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OK.. I checked, double checked, triple checked and all seems quiet, So without no further ado I take it upon my humble self to host the next MBT.

You poolers know the drill, well at least most do, but incase anyone finds instructions like "NOW GO AWAY " hard to grasp, then here goes.

Long, long ago in the days before PANTIES..

Originally posted by Seanacoochicoo:

Bloody hell, the Peng Thread is gone! No Cesspool! No reason to go on living! Run from your homes, you Knights of the Cesspool, you Illuminati, the time to reveal ourselves has come! Begin to burn, loot, pillage, and...er, well, not that other thing. A gentleman always asks most politely, and when asked to desist, he does so with an apology. But for the rest of it, begin bashing in the heads of your neighbours, and eating the goo within! Peng Thread death has come, and no one shall survive!

Well maybe all but one, we shall see....


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Just claiming my bunk before going to bed.

Goodnight Kitty, Goodnight Emma, Pawbroon, Goodnight Stuka, 'night Speedy, OGSF, Babs, Menschy-baby, cheerio Berli, Foo, Peng, Elvis, Phillies, Armornut, Senachai, Goanna, Lorak, goodnight JD, MarkIV, 'night MrSpkr, Goodnight Joe Shaw, goodnight Lawyer, Speedbump, Moriarty, jshandorf, chupacabra,

'night Iskander,bauhaus (but sit down), goodnight David, Geier, Dalem, Leeo, Agua Perdido, Panzer Leader

Camera pans away from old run down shack

Goodnight John-boy


PS would someone please get the lights?

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I just visited the Winecape tournament thread to see what Peng was talking about. The thread is nothing but a commercial promotion for rot-gut South African wine that binge boyz in DC wouldn't touch. They even have pictures.

And they accuse the Pool of wasting space...

Plus, that Treeburst guy has all the obsequious charm of a grinning maitre'd at a fourth rate chinese restaurant. Those guys have more spunk and manners than Eddie Haskell trying to look up June's dress. "Hail fellow well met" indeed. It's almost enough to get us Pool dads to put on clean underwear for Father's Day. I said ALMOST.

Five posts and no PL. Maybe this voodoo stuff is working after all...

[ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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Hmmm.... (leaning rifle in corner)

Tasteless title? Check.

Peng and Challenge in title? Check.

Usual suspects beginning to arrive? Check.

But...no rules posted for the maroons, drive-bys, and obsequious groupies? This will never do!

If you are wondering what it’s all about, click here: http://berlichingen.tripod.com/peng/

If you’d like to contribute, damn the luck, we’re busy today. Your post IS important to us, however. Why not read the freakin’ rules and try again, a LOT later?

1) Challenge someone ... someone specific, issuing a general challenge will just confirm that you're a moron.

2) Be Creative ... be funny, be witty, failure to do so will just confirm that you're a moron.

3) SOUND OFF LIKE YA GOT A PAIR! Being namby-pamby nicie-nice will only confirm that you're a moron.

HOWEVER, that's not say that you should sound off ABOUT your pair. While innuendos and references are a time honored CessPool tradition, crass comments, political slams and racial, sexual or religious slams are NOT and will just confirm that you're REALLY a moron.

4) Try Not to be ... a Moron.

And congrats to something called Ghost358th for earning the first Peng Thread Death Sentence in weeks. Please welcome it with your rifle butts if you meet it lurking near your home alley.

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Well well. I like it so far - dank and musty, and the curtains match.

Hey, funny memory: 10 years ago, moving in with my female grad school office mate. We'd rented a small furnished cottage on the beach for the school year. She looks around and says to me "Would you mind if I took these curtains down and put up my own? I think they'll look nicer." I laughed and responded "Hell, Carol, my last place didn't even have curtains."

Chicks are frustrating, but they sure help keep the caveman stench at bay.

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Yeah, I suppose this piece of tripe will do for now.

Please post the rules and carry on. And remember, please refrain from leaving the confines of the cess unless you maintain "normal" manners. There have been a few "leaks" lately.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

Nice Emma, but lose the dollies and stop cutting the crust off the sandwiches......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dollies? Unlike most of the guys in here I stopped playing with dolls of any kind around the age of nine. ;) I assume you mean those nice frilly mats that make that huge old table in the middle of the room look so much more homely, I believe the are referred to as "doilies"

And as for the teeny sandwiches, well there was only one loaf of bread hanging around the place and that had been attacked by all kinds of horrible rodents, so rather than let you lot starve on return from battle, I cunninly cut the worst parts off,

Guess you noticed though Huh?

Oh well, I better get on with the chores, there is so much to do around this place, and you know what they say.

