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Well, having failed to sustain even a semblence of dialouge with several of you, I am forced to start quoting myself. This will be like the discussions I have with the voices in my head, except there will be, hopefully, less yelling.


Originally posted by Buzzsaw


Its a sad day when another one of these shows up in the Cesspool

. . )

That's right, a disabled smilie -- an escapee from your laboratory. He has been knee-capped and his tongue has been cut out, and yet he managed to escape and is still bravely smiling.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[smilie now disected]


After performing a vivisection of this smilie I discovered what appears to be highly localized modications to its DNA. Although not sterile itself, this smilie was modified so that all of its offspring would be sterile. While I like your approach, I would urge to remember the maxim which you yourself have always lived by: "The only good smilie is a dead smilie".

Perhaps, rather than releasing modified smilies into the wild, you can introduce modified DNA strands into the food source of wild smilies (which is, of course, the mushy brains of the people who use them, like Stixx and CMPlayer). Or, why not take it one step further and work on sterilizing those two individuals (although it already seems highly unlikely that they could successfully reproduce)?


If you had not machine gunned all my trucks, I might have a more organized attack going on here. So you really have yourself to blame for the current pace of our game.


You are a pillock. I have thrown the gauntlet -- nay, I have soundly slapped your buffonish face with gauntlet. Hold that, I have soaked the gaunlet in a marinate of hamster spittle and kangaroo dung and stuffed it down your throat.

You were the first (and only?) to respond to my feeble posts, and now you must suffer the consequences. I shall continue to torment you with silly, error filled posts until you stoop to swat this fly yourself.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

If we can't joke about death, well then, there's nothing left to do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK Papenase, lets see.. you get news of two deaths of close family friends in the last two and a half weeks and then you read an email of "I am sad to give news of so and so's death…" and see as Joe said.. your heart does a dip.

may you never recive bad news like I have then read some "funny" email.. one is first not in the "lager" to see the small details.

I must admit mr. poopypants pulled one over my eyes, still not fun. I know he didn't know whats going on from my side (private) aside about him complaining about his prostate or we swap sickness stories.

joke about death somewere else.

that does not mean one can say die lots now or somefink gamey related or taunting but well there are limits.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

He's so...soo...Midwestern. I mean, he hails from a Mound in Minnesota for crying out loud. How much more humiliation must I endure before you show me favor my liege?!?!


Oh, Janice-O-Cess, Minnesota is located smack-dab in the middle of the continent, so we are also Mid-Eastern, Mid-Southern, and Mid-Northern.

I like to think of it as well centered.

No wonder you’re humiliated.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Oh, Janice-O-Cess, Minnesota is located smack-dab in the middle of the continent, so we are also Mid-Eastern, Mid-Southern, and Mid-Northern.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was born in the South, I grew up in the South, and I know lots of people from the South.

You, sir, are no Southerner; rather, you are one of those inbred, cross-eyed, harelipped Northern cretins. You aren't fit to lick the bootheel of a fine Southern gentleman coming in from a walk through the barn.

Just wanted to keep you real.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I was born in the South, I grew up in the South, and I know lots of people from the South.


That explains all of the indecipherable drivel that you subject us to. It would also explain why you have chosen to join that most horrible of professions.

We need to revive "We Hate Texas Week". I recall their being one some time in the hazy past, but it really should be celebrated today. Since the idea is already true for the rest of America, it shouldn't take much effort.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You aren't fit to lick the bootheel of a fine Southern gentleman coming in from a walk through the barn.

Just wanted to keep you real.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I take it you are an expert because you see many of these gentlemen as they walk by you mucking out the stalls...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

OK Papenase, lets see.. you get news of two deaths of close family friends in the last two and a half weeks and then you read an email of "I am sad to give news of so and so's death…" and see as Joe said.. your heart does a dip.

may you never recive bad news like I have then read some "funny" email.. one is first not in the "lager" to see the small details.

I must admit mr. poopypants pulled one over my eyes, still not fun. I know he didn't know whats going on from my side (private) aside about him complaining about his prostate or we swap sickness stories.

joke about death somewere else.

that does not mean one can say die lots now or somefink gamey related or taunting but well there are limits.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gotta say, I agree with Greg on this one, when I read his first post it was pretty early in the morning and my heart flipped, then I had this awful sick feeling in my stomach..... Bloody Sean is gonna get his ass kicked good style for scaring me like that, the part about the rats was typical of Seans joking, but the first part sure had me fretting.......

SEANACOOCHIECOO I think it's time we had a little chat......

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Well, well, well, I see that Panty Waisted 00 has joined us again, just in time to make fun of the Great State of Texas ... talk to us again AFTER you've completed your High School American History class and have a clue what you're talking about. Or better still ... DON'T talk to us again ... ever. Damned SSNs, don't they make a spray for them or something?

Lars, I've refrained from putting in the boot THIS TIME because, well because I really can't blame you. But see you lad, Juardis IS a squire now, granted a particularly loathsome and deviant variety but still a squire. As you know, it is MY policy to BOLD and SPELL squires and above. Now once you become Knight you can do as you wish, you can ignore the teachings of he who has given you your title, you can pee on the traditions and customs I've taught, you can hock up a loggy and spit it on the right and honorable methods I've employed ... but while you're MY squire ... well, point made I think.

