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Please, In all that is Holy, do not allow mouse to start a PENG CHALLENGE!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Moriarity as Renquist, or whatever Peter Lorre's character was called, and Bauhaus as...oh, I don't know, 'Spot' or 'Percy' or whatever Evil Vampire Lords are calling pets that piss the rug these days...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's not my dog

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Game update. Yes, finally, the squire challenge with Ffoobbaarr stumbles to a close, finally. There are 6 turns left, I think, something like that, so if we really step up the pace we might actually finish this before the end of the month; but, somehow, I doubt it. Since I suspect I will lose this one, after that disasterous start, and to keep my perfect record intact, I shall have to find another way to get my kniggithood, lord knows my (missing in inaction) mentor certainly isn't helping. So how about it, any of you slime sniffing squires (SSS's ) wish to pad their stats and thereby give me the necessary 5 pool games?? I just need two more to qualify. Just meet me in back of the squire's lounge, where we can play out of the notice of the mossbacked kniggitt types. That way we can ignore that historical forces and tactics, grognard type silliness and just try and kill as many digital redshirts as possible.

note to foobar: This game has been going since forever, the reason I don't come out is that my tanks have run out of bloody fuel, and the men's various rifles and smgs have rusted up solid through lack of use, and I think a family of badgers have taken up residence in the panzershreck, as the men are afraid to disturb it. So you just come in and get me, Mr. "I have some french tanks left and am not afraid to use them". We have plenty of rocks and pointed sticks to fend you off with. And one unit has managed to scrounge up a few bananas and nectarines, just to give you some tactical variety (and maybe a few bee stings).

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Lorak point of order! If the wins and losses represent (as I suspect) Wins and Losses (call me crazy but I sense a connection there) then surely a WIN can only be scored if the person who didn't WIN (i.e. the one who had the LOSS) didn't WIN because of something the one who WON did. Right?

Because, see, in our game Seanachai DIDN'T have a LOSS, but wait, cause see, it wasn't cause he was like this great military commander or something, I mean like we ALL know better than that right? No, cause, see, it was cause I DIDN'T WIN like I should have, for a lot of silly little reasons we don't have to get into right now for this point of order. SO, if Seanachai didn't actually, like, WIN, but instead I kinda like, I don't know, maybe I had like this LOSS ya know, then HE wouldn't get credit for a WIN cause, like, hello, he didn't WIN right? I mean I had a LOSS, okay fine, sure whatever, but it's not like HE had a WIN, cause really I like had the LOSS instead, see?

So, like, whatdoyathink?


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Originally posted by Roborat:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>note to foobar: This game has been going since forever, the reason I don't come out is that my tanks have run out of bloody fuel, and the men's various rifles and smgs have rusted up solid through lack of use, and I think a family of badgers have taken up residence in the panzershreck, as the men are afraid to disturb it. So you just come in and get me, Mr. "I have some french tanks left and am not afraid to use them". We have plenty of rocks and pointed sticks to fend you off with. And one unit has managed to scrounge up a few bananas and nectarines, just to give you some tactical variety (and maybe a few bee stings).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is what you get for speaking up for Meeks, so many months ago. Your suffering is great. And it is long. Had I a conscience, I would have forced this fray to a conclusion 3 months ago. But in retrospect, when this bloody mess started, I had many things that I can no longer afford. But I do have Panache, Moxie, and a distaste for fair play.

But again, where is Meeks? You will fall defending his name, and where is the dumbcough? Boy did you back the wrong horse...

I almost mustered up some admiration for your stoic perseverence through all of this. But then you killed one of my Shermans. Now all I have for you is H.E.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lorak point of order! If the wins and losses represent (as I suspect) Wins and Losses (call me crazy but I sense a connection there) then surely a WIN can only be scored if the person who didn't WIN (i.e. the one who had the LOSS) didn't WIN because of something the one who WON did. Right?

and then Shaw goes on at some length, but to no particular purpose, all of which is designed to do a little Utah tap dance around the fact that he lost


Lorak, to cut to the heart of the matter with Joe Shaw (a consummation devoutly to be wished for), it is, to state it simply, thus:

Seanachai: Won, due to (for the first time in CM history), his consummate handling of armour, his normal tenacious infantry defense, and the fact that Shaw has pioneered the concept of making others feel 'adequate', by allowing them their little moment in the sun at his expense.

Shaw: Loss, due to Seanachai's finally doing something approaching an intelligent use of armour, Shaw's early on decision to surrender the VLs to the forces of justice, and Seanachai's shameless taking advantage of Shaw's distractions in the Real World™ to rack up a win.