The way to a mans heart is...........

I'll leave it up to you lot to add your own endings.

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You'll not get rid of me that easy! I like my half sister (even if she despises me...)

My god, this is both great and hideous at the same time. Women, always a contradiction. No rules, a smug attitude, and what is with the period AND the question mark?? Oh wait, she's female (yeah right) never mind...

[serious mode]

FOlds, much as I'm despised around here (thanks for the encouragement!) I've been hard at work this weekend updating the CM2 FAQ and designing a new, VERY exciting scenario.

So, for all you loyalists (jdmorse, Dame Achin, Berli, and Seanachai -- these are the ones I know really love me tyhough they have a rough exterior) actually for any and all of you whom I call my illigitimate brothers in arms, I would like to ask for a bit o' help. Its easy stuff and is more rewarding to you than me.

First, might'nt you occaisionally bump my CM2 FAQ for me, since I get embarrassed if I have 40 of my OWN bump threads in a row. Be your putrescent self, its okay. COnsider the CM2 FAQ thread the Cess' playground.

Secondly, I would be greatly appreciative if a few of you would use my scenario "Navarone" (based on the army play-set NOT the movie) in some upcoming challenges. It is a tough battle that requires great tactical skill for either player to emerge victorious. I tried to design it so that it would be a stalemate unless and until one player made a tactical error. It is a blast and there are some CRAZY innovative surprises.

Drop me a line, I would appreciate it.

[/serios mode]

Whatsa matta, Handjob why the utter silence after my dirk-pulling?

[ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

You'll not get rid of me that easy! I like my half sister (even if she despises me...)

My god, this is both great and hideous at the same time. Women, always a contradiction. No rules, a smug attitude, and what is with the period AND the question mark?? Oh wait, she's female (yeah right) never mind...


Looks like you missed the WELCOME DRINK I left especially for you on the way in.

Now would I have done that if I despised you?

No matter, beggars can't be choosers and a pool without PANTIES would surely put Victorias Secrets out of business. :D

[Edited because I am female]

[ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

The way to a mans heart is...........

I'll leave it up to you lot to add your own endings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shortest way: Throught the ribs

Easiest way: underneath the ribs then upwards (sometimes mistakenly thought of as involving food, since it is "through his stomach")

Most spectacular way: anything with a spoon, or blunt knife

Most inventive way: the mythical Viking "Blood Eagle", where the ribs are cut away from the backbone and the lungs drawn out through the gap and spread as if an eagles wings - doesn't directly involve the heart (except to stop it), but apparently would provide quite good access.

Most practiced way: on top of an Aztec altar with an obsidian knife.

Now bugger off so this place can get back to being dark and disgusting!

[ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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"So you've got her legs up on the mantlepiece and --"

Anyway, I want to thank -- wait, we can't be gracious in The Pool...

I think panties should -- wait, not supposed to invoke that moniker...

Were the German gun breeches always painted -- hmm, can't grog around...

There once was a nun with no luck -- nope, Sunshine said I can't do that anymore either..

I guess it's nothing but a game update then:

Lawdog: At last we have contact! I don't care if he beats me just as long as this scenario ends!!!!

WhirliBerli: His engineers threw a satchel charge at a dying HQ unit - the dead bodies did truly fly into the air. He now has taken the roadblock, and the bridge beyond lies quivering in anticipation of his bold thrust up the middle.

Speedyhump: He is confused by my superior intellect. Soon the Genesis device will be mine!

OffalGulpingSudsyFrau: The burr somehow even comes across in the screams of his dying pixelytic soldaten. And I have used my superior tactical skills to get lucky vision slit shots into two distant bunkers so far, from howitzers with muzzle velocities akin to a paralyzed starling.

other pooligans: Real Life intrudes and we'll leave the light on for 'em.

[ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

OffalGulpingSudsyFrau: The burr somehow even comes across in the screams of his dying pixelytic soldaten. And I have used my superior tactical skills to get lucky vision slit shots into two distant bunkers so far, from howitzers with muzzle velocities akin to a paralyzed starling.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

At's a wee bit worrse than tha', Jimmy! Ah didnae knoo tha stankin' Allies ha' Daith Starrrs ain their arrrsenal! Hai's droppin' tha bleedin' thangs ain mah poor laddies, blowin' thaim tae ****e - two shaills an 19 oot o' 22 bodies evaporated ain less than two seconds.

