for you from your knight...


[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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***the four dark figures approach an ancient, timeworn keep. The buzz of millions of midgeflies and gnats assails the ears, while the stench of rotting carcasses fills the nose.***

Voice1: (whispering) We must act quickly. Follow me."

***the four thread enter the keep, wandering down halls filled with garbage and tables with half-eaten meals***

Voice2: "What is this place?"

Voice1: "It is the lair of the Gaseous Beast. He has been long absent in these climes, but, fortunately for us, has recently returned to assert his power. I only pray the dark magiks have worked their ways."

***the four enter a particularly dank, pungent area. In the far corner, slumped over a table, sits a small, wrinkled figure. His eyes are closed and a string of drool traces from its lips to the table. Nearby, a half eaten plate of golden-fried okra sits, a thin layer of mold creeping up its' sides.***

Voice3: (whispering) Just another second . . .

***a cloaked figure gathers the drool into a small crystal vial, being careful not to touch any of it***

Voice3: (whispering)It is done.

Voice1: whispering "Wait - I must leave this."

***The figure pulls a battered shield from under his cloak, laying it at the dozing thing's feet and setting a small box on top of it***

Voice1: (whispering) "Okay - let's go."

***picking their way back through the maze of garbage, the four figures flee into the night.***

to be continued

[ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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It's 7AM and I am just barely catching up with what you dorks tried to achieve while we Old Worlders had been sleeping...

First thing that comes to mind is that I am so very grateful for that whole Earth roundness and difference in Time Zones concept that gives a boost to the fact that I don't have to share my time with you.

To cope with pages of nothingness live is something I can't even begin to fathom...

I once said this in a Pool that was still a Cess:

You are like those dehydrated Chinese noodles who would considered beeing peed upon a drastic improvement of their living condition.

Since I can't get my Creature to pee on you, I am out for a coffee and back to administrate.

You are sad little people (you're not even French for starters) when the total sum of what you have to offer while I sleep is even less funny than a NASDAQ Ticker.

Here comes my contribution to your effort to torpedo the MBT:

CSPL -46.3%

[Edited because I was REALLY needing a coffee]

[ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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Hey Mildthing, in response, yes I grew up in Cold Lake, my dad was a fighter jock. Why the hell did they stick you way the heck out in St. Paul? ewwww, that sucks. When you mentioned the one traffic light, I thought you meant the one at the intersection to the base, I forgot that St. Paul has one as well (just so you know, they don't really need it, they were just jealous when Cold Lake got theirs). As for the french thing, I hate to tell you this, but Alberta has pockets of french populations, and you are staying right in the middle of the biggest grouping. One word of advice, watch the beer, unlike the american stuff, Canadian beer actually does contain alcohol. As for the visit, I am trying to set up the job, but I have to coordinate with the client and get a drill rig, so it is still up in the air. I will let you know if I manage to set things up in time. In the meantime, have fun cruising downtown St. Paul, it takes all of five minutes, if you go up and down both sides of the street (really, you have my sympathy, I was stuck working there for two weeks).

And Foobar, has that Sherman run out of ammo yet, it must be getting close, HAHAHAHA. I think one or two rounds may have scratched my kittys paint, tell your gunners that the funny thing in front of them is the sight... on second thought, don't bother, I will just show them how it is done, wait out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Kaniggets: Hearken to my words!

I believe I have hit upon something here. Here are my reasons why this would (and should!) work...

followed by a truly awful round of gibberish that is so goddamn bad that it's almost worth leaving in place, in the same way that dead vermin are left in place as a warning, but cut here for a reason seldom raised in this place: mercy.


Jesus wept. Allah wept. Buddha wept. Vishnu, Shiva, Kali, and a whole pantheon of gods wept.


I don't even know where to begin, and that's probably the only time in human history that's been stated, as it's well known that my normal modus is not knowing where to end.

Let's try to hit some of the highlights, shall we, Squire, oh my Squire?

