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Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, Play the Peng Challenge For Me

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Dear Sweedish friend, it is nice to see you continue games with other loosers and morons in this Cess.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Considering the Truth is out there, here is my meager part in the whole Scheme.

Geier and I never finished any of our games since we both owned CM.

I am begining to suspect Geier to be a Counter Strike Bot with a jinxed control of waypoints.

Johan!! I know you can think in italic but can't you at least play straight?

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To whom it may concern.

There is no way in hell that I will be able to send turns at anything approaching reasonable rate for at least five weeks. Reasons for this are Work, Garden, House, Bank, Evil Brothers-in-law but most of all my family AND the fact that I've OD'ed on The Game. I hate it. As you all know, these things do go away after some time but now playing CM feels like doing unpayed work.

I have also far too many games goin for the half hour I have for myself which forces me to, and believe me when I tell you that I HATE doing this, surrender some or all of them, even if we could agree on a short break. The way things are now, I can maybe manage two-three games simultaneously but man, I've been doing that for 18 months now and I really need to take a long damn break from ANY CM for a bit. I do believe I will be back at some time so no celebrating.

That sucks, but there it is. Therefore:

PawBroon - Win

Geier - Loss

Lars - Win

Geier - Loss

MrPeng - Win

Geier - Loss

mensch - Win

Geier - Loss

MarkIV - Win

Geier - Loss

Ethan - Win

Geier - Loss

Berli - Win

Geier - Loss

Germanboy- Win

Geier - Loss

Th-th-that's all ffolks.


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Geier you suck!!

How could you have Hiramed all of your games?

You are not willing to play, FINE!

It doesn't mean I won...

After almost 2 years of daily CMIng, I am still waiting for at least ONE of our game to end normally.

So as far as I'm concerned, our game is on hold and no result should be awarded to me.

And speaking of OD'ing, beware of what you grow in your garden you lutfisk fan.

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Same here.

Lorak, strike that Geierisch nonsense. Or start a category for "Wins in Waiting". We're gonna win the old-fahioned way, by blowing the bahstid up. Hell, I waited 3 months to start back up with Pawbroon, and found that the victory had mellowed in the cask, with a nut-like flavor, overtones of snails, and a fiery finish.

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ok I can understand the pressure from family unit or wife v1.0 or brother in-law v1.0. I suggest you try relaxing v10.2 and skipping out on the town with the guys v5.6 heck you may even find cheep thrills v8.4

but a victory over you I wish to do personally and with a dull knife.. so I say our game is on ice till later (I can wait) besides this is one of the most intense games I ever had with any cesspooler, heck a game with a pair of bunnyslippers at a Hotseat game would be more exciting then any game with a cesspooler but that's beside the point.

LORAK don't rack up my game with Geier. It's on hold.

BTW guys at least he posted he can't play or does not want to.. not like a PeterNZ we all know who just dropped off the face of the planet without saying "bugger this game I'm outta here"

thanks Geier for the heads up.. now.. this still means your a wanker, wonker, woozer, a bent smartie and much more.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ohmigod, he's from Orange County! It's Nixon!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nixon was from Whittier, you twit. That's a good 40 miles north of OC. Orange County was the home of Robert K. "B-1 Bob" Dornan (formely, R-CA)--who lost his last re-election bid to Loretta Sanchez (*snicker* bombin' Bob lost to a girl!)

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Nixon was from Whittier, you twit. That's a good 40 miles north of OC. Orange County was the home of Robert K. "B-1 Bob" Dornan (formely, R-CA)--who lost his last re-election bid to Loretta Sanchez (*snicker* bombin' Bob lost to a girl!)

Agua Perdido<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, B-1 Bob lost to a bunch of dead people who rose from the grave to fulfill their patriotic duty to vote.

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Let my hurl my body into the pile of naysayers and state also that a win against the Old Firm under these circumstances is entirely unacceptable and without merit. I'll place the file in cryogenesis and ressurect it at a future date, perhaps one of my daughters will have to take up the game, but I cannot accept a win.

[GHWB]Naht gunna doit, naht at this tahm, wouldn't be prudent. Nossir.[/GHWB]


edited because 2000 mg of caffeine still isn't enough.

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

Being the second incarnation of a once failed attempt (due to several techincal hitches and the fact that he is an ARSE)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You useless little encephalopod, the reason this is a second incarnation is because you fecked up the first setup by picking a large map and only giving yourself 20 turns to attack (the first five of which you spent not moving forward at all before pleading for a do-over).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Agua Perdido is defending with aplomb.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed, my defenders are both plumb and true, and will beat back your veteran human wave assaults with the full variety of carpentry tools, tees, squares, levels, tape measures and dividers--fitting, given what an adze you are...

