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Peng goes to Sweden

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Hail and well met Lorak..now I realize that you have got yourself a nice sinecure here, goverment job and all, but really dear boy, you need to stop dozing off in the afternoon. Distinctly posted back on page 4

Thus the legaltruppen prevail:


Meeks - loss

So be a good chap and adjust the record. Not for me, heavens I am beyond such gloating, rather for Meeks. He does so want the records to be straight and well...I just had to indulge the youngster


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-13-2001).]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I feel like I've put my tongue into the mouth of a marsupial (and not one of your attractive, enticing marsupials, either. Which are they? Ask Mace or Stuka, they apparently keep lists; I don't want to know why).

You have a choice of:








Tasmanian Devil,


Possum, or


It's fine to stick your tongue into the mouth of any of these except the tasmanian devil, and please make sure in all cases that you don't get the ends confused!


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Originally posted by Mace:

You have a choice of:








Tasmanian Devil,


Possum, or


It's fine to stick your tongue into the mouth of any of these except the tasmanian devil, and please make sure in all cases that you don't get the ends confused!



The platypus is not a marsupial. It happens to be the only mammal that lays eggs. Which also describes Seanachai.

You should quit getting your wildlife information from the Crocodile Hunter.


"Blimey! He looks aaaaaaaaaaaaagitated!" -The Crocodile Hunter's last words.

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

The platypus is not a marsupial. It happens to be the only mammal that lays eggs...

You should quit getting your wildlife information from the Crocodile Hunter...

...while getting the facts from the Robin Williams show "Live at the Met" is perfectly OK with me. I won't tell anyone. Honest.

Went something like this IIRC:

"You know, Tom Waits once said "there is no devil, it's just god when he's drunk"*. Well, if god gets drunk do you think he gets stoned once in while as well? Look at the platypus, I think so...

OK, we take a beaver, put on a ducks belk, heh, what can you do, I'm god remember? And it's a mammal, but it lays eggs...Yo Darwin, up yours!"

It's been years since I watched that one though.

* "Heartattack and vine". Buy it.




"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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I thought we were all old enough to handle it. I will monitor myself as if I am

talking to my 10-12 year old group.

[sERIOUS] Armornut I thought I made it perfectly clear that the issue was with BTS. The only thing that will offend ME is if BTS closes the Peng Thread because people can't follow THEIR rules. This is not MY decision nor MY rule but theirs, if you have a problem take it up with them. If you have any questions about whether I'm right, ask anyone else here. [/sERIOUS]







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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[sERIOUS]If you have any questions about whether I'm right, ask anyone else here. [/sERIOUS]

Much as it pains me to agree with stevetherat, he is right, you know. (Speaking of which, where the feck's my file? I sent you the last turn hours ago. Even Seanachai responded more quickly--this time.) And I'm not just saying that because I'm contractually required to do so as Joe Shaw's squire.

Speaking of which, the spring rains are coming, liege. I've had some piano movers help me build a new awning for your patio out of an old concert grand. Just stand right there on the "X"--that's the spot. Now tug on that rope to adjust the angle...

Agua Perdido

[Edited to adjust a stuck pulley.]


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

[This message has been edited by Agua Perdido (edited 03-13-2001).]

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Ahhh... the one and only Bauhaus! At last our crosses path! Little "RC" humor there, boyo, don't fret it!

Three items to note... so I shant be taxing your attention span. I sure you are quite busy enought with all the standupsitdowntalkoutshutup that you so richly deserve from we few, we happy few that swim so without fetters here in the 'Pool that is Cess.

Item the Firstest: We are all so happy that you are able to draw a line!!! M & P will be so proud!!! I know! Let's mount it (sit dow... er... um...) on the 'fridge!

Item the Secondest: As one "RC" to another (and me a convert even!)... what is with all this mummery? If it weren't for that oh-so-perfect 19-year-old across the aisle I might not even go. Since Y'shua used to hang with the dregs of society, do you think He'd be a 'Pooler now?

Item the Thirdest: I'd pay you more attention, but I must go scrape off this coating of bauhaus I seemed to have picked up just chatting with you... who has one of those Roman bath scraper thingies?




what? I said "thingies," yeah? So? No...stay back! NO, BAUHAUS! MY GOD! PUT THAT AWAY!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Could somebody please translate because I have no idea what language is being "spoken" here. Yet further proof that crack kills.

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A hush fills The Pool as Grandmaster Treeburst approaches the computer. What words of wisdom will he bestow upon the Pool? Let's listen closely.

