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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Please desist in any further mentions of that most-disgusting Hungarian aperitif. It's mere existance somewhere on this planet somehow taints (bauhaus, back on the floor...) all other forms of hooch to be had.


Issie, I could not agree more. There is nothing like seeing our Hungarian in-laws through that syrup back by the bottleful. Claiming it has "medicinal" properties, they imbibe the stuff in shot-glassfuls throughout the evening. They definately "feel" better, just don't let them drive.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I am playing Shandorf! Look at me! Look at me!


Hate to tell ya but nobody cares, and when I beat the snot out of you nobody will still care then. In fact nobody told me personally that he rarely thinks of you and thus you can quit carrying that torch for him.


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Lorak! Now where has he gotten off to?

It is my sad duty to report the latest death of he whose name adorns our cherished header.

Mark IV: 87, Win.

Peng: The rest of the points. Not very damned many, for those unable to follow along in their heads. Loss.

'Twas a tiny affair, on an extremely hilly QB map, which I am pleased to report was entirely favorable to me. Also, he had the Brits, and it was a Meeting Engagement, so he may be entitled to three full asterisks after his "L", but he'll not get them here. In response to criticism from the OuterBoard, fair and rollicking play is no longer what we're about; we're all about W/L stats and member numbers. He also smoked one of my favorite ACs and thus used up my already slim stock of good will.

I hope he makes something especially nasty for our next. I would like to defend with lots of Amis. History be damned, let's kill something.

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Hey Mark IV I might have something for you. Yousay you'd like to defend against Lot's o' Ami's? Wellllll, that's right up my alley. Here is a little thing I am working on called the "Guns of Navarone." Shoot that one over to his venerable MrPeng and you guys can REALLY whoop it up.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Visions of a flock of rabid sheep b*gg*ring a cess pool are not pretty!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Personally, I think it has a certain appeal!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:


Seanachai, you forgot to put the boot in...


Never spare the boot

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Great. Thus far, Panties has managed to post 15% of all messages in this thread (9 of the sixty messages thus far) and still has yet to say anything worthwhile, let alone vaguely amusing.

I really need to go kill something. Speedbump, prepare to die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Great. Thus far, Panties has managed to post 15% of all messages in this thread (9 of the sixty messages thus far) and still has yet to say anything worthwhile, let alone vaguely amusing.


That puts him on a par with you really - you've posted about 15% of the total length of the thread, most of it in one incoherent dribbling lament about something meaningless.

Does this mean panty-liner should be a Kay-nig-hit, since he's as unintelligable as the "best" of you??

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I assumed he was misspoken, since who ever heard of defending WITH lots of Ami's? In fact, who ever heard of defending WITH a lot of anything??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You assumed I was misspoken! The phrase "history be damned" sailed right on past, like the last few portmanteau-sized clues that came your way, didn't it?

Here's a quick explanation for what was patently obvious to most of the membership at first glance, including the non-English speakers:

Defending often sucks, and some feel defending with Amis may suck worse. So I thought I would try it. To make up for the potential suckage, I thought having bunches of the blighters might help, and would certainly result in a high body count (yours unfortunately excluded) and lots of explosions (the real meaning of CM). Historically, Amis spent more time attacking than defending, though not all of it, so I'd like to try one of those anomalous periods when Amis were defending, but not in any more *&$&^%ing snow.

If MrPeng has the sense he clearly exhibited in our last game (by surrendering), he would insist on a proportionately larger number of Germans. Then there would be a big war and stuff.

I fear Seanachai has his work cut out for him. I trust he'll heed the wise advice further up the page: Spare the boot, spoil the squire.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I am the Panzer Leader!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What you are is a punk. If you think otherwise, then you're wrong. If you whine like a punk and strut like a punk, then you're a punk. Your kind can be found on playgrounds accross the United States bragging about your skateboard your mommy bought you. Now, do us a favor and shut up. Punk

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Sorry Mark IV you were right and I was wrong. I am feeling strangely apologetic today... it seems to be in the air, no?

Anyway, to add a CAVEAT I really just wanted you to try my scenario "Navarone" and so maybe I subconciously snipped that part about defending as the allies. It's no big deal. Have fun. Personally I hate defending as the Ami's because you have to waste so many points on bazookas and 60mm mortars. That and they don't have very good (read CHEAP) field guns.

And, Phillies Phan I am sorry for you too. Why? I don't know, it just seems appropriate...

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..a lone figure gallops up to the door...

Lorak "You called for me imp?"

eritee "Yes master, I have recieved several messages in your absense."