Well, after a pleasently-cess-free holiday weekend, I suppose it's time for other


DekeFentle continues to wither under the merciless assault of my ZOOKS OF DOOM. He asked for a cease-fire this turn, while the score's still in the "DRAW" level and I had to demur--not because I care about winning, but because it'll give me at least one more turn of expounding on what a USELESS LITTLE WANKER he is in these pages.

Goanna's green troops are proving quite inept at springing ambushes in our dark and snowy night battle, which is also proving to be the triumph of my brilliantly-gamey manOOKerist tactics.

I hate Joe Shaw. I've always hated Joe Shaw. I don't officially dislike him, or anything, but I really, really hate him. His Canadista Ahnuld clones and attached M1 tank platoon are the terror of my half-squad of incontinent dachsunds and their arsenal of 2 blunt toothpicks. Did I mention it's a bocage fight? Remind me that I hate Berli, too.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>JoeXia, you pompous, megalomaniacal, paranoid, verbose, swinish, bag of inquisitorial methane, I'm gonna light you up like a National Park in the dry season. And I'm a gonna do it with menschie's little bowl of pus.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GAWD! no, no, I'm not calling YOU GermanBoy ... yes I know but really I wasn't, no, go back to your CMMC or whatever it is you're doing now ... no, really, thanks ever so.


Damnit Mark IV I feel like J.B. Books in The Shootist (the SECOND best movie ever made by the Duke, donchaknow, with {choir of angels sing in the background} She Wore a Yellow Ribbon the BEST). A tired, aging but deadly gunslinger who has to fend off the challenges of every snot nosed kid with a shootin' arn and an itchy trigger finger. I've had to turn down games with people who I DON'T OFFICIALLY dislike (as close as I can come to people here who I like) and now I have to play YOU!

Since you actually sent a setup and are SUCH a disreputable creature I suppose I must but this better be a double blind game you sidewinder or I'm going to hound you from the board like the hog you are while I crow about your vileness and soar like an eagle as you slink off like a coyote.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

I’m so sorry you have nothing better to do with your undoubtably worthless life but sit by your computer on a Friday night and wait for e-mail files. So sad. You know, if you went off line, you might get a date.

I, on the other hand, spend Friday nights in one of my favorite activities, Drinking and Carousing. OK, two of my favorite activities.


Ohhhhh, my bad Lars. I was under the mistaken impression that you were married. You see, if you were married, then you'd possibly understand that there is NOTHING better to do on Friday night than sit in front of the computer waiting for emails.

Wife v0.99 goes to couch, reclines on couch, grabs control of remote, and watches some stupid cop show on the telly. So what's a person to do? Why, upgrade to wife v1.0 of course. But I'm too old for that and besides, she tolerates my gaming addiction. So rather than upgrade wives, I prefer to pound some hapless twit into the 3-d landscape, using a rubber mallet and plastic straw, which of course can be used to suck up the mushy remains and spit back out at a later date. Anywho, this seques into...

an update.

I am being pounded into the 3-d landscape with a rubber mallet and plastic straw. As much as it pains me to say, Lars is prescience (or he cheats, which I'm more inclined to believe and it pains me a lot less to say). I think gravity is much stronger on my side of the river. It makes his shells fall faster, my troops move slower, and drains all the blood from my elite FOs heads to their asses. Know what happens when you kill a bloated mosquito? That's what's going to happen when I march my slow witted spotters into harms way. Which should occur in, oh...about two turns from now.

All this to say, it's turn 3 and I have one unbroken squad left in which to capture 23.2 flags.

Mr. Xia, I have learned my lesson well and shall never write another essay on your TRP incompetence again (unless MrSpkr makes me of course).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Lars - Win

Geier - Loss


Hmmm, a win for the excellent job I did in the setup, seems fair to me, the rest was just a matter of time anyway.

Next time though Geier, I demand that we at least get to hit the “GO” button.

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Sorry, Juardis, I did not realize you were married. If I had known I would have understood why you have nothing better to do on a Friday, or any other day for that matter.

Your one unbroken squad in Arty Fest ‘45” is only a temporary situation as I have taken steps to remove them from the face of the earth. Did you notice that I have received reinforcements? Your chances of hitting something have just doubled. And did you also notice that there are American Flags popping up on your side of the river? Awfully nice of the Germans to help celebrate Labor Day.

Now go pester your Kannigit and find out when you are getting reinforcements because I’m out of targets.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Damn you Peng! You may think that your ATG up on that hill is going to kill my Stuarts but I've got a surprise for you my fine feathered friend. Just keep an eye on the stone bridge ... you are in such trouble! Oh and Damn Berli for the forested funland he created and Damn Mensch too ... yeah I know he only placed the units I bought but damn him anyway.


