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Missing Vehicles - A Pledge

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Many of us would like to see our favorite missing vehicles in CMBO - the Brummbar, the M16, and several others. A few of us even feel strongly about it - that there is something significant missing.

BTS has categorically stated that they are unwilling to invest their time in a project that they can neither put a price on as an expansion pack (it has to be for everyone, or for no one), nor do without compensation for approximately 9 man days per vehicle. Furthermore, that it is necessary from a business point of view to move on to CM2. So be it.

My pledge:

1) That BTS can choose the time that they want to do this project;


2) That I will pledge $100 out of my own pocket to ensure that they are compensated for their hard work.

The questions are these:

1) Are there enough of us who are willing to do this to make it worth their while?

2) Would BTS be willing to do this at some future time when the need to continue with CM2 is not so pressing?

I'm good for my word.



Scouts Out!

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If BTS caved in to monetary bribes in order to cater to a few well-monied interest groups, I would have to compare them to the federal government, and immediately lose all respect for them whatsoever, including refusal to purchase their products in the future.

How about we leave them alone, take them out from under the microscope, and let them design games for us? Let's look ahead, not back.



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Guest Mikey D

Okay I'm in. You'll pay $100 for the new CM, the rest of us'll pay the regular $45.

I'd be very surprised to see any new upgrades for CM1 (especially monster expansion packs!). And I expect when CM2 arrives (in 9 months or so?) it won't need all those CM1-type upgrades. The learning curve for these guys should be pretty flat by now. It'll just be out-of-the-box perfect!

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

If BTS caved in to monetary bribes in order to cater to a few well-monied interest groups, I would have to compare them to the federal government, and immediately lose all respect for them whatsoever, including refusal to purchase their products in the future.

all right, more medicare and social security fer the rest of us! =)



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Guest Big Time Software

Shep, nice try smile.gif

It really isn't that simple. We need to move on. Time for working on CM1 is over. Done. Finished. I can tell you we feel far more strongly about that than anybody does about a missing vehicle biggrin.gif

If it was just about 9 days of time, then we probably would have just delayed the release of CM1 for that many days. Or spent the time doing the vehicles instead of other user suggestions.

Unfortuately, things don't really work this way. It is VERY hard to explain to someone who does not develop software how difficult it is to do what you ask. There is no one reason against this, but rather a lot of different ones. Some are also very hard to express.

Might we do an expansion for CM1 in the future? Not likely, but we certainly aren't rulling it out. However, after we rewrite the CM2 engine (CMII) we will likely revisit both Western and Eastern Fronts. I will say right here and now that we will NOT ship that version without the M16 smile.gif

Things might be different if it didn't require Dan's, Charles', and my time, but it does. We can not hand this off to someone else. So if we spend 9 days making the vehicles, and then probably about as long testing, tweaking, and fixing problems (things do not magically work the first time frown.gif) that is about 2-3 weeks we aren't focused on CM2. And that is bad for a whole host of reasons.

Sorry, but no go.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 01-31-2001).]

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Time for working on CM1 is over. Done. Finished.

Man, always beating around the bush on this topic!!

Sounds like the expansion pack will be out in a couple of weeks. That's how I read this vague comment. wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 01-31-2001).]

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Shep, how about you pledge $100 to me. I'll make a mod so the M3 looks like an M16 in under 9 man days, and use the money to buy non-cafeteria food. It's a win win situation.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Big Time Software:

...after we rewrite the CM2 engine (CMII) we will likely revisit both Western and Eastern Fronts. I will say right here and now that we will NOT ship that version without the M16 smile.gif

Well, that's a start! biggrin.gif


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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Shep, I got a better idea. Use the $100 towards cloning the BTS guys so they can program twice as much in half the time. Then they can program a Kettenrad too. Oh, yeah, female skins for the Russians, also!

"Skins"? Is that what the kids are calling them these days?

Have your clones check out Britney at the half time show so that the "skins" are modelled correctly.



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Guest Madmatt

Steve Said:

Things might be different if it didn't require Dan's, Charles', and my time, but it does.

AHEM..cough cough..AHEM and who pray tell would test these new vehicles my good man? And take all the pretty screenshots of them? And post little juicy tidbits of advance information on the webpages, chats and forums for you?

I never get no respect... frown.gif


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Steve Said:

Things might be different if it didn't require Dan's, Charles', and my time, but it does.

AHEM..cough cough..AHEM and who pray tell would test these new vehicles my good man? And take all the pretty screenshots of them? And post little juicy tidbits of advance information on the webpages, chats and forums for you?

I never get no respect... frown.gif


Besides Matt, what would they do without you? Hire some other folically challenged bouncer with an attitude? Not likely. You are unique and BTS realizes that even if they cruelly diss you.

(Slapdragon returns his respect for Matt to the mason jar for burying by his wife in the morning)

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Guest Big Time Software


Again with the pro-Axis stance, sheez...

When are you going to stop sniping and actually come out and present a case for everybody to have fun ripping to shreads with counter evidence galore? Oh wait... I guess it is clear why you only snipe. No case presented = no case beat into a bloody pulp. I suppose if that is all you can do, that is all you can do. Still, it is annoying as all Hell...


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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by -Havermeyer-:

Again with the pro-Axis stance, sheez...

Havermeyer - I got some info for you. Now Steve and Charles don't want you to know, and Madmatt threatened unspeakable things, but the truth must come out! Everybody except for you has M16s, Crusader AA tanks, Funnies, Brummbaeren (I know you would not even want those if they were presented to you on a silver plate by Charles personally, while he is singing the Star Spangled Banner), running Ma Deuce teams, and a raft of squad types, including mechanically superior Iowa farmboy squads for the US who can unbog any Sherman in half a turn and 101st Airborne sqauds with scrounged MG42s, Panzerfausts and German Luger pistols.

Now the reason they don't tell you is so that we can have a quiet chuckle whenever you come with your one-liner. I swear to God it is true. Hope you appreciate the risk I took in telling you this.

Hmm, I better dash now.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Gremlin:

Michael Dorosh wrote:

That's what they've been calling them for years. It's pretty standard parlance in the industry and among mod designers.


Actually, it's more appropriate than calling them MOD's. I'm pretty sure in every other game community a "MOD" is an actual change to gameplay, while a "Skin" is simply a new texture.


"Fear is for the enemy...

Fear and Bullets."

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:


Actually, it's more appropriate than calling them MOD's. I'm pretty sure in every other game community a "MOD" is an actual change to gameplay, while a "Skin" is simply a new texture.

Hey, Grogs, I was talking about Britney Spears ti......hmmm, never mind, go play Combat Mission...nothing to see here....



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