Geier does not like you. This speaks well for Geier. There is no reason why he should like you. If you wanted to be loved, you should have started posting on the 'Be My Friend: What New Terms of Endearment Have You Taught Your Furbie?’ site. I will go further: Geier dislikes you. In fact, I will go so far as to say that Geier finds you to be an annoyance that, once stepped in, requires the complete abandonment of the pair of shoes worn at the time.

You are not here to be liked, and no one cares if your feathers are ruffled. You are not here to be respected, and your only reward for that moment of delusion is raucous laughter, the very hearing of which is doing the Knights a world of good, and gaining the other Squires, and even SSNs a break in the round of abuse they deserve.

What you come here to find, you bloody ass, is acceptance. You gain it, or you don’t. Simple as that. Do you want Reassurance? Bugger off. Do you want Acclaim? Bugger off! Friendship? ALL TOGETHER NOW: BUGGER OFF!!!

But if you gain Acceptance, you gain all that there is to be gained here. And you will find that anything else you wanted from this rather sordid venue is…well, you’re no longer so concerned with the small ****e, as it were.

Being thin-skinned, and deciding that people are making a set at you will get you dismissed out of hand as a ‘fecking idjit’, unworthy of other consideration. I see from your later posts that, after taking a deep breath, you’d realized this.

F’ing gods, this will be a long post, and I’m the one saying that. As for being the ‘Defender of the Mutha Beautiful Thread’, see the above tally of weeping deities, you hubristic wee excrescence. This Thread, born in humour, nursed in alcohol, maintained in anger, and flinging feces on all detractors like the ape house gone quite mad, has no need to array you in a panoply of ermine and chain, leather and silk. In fact, you are going to be wearing motley. For a long time to come, from the looks of it. More on this anon.

It is at this point that I must offer one ray of light for consideration. I like you , Panzer Leader; I actually, rather, in a horrible way that is undoubtedly the result of a misspent youth, personal loss, and chemical damage, do. And, from the evidence of my emails, I am almost alone in this.

So, fellow-me-lad. I have no means by which to actually, physically, and with a right good will beat you as you so constantly deserve. I’ve done what I can in a ‘metaphorical’ sense, and it does not suffice. So, we shall proceed by other means.

The demeaning, annoying, and Thread cluttering appellations that have been laden on you such as ‘panties’, ‘panty-liner’, etc. etc. etc. (the intent to shame was there, but the execution, carried out by foolish and vulgar amateurs, lacked) will be foregone from this point forth.

I call upon all members of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread to address you and refer to you in all future posts, as ‘Mouse’, in recognition of my reference to you as ‘a mouse up the pants leg’, and the fact that you are currently a small, squeaking thing, standing on your hind legs and wriggling you whiskers, and chittering demands for acceptance and recognition. To make your status clear, rules of bolding (whatever they freaking are) will be reverse applied to you, and therefore you will be Mouse until you deserve better. Perhaps, if you apply yourself, you might work up to the name Mickey.

As you have offended Geier, who is a representative of The Old Firm, and has shown you more patience and mercy than you currently deserve, Mouse, you shall read the novel "Neverwhere’, by Neal Gaiman, and deliver to this Thread a one page precis on the story. This will do you a world of good, mollify Geier and The Old Firm, and go some ways to proving that you are not just a gibbering idiot who has more time on his hands than braincells to juggle. And, because I thought it was a great book, it will prove to me, the one individual who hasn’t demanded that you be neutered, that I am not wasting my time and standing with the gods of the wasteland, as well as the other Old Ones.

Now, I think by this post I indicate that things are currently between my Squire and Myself. Other than comments from Peng (who cannot be stopped), and Berli (who should not be stopped), the rest of you lot should sod off and talk amongst yourselves. Oh, except for Geier, who is more than welcome to take another good, strong, and telling kick at the lad (put it in his fork, lad).

Frankly, when everyone yells at the dog (or in this case, mouse), it’s very difficult for instruction to take place. How will he know which voice to pay attention to, given that he’s almost completely half-witted?

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...Berli's eye peers into the shadows of the pool in search of those little bits of sin which may, in time, be nurtured into great evil...

...Four hooded figures slink past seemingly unnoticed...

"Hmmm, now this looks interesting"

[ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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