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Originally posted by Hanns:

I hereby demand that Sally Struthers be airlifted (err.... towed behind a bunch of boats) immediately to Ozztraulia where she can film touching commercials exposing the plight of these unfortunates. <hr></blockquote>

For this Hanns, I shall take you for Squire. Three great ideas here. We get rid of that fat cow Sally, the Aussies get caught on film, and the Kiwis will be so horrified they will start donating prettier sheep to help their pitiful neighbors out.

Hanns, for your first task as Squire, beat AussieJeff about the ears until he quits refering to his dangly bits.


Originally posted by some idjit from a lost continent (and it’s lost for a reason, dangit):

Instead, try a healthy dose of unadulterated Aussie red beef - it is undoubtedly much better for you.


With you around I doubt it’s unadulterated.

What is it with Aussies and livestock anyway? They’re starting to make the Greeks look normal.

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Dear Mr Gates-slut,

Send me a fecking turn or I'll format your hard drive and install Windows XP on it.

The Hungarian version.

Dear Mr Shawnachoo,

Send me a fecking turn or I'll ... do something.

Quite possibly something that hurts and quite possibly to your person. I'll brood on it during the winter.

It is a sad world when the most reliable opponents are a drug-riddled nutcase and a hamster captive. And some guy who has read Eye of the needle FAR too many times.

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Well done Lars, while I couldn't take Hanns to squire myself, having just proposed him for Serf, I'm pleased to see that a former squire of mine has progressed to to point of passing on the lessons learned at my side. I suppose that makes Hanns something of a Grandsquire to me. I shall, of course, spoil him rotten whilst passing him to you for the more unsightly chores. He may call me Grandsire and I shall pass on nuggets of wisdom that you, in your busy time, may not have had occassion to remember. It will be a GOOD time.

I must point out, however, that your first task to him looks to be difficult as FozzieJeff (with apologies to Fozzie Bear who is not only funny but a BEAR) has "neglected" to provide his email address. As such he is to be counted as naught more than an ordinary troll and should be ignored as such. He who claims the mantle of Taunter Supreme is not even brave enough to provide the means to ANSWER or ACCEPT a challenge from a Squire as required by the RULZ {shudder}.

This is what comes, Seanachai of intemperate recruiting upon the outer board. We have "gained" FozzieJeff and lost Mensch ... gee ... that's a fair trade.


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Hanns lives close enough for me to go down and personally put the *BOOT* in (never forget the*BOOT* (see, I did learn something)), he works in a bar (a deviant bar, but a bar nevertheless (really learning things now!)), and he writes better than most of the SSN scum that troll through here (most SSN’s are nuggets that should be passed on (or just passed)).

Plus, he doesn’t seem to like Australians. An easy choice for Squirehood. Seanachai apparently needs another foot soldier in his war on the Antipodes.

To bad AussieJeff is such a wanker as to not post his email. Really says something about the average intellect down under. But then again, now we can just ignore the lad till he gets lost for the last time in the Outback.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Look over there, me ol' mates Mace 'n Noba<hr></blockquote>

Now look 'ere, Sunny Jim.

I realise you, like me, are from a god's own country* and Australia prides itself as a society where everyone is treated equally.

However this is the MBT, I am a mighty Kniggit and you are just but a simple SSN. This is because I have proved myself worthy of my current title (mainly through the threatened publishing of various photos of the old ones in compromising positions), so please refrain from mentioning my title without at least some recognition of my social status.

The correct way to address me is: me ol' mate, the greatest thing since sliced bread, intelligent, witty, dashing, top Aussie, the one and only MACE)

* Please note -

the good lord grew up in Quambatook, Victoria, then persued a career as a jackaroo outback until he decided "sod this, I'm jack of it! I'll think I'll create meself a universe instead and populate it with everything from sub-atomic particles to galaxies, suns and planetary systems - then spawn various intelligent lifeforms who will marvel at my brilliance and worship me! But first, a beer!!"

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:



'FozzieJeff'?, 'FozzieJeff'?, who is this 'FozzieJeff' character of which you speak, oh Great Justiculator of the 'Pool.

