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I think you should be made aware that i have received an e-mail today from Tiger requesting me to TAKE OFF all of his mods that are hosted at CMs. I also believe that this same request has been sent to Madmatt & Tom. I don't know what their position is on this, but i will abide (although reluctantly) by his decision and withdraw them from the site.

I have sent him a reply back, asking him to reconsider what i think is a rather drastic measure to take, and maybe he can be persuaded to have a rethink.

If he still wants me to take them off, this is what i am going to do. I will be away on holiday for the next two weeks starting Saturday. I will leave the mods up for anyone who wishes to d/l them during that period (i'm a kind soul), but when i get back they will be taken down. This really is a sad thing for me to have to do. I owe a great deal to John for his support to CMs and i was always proud to host his work. In fact i would go as far to say, that without the drawing power of his mods, CMs would never have become as popular as it did. His mods still remain as some of the very best 3rd party work done for CMBO.

This phrase seems to be mentioned a fair bit nowadays in this so-called "Community" of ours -- WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON?!?!

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Manx ]

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I'm sorry to hear this, but taking out one's personal issues on the WHOLE CM community because of a single (rather minor) flame thread (which, BTW, he drew first "blood" in) is the thing that my mind is focused on. This is not only unfair, but it is rather petty.

The mods are his and he has the right to ask them to be removed, but I for one think he is not acting either rationally or in a way that will garner him much respect. I don't know Tiger at all, but I am less than impressed with how he has handled himself.


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I'm just glad Steve didn't get mad and take CM back!


Other than that, I have no comment due to the fact that it would be inflammatory to the extreme. I am content to hate everyone here and think you're all idiots and imbeciles, but I feel this way in a very relaxed, care-free sort of way.

Oh by the way, I take back every thing I said. Not because I didn't mean it, but because you are not WORTHY of hearing my opinions.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I'm just glad Steve didn't get mad and take CM back!


Other than that, I have no comment due to the fact that it would be inflammatory to the extreme. I am content to hate everyone here and think you're all idiots and imbeciles, but I feel this way in a very relaxed, care-free sort of way.

Oh by the way, I take back every thing I said. Not because I didn't mean it, but because you are not WORTHY of hearing my opinions.


Panzer Leader, not that you are worth an answer, bud anyway - be sure we all hate, too. smile.gif

About Tiger - I don't know the reasons, but I'm sorry to hear that. He made the best mods of all.

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Deciding to leave the forum is one thing, but to do this is as well is a shame. Especially when you consider the countless number of hours he spent making them. I don't know off-hand how many vehicles/terrain/fortifications he did, but when he was in full flow, he was releasing 2-3 a week. I still don't know to this day how he managed to do this!

Anyway, it would be a shame to lose all this work (i have told him so!) and i hope he reconsiders.

P.S - I have ONLY posted this to inform people to go and grab these mods while they can. Please don't turn it into a Tiger hunt. :cool: PLEASE!!

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Crap like this is why I enjoy the MBT. Although we all proclaim to hate each other (and I hate you, Joe Shaw and you, Mouse, most of all), I have never seen an online group of people more caring and dedicated to one another. When someone drops out for a bit, people ask questions and find out what is going on. When one member posted and emailed that he was getting bored with CM and probably wouldn't be around anymore, he got over 30 replies telling him to come back. Why is it htat way? Probably because the grotesque exaggerations we post in the MBT keep us from taking ANYONE else in the Pool very seriously (that is especially true for you, Lawyer, I don't take you seriously at all), and so we don't take disagreements or insults personally.

Out here on the Outer Boards, however, people take it as a personal affront if you disagree with them. They get sooo-ooo wrapped up in what is supposed to be a fun game and take soooo-ooo much 'pride' in showing off their knowledge of World War II and military trivia that they can't handle anyone saying, 'I'm sorry, I think you may be mistaken.'

'Feh!' to the Outerboards, I say. Feh! Your egos remind me of marshmallows in a microwave oven - turn the power on for a few seconds, and the darn things swell out of all proportion to their original size.

As for Tiger, well, I don't know him and I don't care. Anyone who would decide to take his football and go home over an argument on a thread is being stupid and puerile. This is the same mentality as little kids who talk about running away from home just to show their parent's what's what. An utterly pointless proposition.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This really sucks, thanks to the flames wars in this community we lose a very talented individual.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This REALLY bothers me. If someone takes out a book of matches and burns himself, do you blame the match company? I don't. Tiger is the only one to blame for his actions since only Tiger can make decisions for Tiger. Therefore, if Tiger wants to be petty and "punish" the whole community because of a flamebait thread he started, I see no reason to find fault with others.

