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Peng Challenge Thread - From Barbarous to Boring

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

My liege, MrSpkr, may I retort to this fetid futon some of the finer pontifications of the written language? Good...

my quote was I suppose this is where I interject - down bauhaus

I did not in fact, say sitdown bauhaus, I merely supposed that - IF I were a big and fearsome Night that is (or even a small and loathsome one) - supposed that that is what I would say. I respect the order waaaaaaaay too much to presume that I, a mere pissant of a squire (mere formalities notwithstanding), am in any position to even look at a kite let alone even think about addressing one.

Page 23 - wherein Shaw discovers that the bullseye[1] TRP is not a victory location but is, in fact, some kind of arty magnet - which he still doesn't understand cause no one has a line of sight to it...

[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Juardis to add forgotten footnote

[1] bullseye referring to fact that Joe suspects this is a good place to stop and rest cause it scores him xtra points ]

[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You shouldn't even think the thought. You haven't earned the right to tell me anything. Until then......sod off ya git!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

never confuse Aussies (unbolded to show disrespect to the lamest country on this Earth....Australia, Australia we love you!)with Poms!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kinda hard not to... you look alike, act alike, and bloody well sound alike. Pommie, Aussie, same damned thing

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Save it for your sheep you, you...Pommie!



Now why don’t you go something constructive - something you’re good at, slowing down traffic by being run over.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Kinda hard not to... you look alike, act alike, and bloody well sound alike. Pommie, Aussie, same damned thing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yah, the reason we sound alike to you guys is that you use the same lame American actor doing the sitcom voice-overs for an Aussie or a Pom!

Either that, or the flames of Hades has melted your hearing aid.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bogged:

[QB]<TAP> <TAP> Testing....Testing...Is this thing on? AHEM....

... you were a royal pain in the arse, .../QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Arse" = ridiculous Englishman = mock then ignore.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

"Arse" = ridiculous Englishman = mock then ignore.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, much worse than that. Mostly Irish with some German, and Norwegian (?!) sprinkled in.

Dalem would probably feel more at home if I has used a word closer to his vocabulary level - "butt"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bogged:

Actually, much worse than that. Mostly Irish with some German, and Norwegian (?!) sprinkled in.

Dalem would probably feel more at home if I has used a word closer to his vocabulary level - "butt"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Heh heh - you thaid "butt".

Actually I would feel considerably "more at home" if there were fewer of these self-styled "other nationalities" around. Why, just the other day I turned on a newscast and it claimed the footage was from some city that is supposedly not in America! Can you believe that? And before that I had seen a movie where the characters spoke nothing but gibberish the entire time and the real words had to be spelled out for me at the bottom of the screen. It was as if they were speaking a language other than American English, like that's even possible.

Strange, strange things are afoot.

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Since there is a high proportion of American gits in this thread, I shall take the opportunity to expound on a revelation of mine.

I while ago I wondered out loud why Americans (and MrPeng in particular) talk about puking so much, ie. "it makes me want to puke!". Then I went to a show called Ironic Yanks at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, which had some amusing things to say about British and American idiosyncrasies.

Picture of aforementioned Ironic Yanks


Then I thought about what I would say instead of "it makes me want to puke!". I was reminded of an occasion in the Korean war when a British unit answerable to an American commander reported that they were in a "sticky situation". The American took this to mean that they were allright, when in effect the British commander meant they were in real trouble.

I concluded that American "it makes me want to puke!" roughly equals British "I didn't find it particularly enjoyable". By the same token, British "it was rather good, really" is on a par with American "that was totally awesome!" It should also be noted that British "well that's just marvellous" in a particular tone of voice means American "this is totally f***ed up!!".

This has been a complimentary public service broadcast for our American friends.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Yah, the reason we sound alike to you guys is that you use the same lame American actor doing the sitcom voice-overs for an Aussie or a Pom! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, the reason you sound alike, is because you are Pommies, and there is no way in Hell you are going to convince right thinking (non-Pom) people otherwise.

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Well lads, it's nearing the completion of yet another Joe Shaw hosted MBT and as I look back on the 12 or so pages I think I can say without contradiction that it has been one of the best. We rose from our torpid, Panzer Leader induced lethargy to once again become the vibrant and healthy community we once were. Coincidence, HA!, don't make me laugh.

Is it coincidence when the Australians say something stupid? Is it coincidence when Berli pontificates (ooohh, there's an oxymoron for you ... no Stuka you're just a regular, run of the mill moron ... no, no, don't start crying it's really better, trust me)? Is it coincidence when Pawbroon DOESN'T make sense or when SSNs are pathetic little whiners? Is it a coincidence that Goanna lost our last game? Of course not, it's all part of the great plan of nature.