I have noted the disturbing phenomenom of an "AussieJeff', but am puzzled, befuddled and perplexed as to this 'FozzieJeff' chap.

How bemusing, two individuals with amusingly similar names in the one forum.

Who'd a thunk it?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

'FozzieJeff'?, 'FozzieJeff'?, who is this 'FozzieJeff' character of which you speak, oh Great Justiculator of the 'Pool.

I have noted the disturbing phenomenom of an "AussieJeff', but am puzzled, befuddled and perplexed as to this 'FozzieJeff' chap.

How bemusing, two individuals with amusingly similar names in the one forum.

Who'd a thunk it?<hr></blockquote>Not at all, at all my very good friend Stuka for see you many things come to Knights and indeed even Squires of the The One The True CessPool. Among those are the recognition due them for having survived the slings and arrows hurled their way during their tenure in said CessPool.

It has long been the policy of ... well ME mostly ... to correctly spell and BOLD the full names of Squires and Knights ... not because they INDIVIDUALLY deserve more than a sneer and a hawked up loggy you understand but because KNIGHTS AND SQUIRES of The One The True CessPool deserve it. SSNs, on the other hand (in YOUR case the hand not otherwise occupied in delving the nether regions of one or the other of your nasal cavities), deserve ... well NOTHING, not to put too fine a point on it.

You'll note that I have scrupulously followed this policy with YOU for example, even though you're an Australian. SSNs afford us the sport of, among other things, making fun of their pitiful names, sport which is simply not appropriate for Squires and Knights of The One The True CessPool. Thus I use the nom de toejam of FozzieJeff for the creature otherwise known and soon to be forgotten as AussieJeff.

I DO hope I've made my policy clear on this important issue. Granted SOME members of the CessPool still hold to the outdated, sophmoric and passe custom of mangling the names EVEN of Members of the CessPool, but I'll not be party to such. In fact it pains me to do so even to SSNs ... but not very much so I think I'll continue in their case.

Please let me know if the Justicariate can help you solve that vexing problem with missing turns, remember ... "Bare Is Brotherless Back" ... MATE!.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Please let me know if the Justicariate can help you solve that vexing problem with missing turns.<hr></blockquote>

No missing turns here ole buddy!

Why, just last night I received a turn from the old Tinklemeister himself, and what a grand turn it was too. Lots of 'splody things (mostly his), one of my Tigers copped some gun damage but otherwise things are coming along swimmingly, thanks.

The Shawian arty barrage is as ineffective as usual (will somebody explain to him about Los and FO's?) and my troops are weathering the storm well.

At this rate of turns, I expect a convincing victory in a week or so.

Thanks Josie, your'e Ace!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Now it's gloating as it gets to bed at 4AM down under where it lives. I honestly can't see what it found so interesting as to stay up all night.<hr></blockquote>

Well stoneth'flamin'crows Swissy - yer only about 4 hours off ya drongo! Goanaveanothergander at ya' Boys Own Map of Th' World an' fergawdsake werkitoutproperthistime ... an' stop insinuatin' that ya' witty efforts wernt interestin'. I larfedmefarkinheadorf at sumofyerwoosyeffets! Keep practisin I recken - one day ya' will kickasausageroll....



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

As if Mace, Goanna, and the rest of their ilk weren't bad enough, who let this other Limey in?<hr></blockquote>

Strewth mate! I reckon yer about oneboobshortofaBerlei meself if ya think Fair Dinkum Aussies are called corbLIMEYS!! That quip arent worth a brassrazoo.

I'm orft'aveaslash


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Strewth mate! I reckon yer about oneboobshortofaBerlei meself if ya think Fair Dinkum Aussies are called corbLIMEYS!! That quip arent worth a brassrazoo.

I'm orft'aveaslash


Limey, Pommie, Aussie... same bloody thing

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On behalf of the 'pools Aussie contingent I would like to officially distance ourselves from Von Tinklehoffenburger's new play-mate, 'AussieJeff'.

The average Aussie does not really speak like that unless it is for the benefit of gullible tourists or foreign TV crews.

I suspect 'AussieJeff' to be an import, attempting to 'fit in' amongst the locals by adopting a silly foreign interpretation of a 'real' Aussie.