Lorak"lets see them"

eritee hands over a stack of notes

Lorak "Bahh! You called me back from evermeet for this!"

eritee cowers as Lorak backhands him accross the face with his mailed glove

Lorak " <laughing> So Seanachai wishes me to inscribe a game against an infidale? Seems His brain has still not thawed from this past winter... Humm a missive from Moriarty, written in blood, no doubt his own. Who has he lost to this time... ahh Aitken, no surprise there. Two more...by the slime I assume they have the Pods name upon them.. yes, so it is. A win against Elvis amd a loss vs Mark IV..."

Lorak "god how i wish just once I would get some news that is mildly suprising! A win by Phan! A short post by Seanachai. Hell even a note stating that Berli was seen wearing ear muffs."

Lorak raises up and rakes his spurs accross eritee's face for good measure

Lorak "Go fetch my book fool! So I can be done with this and away."

eritee "right away Lord, here it is Lord, oh, and one more missive has came in."

Lorak "Damn! Another?! OK, lets see.... <laughing> So that fool Seanachai is going to take over sponsership for panzer leader.. Hell maybe this wasn't a wasted trip at all."

Lorak sits down to inscribe the runis. This is done mindlessly as he thinks upon greater pleasures, like seeing all those below him(everyone) flayed alive with rusty toe-nail clippers.....

Lorak the loathed

[ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


We'll have none of that here! The Mutha Beautiful Thread may sink low, but even we have standards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know what they say: 'Anyone willing to have you, ain't worth having!'


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panties:

Personally I hate defending as the Ami's because you have to waste so many points on bazookas and 60mm mortars.


"...waste so many points on bazookas and 60mm mortars."

"...waste so many points..."

"Waste" points on the finest light mortar in all the magical land of on board spotted fire? You are not only a nattering twit, but a dim bulb at that.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That and they don't have very good (read CHEAP) field guns.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe you should take another look at those mortars you peed on over there.

You know, after reading your latest few posts, I may have to reconsider the name I gave you. Although some seem to have taken to it, maybe it's not as witty as I thought. Or maybe it's not disparaging enough. Perhaps I shall re-dub you...

granny panties.

What say you, all?

[ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Look, sorry (ha ha) I brought it up. I am not calling the mortars bad, I am just saying that you get one for each platoon, and that takes away from the few points you have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite right - what's more if you didn't have to bring the squads with each platoon then you would have even more points!!

Your logic is as perfect as it is useless!

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None of you matter to me one little bit.

Those that matter less than that are my current crop of victims and you know who you are.

For those of you who have forgotten who you are, I will call a roll:Mace, Seanaichaiwoowoo, OGSF, Armourbutt, PeterSnoozzER.

You feckless hacks will have the pleasure of breathing for at least 3 more days while I take a short but well earned camping trip which will combine the best of hiking, fishing and drinking.

The Aussie bush is no place for SSN's and if I do happen across a large Croc or two, I'll be sure to wrassle him good and bring the 'pool his head which will make a lovely lamp shade for the den.

On a slightly cuddlier, huggier note, Seanaichaiwaawaa, I am loathe to leave our game at this point as it is at the point where it can still go either way.

Folks, this one has been a humdinger, pretty much from start to where we are now at turn 22 of 30. Things started off well for my Heer boys with a first turn loss of a Seanoochian Sherman to an error in his LoS calculation. Things were going even better following a shootout between a flanking Churchill and my flanking Panzer with the Churchill 'sploding nicely, to the applause of my support platoon. (They hadn't seen such fireworks since Hitlers birthday).

However, at the same time as this my 3 H/T and 2 platoon assault supported by a smoke barrage which arrived late, was soundly repulsed by Snoopy's gamey use of bullets and mortars. Loosing one of the H/Ts in the process and many of the troops.

My light holding of a commanding ridge line was pounded by arty for several turns, then MG fire, then light arms fire as several British squads moved up. Suffice to say, the hour grew dark and the British HQ took the champagne off ice and began peeling the wire off the corks.

Now around turn 20 I have used the surviving H/Ts to ferry in reinforcements to a secret location. My champion little Hetzer (who says they're gamey?) has ventilated his last tank. My MkIV has flanked his positions and is firing on them from the rear. I have one last chance for victory.

The Windy One does hold all the VLs but this matters not as I hold all the armour, I beleive he has more troops left than I but I have a HMG in commanding field position and a quantity of ordnance in reserve.

It might be a good idea to put the champers back on ice.

Toodles Punks!

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On the Second page for Peng's sake!!!

Well as a true Knight of the Deep End of the Pool, I shall place this thread at it rightful position at the top of the board! No mere "bump" here, here is wit and humour.