I take pride in the fact that ALL Joe Shaw hosted threads are ... frankly ... works of art. Pity we must have others host but ... there you are. Let's try not to make it TOO great a let down though, eh lads?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Use at your discretion:

"Is That a PENG CHALLENGE In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds vaguely onoerotic... plus, it just might vaguely associate me with you in other's minds...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Is That a PENG CHALLENGE In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now look here Panzer Leader, you GOT your shot at fame when you hosted the last thread ... likely through a combination of bureaucratic oversight, bribery and blackmail (with MadMatt ANYTHING is possible), and a miserable bollocked up mess it was too. We've heard your suggestion for a title before and ... DON'T PUSH YOUR LUCK. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, and I want Buggered for a squire! My first fan!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well aren't we just full of ourselves. A brand spanking (sit dow ... no, no STAND UP Bauhaus we may need your services) new Knight and ALREADY demanding a squire. Well laddie me lad be advised that squires must be Serfs FIRST and THEN they may perhaps be made squires at the discretion of Lord Lorak. I, for one, am confident that Lorak will not follow his duty bound though terribly flawed decision (i.e. making YOU a Knight) with a tragic decision (i.e. giving you a SSN for a squire).

You may be a Knight, but you're a damned JUNIOUR Knight and don't you be putting on airs with us ... we knew you WHEN ...

{keep an eye on him Bauhaus}


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Ol' Joe, gotta love him. Methinks with the impending death of your oh-so-dear incarnation of Mutha Beautiful you are becoming a little addle-brained. Well, more so then normal then.

Firstly, the chicanery that led me to start up the thread previous will follow Madmatt and I to the grave. Secondly, that is a plain and simple HILARIOUS title I have thrown out there, but I supose I can agree with what Iscared'er said, that anything remotely tied to me will be scoffed at as sub-par. And the last thing we want is another thread without Gaeiour in it!

As for Bugger-off, I would never seriously ask for him as a squire. He registerd in January and his first and second post were just made tonight -- in my honor I might add. I was simply giving him a bit of credit, a sort of "Attaboy!" if you will for his lap-dog devotion.

Now please, your high-strung warbling has gone on long enough. You have spent the last week dressed in your penguin-suit, shuffling around the cess like some sort of maniacal maitre-d. Not to mention the frothing at the mouth you've caused that scoundrel Mrspkr. With him everything needs to be said sloooow and eeeeeasy. He's like a rabid dog, that bloke. No, he's more like a rabid gerbil.

So, Joe please fold up your cummerbund and put it away for awhile. And NO I DON'T need another drink, and the meal was FINE, now just SOD OFF!

[Edited for stUBBidity]

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Uncle Joe, you're using far too many "u"'s where they most certainly DO NOT belong in the final, perfect volution of the language that Civilized folks speak to one another -- Murcan Anglash, that is -- for you to not make one suspicious of your Pommie if not OUTRIGHT AUSSIE AFFILIATIONS!!

The CUAC grows again...

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It's late here at Drinks-R-Us, and so in the interest of stability, continuity and keeping PL's hands off another Thread, a new Incarnation shall begin forthwith. Realizing that this particular one has seven or eight more posts to go before drawing the ire of His Baldernity, I leave it to my fellow Knights as an exercise in creativity to find as many way as possibly to call Lewis & Maxipad the doofae they are.

Until then, I, Iskander, Knight of the Cesspool and Town Drunk, do hereby proclaim the opening of our new bar... er... home! at BTS CANCELS CM:BB PROJECT!!! (and other facts from the Peng Challenge Thread)

Cheers and/or piss off, depending largely on if I'm playing and/or beating you right now....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

No, the reason you sound alike, is because you are Pommies, and there is no way in Hell you are going to convince right thinking (non-Pom) people otherwise.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let us follow this hypothesis through to it's logical conclusion. You are basically saying that US citizens are really Canadians.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Let us follow this hypothesis through to it's logical conclusion. You are basically saying that US citizens are really Canadians.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As I said in the new thread, you have that exactly backwards.

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We need a new title and the recent one was just too poor of a title. So until then, I want you guys to email me with topic name suggestions and WAIT until you hear back from me (which will be sometime Sunday afternoon). Until then I dont want to see any new Peng Threads.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

We need a new title and the recent one was just too poor of a title. So until then, I want you guys to email me with topic name suggestions and WAIT until you hear back from me (which will be sometime Sunday afternoon). Until then I dont want to see any new Peng Threads.


Oops..... is Matt Mad? I assumed the last title had been given the go ahead by yourself, personally although it kills me to say so I loved PLs suggestion of.....

Is That a PENG CHALLENGE In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?"

or maybe even......

"Come up and see me sometime, I'll have nothing on but a PENG CHALLENGE"

Oh well to each his own I guess.......

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