No doubt he is wearing a safari suit, long socks with sandals, and a wide brimmed hat with a string of corks dangling from the brim.

I suspect he is a *gasp* New Zealander, and as such should be exposed for the dirrrty, steeenky spy that he is.

"Persecute the heretic!"

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Limey, Pommie, Aussie... same bloody thing<hr></blockquote>

Crikey, mate! Donchareadthflaminpoop-pitrules?

VIII. Thou shalt not sound off ABOUT thy pair, nor about politics, nor racial[b/], sexual nor ethnic[b/] crusades.

Ya should be ashamed of yerself for stoopin' lowerthanaredbellysnakesarse

Me ol' mate, the greatest thing since sliced bread, intelligent, witty, dashing, top Aussie, the one and only MACE can lern ya all about the rules, eh mate?

'n as fer JoeBlow who stated:

Well done Lars, while I couldn't take Hanns to squire myself, having just proposed him for Serf, I'm pleased to see that a former squire of mine has progressed to to point of passing on the lessons learned at my side. I suppose that makes Hanns something of a Grandsquire to me. I shall, of course, spoil him rotten whilst passing him to you for the more unsightly chores. He may call me Grandsire and I shall pass on nuggets of wisdom that you, in your busy time, may not have had occassion to remember. It will be a GOOD time.[b/]

Bloodyheck Blowie! I've 'ad a good CaptainsCook at ya post anit sounds a bit incess[b/]tuous to me mate! I reckon ya need a damn good thrashin' at CM t'blowth'cobwebsouttayabum. If ya' feel like riskin' ya' reputayshen aginst a SSO (SuperiorScathingOLDIE to ya - noneo'thisnewbiecrap)post me a QB an fergawdssake mek it bigger'n 1500pts ya ol fart...

I reckon I could win with a platoon of platypusses and a dead Dingo versus ya motley lot.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

On behalf of the 'pools Aussie contingent I would like to officially distance ourselves from Von Tinklehoffenburger's new play-mate, 'AussieJeff'.

The average Aussie does not really speak like that unless it is for the benefit of gullible tourists or foreign TV crews.

I suspect 'AussieJeff' to be an import, attempting to 'fit in' amongst the locals by adopting a silly foreign interpretation of a 'real' Aussie.

No doubt he is wearing a safari suit, long socks with sandals, and a wide brimmed hat with a string of corks dangling from the brim.

I suspect he is a *gasp* New Zealander, and as such should be exposed for the dirrrty, steeenky spy that he is.

"Persecute the heretic!"<hr></blockquote>

Tch tch, Stuka. You answered you're own question in the very first sentence.

CORRECT: Are these foreigners not "gullible tourists" of the Cesspit??? Or "TV crews" (and we all know what the TV in that gem stands for..)

And I would have thought you would know by now that Nuw Zualandurs pronounce thuur e's und i's as u's. Give me a break - who would of thunk ut??? And the rest of Australia knows that most {gag} kiwis actually reside in Brisbane cuz' it is just next door. So you wouldn't be trying to pull th' wool over our eyes now, would you me ol' Brissy-resident-kiwi-MATE!

Nice try tho'

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Draiss mae ain pink an' call mah "Andrew"!! Firrrst, Leeo ye giblet nibblin' Macaroon! Send mae a turrn afore ye post ye (hoowever waill directed) rubbish ain tha MBT!

Dalem, ye seand mah the previous turrn fraim before an' thain gi tae groond agin. May tha snappin' sphincters o' a thoosand camels hunt ye doon!

Seanachai!! Ye jabberin' Hickerite! Yoo ainvited thas most recent trash aintae tha 'Pool an' noo thay manage tae feend there shtyupid wah aintae at (afta a pathetic false starrt ain tha previous thraid after at were finished), ye' noowhere tae be seen! Will ye noo come an' collaict ye faithful wee Antipodeans an' di wha'ever at was ye aintended?

An' Hiram, Happy Thanks Givin' mon!


