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Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, Play the Peng Challenge For Me

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

This does not mean that monkey is man's "daddy," but rather his brother.


Yes, you are quite correct. ...

bah, didn't like what I wrote, was most miserable when I wrote it, and even more miserable when I reread it. Your welcome.

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]

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Ahh, I return to a new thread that has already reached the halfway mark. Normally, that would take a bit of time to review; fortunately, however, my relatives' posts comprise a sizable chunk of the drivel thus far, enabling me to skip fully two thirds of this thread.

Turns are out tonight. BTW, Juardis, where's the next AAR? And, clean my golf clubs while you're at it.

Oh, yes, did I mention that the National Champion Sooners have now won 15 straight games? No? Well, consider it done.

[edited to gloat about OU football]

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer in the wasteland of the outerboard:

What kind of a CMplayer am I?

What I do is, I figure out where the bad guys are, move my stuff so the pointy ends of the cannons are facing towards 'em, and then I start pulling lanyards, triggers, pins etc...then I go get the xtra good headphones from the stereo and watch the movie about thirty times. Luckily I have the 'tank girl' interface mod otherwise I probably would have lost interest in CMplaying a long time ago. Just kidding. Actually, on the attack, I prefer to ATC the FOPs which I KIA with OBA or SAF then proceed to the MLR which requires some NTM to OR if it don't go FUBAR or Candy Bar. And I usually win.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeoman work my young CDplayer. You have brought light to the darkness and hope to the heathen boardie masses with this post.

Sir Lorak, I reclaim ownership of the young Squire [CDplayer's soul.

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Y'know, just once I'd like to see a scenario briefing that says "Our scouts indicate that Satan himself is waiting for you. He has a King Tiger in each hand, poops 150mm rocket barrages as an afterthought, and deals Hot Death to any that cross his path. The impressive army of giant transforming robots that was to be your only hope is still in the shop, but you have to get that crossroads for us anyhow.

You're f*cked.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Marlow STILL doesn't get it:[Yeoman work my young CDplayer. You have brought light to the darkness and hope to the heathen boardie masses with this post.

Sir Lorak, I reclaim ownership of the young Squire [CDplayer's soul.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Marlow, damnit, he can't be a squire 'till he's a serf and he ain't a serf 'cause he hasn't posted anything of note HERE! If he wants to be IN the CessPool, then by Gawd he'd better post IN the CessPool. Now granted the quote was pretty good, but we MUST HAVE SOME STANDARDS or we'll have more people like ... well ... Panzer Leader.


[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Marlow, damnit, he can't be a squire 'till he's a serf and he ain't a serf 'cause he hasn't posted anything of note HERE! If he wants to be IN the CessPool, then by Gawd he'd better post IN the CessPool. Now granted the quote was pretty good, but we MUST HAVE SOME STANDARDS or we'll have more people like ... well ... Panzer Leader.


[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Comrade Jo,

There can be but one response to you …PTTTBBB!

CDplayer has posted more of worth in the Cesspool than many so called Kaniggets, and is worthy of being my Toady … er … Squire. Exhibits as follows:

Exhibit 3)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Originally posted by Germanboy:

'Er ist kein Mensch, er ist kein Tier, er ist ein Panzergrenadier'.

He's not a munchkin, he's not a tyre, he's an anti-tank grenade???

WTH is that supposed to mean?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very nice. Has a Mehschish ring to it.

Exhibit H subpart 1)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Finally, in the unlikely event that anyone

is still reading, I find myself undergoing

a bizare shift in perception after following

this thread for a while. I'm more and more

impatient with the discussions out on the

main boards. Reading stuff like 'how should

I best use my Archer?' and crud like that

I just want to shout 'point it at the

godd*** enemy and SHOOT fer cripessake!'

'But how should I position it on defence?'

they ask. 'If you don't want the other guy


mean can it be sooooo complicated? Nuff

said, I'm done reporting for now, to your

mild relief I imagine. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lack of patience for Boardie crap. Definatly a change worthy of note.

Exhibit III(B):

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Speaking of smileys, what the heck

is this one redface.gif ----> supposed to mean?

It looks like something that's probably still

illegal in the State of Utah. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bonus points for the slam on Utah

So, Red Jo, what say you to that?

And what is all of this stuff about having to be a serf first? Who died and made you Chairman? The rules of the 'Pool, such as they are, only require that a Squire be sponsored by a Kanigget, and more importantly, that the Keeper of the Holy Tome approve of that appointment.