Okay you nose pickin' booger eaters, I know you all hoped that I had Died A Lot and would not be bothering The Pool anymore. Well, guess what? Just like a bad case of jock itch I have reappeared. If it wasn't for work, something you scumbags know nothing about, I would bless you with my presence more often.

I've got StevietheRunt on the run having crushed a tank platoon with a lone 75mm halftrack (with a bit of help from a Hetzer). In a desperate attempt to salvage the game he is trying a foolhardy flanking manuever with his remaining clanking contraptions. As soon as he comes around the bend he will find himself totally without armor support. Poor Stevie, if only he knew the game was over already.

Germyboy, that gamey bastage, chose not to purchase any armor to aid him in his assault on MY town. I, in my infinite wisdom, have not exposed my armor to his beady bloodshot eyes as I haven't felt the need. The game is very interesting as a result of this. My 60mm mortars rule the field of battle having hammered to jelly at least one platoon attempting to advance through some woods. His remaining sissies are confronted with the formidable task of digging veteran American infantry out of heavy buildings and foxholes in wooded areas. To make matters worse for the poor old sod he's got very little cover to aid him in his advance. His arty barrages did little more than cause my guys to spill their beer. (We always fight drunk. It's good for morale). If only he knew the game was over already.

Mark IV,

Get your head out of that glue bag and send me a setup you bellicose bag of barf. I can see you smirking now as you ponder your insulting refusal of my demand. Don't write. Let's fight! Go ahead and give yourself a 3:1 force advantage like you do in your other games so I will be at least a little bit challenged. BTW, I thought of you yesterday while I was performing my quinquennial chore of cleaning out the refrigerator. Why was that, I wonder?

May you all Die A Lot now.

Treeburst155, CM Grandmaster

Edit: Cruddy Croda's eyes must be giving out on him. Read his post below.

[This message has been edited by Treeburst155 (edited 03-13-2001).]

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Sweden sux... well not as much as Croda.. but it still sux... what suxs more then sweden and croda... is Kittys absence.. Where da feck is dat cat..

Here puddy puddy puddy.. puss puss puss puss... hmmm fpsst fpsst fpsst..

nope .. damn anyone know how to get hold of this pussy cat?

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

We must "out" HolgerDK. He is the fourth of the Heraldites ... although now a former Heraldite as he has gone off to do real work at a real company and make real money ... in short, he's a whore ... but a Heraldite nonetheless.

Well...there was a fourth Stooge, and a fourth Marx Brother, so why not a fourth Heraldite? Does the Zeppo Heraldite also play CM? And what's with the handle and peculiar language choice? Is he from Racine? Finally, doesn't the Herald hunt down its escapees? Even Minimum Security prisons take the trouble, so what excuse does the Herald use for allowing former employees loose, to the detriment of everyone's security?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh lad ... mutated mass of mastoids ... PuhLEEZZZEEEE. The rest was trite commentary as useful as undigested foodstuffs commonly found in the stool of overfed wild animals.

In reflection I do find this particular offering somewhat lacking and say in my defense that I allowed the melodic ring to override good composition.

Mr. Shaw, I dub you the “castrated conglomeration of guano who abased himself with kiasu towards The Whuppin' boy”.

All who read, please take heed and address this unworthy as such until a time that he defends his total lack of honor by consenting to grind me into pixeled pulp on the electronic battlefield.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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My Loyal and Trusty Squire Agua Perdido once again proved his worth by stating publicly: Speaking of which, the spring rains are coming, liege. I've had some piano movers help me build a new awning for your patio out of an old concert grand. Just stand right there on the "X"--that's the spot. Now tug on that rope to adjust the angle...
Ah thank you lad, taking the rope lightly in his hands and gazing fondly at his squire, Joe brushes a tear from his eye... and thank you for seconding my judgement earlier, it's indeed heartwarming to see the younger generation of 'poolers showing respect for their elders. Now let's see, I'm to tug on this rope? Joe motions at the rope Ah but you know lad, I've never been much at angles and so forth ... too ... mathematical for a Knight to bother with donchaknow. Here ... Joe hands the rope to Agua and steps away ... why I trust your judgement implicitly lad, I'd trust you with my life you know so a silly little angle adjustment goes without saying ... Tug away, lad, tug away.







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Here, Deke, ease up on the alliteration, you're making some of the people queasy.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Could somebody please translate because I have no idea what language is being "spoken" here. Yet further proof that crack kills.