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Boy this SpazzyJeff git makes OGSF look like an eloquent bard and master wordsmith by comparison. At least OGSF's posts have something pertinent to add to the discussion, are more intelligible than this marble mouthed blather and actually tend to make sense when I've got a litre or so of Jägermeister in my gullet. The inarticulate nature of SpazzyJeff's posts tend to be along this nature:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>ook,ook, penis, ook, fishing, ook-ook feces ook!<hr></blockquote>

His inane attempts at witty replies further dig him into a hole of stupidity. Lucky for him, being on the bottom side of the planet the dirts falls out of the hole, thus making his pitiful work easier. Upon more careful examination of SpazzyJeff's lopsided and rectally inverted cranium it is possible to make out the rusted coat hanger that has been lodged there pre-partum. Apparently it is acting like an antenna but only picks up re-runs of "Crocodile Dundee Part XXIV: Paul Hogan's transexual adventures". This might explain some of his more odd pronouncements. Maybe not.

Sir Lars I do humbly accept squireship under thy august personage. I willing submit to thine boot but wish to remind thee that I have tasted the lash far more times, by one I dare say was more skilled and much more attractively female. I could reminisce on how I was whipped until I bled by a pair of bi-sexual women, but, well I already have. Oh the wonders I have seen. Anyway, I will submit to thine tutelage and attempt to learn the ways of Kniggety taunting. May my path be a rocky and twisted one that befits my nature. Lord Justicar Joe Shaw, I shall now view thee as my Grand-Liege and sit patiently at thine knee, wondering at the stories and tales you spin. I will not however sit upon your lap and dig through your pockets looking for "candy". To the rest of you sodds, feck off unless you're joining me in a round of "drown ozzyjeff in his own vomit". Toodles,


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Lord Justicar Joe Shaw, I shall now view thee as my Grand-Liege and sit patiently at thine knee, wondering at the stories and tales you spin. I will not however sit upon your lap and dig through your pockets looking for "candy".<hr></blockquote> Hehehe, of course not, Grandsquire Hanns, that would be wrong ... these females you're referring to however (... uh ... best not mention the rest of this to your GrandLady, lad, nothing she'd find interesting) ... we'll talk about these females later then ... lashes you say ...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

"drown ozzyjeff in his own vomit". <hr></blockquote>

Don't drown him.

Stone the heretic, for he has uttered the name of our Lord in vain!

Edited because, well gosh darn it, just because.

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Draiss mae ain pink an' call mah "Andrew"!! Firrrst, Leeo ye giblet nibblin' Macaroon! Send mae a turrn afore ye post ye (hoowever waill directed) rubbish ain tha MBT!

Dalem, ye seand mah the previous turrn fraim before an' thain gi tae groond agin. May tha snappin' sphincters o' a thoosand camels hunt ye doon!

Seanachai!! Ye jabberin' Hickerite! Yoo ainvited thas most recent trash aintae tha 'Pool an' noo thay manage tae feend there shtyupid wah aintae at (afta a pathetic false starrt ain tha previous thraid after at were finished), ye' noowhere tae be seen! Will ye noo come an' collaict ye faithful wee Antipodeans an' di wha'ever at was ye aintended?

An' Hiram, Happy Thanks Givin' mon!


Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Thanks for remembering me.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Bloodyheck Blowie! {snipped out of consideration for my fellow CessPoolers} <hr></blockquote>Ah my, where to begin:

Here we have an SSN who, apparently, wishes a game of CM. What SHALL I do when faced with such a challenge?

It DID take him a while to tumble to the notion that an email address might speed the process.

He CAN'T quite seem to get the hang of UBB.

He INSISTS on posting in a truly awful parody of our own OGSF, who has, give him credit, done it before and INFINITLY better.

He IS an SSN and I am a Seniour Knight.

He DOES bore me to tears.

All of the above being said, however, I am not the heartless HAMMER of the CessPool that many suggest I am. I understand giving charity to those in need and so I would request that my own Grandsquire Hanns take up the challenge as indeed he was ordered by his liege, Lars. I even have the very scenario the two can play. It's a lovely little creation that should do the job perfectly. I'll send it right along to Hanns and he can start the process.


p.s. OH ... the scenario is one I found on the net that looks interesting ... Jabo! I think it's called.

{This edit intentionally left blank}

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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