Keep you little power play to yourself, Jo Xia.

In other words, NO COUP FOR YOU!

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

It was the Byte Battle called "Bocage to St. Lo" or somefink. My valient German Paras not only managed to knock out three of the attacking armored horde, and route the accompanying battalion of infantry, but actually managed to counterattack on his flank. Push em back into the Sea boys!


Knock out 3 of the 'armoured horde'? Only 3?


Lorak Let it be known that the Stuken led defenders of the Reich have sliced, diced and pureed the ass of OGSF and fed the aformentioned ass back to him with a nice selection of cheeses and crackers.

By the numbers:

Stukes: Da winner! 85

OFGS: Da looser! 15

All 5 US tanks were 'sploded, all US troops were routed, and a small counter attack was mounted to really drive the message home that, this day, Stukes ruled the battlefield.

BTW, this byte battle of Herr Munsches is a hoot. Joe Xia, this is your big chance, you see everyone is winning this one as the germans, lets see if you can too.

"Somebardy starp mae!"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I wouldn't be surprised if Mr smarty-pants Stuka comes in and mouths off about his great victory, and how brilliant he was, and how he'd like to thank his wife for the inspiration.


I would if the bloody game was actually

over yet.

Would it be too much to ask to see the ARR first?

I will then of course strut around like a Rooster on steroids and crow about yet another Stuken victory.


Sometimes countless victories after countless victories can get so... monotonous.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Marlow is ... is ... here, I'll let him speak for himself ... as well as HE can of course: So, Red Jo, what say you to that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Obviously what I said BEFORE you Swedish Meatball. He has to post worthy comments HERE ... as in HERE in the CESSPOOL. Now obviously comments made PRIOR to his massive brain fade (you remember, the LAST time you asked for him for squire) are completly invalid as he wasted them in his "failure to comprehend" post. And obviously posts made OUTSIDE of the CessPool are invalid on their face. That leaves ... let me check ... NOTHING. Not to mention the fact that his hysterical shunning of your first offer marks him as one who is (a) either SERIOUSLY stupid (for rejecting your offer) or (B) just not up to speed yet on CessPool protocol. In either case ... WE DON'T NEED HIS KIND AROUND. Let the lad mellow a bit, let him keep posting but posting HERE rather than on the Outerboard and we'll see.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And what is all of this stuff about having to be a serf first? Who died and made you Chairman? The rules of the 'Pool, such as they are, only require that a Squire be sponsored by a Kanigget, and more importantly, that the Keeper of the Holy Tomb approve of that appointment.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't make the rules Marlow I just enforce them ... and as soon as my appointment as Grand Inquisitor to the CessPool comes through there'll be some SERIOUS enforcement going on around here). Why, pray tell, do you think the role of SERF was invented? Why to provide a pool of candidates for Squiredom of course. Read your CessPool history and all will be clear. And it wasn't I who made that rule but Lord Lorak himself ... and it's keeper of the Holy TOME ... not TOMB ... sheesh, Scandahoovians.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Keep you little power play to yourself, Jo Xia.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No power play here Marlow actually I'm just trying to keep you from making ANOTHER terrible mistake. The lad's not to be trusted, I suspect that his m-e-d-i-c-a-t-i-o-n-s aren't up to date.


[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Mr. Marlow, (may I call you Mr.?, or alternatively, if you put Mr. and M together you get M&M, so may I call you an M&M?), I think what Mr. Shaw (if you put Mr. and S together you Mrs., so may I call you Mrs.?) is saying is....

Make the freakin' boy a SERF and then you can have your way with him!!!

I mean, you cannot collect $200 without passing GO first. By doing so, you are trying to cut out red tape that is obviously put there to keep people like Mr. Shaw gainfully employed. If you go about cutting up all the red tape then Mr. Shaw will have to get another job title and I feel pretty sure it will have something to do with M&Ms. Green M&Ms. Green M&Ms with peanuts! Do you really want that?!?!


[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well ... {Joe starts to pout, fully extended lower lip and everything} I kinda LIKED Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool. I think you don't like it just because you were my first conviction AND YOU'RE STILL HOLDING A GRUDGE!

OH WAIT! Grand Inquisitor!!! ... that would be perfect ... it has the right medieval touch, AND I COULD TORTURE! Make it so.