Well, there you go again PShaw.That's not an ATG and those aren't Stuarts. Let's not go clouding the issue with your damn lies. My conscript Poles are gamely struggling through the acres and acres of swamp the Merciless One has provided for us. And I suspect that menschie is having a bit of a larf buying them Poles when he KNOWS I asked for crack Brit Paras. How much did you pay him to buy Veteran Sturm Companies for you anyway?

At least the weather is clear so my air support can blow the hell out of all of your KTs.

What a mess.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Did you notice that I have received reinforcements? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, no, I had not. That could be due to the fact that I have renamed the file, moved it to a 5 1/4" floppy, stuffed it between the pages of "Grapes of Wrath", and put it under an old bed pan hidden in the attic of the local sanitorium. Now that I know, I shall have to retrieve it, color on the floppy cover in big bold blue crayon a :(, and move it to the bottom of my cat's litter box. Thanks for the heads up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Gettin' near the bottom of the page, people.

Pretty sad when we're relying on the likes of Juardis to keep us in fighting trim.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, then let me make my contribution to keeping it at the top with telling the world about how I cleaned the hedgerows with your no good, hegemonic American scum. That's right ladies and gentleworms, the Forces of Marlow were once again victorious over the earless wonder.

Sir Lorak, please note:

Marlow stunning victory

dalem inglorious defeat

It was the Byte Battle called "Bocage to St. Lo" or somefink. My valient German Paras not only managed to knock out three of the attacking armored horde, and route the accompanying battalion of infantry, but actually managed to counterattack on his flank. Push em back into the Sea boys!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:


On other fronts I'm [shudder] sorryfor biting Marlow's proffered hand. Hear that everybody? Good Sir Marlow, I just get in that mood sometimes being the poor sinner that I yam. Anyway I believe I only nipped the pinky just a little. I hadn't eaten all day and it looked like a big piece of surströmming hovering before my jaws. It's not infected now I hope? Now I've got to sign off for present, as this is all the niceness and politeness I can muster without having to scream get the bucket!!!


Apology accepted my boy, now how about a bit more groveling? Also, my boots are a muddy from walking about in all this Cess (not to mention what's left of Lawyer's defenses), give em a good shine? That’s a good boy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

It seems our local new Librarian is getting to excited again. so my slow minded Orange furry friend let me explain a few things there before you start taking my dried frog pills to calm down.

plus some other gibberish NOT worth quoting


OMG, Mr. Mensch, you do like to repeat yourself don't you? Yes, yes, I quite understood all of what you said the first time. But if you go back and read carefully, you'll notice that I was talking to MrSpkr and explaining to him why his Squire was suddenly inundated with hoof in mouth disease. In no way was I indicting you on being slow. However, since you apparently have a reading comprehension problem in addition to feeling the need to restate the obvious, then perhaps I should speak to you in terms your Dr. Doolittlish brain can comprehend?

oooohhh oooooohh ooooookkk ahhh aHHHH AHKKK AHKKK AHKKK.

OK then, as I swing back into the trees clutching my banana {insert snide comment here}, I shall remind you of thing. You are an ape descended life form. Which makes the monkey your daddy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

In no way was I indicting you on being slow. However, since you apparently have a reading comprehension problem in addition to feeling the need to restate the obvious, then perhaps I should speak to you in terms your Dr. Doolittlish brain can comprehend?

oooohhh oooooohh ooooookkk ahhh aHHHH AHKKK AHKKK AHKKK.

OK then, as I swing back into the trees clutching my banana {insert snide comment here}, I shall remind you of thing. You are an ape descended life form. Which makes the monkey your daddy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My poor misguided MonkeyBoy, you are obviously the product of a public school education (as an aside, doesn't Maxipad list "educational field" as his occupation [shudder]). Man and monkey both evolved from a more primative common ancestor. This does not mean that monkey is man's "daddy," but rather his brother.

Since you appear to be the type of person who probably rode to the above mentioned public school in a short bus, let me further explain by way of analogy.

Start with a fairly primitive species such as the "Englishman." He originally descended from more primitive species such as the "Norman" and "Saxon (more commonly known in the modern era as the "Frenchman" and "Swede" among others primitive types). This "Englishman," and his "Scotsman" kin in turn led to many of the advanced specimens that are found in the modern world. The Americans and Australians for example. So, monkeys and man are kin in much the same way as Americans and Australians (with the Americans representing the more civilized and intelligent of the pair).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

oooohhh oooooohh ooooookkk ahhh aHHHH AHKKK AHKKK AHKKK.


You should use that for your SIG line.

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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