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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Once said degree is finished, and assuming no degrees of the doctoral nature present themselves, I'll think about it.

Chubby - don't.

Steve - is it true that all north-Londoners are thickheaded or is it just you? Oh excuse me - oi! Geezer! Let's go outside.

Understand that better? Now lay off that double-posting.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Don't what? I know you've got that whole language gap thing on top of that whole drooling mental retardation thing, but do try to be a bit more clear?

And there I was thinking you could add two and two together and arrive at something at least resembling a number below ten...

Don't do a PhD - it is three years of mental anguish and a feeling of not being good enough to do what you are doing. If you feel adequate to it, you are in effect an asshole, but don't realise it. Don't ask. The only reward is afterwards but even then some PhDs have to expect to live with Ethan. It just is not worth it.

You read it here first.

The rest of you - move on, nothing to see here. Someone tear down that Nick poster, it makes me retch. Ta.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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North Londoners, particularly NW6'ers, are the envy of the modern world. There is more brain power here to re-invent life itself. More cadre to see off an entire Corps of Hitler Youth. More money here to repay the American Trade Deficit. More entertainment than Disney.

This IS the centre of the unverse. Don't bother with a telescope. Get yourself an A to Z.


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Originally posted by stevetherat:


The fact that you awarded 2 and 3 turns to that fetid heap of goats intestinal sewage clearly defines you as a mentally retarded, but very excited, vegetable handing out its Jelly Bellies to all and sundry. I feel I have to reap revenge by pulling out your very soul through the hole left by your missing toe nail, which I shall remove with a pair of very old and soiled garden shears. Expect a file which shall offer a quick resolution to this, short term, error of judgement.


Originally posted by stevetherat:


The fact that you awarded 2 and 3 turns to that fetid heap of goats intestinal sewage clearly defines you as a mentally retarded, but very excited, vegetable handing out its Jelly Bellies to all and sundry. I feel I have to reap revenge by pulling out your very soul through the hole left by your missing toe nail, which I shall remove with a pair of very old and soiled garden shears. Expect a file which shall offer a quick resolution to this, short term, error of judgement.


Damnation man, up your Ritalin dose already, having to read your posts once is bad enough.

As far as your file goes, after its sanitized, I may take a look at it and consider your offer for battle. Should I lower myself to actually take to the field against your pathetic excuse for soldiers, you may actually stand a chance of lasting as many as ten turns as I am distracted by an ungodly number of PBEMs against your betters (read as everyone and everything higher than an amoebae on the evolutionary scale).


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

formerly The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by stevetherat:

North Londoners, particularly NW6'ers, are the envy of the modern world.

Isn't that where the Dear Leader, Englands answer to Georgina, resides? Nothing beats SW16, matey.

Anyone noticed that Basty is still hanging out on the board? Doing Grog stuff saying things about Hafthohlladungen - yes that is a word you morons.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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The battle with Check 6 (Crodaburg or sum such thing) has been joined. So far my American troops are forging ahead paying for each yard of ground. I do take heart when I look across the bullet swept killing field at the far timberline. The wood is littered with cracked, smoking pillboxes, and collapsed bunkers. Not to mention the numerous wrecked gun positions of my foe. Though I still have a very bad feeling. I cant help thinking that a surprise awaits me sooner then I would like. I gain small comfort knowing I stated on record to my commanding officer, "I launch this attack under protest. I dislike this ground, and continue only as it is my duty."

Check 6: I sent off 004a, enjoy.


Semper Fi.

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So I began with the following:

Lorak, write this name in your book, CRODA, with a "C" ... right, now cross it out. And stay away from my sister, she's not for the likes of you.
Croda, exhibiting his characteristic lack of understanding of even classic movies, (I suppose we should be grateful he didn't EXHIBIT anything else), completely missed the point and stated:
So, you're saying that Anal-ist is your sister? If that's the case then don't worry about it.
Am I surrounded by Philistines? Have the barbarians taken control of the arts? Can no one identify the classic motion picture from whence my quote sprang ... sprung? Mind you it's not an exact quote but should be easily identifiable. Why didn't I take the time to look up the quote exactly? None of you are worth the effort!


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Tome update:



Pictures thus far; Berli,Lorak,JD,Kitty,Stuka


You are indeed correct that "Siuil a ruin" is about the Wild Geese going to france, Believe it was written in the 17th century.

Some other "Wild Geese" out takes...to futher the enlightenment of the pool.

War-Battered Dogs we are,

Fighters in every clime;

Fillers of trench and of grave,

Mockers bemocked by time.

War dogs hungry and grey,

Gnawing a naked bone,

Fighters in every clime-

Every cause but our own

--Emily Lawless

"The Wild Geese shall return, and we'll welcome them home

So active, so armed, so flighty,

A flock was ne'er know to this island to come

Since the days of Prince Fionn the mighty.

They will waste and destroy,

Overturn and o'erthrow,

They'll accomplish whate'er may in man be!

Just heaven they will bring

Devastation and woe

On the host of the tyrannous Seaghan Buidhe"

ahh... lovely lads the Geese.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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I got an interesting horoscope via email yesterday from TwistedHumor.com. Here it is:

"GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Good day to review what you know about hamsters. I think that's all I should really say, except possibly that it's often considered impolite to see how much food you can pack into your cheeks, when dining out."

As if that wasn't scary enough, about ten minutes after that I accidentally discovered this:


What the f- oops! I almost potty talked! What I meant to say was, "What the heck is going on here?!?!?!" Is there some kind of curse that can befall those who have fallen under the spell of Hamsterism? Please help!!!!!!!



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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Just did some wading thru the QB pts thread, and also undertook some partisan actions smile.gif, what piffle.................... and they think we have cess!!


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-23-2001).]

