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Why do YOU love the Scenario Depot? (or not)

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What do you use it for? What is important to you about it?

Why am I asking? Because in another thread there is a lot of discussion over how an aspect of it must be changed. But actually no-one really knows why. No-one really knows what is great and what is not about the Scenario Depot.

So before Adm Keth goes and implements a change, how about letting him know why you love it, or maybe why you don't and what would make you start using it.

But please don't tell us how it should be done, just tell us what stuff you would like to be able to do there.

Here is the answer for me:

I go to the Scenario Depot to find a great scenario to play. I go to the "Lists" and look at the ratings for PBEM games. I check how many people have reviewed a game, and what average score it has. I select amongst the ones with lots of reviews and a good rating, and I read all the reviews, to see if it will actually be the kind of scenario I like.

It is important to me to be able to see what different things people liked and did not like. It is important to be able to compare scenarios.

I also go there to read reviews of scenarios that people mention in threads, and to get scenarios that people mention in threads, even if they don't rate highly.

I also like to let people know what I thought of a scenario by submitting reviews.

I like to be able to rate different aspects of the scenario. I would like to be able to rate the scenario overall as well.

I wish I could tell if there were green/conscript troops in scenarios, because I hate playing those.


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Often I go to the Depot to browse for an interesting scenario for a PBEM or single play game. I may have some kind of preference in mind (Partisans 1942-43), and then use the options available to narrow the selection down a bit. I also try to see what others have said about the battle, although I need to be wary not to read any spoilers which often are included. With reviews I don't trust a single reviewer's opinion, but if there are seven reviews with similar opinions, I think I can trust it. But the lack of any reviews doesn't deter me from trying out a scenario if I find it interesting.

The few scenarios I have published I have also put into the Depot. Sometimes it annoys me that a new scenario can sink away from the new scenarios list within couple of days if there is a sudden flood of scenarios, though. It's great to get feedback from the players, even if it is not always as helpful. But it's better to have some not-very-clearly-written feedback than none at all. It's strange when a scenario is d/l'd over 100 times and all you get is one review. Why to download if you don't play it? For home decoration?

I also have submitted some maps. What is strange is that unlike with scenarios, there is no d/l counter for maps.

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I use the Scenario Depot because it has such an extensive listing of scenarios that can be easily searched. I especially like the ability to search by game length and map size. The only thing missing is the ability to search for AI or Two Player scenarios. If Admiral Keth adds the ability to search the Best Played as Two Player/Axis vs AI/Allies vs AI field, then I’ll have all I need.

I find the ratings to be only somewhat useful. I enjoy looking for short scenarios suitable for play against the AI that haven’t been rated. They play quickly and I can be the first to rate the scenario and hopefully improve what the Depot has to offer (I mean, how useful is it to add another rating to one that already has 25?).

Plus, as others have stated, not everyone is looking for the same thing in a scenario, so when a scenario has been rated only once or twice, I take those ratings with a grain of salt. But when it has been rated 10 or more times, I figure that the law of averages means the average rating is more reliable.

What I find more reliable is the number of downloads. I figure if thousands of people have downloaded a scenario, there must be a good reason why, even if 99% of those people haven’t reviewed the scenario. The ability to search by number of downloads could be useful. Or, maybe Admiral Keth could add a download column to those that are already shown (Scenario name, Forces, Type, Reveiws, Rating, D/L, Preview, AAR) when the list of scenarios is displayed.

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I like short historical scenarios and the Depot has plenty of them. I continually watch the new scenario list to see what is available. I like the fact that, no matter what kind of scenario I want to play, it's accessible at the Depot.

I also go and check new reviews, to see what I can learn about a scenario, that I might not have played yet. I like the reviews but don't think they can be done objectively with the current system.

It also gives me a place to post scenarios and keeps me from having to open a web site myself.

The ease of posting and downloading is a big plus.

Panther Commander

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I like the depot, I could lose some of the obnoxious ignorant reviews. Personally I'm done posting scenarios there.

Some form of registration for reviewers would be a really good thing I think. A good reviewer (Dorosh comes to mind) improves the depot, sloppy reviewers hurt it. Players who are scenario junkies and who write reviews will probably take a couple of minutes to register.

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Originally posted by xerxes:

I like the depot, I could lose some of the obnoxious ignorant reviews. Personally I'm done posting scenarios there.

Some form of registration for reviewers would be a really good thing I think. A good reviewer (Dorosh comes to mind) improves the depot, sloppy reviewers hurt it. Players who are scenario junkies and who write reviews will probably take a couple of minutes to register.