But Ah'll haive mah revainge...och aye laddie..there'll bae a reckonin' fer thas butchery...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

No matter, beggars can't be choosers and a pool without PANTIES would surely put Victorias Secrets out of business. :D

[ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Criminey! A Pool thread started by some neo-Parisian hussy without her undies and you all start fawning about like a bunch of moon-eyed, adolescent ne'er-do-wells. Damn, I must be out of practice, otherwise I never would not have complimented the lot of you like that.

Next thing you know, she'll take this whole liberte, egalite, fraternite thing too far (no I don't do les accents egout ou grave on my machine). A Peng thread started by someone who doesn't play. The Nerve... the Audacity...

Next week we'll see a pantieless, braless Peng Challenge Thread started by Y2K and her two roving companions. The very idea makes me... well... sign me up!

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Ah, Home.

I just had another little go at that there Ghost fellah. Somthing about him really got my dander up. And not like M (the infallibly dull) Dorosh kind of dander up getting. This was a more of a blood-lust"I hate your steenking guts and want to stomp them into the mud that the dust mixed with your freely flowing bodily fluids made" up dander getting thing. Y'know?

So anyway I went over there to apologize to winecape and treeburst for "crapping on the carpet" - the nice friendly thing that 'cape wrote to casper extending him an invitation made e feel just horrible...oh who the hell am I trying to fool? I started with an apology just so I could go in there and take another shot at ghost.

Golly being a complete rat bastard is fun.

I have to get some sleep now. Bye bye boys and Emma.


[ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Criminey! A Pool thread started by some neo-Parisian hussy without her undies and you all start fawning about like a bunch of moon-eyed, adolescent ne'er-do-wells.....

...Next week we'll see a pantieless, braless Peng Challenge Thread started by Y2K and her two roving companions. The very idea makes me... well... sign me up!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In honour of Emma's thread, I shall be playing all my CM games during the life of this incarnation without any underwear on.

Actually, as that sounds a bit rude, I will have my underwear on, however I shall wear it on my head.

Now, I must relate a very recent experience of mine. As I was sitting, about to assign orders for a game I have going with OGSF (who apparently thinks we are playing a QB set in Korea, as he has currently instigated an attack worthy of the Chicom army of that period), I was suddenly overcome by an immense wave of fellow feeling for Panzer Leader.

Later, of course, this turned out to be the onset of a very serious and brutal food allergy reaction.

However, it did start me to thinking about the silly little sod. Like a mouse that runs up your pants leg, Panzer Leader obviously disconcerts many people here. Like that mouse, you know he represents no real threat to either your manhood or overall well-being, and that, in fact his actions are motivated only by confused and panicky stupidity. But you definitely want him out of there, and end up going to considerable effort to not only remove him, but make sure that he never, ever does something like that again.

Now, other than his complete inability to taunt in an interesting way, what is Panzer Leader's most annoying characteristic? Obviously, his ability to post several thousand words of whinging each day.

I have thought long and hard on what needs to be done with Panzer Leader, the squeaky mouse of the Peng Challenge Thread. It is all too obvious that the lad needs more guidance. Not simply booting in the arse, as that's being administered nearly constantly and seems to have little or no effect. No, this is a Squire clearly lost and rudderless.

Now, as Pawbroon, the tyke's ostensible patron, is too often deeply involved with whimsical modding, cataclysmic lovemaking, and the painstaking effort needed to turn his actually flawless English into something 'French' enough to keep the 'Poolers amused, I propose to enter into negotiations to acquire the Squireship from him.

This does not mean, however, that I renounce the Squireship of Mr Spkr (who has come a long way, although a significant journey still lies before him). For one thing, as some of the most unseemly bickering goes on between these two, this move will, in effect, make them half-Squires to each other. That is, the same sponsor, but different, er, mothers. Or somefink.

There is precedence for having two Squires. Though generally frowned upon, Joe Shaw (never doubt it, Joe will one day return to us) has, on occassion, had two squires. And, other than their constant attempts to assassinate him, you won't find better behaved nor more obsequious Squires than Shaw's.

As a beginning on this project of moral 'suassion, I propose to enter into a game with Panzer Leader. This will start him on the right road, and hopefully his ability to pour his effusive and unending river of gibberish into emails to me will lessen the flow into the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread.

Having already failed to provide good guidance to one Squire, (one Hiram Sedai, who nevertheless found his own way in the world, and, after his conversion to 'Phillieism', which I'm still a bit dubious about, but young people often feel the need to explore a world beyond their upbringing, returned to us again) I do not wish to repeat the error, and will labour mightily to mold Panzer Leader into something the Mother Beautiful Thread can be proud of. Or at least, not spew after seeing yet another post from him.

So, Panzer Leader, send me a setup. The parameters are yours to set, but nothing more than 1500 points, please.

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