Scribe it, Oh Lorak.

It is a far, far better loss that Shaw has suffered, than he has suffered before; it is a far, far better rest he goes to, than he has ever known.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Scribe it, Oh Lorak.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I want a ruling on my point of order first there pal. It makes perfect sense to me that if I lost the game due to ... whatever ... then you can't claim any credit for winning and therefore shouldn't ... get any credit for winning that is. Knowing Lorak I'm confident that (a) he'll either rule in my favor because it's HIS kind of logic or (B) he'll get so confused that he won't give ANYONE credit for the win ... in which case I win.


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I have a simple question for Captain Foobar, rightly abused in song and story, and the Canadian digital vermin, Roborat, famed amongst pest control circles for his non-response to normal poisons:

Are you two still playing the scenario, with map by Berli, in which every single freaking thing in sight, including the rocks, are on fire? In which I set up the units, naming all significant AFVs and such after established Cesspool members (including Berli, Peng, and Myself?).

If you two are just now winding up that hideous nightmare (gosh, didn't we used to have fun taunting the newcomers in the old days? Those were days filled with our joyful banter, and pointed comments on how they did it during the Inquisition), then all I can say is:

What the hell have you two been doing? My sister had a child quicker than you've completed that game!

If it is the same game, I move that they not only be made Knights upon its completion, but that they get some sort of Cesspool Medal.

Oh, and that we all stand around and point at them and laugh, and make disparaging comments about the intelligence of individuals that would actually play through one of

Berli's cruel 'if you would cross the bridge of doom' scenarios.

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As my 6 yr old nephew has said to me time and time again.. "DUH!!!!" Yes every building is on fire. All the infantry have run off the map, do to the lack of cover. 95% of all afvs are disabled or shocked.Yes it did in fact start 9 months ago.

You must not have been paying attention..Let me pull up some archived comments from me, here in the mutha beautiful....

Foobar-September 2000

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> WooHoo, I just swiped 4 afvs on turn 2...this is going to be fun..

Foobar-October 2000

This scenario is really screwed up<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Foobar-December 2000

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Damn My eyes! are we still doing this????<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Foobar-February 2001

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Jumpin Jehosephat on a pogo stick, it just wont end. Why wont it end. Where are you hiding? Where did my infantry go? Why is my tank stuck behind those 2 buildings? Thats it, Im off to the methadone clinic..


Foobar-April 2001

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> (guurgle) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Foobar- July 2001

(wanders home without pants..no memory of last 3 months)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have nothing left inside,and I just want to hate. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And that about brings us up to date, right Robo? Yeah, I think so... Let me also cite the 10 or so fecking games that have been lost because I HAD to turn smoke off for this thing, and forgot to turn it back on for other matches. Damn you all... Why do you think I havent posted in so long? The only thing keeping me going is that there are only 6 turns left, and I am sure we can get through those in no more than 2 months.

While your offers of trinkets and baubles truly pisses me off, I do agree that you owe me something. I want a blood hamster against every loathsome piece of filth who had anything to do with this bastard. You will pay..

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

...with map by Berli, in which every single freaking thing in sight, including the rocks, are on fire? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That would be the My Home Town map

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>they get some sort of Cesspool Medal<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perhaps a bronze toilet seat?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Look upon his visage with fear. For in him you shall see yourself.

Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No ****! My beergut is starting to look all too much like Lorak's.

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At goes agin mah every grrrrain....boot Ah dae support Seanachai ain his proposal tae kannigetate tha dueling bangles...Rogerat an' Capt Poobar. At brings back thaim awful memories of tha stankin' night engagment wi' conscripts agin Hiram....Ah still hates Meeks fer tha unit selection....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Foobar may be a git, but he's my git, so feel free to piss off. Scum sucking he is, but no newbie<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh Lordy, rank (both meanings applied) amateurs critiquing the English language again. The tricky part for you here, Satan, is that I was using "like" properly to compare Foo-Foo's rants to those of SSN's. I did not actually call him an SSN.

I realize you haven't gotten that far in your "English as a Second Language" course. Why not skip ahead a few chapters to see what exciting new usages await? I'm sure Mr. Patel won't mind.

Or maybe skilled English users like Geier, Aitken, or Mark IV could assist you. Unfortunately, your close association with language sluts like (there, I used it again) mensch and Joe Shaw is all too apparent.

Does the sun shine in Hell? Good, then stick your observations up there where they belong.