Tiger drew first blood (using language that is against forum rules too), and although he did appologize for flaming Rett, it was clear that he was spoiling for a fight from the get go. If he didn't have the skin thickness to accept the rather mild flamefest that resulted from the intollerant tone he set, then he shouldn't have started it.


[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Big Time Software ]

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Can someone please tell me which thread this flame-war was? I like to know what all the hooplass is all about.

It's really too bad Tiger took this step, tho. I'm also glad he has provided us with such great artwork. His mods were the first I started collecting, and I believe I have collected all of his work.

Happy trails, Tiger...

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Panzerman wrotw:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just want to say that the way this board is going ther may be a massive group of people leaving... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Anybody that feels they must make a dramatic and spitefull exit over a VERY MILD disagreement in one thread is welcome to leave right now. In fact, I request that such people leave this forum and never return. This is a place for intellectual discussions, not self serving ego stroking. One NECESSARY ingredient for intellectual discussions is discourse. Without it this will just be a bunch of suck ups agreeing with each other. If that is what people want this BBS to be I'll shut it down in a heartbeat because it will serve NO purpose what-so-ever.

Having said all that, well mannered, mature beavhior is expected in such discussions. Calling people an "asshole" because they take up a polite contrary point, as Tiger did to Rett, crosses the line. I am not going to hold anybody else responsible for Tiger's subsequent actions except for Tiger.

If you guys are angry about his decision, might I suggest directing that anger at Tiger since he is the one that called all the shots in this whole debacle.


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New Age Santa:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>hm, ok Tiger have started it but you have to admit there has been alot of flaming recently. Needless flaming at that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flaming, by definition, is needless smile.gif Unfortunately, this is something that happens from time to time even on the best behaved BBS Forums. I've seen worse here from time to time, and worse on any given day in other places.

Unfortunately, this has been blown up into a Big Hairy Deal when in fact it was a rather mild heated thread that started it all. Tiger, on through his subsequent actions, has elevated it to a Big Hairy Deal. And I am NOT pleased about it. Same thing happened when another modder was rightly slapped around for having downloaded a pirated copy of Combat Mission. He took his ball and went home too, and I can tell you I do not miss him at all.


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Forgive my cynicism, but do we think that Tiger won't be keeping an eye on the forum to see just how upset people get that he's taking his toys away? And since artists depend on publicity, what does he have to gain from cutting off his own oxygen supply? He's certainly not 'punishing' the people he got upset at – I, for one, don't use modifications. He is 'punishing' many of the people who do use his textures and who supported him in his irritation.

Babra said "He'll be back", and I think so too. In the long term he's only punishing himself, but in the short term he's creating a wave of "don't go Tiger, we love you" posts. He seems to me to be someone who needs to be told how much everyone likes what he does, and as Germanboy suggested, expects that credit to give him greater intellectual weight and let him off with worse behaviour.

I think the best thing we can do is let him go and let the subject die, and soon enough we'll see what his intentions really are.

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I find this hard to belive. Why would tiger take this drastic action unless he REALY belives that it is the right thing to do?

I supported him during the flame thread in question, and I can say that, it should not be him leaving but other lesser human flamers. Though everones view is important in my mind, Some poeple took the thread way to cerusly in stead of thinking of it as a simply a request from a great modder and contributor to this forum. If yhe wants to remove his mods, then by all means go ahead. They are his mods anyway. :rolleyes:

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I't's a shame Tiger left, and as to what some percieve as drastic etc, I can say I have known some ppl whom when they decide to do something, they do it all the way, not half way etc.

Tiger may be one of those ppl, who requires final closure, and to him it's a logical step, to remove his mods, not to hurt the CM community etc, but to close CM & that part of his life.

Or he could be doing it vindictively, either way it doesn't matter, as he has made his decision, we should all respect that decision,thank him for his time & mods, & wish him the best.

As to debates I have said this before, their is a point where it's clear neither side can convince the other side their POV is correct, and at that time ppl should just step back & agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Regards, John Waters

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: PzKpfw 1 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


I find this hard to belive. Why would tiger take this drastic action unless he REALY belives that it is the right thing to do?


. They are his mods anyway. :rolleyes:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm rather surprised by this move, but I will not add my voice to the chorus of "No, Tiger. Don't do it."

If he wants to go and leave not a trace behind, he should do so.

I enjoy his mods and respect his ability as an artist, so the last thing he hears from me on this subject will not be a whining attempt to change his mind.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


I find this hard to belive. Why would tiger take this drastic action unless he REALY belives that it is the right thing to do?


It doesn't take a genius to figure out that his decision is based entirely around the debate (that was what it was, wasn't it?) that took place in "blood" thread. I read through it, and as Steve as already pointed out, it looked pretty mild to me. I was just about to join in when it got locked. smile.gif So what if a few ego's were flying about...as far as i could see there was certainly nothing to warrant this sort of reaction from anybody.

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