By the by, how's Arty Fest '45 going? Has Juardis even bothered to reply to your setup? We DO expect frequent and copious reports you know, this is part of your training.

OH, and I'm pleased to see that you TOO are a Texan. While we may be in exile lad, never forget ... "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You".


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

MrSpkr, I'm originally from Corpus Christi. I know Texas, and you sir, are no Texan.

OU fan indeed. You just like them cuz they cheat better, you, you, you lawyer!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I should have guessed. Well, your being a native Texan explains many, many things, but of course we can't go into detail about them HERE, this IS a family forum . . .

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I am sorry that Seanachai's e-mail caused others here duress. Personally I found it funny as hell. I just do not understand how that many people were fooled.

First thing I noticed was the attachment (after playing you idiots,I look for a turn first. Since most of you are prone to fogetting the purpose of the mail to begin with.

Second thing I noticed was that reguardless of who said they were sending the letter. It read like it was from Seanachai From the first sentence. There is no mistaking his style.

Third....All you guys noticed was the rats eating the remains??!! Maybe things are a hell of a lot crazier in europe than the states. But I caught on when he was gored by an antelope. I guess that happens all the time in europe.

Maybe next time he can make sure there is no misunderstanding. Maybe he will be rollerskating in a buffolo herd and his body will be desicrated by jack-a-lopes.

Lorak the Loathed

Paladin of Peng

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I totally agree, even though it took me a second to figure it out. Butttttttttttt-since Seanachai is dead I think it only fit in the true tradition of the Cesspool:

Cesspool- Win (even squires)

Seanachai- loss (yep that would be one loss to everyone)

I dance on your grave.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jo Xia:

I'm a wannabe Texan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

During my most recent vacation I found this rather amusing little piece of bathroom poetry.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Here I sit with my cheeks a flexin, trying to create another Texan. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This sums up you vermin rather well.

[Edited because unfortunately the vermins name must be bolded so he can identify it as being intended for him]

[ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]

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I can only guess that Seanoop-doggy-dog fell down his basement stairs again and this time put his head through the brick wall at the bottom.

As Emma and Joe stated, the first paragraph was cause for concern and it was only when the Antelope story was revealed thats doubts as to the authenticity of the epitaph surfaced. The rat side of things I can beleive, as rats do feast on their own.

Still, there was the chance that it was a cesspool style eulogy to be delivered in the event of the bard's demise and as Seanachai is older than dirt and has been complaining of ill health, perhaps he really did snuff it.

As for our current game, I beleive I will pamphlet drop his troops with offers of counselling as it appears they have unresolved 'issues'.

Bad, Snoop doggy, Bad!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jo Xia: I'm a wannabe Texan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wannabe? Son, I was born in Texas, my parents were born in Texas and my Mom is buried there, my Grandparents were born in Texas and they're all buried there, all of my Great Grandparents are buried in Texas and my Great Granddaddy Shaw used to drink whiskey with Judge Roy Bean.

It's not bad enough that we have to be inundated with SSNs, now we have to deal with Damned Yankee SSNs ... I tell you it ain't fair.


[ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

By the by, how's Arty Fest '45 going? Has Juardis even bothered to reply to your setup? We DO expect frequent and copious reports you know, this is part of your training.


Well, since Lars is blowing you off it seems, I shall give an update without even seeing the return file. I setup all my 2 FOs in the open. I figure that Lars, being a confused Texan in Mini-soda, wouldn't know what to do in that situation. In the off chance that he actually TARGETS my FOs, I've got it made cause, well, he can't give orders worth a plug nickle in a buffaloes butt. So HIS FO's, in a fit of rebellion, or just plain apathy, would target *my* 29 TRPs (repeat after me Joe, slowly and with feeling now...T-A-R-G-E-T R-E-F-E-R-E-N-C-E P-O-I-N-T) and inadvertently win the game for me. Not that winning is impotent in this most bizarre battle, but the taunt value would be indescribable.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Not that winning is impotent ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn Juardis, that's almost Zen-like. Hell there have been whole religions formed on less ... why not give it a try, we'll keep your corner warm {snicker}.


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One of my best lines EVER had passed into padlocked obscurity! Yes, the one about Main Boarders reeling back like salted snails. What a picture!

Due to the shear number of agrivated complaints (make that, erm... TWO) Kassander's thread was chained up faster than a 'pound man can lash up rabid strays. Soft celled pansies.

Updates are pretty uniform, in that my opponents must be snorting Agent Orange through straws and their utter incomptence shines through like the bright morning sun breaks through the curtains of the dark claustraphobic bedrooms of these nerd herds, spod squads and geek cliques.

Other than that, sympathies where they are due.


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Considering that Seanachai and I have been blugeoning each other for aeons (for those on the other side of the pond) and neither has managed a knock out blow, if he had actually bought it, I'd have to kill him as it would vex me so to not get the opportunity to thrash and box him about the ears.

I am sure PETA is investigating his abuse of antelopes by the illegal utilization of said horns by impaling as well as the imevitable posioning of a group of ratus ratus

[ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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