To place the Pool at the top I shall start with a simple question, "MadMatt what the hell is your major malfunction you balding bouncer?" You make the Pool into a band of gypsies, but allow some hollow, petchulant GROG thread survivie for 24 pages. Oh the humanity or even the Podness. I demand a recount...I mean I demand justice. I call for rexford's head on a plate, it will look nice under that Croc head.

Now for the enjoyment of you sadistic types.

Game Updates:

I have Marlow's number, his one-time squire is now his mightest nemisis. One a bit of Rune's evilness called "Foothills" he has promptly brought his armor out and even more quickly has had them killed. His infantry even now run for the hills as I blow up every building in sight. Not because there are troops in them, I just like the shock wave effect when they go BOOM!

Mr.Spkr and I are down to yelling nasty names at each other and throwing our digital soldiers into the meat grinder. Who ever the computer auto-surrenders is the only way out of this madness.

Speedy and I engage on another of Runes' sadistic pieces called "Rural Warfare." So far I've pinned and destroyed all but two Stuarts in his starting wheat field. I'm destroying him and I've not even brought the main force to bear. Revenge is mine!

I don't have StevetheRat boy's email, but I'm losing that Blood Hamster, only because of the evil one. I'd curse him to hell, but what good would that do? So I hope that you come in second in the tournament knowing just how close you were to all that wonder booze.

The rest of you can SOD OFF! and Roborat let me know if you'll be in Canada before June 30th you wanker.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Unless one of you really think you got the stones I really think the choice is obvious. Bah!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There is nothing so unseamanly than this blustering braggart <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This chest beating comes with an spine back 30 day gaurantee! If I don't kick the **** out of you, then I'll send your spine back to you unharmed and whole!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Alas the pompous prancing poltroon has spoken, bullying his way to his objective and setting an example that constant bleating is successful. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So what do you say fluff boy? Care to put you panties where your mouth is?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Having got his way his slimey charm is to the fore as he attempts to remove tha ships panties. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Babra: He has givin up on life as we know it... He has *gasp* stop playing CM. No matter since I was beating him 60 something to 30. So he has surrendered.

ME: winner by a TKO.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The cowards true colours are revealed! Down with his flag of convenience and up with the tricolour. Only a Frenchman would stoop so low as to dishonourably seize upon his opponents indisposition to slip the stilletto into his back then crow "I win! I win! I am the greatest!" There can be no doubt that this Monsewer Jefferey is French. The Frenchness shines through in his dastardly and despicable posturing, his sleazyness and his ungentlemanly crowing. Only a Frenchman upon seeing his opponent aground upon a lee shore would not offer the succour that a true seaman offers even his opponent in peril but rather give the hapless a couple of broadsides. Damme ye Jefferey you are as foul a scoundrel as ere swung from the yardarm. In the words of the immortal: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You must hate a Frenchman as you do the devil. -- Admiral Lord Nelson<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The French.....these pests of the human race- Admiral Lord Nelson<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No doubt Jefferey is a martinet and a flogging captain, for what crew would willingly follow such bombast. He fancies himself as the reincarnation of Boney hisself as he lays waste to all and sundry. Boney and his French rabble met their match in Nelson and the British Tar and let me remind him of Boney's Lament:

"I did pursue the Egyptians sore,

Till Turks and Arabs lay in gore;

The rights of France I did restore

So long in confiscation.

I chased my foes through mud and mire

Till in despair my men did tire.

Then Moscow town was set on fire,

My men were lost

Through winter frost;

I ne'er before received such blast

Since the hour of my creation."

So come out from whatever bolthole you are lurking Monsewer and face my brave British lads who fight for King and Country not at the behest of tha 'cat' or in fear of the guillotine. Come what may we will not shirk our duty nor flinch from the fiercest broadside. While there's ship's grog to be had the British Tar will not be flaunting hisself about for the sake of a couple of barrels of colonial wine either.

"Lord Nelson bold, though threaten'd wide,

And many a time he had been tried,

He fought like a hero till he died

Amid the battle gory.

But the day was won, their line was broke,

While all around was lost in smoke,

And Nelson he got his death-stroke,

That's the man for old England!

He faced his foe with his sword in hand

And he lived and he died in his glory."

Should you accept you can expect to hear from my second in due course if not then you will be blockaded.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


Lorak "god how i wish just once I would get some news that is mildly suprising! A win by Phan! A short post by Seanachai. Hell even a note stating that Berli was seen wearing ear muffs."

[ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ][/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's just a fleshwound. Sir Lorak, it was a draw and it was vs Elvis. Thankee Sai

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