I appreciate that, as I prided myself on giving complete and helpful reviews. Having said that, perhaps the Scenario Depot isn't the place for designers. I think maybe The Proving Ground should be the place where people like you and I go to comment critically on each other's work - and leave the SD to "the masses" who are simply looking for a download site??

Nothing could piss me off more than seeing a friend have his work savaged for no reason. Check out Charlie Kibler's SKULPTURNY PARK. Perhaps I was part of the problem; maybe I shouldn't have reviewed it as I helped him test it - but I don't see the point in invalidating myself from the process either. If I helped test it, it was because I was interested in it, and if I endorsed it, it wasn't because Kibler paid me, it was because I thought the scenario worthy of endorsement.

But to then see people come on with ignorant and ininformed comments about how the map didn't "look right" despite being done from aerial photographs of the real thing"! LOL. I know rune got comments like that on his factory scenario. I actually gave rune a crappy comment like that on his Kapelsche Veer scenario for CMBO, though, so there is a fine line to be drawn between objective and subjective and what is appropriate or not.

The worst is people rating down scenarios clearly stated as vs AI only for PBEm playability or vice versa - then when someone comments on their error, they get twice as pissy and moan loudly that they are "entitled" to an opinion...

Perhaps the thumbs up / thumbs down system is the only way around that, but I stand by my other comments in the SD thread.

[ December 12, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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To paraphrase the late Gustav Heinemann, first social-democratic president of west Germany: 'I love my girlfriend'. I like the Depot. It is a great place to publish scenarios and advertise scenario sites. Der Kessel has always supported the Depot, and I think most of us will continue to do so.

I think any way of doing it has its drawbacks, and I have not thought about what could be done to make it right for everybody. At the moment it is the worst of all general scenario hosting sites, except all the others. ;)

But at least this discussion made me get off my rear and post all those scenario descriptions (as usual, you have to go to Der Kessel to get the scenario itself) I had not gotten around to posting over the last year or so.

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Topic: Why do YOU love the Scenario Depot? (or not)

Whats not to love ?

I for one appreciate the hosting of the scenarios (good or bad)and like CMMODS it is one of those sites I check almost daily to see whats new. As regards reviews I have done a few and read a few more but usually DL any scn I like look of anyway to make up my own mind

[ December 13, 2003, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Gary Barr ]

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I think the depot is great. If it was not for the depot hundreds of great scenarios might not ever have seen the light of day.

Keith obviously puts a lot of time and effort into the depot without reward so that all of us in the CM community have a place to host, download, and comment on scenarios. Where would all of these battles and operations be without him?

I for one cannot thank him enough for his efforts. All three Combat Mission games would not be the same without the Depot hosting authors efforts.

Eric :D

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It is a great place to obtain scenarios. The only thing I would like to change is what is in the scenario zip. I would like to see the notes (and picture if any)about the scenario in the zip as well. But this is a feature missing from all sites and probably up to the designer not the site, I do not know.

I must admit I like the scenario page design of the new Der Kessel site better, but that is only my taste.

I would like to see more packs available as well as it is a bit slow for my modem, or more direct links to the zip. This is also a problem with the new cmmods site. To many clicks and page openings to get what you want if you miss it on the most recent page.

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Originally posted by markl:

I must admit I like the scenario page design of the new Der Kessel site better, but that is only my taste.

The initial design for Der Kessel, that Mensch came up with, is IMO still by far the best I have seen - which is why Berli has kept it, I guess. It takes quite a bit of work though for the author and the webmaster, so I would not expect it from the depot.
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Love the Depot. Love historical scenarios. Like to find scenarios with no reviews and give em a boost if I like them.

Would love (despite it's virtual impossibility) to have an uber-site where scores could be posted for scenarios. With enough game results, you would start having par scores for games. I would have enjoyed much less frustration if I knew par for the Finns in Retaking Viipuri was 30. My keyboard wouldn't have been smashed to bits in utter--I mean violent--despair either.

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Originally posted by Alsatian:

Love the Depot. Love historical scenarios. Like to find scenarios with no reviews and give em a boost if I like them.

That is exactly what I try to do as well. There is a scenario design group out there that only does historical scenarios. The group is called Historical Scenario Group. HSG for short. They post their scenarios at different locations on the internet. The Scenario Depot being the main one.

That is probably the nicest part of SD, the variety of scenarios covered.

Panther Commander

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