Ah, yes. Actually, the title was 'Inquisitor General'; 'Grand Inquisitor' was a somewhat Dostoevskian extravagance. I had, in fact, considered that option, as it did slot in nicely with your demented, McCarthyite obsession with ferreting out the innocent and confused and smiting them.

But we run in to a procedural issue, here.

You see, we have previously proclaimed an Inquisitor General for the Peng Challenge Thread, as part of the whole process of 'Healing the Schism' (for those unfamiliar with this aspect of the History of the Peng Challenge Thread, please see my posting of same below)

Elijah Meeks was declared Inquisitor General, and pursued the role with such force that he eventually was forced to step down and brood.

But I'm not sure that he ever surrendered the title.

So, the issue is: Does Meeks remain Inquisitor General of the Cesspool, and is merely in absentia, or has his absence amounted to abandonment of his duties and responsibilities, opening the way to deposing him and instating a successor?

I think a short dialogue among the Old Ones, cogent comments from Seniour Knights, empty posturing by the Knights, mindless quips from Squires, and the usual tossing of empty beer bottles, partially eaten food items, and other people's underwear by one and all should suffice to determine the matter, and probably not take more than the remainder of this Thread, giving it a bit of class.

What say you Berli and Peng? As regards the position of Meeks, the application of Shaw, and the wah-dee-do-dah of the whole thing?

The rest of you, chime in as your own lack of shame moves you. As though we could prevent it short of direct Heavenly intervention.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Does Meeks remain Inquisitor General of the Cesspool, and is merely in absentia, or has his absence amounted to abandonment of his duties and responsibilities, opening the way to deposing him and instating a successor?


Meeks still owes me a turn from about 4 months ago goddammit!

Like a bulldog with a Brahman's nether regions locked in it's maw, I'm not lett'in this game go.

Meeks is alive I say!

(Unless of course that dastardly Polar bear came back for another go)

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I say we promote him to "Head Boy of Inspector General, with all due responsibilities (including but not limited to clearing tables and taking coats) to the Inspector General in his (hopefully eternal) Absence."

That would put Joe Shaw in his proper place, since we have all noticed that he is never so vile and merciless as when he has a superior to cringe before, and a non-existent superior (we all know what Berli did to Meeks behind the dumpsters) is all the better. We will then have a Dementor worthy of the worst atrocities while retaining the loyalty of a Labrador Retriever.

Also, in Marlow's defense, I nominated CMPlayer to serf myself after a particularly "hard-return" post of his.

((feckin' brackets))

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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This history was begun and originally appeared in response to some poor stupid sod begging someone to define 'Peng' for him. However, as I am currently writing a multi-volume history and analysis of the Peng Challenge Thread (the very attempt alone will probably earn me an honourary degree in Abnormal Psychology), I felt it best to gather this sort of thing together and dump it where it belongs.

History of the Peng Challenge Thread, Part I: Origins, Schism, and the Meeks Interregnum

The Peng Challenge Thread originated in the early days immediately after the dawn of recorded history (that is, around the time of the Gold Demo, which is equivalent to the Bronze Age of Combat Mission), when a certain individual named Seanachai, chose to challenge another individual, Mr. Peng, to a PBEM.

It is wrong to maintain that Peng proffered the challenge. Peng, in fact, inspired the challenge. The original Thread, which went to something like 3,000 posts before collapsing into a black hole, was titled "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public". It can still be visited by the adventurous who find the lost ways, I believe, but further attempts to post to it are impossible.

Because many of the members of the Combat Mission forums are as keen on spectacle and as filled with bloodlust as your ancient Roman plebe, it quickly drew the attention of a large and boisterous crowd of the cognescenti (affectionately called 'halfwits' by most), all chanting for blood, offering odds, and chundering out their own taunts and insults, first to the participants, and then, more generally, to each other.

Many remained to become Seniour Knights of the Cesspool, a name affectionately bestowed on the place by a long lost teenage landsmann named 'Minnesota Joe', who entered one day, and unceremoniously declared the place to be 'A Cesspool'. He then departed, and no one knows to this day if he still lives.