Have a nice day!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

... Let me also cite the 10 or so fecking games that have been lost because I HAD to turn smoke off for this thing, and forgot to turn it back on for other matches. Damn you all...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now THAT is the funniest damn thing I have read in months...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

[QB]You are a drunk. And apparently a PICKY drunk<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Thanks, Foobar, we all need validation sometimes. And a drink most of the time. Come on, group hug! (Bauhaus! Oh-- never mind, I thought you were reaching for my flask.)

Agua Perdido

PS: To my current opponents, "blahblah RealLife blahblah Work blahblah turnsThisWeekend blahblah HateYouAll"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I want a ruling on my point of order first there pal. It makes perfect sense to me that if I lost the game due to ... whatever ... then you can't claim any credit for winning and therefore shouldn't ... get any credit for winning that is. Knowing Lorak I'm confident that (a) he'll either rule in my favor because it's HIS kind of logic or (B) he'll get so confused that he won't give ANYONE credit for the win ... in which case I win.


This really, really hurts, but I fear that Joe "More Gas than Exxon" Shaw is finally correct about something.

The whole concept of "losing" just can't be tolerated anymore, nor should it be. Why the next thing you know, we'll have sincere, sensitive folks like Joe walking around feeling inadequate because they "lost" at CM. We can't have that in the 2001 Cesspool.

We need a new term such as "Victory Challenged" to describe those who fail to accrue sufficient points in a game to be "Winning Advantaged". The touchy-feely Pool of the modern era should embrace the politically correct way to deal with Joe and others of his ilk. They aren't "losers"; they just look, talk, and act like them.

Show a little compassion, GentleGits.

Please. Do it for Joe.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

This really, really hurts, but I fear that Joe "More Gas than Exxon" Shaw is finally correct about something.

Please. Do it for Joe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wait a minute... I thought Lawyer WAS Joe Shaw?....

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Game Updates:


Prefers rye whiskey (a very respectable second choice, no doubt took British kit).

Has sent 600 pt. ME setup (or is that a set-up? who cares, set ‘em up again).

Playing game with modified view one rule (i.e. one hand over the eye).

We are stumbling about in the dark. Very appropriate for these regulations.


Drinks gin (the lonely girl’s friend).

Has finally rounded up his chittering Habi-Trail assault teams.

The Bourbon-soaked lads have spotted vermin on the move, aerial spraying to begin real soon now.

Now I must go find the aspirin, suffering from major dain bramage (have fun with that you twits).

Edited because guess why.

[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Oh Lordy, rank (both meanings applied) amateurs critiquing the English language again<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh lordy (lowercase, please) indeed! A lawyer complaining about anyone's use of English. I assume those years in law school clouded you perception of the language you speak. Plain English is as foreign to you as sobriety is to Peng. You missed the important part of my previous post...

Piss off

Clear enough?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

Wait a minute... I thought Lawyer WAS Joe Shaw?....

and replied to by Lawyer: God will get you for that remark!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I {gag} find myself in yyaaarrrkkk! agreement YYAAAAARRRRKKKKKK! with Lawyer YAAARRRRRKKKKKKKK!.

Whew! There, that wasn't as bad as I thought, didn't much care for my breakfast this morning anyway. Watch yourself Terence (no bolding for SSNs), you're speaking of your betters here you know ... well ONE of us is your better, here's a clue, he AIN'T a fecking LAWYER. While I would just take you out behind the woodshed and beat you to within an inch of your life, Lawyer would drag it out (sit DOWN Bauhaus) for ever with writs and motions and objections and torts and so on until you BEGGED for death.

On a related note, Lawyer I have made it crystal clear (as have many others) that mere WINS and LOSSES are unimportant and trivial in the CessPool scheme of things. I am doing my civic duty to ensure that the proper rules and procedures are in place. As an attorney (even such a loathsome example as a GOVERNMENT attorney) surely YOU can appreciate that noble goal. If not ... sod off.


[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seanachai: Won, due to (for the first time in CM history), his consummate handling of armour, his normal tenacious infantry defense, and the fact that Shaw has pioneered the concept of making others feel 'adequate', by allowing them their little moment in the sun at his expense.


Its spelled armor on this side of the Atlantic. Really. You've never known me to be duplicitious to you or any of your kin. If you had been a displaced Englishman, then I would understand the mistake. But, you are a learned American gentleman who should understand that we here in the You Ess uhv ay don't cotton to pretentious fops.

I won't tell you to "sod off" Why? I'm not English. However, I do encourage you to pull your lower lip up over your head and to swallow. I do that sometimes.

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