YEEEAAARRGH! Once again I am skewered (ironic, we being in Sweden and that word's origin scandanavian...) by your mallet-like wit! Oh, Great Sir! I most humbly, humbly! beseech your pardon! After all, be it far from me -- an ignoble crackhead -- to disdain or impugne those motives and actions to which those who sacrifice upon the Altar of PENG have so far previously attributed to you! Let it be cried a-loud to all that one and low find you and your staturesque mien to be competely not unmeaningless! Bauhaus! Thou art the Man! Let obsequies of your honor be trotted throughout the Holy Mother Pool! Lamantations cried! Ave! Ave, Bauhaus! Were he not here now would he then be here no longer!


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Here, Deke, ease up on the alliteration, you're making some of the people queasy.

Damn, you Seanachai!

I compared you to a bill faced, egg laying, waddling furball and you still refuse to "throw down" the gaunlet with me!

You, sir, are impossible!



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Regards B, are you so lacking in insight that you are unable to fathom a reference to the indispensable accessories of a fast food employees attire?

Kierans works best for me. Time and date?

Shandorf Are you listening? I find it hard to believe that a miscreant from the wrong side of the ’94 loop would pass up free drinks and grub. Then again it is undoubtedly difficult to decipher those bus schedules.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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[sERIOUS] Armornut I thought I made it perfectly clear that the issue was with BTS. The only thing that will offend ME is if BTS closes the Peng Thread because people can't follow THEIR rules. This is not MY decision nor MY rule but theirs, if you have a problem take it up with them. If you have any questions about whether I'm right, ask anyone else here. [/sERIOUS]

The statement I wrote was not to suggest that there was anything wrong with the rules, or with you. I was simply making a statement that I will have to monitor my comments. I used the drug group as an example of how I do it as a professional, and as a way to insult Meeks (because he is like a brain damaged 12-year-old). I did not say, or even insite, that you were wrong. And I thank you for telling me when I am out of line. If that was unclear, it should be clear now.

MeeksPut the hamster down and send me that turn.

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It's ok, armornut, we got angry once at a dip named Futbolhead, made a complete ass out of ourselves, too. It's a sin, you know, getting angry about the goings ons of the Pool. Now the only reason we set you up with a map of complete irritation is because you were such an insufferable git, which is a real-life thing, too. If you promise to be less of an insufferable git, we'll be happy to play you in a real game of CM, otherwise, you owe US a turn, not vice verse.

Hope and charity to all your family,

A raging multitude of Hamsters

On to the rest of the twits, gits and stupid sheeeeeits.

(We don't think the occasional anus plug reference is going to get us in too much trouble, though we can also agree with Joe's admonishment {We're not sitting on the fence here, there are enough hamsters to sit on either side of the argument})

Seanachai, the gamey git, has managed to throw a Churchill 8 at us (Who uses those damned Roman numerals, anyway? What a bunch of pompous bastards the British are) along with a, get this, white scout car?!!?!. Now, everyone knows that the Churchillosaurus Ausf 8 was only used once in the Western front and then only to sell hot dogs and everyone knows that the white scout car is unbalancing, overly used and a sure sign of an inferiority complex.

MarkIV and the horrendous hive of hamsters have started a battle, which appears to take place somewhere in Mirkwood, as one of our HMG teams is all ready being set upon by spiders while waiting in the vast woods of the map.

Did we mention how gamey Seanachai is?

No significant changes other than that.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well...there was a fourth Stooge, and a fourth Marx Brother, so why not a fourth Heraldite? Does the Zeppo Heraldite also play CM?

No, of course not. I've never ever played the game - I just like to post to random bulletin boards on the 'Net. Really Seanachi, it's important to take your medication EVERY day.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

And what's with the handle and peculiar language choice?

A guy named Seanachai is being critical of somebody else's handle? Peculiar language? OK, look at the name of the thread. It says "Peng goes to Sweden". With me so far? Do you think maybe, just maybe the peculiar language could be...Swedish? If you rub both of your brain cells together furiously Seanachai you might just get a spark.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Finally, doesn't the Herald hunt down its escapees? Even Minimum Security prisons take the trouble, so what excuse does the Herald use for allowing former employees loose, to the detriment of everyone's security?

Hunting down escapees was my job at the Herald. Evidently I've not been properly replaced.

[This message has been edited by HolgerDK (edited 03-13-2001).]

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Posted by ratboy;

(slowly shaking head from side to side while looking down with a chastising expression...)Edited to keep form further boring you all.

I cannot belive I am being chastised by a guy who assosiates him self with an animal that eats it's own feces. Go run a maze for cheese or something, before I get my Norwegian Forest cat and feed you to him for a snack. GO! GO on SHOOOOO! Lousy vermin.


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