After the rather spectacular death of the first Peng Challenge Thread (people used to show up from other boards just to see if it was true that BTS had let a UBB thread go to that length. BTS, like the scientists who created the Atomic Bomb, not knowing if it's detonation might result in a chain reaction that would anihilate the planet's atmosphere, were apparently keen to see what would happen), there was a flurry as various members started up 'new' Peng Challenge Threads to fill the awful, rending void that the demise of the original had left in the fabric of the Universe, and the hearts of its followers. Also, I understand, there was a certain amount of genteel looting, burning, and pillaging (but not that other thing; a gentleman always asks, and if told 'no' he desists with a murmured apology) as various followers of the Peng Challenge Way took this as a general signal for the End of Civilization As We Know It, and surged out into the night to get in a bit of fun before order could be restored.

This led to the first Peng Challenge Thread schism, in which two competing threads were started, and followers hewed to one or the other, and spat insults and invective at the apostates in the other thread. No different, really from what they did to each other within the threads, but from different locations, and it made for a rather nice Holy War effect. The advocates of Orthodoxy, including most of the Seniour Knights, posted to the thread again started by Seanachai, entitled "Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public", while some younger Knights and a bunch of heretical 'extras' that wandered in to round out the crowd scenes posted in the evil thread, started by the Arch-Heretic Elijah Meeks, who's Southern US origins and biblical moniker made him the perfect villain for any schism, aided by the fact that he was 'as crazy as a tree full of rats".

Eventually, although Crusades were launched, heretics were burned, innocent bystanders were pelted with filth and spittle, the entire matter was decided by BTS (Steve, I believe) who gave the nod of the One True Apostolic Thread to the one begun by Seanachai, and clamped the Inquisitorial padlock of Heresy on the one begun by Elijah Meeks. Meeks, mouthing curses, promising vengeance, and sputtering a bit, then fled to some kind of 'Adventure Vacation/Research Mission' to the arctic circle, where he spent months reading Finnish copies of 'Playboy', longing for Asian women, and grooming a lack-witted California cousin for release on to the Thread as the first step in his revenge.

Now, mind, schism is a painful experience for any faith, and while Meeks's apostasy was grievous, his dedication to the Peng Challenge Thread was profound. A solution was attempted. Meeks, who refused to post in the new, One True Revealed Thread until a trial by combat between himself and Seanachai should absolve him, or force him to make obeisance and admit his error, was persuaded to return to the Thread by the offer of a position commensurate with his abilities: he was offered the post of Inquisitor General of the Peng Challenge Thread. Yes, in a brilliant move, seemingly, the originator of schism was set to sniff out heretics. This offer was made more appealing by the fact that the scenario designed for the 'Trial by Combat' was a nasty piece of work intended to humiliate both participants (another Cesspool tradition was born).

While brilliant, the results were mixed. Meeks, though undeniably efficient, brutal, and single-minded in a way that would have brought a rush of joy and a happy dance step to the walk of Torquemada himself, was aggressive to the point of psychosis in his drive to make the Peng Challenge Thread all that it should be. First there were murmurs, then voices raised, and then shouts of anger. Meeks responded as only a truly zealot can, by ever harsher and more vicious treatment of the protesters, or 'protestants', as they called themselves. Finally, after 99 newbies were nailed to the doors of the Peng Challenge Thread, Meeks stepped down from his seat of power. He fled into the wilderness, and sightings of him since have been sporadic, at best.

Some say he is gone, never to return. Some claim that he waits without, brooding, and will return to the Peng Challenge Thread whenever it is threatened, rabid in his defense and smiting the unbelievers hip and thigh, bringing red ruin down upon them and all detractors of the Holy Mutha Beautiful Thread. Some say he was never a 'real' person, but a creation of the Old Ones. Who knows? The Old Ones know. Go and ask of them about Meeks. Mind, the response'll be 'here, you little sod, bugger off, make yourself useful, get me another beer, now go stand over there with the other lackwitted supplicants and truth seekers; Lor' where do these little pillocks come from, anyways? Another one wanting the 'Truth' about Meeks, Lord love an aquatic fowl. Wankers.'

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I still despise all you gits, but I am determined to bring this incarnation of the Peng Challenge Thread to a speedy completion - mostly because I am sick and damn tired of singing "Hey Mr. Tambourine Man" to myself every time I see this thread at the top of the forum.

Please, please, please don't have Copacabana in the title of the next Peng thread.


PS Please.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, the issue is: Does Meeks remain Inquisitor General of the Cesspool, and is merely in absentia, or has his absence amounted to abandonment of his duties and responsibilities, opening the way to deposing him and instating a successor?