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LORAK I wish to register a complaint. The people on this thread are, self-evidently, as Germgit would put it MORONS!

I haven't received a file from anyone in a very long time! That is, baring Croda, sanna and steve something and Hiram, but really, there's only so much beating of dead animals I can handle before I am bored absolutely senseless.

The list of the evil are:

Mark IV Geier Marlow Nijis Chrisl Meeks to name a few.

There's a chance in their incompetence they emailed the wrong address, so to remind you all, send to dynamo@pobox.com NO OTHER

this has been a public service announcement, brough to you by the letter DIE SCUM and the number YOU ALL BLOW.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Is there some kind of curse that can befall those who have fallen under the spell of Hamsterism? Please help!!!!!!!

Hey. Just be glad you didn't take the road I did and start posting pics of mormon wives. Nobody loves me enough to put a bullet in my brain...


Ye they it commits sodomy it shouted and it sucked...

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Wow, those pics just really answer some questions for me. I picture Berli just sitting there, rubbing his beard with his fingers, pondering, plotting all that is evil. I'll bet those glasses reflect the red lights that shoot from his eyes when he's in top form.

Jd, well, that's about what I pictured of him. A guy with a bit too much starch in his collar and the typical face of "Hey, look at me, I'm an attorney, I chose this life because I got beat up alot in High School, now I can ruin other people's lives!" I think all attorneys at law were beat up in high school, it's just that their inner croda now wants to get out, so they go and get a position of perceived authority.

Well, as for Lorak the Loathed, I'll just begin calling him Lorak the Oafed. Just from the picture, I'm bettin' dimes to Navy beans he's a crackup at work. The kinda guy who's always joking around.

As for the rest, well, I don't really know Stuka, who looks painfully, about to be hitched, in that photo. And Kitty, well, let's just say I'm in serious violation of some Nazi Law, I don't want my rights read to me, just go ahead and arrest me.

I just submitted my ugly mug to Little Lorak. So dont fret, you all can take your shots at me shortly.

Lorak, I've got to say this was a great idea. Always nice to have a face with a name. Now fu...errr...eat sh...errr...go away..and send me my turn!

For the rest of ya's...carry on. I can't say anything worse than that as it's now the kindler, more politically correct thread.

GI Tom


Think before you POST, TEST before you cry BUG and take a "Time-Out" break before you counter-flame the guy that just called you a Plutonian ButtMonkey---Madmatt

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Originally posted by GI Tom:

Well, as for Lorak the Loathed, I'll just begin calling him Lorak the Oafed. Just from the picture, I'm bettin' dimes to Navy beans he's a crackup at work. The kinda guy who's always joking around.

Umm.. Pretty much true. Believe it our not I have a nice sarcastic streak, and yes, I actualy go around telling people how great I am. Sadly, The seem to think that is a joke also. As for the picture... If I was vain I'd change it. Personaly, I think it makes me look like I am retaining water.

Oh! and if your my boss

No those two screens behind me do not need replies, and my phone fell off its base all by itself....really.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-23-2001).]

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I have decided to give the pool, in whatever incarnation it's currently in, the honour of having my 100th post. here it is, feel honoured.

Lorak, please post some warning on those pictures, they could cause some retinal damage to the unprepared. Funny though, I took one look at one smiling face, and my lawyer alarm immediately went off, I looked and sure enough, it was.



"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Months ago my neice, in an epic battle to get her in bed, called me a name, roughly translated from portugeuse, that means "poopie head" and I though, gee, what a wounderful insult. You can call someone a poopie head and they will laugh or not depending on what is inside them. You can call a friend or a foe a poopie head with equal effect. You can use it in a QB to taunt the enemy into rash moves, or to share a joke during a friendly game. What a multipurpose verbal tool!

By the way Lorak, I translated "the Loraks" into portugeuse for my neice. Do you really have a funny rough of hair and speak for the trees?

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My conscience - something unique in this godforsaken place - screams at me for continuing this slaughter of Jarhead. I must say that things do look grossly unbalanced here. But he may surprise me yet. He may have four 14" batteries at his command.

On a related note, I am hereby turning in a wisely considered report of suicidal, foolish, nearly-the-g-word tactics by my no-longer-very-esteemed opponent. I count three unoccupied jeeps Fast-moving their merry way up my roads. In this case it's probably nothing to worry about, but in other circumstances I might have been rather severely unhappy.

But it's all good, because half of his armored division (slight exaggeration) is burning or, at the very least, smoldering intensely. A good trade for a handful of front-line defenses.

Lookie here, a turn from my good buddy Mr. Hankey just came in.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

What the f- oops! I almost potty talked! What I meant to say was, "What the heck is going on here?!?!?!" Is there some kind of curse that can befall those who have fallen under the spell of Hamsterism? Please help!!!!!!!


In my role as a Public Servant, I am here to serve the community in any way I can (SIT DOWN, SHEEP)!

I have now sheduled in your assistance for this Friday, 26 January 2001. Unfortunately, I am not able to assist prior to then as I am already booked with Hiram who wishes to use my body for some sort of obscure sport or occultish worship.

In the meantime, take two aspirins and go to bed.

Mace (Peng thread superhero)

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mace:

In my role as a Public Servant, I am here to serve the community in any way I can (SIT DOWN, SHEEP)!

I have now sheduled in your assistance for this Friday, 24 January 2001. Unfortunately, I am not able to assist prior to then as I am already booked with Hiram who wishes to use my body for some sort of obscure sport or occultish worship.

In the meantime, take two aspirins and go to bed.

Mace (Peng thread superhero)

Normally, I'd love to take advantage of your assistance but Friday is 26 January 2001 on the calendar in the US of A.


"Moriarty, you suck." -- Dunno, but somebody must've said it somewhere along the line

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