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Are FO's drunken fat bastards?

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I was playing a good tcp/ip game last night. Everything was going to plan, my opponent avoided my mine field with is main force and placed it (infantry, a hell of a lot of infantry) in a small valley. I then moved my FO's into position through dense woods on the perimeter of the valley. They were instantly spotted and killed. They were picked out and targeted like a naked, homosexual democrat stem cell research scientist who preforms abortions and believes in taxes at a repbulican NRA convention. (Ouch that was cold, but hey republicans admit it, your cold harted bastards sometimes, you have any idea how many good people are going to die because they cant perform all the research needed on stem cells?) Anyway, do FO's get spotted really easily? Whats up with this? Also, i just played a night fight , and when I sent in two companies into a small town , they were up against maybe a company of germans, and all but two squads routed, whats up with that? they were british airborne, tough sob's.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

I was playing a good tcp/ip game last night. Everything was going to plan, my opponent avoided my mine field with is main force and placed it (infantry, a hell of a lot of infantry) in a small valley. I then moved my FO's into position through dense woods on the perimeter of the valley. They were instantly spotted and killed. They were picked out and targeted like a naked, homosexual democrat stem cell research scientist who preforms abortions and believes in taxes at a repbulican NRA convention. (Ouch that was cold, but hey republicans admit it, your cold harted bastards sometimes, you have any idea how many good people are going to die because they cant perform all the research needed on stem cells?) Anyway, do FO's get spotted really easily? Whats up with this? Also, i just played a night fight , and when I sent in two companies into a small town , they were up against maybe a company of germans, and all but two squads routed, whats up with that? they were british airborne, tough sob's.<hr></blockquote>

Tough SOBs still need adequate leadership...:-P

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

They were picked out and targeted like a naked, homosexual democrat stem cell research scientist who preforms abortions and believes in taxes at a repbulican NRA convention. <hr></blockquote>

I thought you were supposed to be 12. Since when do 12 year olds have an interest in politics and stem cell research?

Sheesh, remind me never to buy a used car from you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

I'll beat swamp down as soon as I find him!! Hes my little girl.<hr></blockquote>

Bloody imbecile! I told you where to find him before.

Go to http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/Chat/index.shtml

and ask for swamp. Do mention you're reservist poop cleaner boy. He'll give you a front row seat to lots of death.

Oh, and Ill hang out there for the next 30 mins or so, checking back occasionally to see if you show you little tushy in the place. I know you won't, but the other chat participants and I will be making rude jokes about you for that half an hour, so it won't be a total waste.

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Well, let's see. I know that Berli was an FO, and he is certainly a drunken bastard, but he isn't too fat though. This is most probably due to the fact that he is a chain smoking fiend and also a meth addict unless I miss my guess.

Did I forget to mention . . . Hi Mom!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

Also, i just played a night fight , and when I sent in two companies into a small town , they were up against maybe a company of germans, and all but two squads routed, whats up with that? they were british airborne, tough sob's.<hr></blockquote>

Yeah, you're right. The modelling of infantry combat in this game is crap.

I can only recommend to stop playing CM and start playing some serious WW2 sim.

Just head over to day of defeat, I'm sure you will be very comfortable with a comunity that matches your vast knowledge of military science, fine manners and polite behaviour.

Goodbye, you'll be missed...


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You know what really bugs me? Lousy Bordeaux, thats what.

I have these friends -- who think they are being all sophisticated when they bring me French wine, and they sneer at California wine. But really they are buying crappy Bordeaux (and sometimes crappy Burgundy) because they just don't have a clue.

French wine can be so erratic. The weather there is much more unpredictable.

And its harder -- unless you know what you are doing -- to get a good 10 or 12 dollar bottle of Burgundy or Bordeaux.

If you're an idiot, why not ask the guy in the wine shop? Or go for the nice California Pinot Noir or Cabernet? Why sneer at the plucky Australian Shiraz?

But they do sneer. They don't ask. They just stay locked into their stubborn idiocy and bring over a consistent stream of lousy wine.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Terence:

You know what really bugs me? Lousy Bordeaux, thats what.

