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Kump's CM Outpost, An Unknown Fate -->

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It is not easy to notify the CM community of my decision to discontinue future work on my site. After a couple of weeks of very hard work at the “real job”, I was finally rolling up my sleeves to get at this comparison thing once again. However, I have been approached on another project that I am very excited about, and it appears that it will eat up all my “hobby” time. I won’t even be playing much in the months to come.

Please remember that my site started with a few folks asking me to make my own personal mods available on some web space. Then I made comparisons on terrain of other folks mods I used to make my own, meant only as an acknowledgement to those mod author’s previous work. Then folks asked me to do vehicle comparisons as well and you know the rest. Its a killer of free time.

The site is completely private and I have to pay my ISP an additional $60.00 per month to

keep it going. Without my updating attention, I will only be keeping it available for another couple of months before I have to close it down (cost and I need the space). If I can find some space out on the internet that will not bleed me, I will gladly move it.

If there is someone else who wants the pages and continue this work, let me know. All

the pages can be had with no strings attached.

I regret in having to give up my part in keeping the CM fever going. Its the best WWII game to get on the computer and I’m going to miss it in the coming busy months.



Garry Kump

Kump's CM Outpost

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Sorry to see you go. $60.00 a month is a bit much. I pay that much every three months at wipc.com to host my site with 100 megs of space!

Hopefully you will find the time to come back and get your hands wet again. After all we all must make a living. Good luck on your next venture.





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My opinion is that your site is, on balance and for the work it undertakes, the best around, Garry. And it took all of a week to make it that way. I'd hate to see it just fade away, so I hope someone with similar ability and enthusiasm takes it over from you.

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Sorry to hear this Garry, I've been a frequent visitor and enjoyed the ambiance very much. Good luck to you in your new endeavor.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

You and your site will be sorely missed. However you'll be back... they always come back to CMBO. wink.gif


"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum."

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I'm really going to miss your site, Kump. I usually don't install mods until you profile them for us. I hope someone can take it over, or at least archive it as it is for future newcomers to CM. I would do it if I knew how. My one attempt at a website was rather pathetic. (You can check it out if you want, the link is in my my profile.)

[This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-14-2001).]

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

GL with you Kump. Don't have anything for ya, and will be rolling up my sleeves also soon. Just wanted to say thanks for you great work. Love you site and your help.

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Best of Luck and be well.

Your site is the best all around and most useful one.

I wish someone could do that side by side comparisons you painfully and time consummingly did.

Cya in some time.


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Yours was one of the best and most useful CM sites by far and will be missed frown.gif Maybe you could get Combat Missions to take and post your material? That's one of the best CM sites now, imo, with more new, quality material all the time.


Don't talk to me about atrocities in war; all war is an atrocity.

--Lord Kitchener

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You have done a great job Garry and your site provided a great service to the CM Community and it will be sad to see it go.

At a time when new Mods were coming out on a daily basis, it was YOU that tried to bring order to the chaos.

All the best!.

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I will add with the others, Kump, that your site has given an outstanding service to the CM gamer community. I will also add that your provision of screenshot comparisons is a great help to CM gamers for choosing between comparable mods (like grass). You must go with your best discretion, of course, although I do hope that someone else can maintain the site if you are unable to.

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kump, I admit that the RealWorld infringement on computer-spent time is a real problem, and can't help you with it since I suffer from the same predicament, but as regards the 60 US$/month thing, webspace should not be the reason.

try any of the many free webspace providers, I just registered with http://www.icestorm.com/ - 50mb free (banner ad though).

see through the list of free webspace providers at


all the best,


[This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-15-2001).]

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