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Did this THING ever existed? (see picture)

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Ok this P.O.S. thing did not exist, but the Ivans did have a multi-turreted tank....The T-35 B which was a "land Battleship" if you will. First one was displayed in the May Day parade in 1933...se pics below.



They had numerous models of this thing too.


Production ended in 1939, and 61 total were built, they saw action around Leningrad.

[ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: Fieldmarshall ]</p>

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Imagine something like T-35 built with modern technology. Reactive blocks, Kontakt anti-missile thing-a-ling, 152mm (wasn't that the caliber used in the latest design) gun-o-punch with AT missiles, then some smaller caliber chainguns to keep infantry down. Oh yeah, and I think they'd need an anti-log-jamming system to against Finns.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Amedeo:

where would you put the extra two/three men needed? And this while allowing for all those guys to be kiked in the face by the men squeezed into the superposed 45mm turret... plainly impossible, other than useless.


You ignorant fool! It was unmanned, controlled via radio.

And as to the talks about the organ in the back, well that isn't a BM-13! No, it is the SM-17 Sabakamashina, called as Hundwerfer by the Germans. It was designed to shoot parachute-wearing minedogs so that they could drop on top of heavy German tanks and achieve a top penetration. SM-17 was fitted afterwards to counter the German superheavy tanks like Königstiger.

P.S. I think the small turret on top of the forward turret is from T-40 or T-70.

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It's obviously the later version. I forget the exact designation. The Soviets used three of these behemoths to break the stalemate in the Winter War. Of course, the Finns destroyed them all, just by staring hard at them.

To compensate, the Soviets added the Katyusha rails to the rear of the tank. The rockets were quite useful in providing support to the forward turret. The only difficulties were coordinating the fire due to the time-zone differences.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sergei:

You ignorant fool! It was unmanned, controlled via radio.

And as to the talks about the organ in the back, well that isn't a BM-13! No, it is the SM-17 Sabakamashina, called as Hundwerfer by the Germans. It was designed to shoot parachute-wearing minedogs so that they could drop on top of heavy German tanks and achieve a top penetration. SM-17 was fitted afterwards to counter the German superheavy tanks like Königstiger.

P.S. I think the small turret on top of the forward turret is from T-40 or T-70.<hr></blockquote>

If there was any further proof needed that idiocy held a firm grip on this board, one need not look beyond this post. Clearly, the SM-17 was never intended to launch mine dogs. After the RSPCA complained to Churchill in 1942, threatening to throw him out of office, any further support by Britain to the Soviet Union was made contingent on abandoning the mine dog (not without food and shelter though - unsurprisingly, the campaign 'Give a mine-dog a home' was stopped after some nice old ladies were blown up petting their dogs while having tea).

The launcher was intended to parachute mice into German Panzer laagers, where they would chew through the electrical cables. As is documented by von Mellenthin. In recognition of their service, the mice launchers were redesignated Guards Mice Launchers in Spring 1943. The vehicle seen in the first post here was present in the fight at the outer encirclement of Stalingrad, and was instrumental in stopping German 48th Panzer Corps.

One reason for the failure of operation Mars earlier in the war was the presence of the 1st SS Cat Brigade which launched a vicious counterattack, annihilating the mice in their dropzones.

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Damn good thing they number those turrets though, or the crew would be completely confused.

"Yuri, you get into turret one, Alexander, you get in turret two, Pasha, you get in Turret three with me, and we will put Ivan and Valerie into turrets 4 and 5. Stani, you are to make sure than the hamsters run on the tread mill, while Putti mans the radio station. Havel, you and Shurgi get the kitchen warmed up and get some sausage on the grill, Samotiea you take the tanning salon, and I think Pavel and Undri should run the salad bar today. We will staff the rest of the positions in our land battleship when we get more crew, so be on the lokk out for the krauts!"

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:


Everyone knows mine dogs worked underground only, tunnling underneath enemy fortifications. Chalk one up for Andreas and his inability to handle any language but German bar argot.<hr></blockquote>

Hah! Exposing your scant knowledge in public like the dirty old exhibitionist that you are, hiding behind the one book you ever read like a flasher behind the cover afforded by his trench-coat.

Trust an employee of the department of infinite justice and an academic of South Carolina origins (Graduate of the University of Gritz Frying, Hillbillyville, no doubt) to mess up his animal knowledge. Well, as long as you can tell the sheep from the sheepdog, you'll be alright, I guess.

Those were the mine badgers you are talking about. Why would dogs tunnel anywhere?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

BTW Slappy, send me a feckin' turn, I feel the need to grind your Canadian wussies into a pulp under my German Ubertanktracks. If you have time to peddle The Untruth™ here, you can as well busy yourself Dieing-A-Lot™. Get on with it.<hr></blockquote>

I will have you know feck head that I have spent my weekend neither working for uncle sam nor educating lack wits, but busting minors for consuming booze prior to the start of exam week. Now mind you, I have no idea why people who labor undergraound are not allow to purchase booze in this fair state, but the law says minors cannot drink, so each time I see one of the bastards with a lighted helmet and a pick tipping bqack a tall cool one I swoop in for the kill.

You wiull get your turn tonight kraut, keep your liederhosen on.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Sorry, I was thinking of this one

Or maybe it was this:


Bah! You weren't thinking at all!

Once again, you leapt into the give and take of ideas with no bloody clue, and should be properly subdued about your horrible, pseudo-grog faux pas.

Apologize to everyone for thinking that that mis-modeled BattleTech toy was a real tank.

We're waiting...

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I see you posted the early model of the

Triple M4. As you know, later models had the

third chassis and turret facing the rear to provide more armor protection.

This model also could be mounted with an optional aircraft searchlight which took the place of the third turret. The Diesel engine for running the searchlight was mounted between the crew's mess and the aft torpedo room.

mirthful Toad

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Bah! You weren't thinking at all!

Once again, you leapt into the give and take of ideas with no bloody clue, and should be properly subdued about your horrible, pseudo-grog faux pas.

Apologize to everyone for thinking that that mis-modeled BattleTech toy was a real tank.

We're waiting...<hr></blockquote>

I still blame you for that mess, you pseudo-Celt.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I still blame you for that mess, you pseudo-Celt.<hr></blockquote>

I have not spared the rod, nor used less than due diligence, to make him a true member of this community. It behooves you, a former Squire, to aid me, rather than annoy.

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