I have these friends -- who think they are being all sophisticated when they bring me French wine, and they sneer at California wine. But really they are buying crappy Bordeaux (and sometimes crappy Burgundy) because they just don't have a clue.

French wine can be so erratic. The weather there is much more unpredictable.

And its harder -- unless you know what you are doing -- to get a good 10 or 12 dollar bottle of Burgundy or Bordeaux.

If you're an idiot, why not ask the guy in the wine shop? Or go for the nice California Pinot Noir or Cabernet? Why sneer at the plucky Australian Shiraz?

But they do sneer. They don't ask. They just stay locked into their stubborn idiocy and bring over a consistent stream of lousy wine.<hr></blockquote>

Cheers Terence,

As a wine buyer, it takes a true man to ask for help, but when could it be better to so humble one's self than when purchasing a lavish red.

I'm a big fan of Chiantis myself, though I'm far from being an afficionado- so I don't know brands or years or anything, just that I like the taste of a "bleak" red, as I put it.

While I'm at it, I must say, "Hi Mom!" Unfortunately, she's in the hospital again with foot problems from diabetes. Nothing serious, though. The nurses union is on strike, so it took 8 hours or somefink for them to get an IV in her.

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What really matters is that my favorite muppet is Grover. He was the quality host and monster on the street before that gigalo named Elmo came around. Would Grover make a good FO? I think not. He would be entirely too gregarious and would be noticed too quickly. He would make a better Platoon Leader IMHO.<hr></blockquote>

No, he would be okay as a FO. Just dip 'em in green and have him send his firing coordnates via morse insted of verbal over the radio. :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

The nurses union is on strike, so it took 8 hours or somefink for them to get an IV in her.

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]<hr></blockquote>

Nurses are overated. They have no right to strike as they are for the most part, worthless. Anyone can push meds and clear bedpans, but nurses think because they got certified in school that they are doctors in a sense. I should know; I have to work with 'em!

Damn, I need a new line of work. :rolleyes:

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

Nurses are overated. They have no right to strike as they are for the most part, worthless. Anyone can push meds and clear bedpans, but nurses think because they got certified in school that they are doctors in a sense. I should know; I have to work with 'em!

Damn, I need a new line of work. :rolleyes: <hr></blockquote>

If my girlfriend heard you say that she would kick your ass. Hell, I know cause if I said that she would definitely kick my ass.

Besides, she says that most doctors are over-bearing, egotistical, skirt chasers. And she should know... she works with them.


[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]</p>

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I schedule nurses, and while I think they are spoiled, they are not useless nor overpaid.

You couldn't pay me enough to wipe other people's asses, much less evacuate someone else's bowels manually.

Most of them are very hard working, in all honesty; but like any bunch there are a few rotten apples.

Doctors on the other hand, consistently suck.

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]</p>

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Whoa! Looks like I opened a can of worms.

It is true that a few nurses are hard working and very good at what they do. But in my experience and my friend's as well (he is a Resp. Theripist) most are very lazy and feel that they are more than what they really are. They think because they have a licence as a nurse that they operate on the same educational level as a doctor. Hell, I've seen EMTs out diagnose them before. Most of the ones I have worked with complain about their work load when all they do at where I work is push meds for a handful of patients.

I'm not attcking anyone specificly, so please tell your girlfriend not to kick my ass. :D

Many doctors are skirt chasers with overbloan egos; that is true. But I have seen many more doctors that understand their place in the scheme of things and do more of what their job requires of them than nurses do. When it takes 8 hours to get an IV (and this can happen in a fully staffed hospital by the way) or you have to argue that you need a certain pain killer that the doctor ordered (AND IT'S LISTED ON THE CHART IN FRONT OF THE NURSE'S NOSE) AND YOU ARE DYING FROM PAIN, it just makes you question the value of the person who is caring for you. ANYONE that has ever spent more than a few hours in a hospital knows what I mean. Like the joke goes: "What do you call a nurse that graduates at the bottom of their class? A nurse."

Ask your girlfriend how many of her nurseing peers suck. I bet she'll name more bad ones than good ones.

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ] ;)

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>

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