Meeks remains the only one to actually ignore a setup I posted to his email box after a fine taunt and challenge, so I say out of spite that he forfeited his claim to any titles when he went away on the flying saucer.

Assuming of course, Seanachai, that you are not Meeks.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:


Sometimes countless victories after countless victories can get so... monotonous.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My two previous victories against the forces of Stuka were achieved with this in mind.

Afterall, where would we be if we didn't look after one another?


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Nonsense and fiddledesticks Seanachai, you're trying to make the lads think that poor old Meeks is just off somewhere, maybe pining for the fjords then is it? Well ...

'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This Meeks is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-MEEKS!!

Couldn't have said it better myself. And besides, the bastiche was a bloody heretic and splitter. The only people I hate more than Splitters are the freaking Judean People's Front ... and they're splitters too ... bastiches. I'd stone them all I would.

Joe (Grand Inquisitor Designate)

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Meeks Schmeeks! Who cares?! Was he torn apart by wolves or did he marry a Yeti? Were his testicals dried and ground into powder to feed to impotent marmosets in the hopes that they might breed? Did he write the Great American Novel under the psuedonym "Michael Ellis?" Probably not. And what's more I ask again, "WHO EFFING CARES?"

Meeks was always unstable, usually readable and often hysterical. As an inquisitor he was unmatched for his abiltiy to torment hapless SSNs with malice aforethought. His invectives read like Martin Luther excoriating the Pope. He was a master of the non sequiteur and brought bathos to bear and sheep to shearing. MY GOD I MISS HIM.


Anywho, JoaXia won't shut his fat festering trap until he gets something out of this so we might as well just give him whatever stinking title he wants and have done with it. No! WAIT!! ON SECOND THOUGHT, WHY DON'T WE JUST POUR FRESH CONCRETE DOWN A FUNNEL INTO HIS FILTHY REFLUXING GULLET?

That might shut him up long enough for every past and present poster to the pool to put the boot in. Wouldn't that be grand? I would especially like to take a shot at him for blowing up my M10 that was on the dirt road behind the clump of tall pines on the big hill in the center of the map of our current game that Berli desinged and menschie set up.

So, give him whatever Title the whingeing toad wants, but we all get to kick the crap out of him as an "Initiation" ceremony - maybe we can say something like "Remember, thou art a fishhead" or something to make it official while we turn his guts to jelly.

That's my take on the situration anyway.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would especially like to take a shot at him for blowing up my M10 that was on the dirt road behind the clump of tall pines on the big hill in the center of the map of

our current game that Berli desinged and menschie set up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey PAL, it wasn't MY fault that your Polacks couldn't find a hull down position. With all those bloody hills and dips and valleys, not to mention the bloody rivers and lakes that Berli threw in you'd THINK that even YOU could find a hull down position BUT NOOOOOOOO! You have to blame my SS 'faust team. Oh, thanks for the support ... I think.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Anywho, JoaXia won't shut his fat festering trap until he gets something out of this so we might as well just give him whatever stinking title he wants and have done with it. No! WAIT!! ON SECOND THOUGHT, WHY DON'T WE JUST POUR FRESH CONCRETE DOWN A FUNNEL INTO HIS FILTHY REFLUXING GULLET?


Better yet why don't we all agree that whatever Meeks was, he ain't no more, but give the damned title to someone else, like me, and that way Joe Shaw of the Inferno Anticline gets just close enough to whatever it is he wants to hurt.

And it's all about the Hurting, yes?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Y'know, just once I'd like to see a scenario briefing that says "Our scouts indicate that Satan himself is waiting for you. He has a King Tiger in each hand, poops 150mm rocket barrages as an afterthought, and deals Hot Death to any that cross his path. The impressive army of giant transforming robots that was to be your only hope is still in the shop, but you have to get that crossroads for us anyhow.

You're f*cked.


That made me laugh. I hate you for that. Unfortunately, I'm a little booked up at the moment, but I'll be watching....

Seanachai, if you've time to post the entire Minneapolis telephone directory (and a re-run at that, though droll the first time around), might I prevail upon you for A FRICKIN TURN? There's a good fellow. I hate the thought of my Pickett's charge frozen in mid air between their last step, and the ground.

Comrade Xia has already leveled accusations of perfidy at me, with the return setup! No one has even hit GO yet! The Terror reigns unabated... but he'll be purging more than the faithful before this is over....

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