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The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:


Oh lucky me....I now have a matching set of two!

btw, do I know you? I'm Mace *extends hand* ...and you are?


I think you may still have some wool in your eyes from that last sheep; i said "I wear the Mask of Shame! Not you!! For the love of Peng, read more carefully.

Ps - *slapping your hand away* And I am? According to you, I'm "faithless and fickle." So be it. And I'll add that I am pissed off at you to no end!!!


Ask about purchasing my underwear. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

I think you may still have some wool in your eyes from that last sheep; i said "I wear the Mask of Shame! Not you!! For the love of Peng, read more carefully.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No wool in my eyes, but I do smell of lamb.

But...but....I'm a Public Servant, we have to read and then misinterpret the government rules and regulations as well as enacted laws.

It's a fine skill honed after many years of service that's used in home life as well.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>*slapping your hand away* And I am? According to you, I'm "faithless and fickle." So be it. And I'll add that I am pissed off at you to no end!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


*with good hand, pulls out instructions*

to be opened in times of crisis only, please follow instructions carefully

23.4) Assume crash position

XXI) Put head between legs

7.6.2) Kiss backside goodbye



Ask about purchasing my underwear. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can I purchase your underwear?

Mace (btw, good to have you back)

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That's rich Speedy coming from a machinegunner of defenseless Volks.

Here's hoping I have better luck with Mace than he is having with Kitty. Frankly, I would have asked if those were new or used undies before offering to purchase.

With all the intra-Australian play going on, perhaps we should move the Cesspool back Downunder?

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*a bandaged hand slowly lifts the hatch of the jagdpanther*

Is it safe, is she gone?

*peers carefully around, keeping an eye out for a katschen frauline mit panzerschreck*

Zum tuffel, It vas dis hard fight, but the superior Mace kitties undt the uberhamsters fought the mighty fight, and defeated the evil Speedyundt his nasty Canucks!

It took the loss of a jagdpanther, undt Hetzer undt 2 Jagdpanzers mit the 75mm L70, but he had the audacity to make undt battle with that nasty Fireflies!

But our jagdpanther showed them..especially undt that vun that took two hits on the mantlet vithout undt penetration...Gott im himmel...vats der justice vor you..but not vor der Speedy!

I now haf to go undt fight him undt our other battle, undt it is with pleasure that I announce that ve haf taken the big VL mit our sole panther, undt his sole wolverine vill not get there in time..neener achtung neener!

Now, who's vor a stirring rendition of Macey Macey uber alles (except das Kitty, nein, she vell undt truely booten my arsch)!

Lorak Iv you will, nein?

Mace: victory

Speedy: indignation


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Peng still cant find the goddam rules.

edited goddamit because we are not so sober anymore


A sweet and gentle post as ever there was, sir, but as to this point ... WTF, over. Why don't you make up new double secret probation blood hamster hoogiewhatsis regulations? They're your rules, after all.

This, of course, does not constitute willful and wanton freedom to rewrite every rule in the book or there would be no stability in cess. But, with such a monumental undertaking at hand, there well might be sufficient cause for an emergency injunction or somefink. Of course, our resident legal beagles (so cute and cuddly you just want to kick them and vomit on them) could provide extant or nonextant grounds for such a course of action. Perhaps a quick consultation is in order but would soon be out of order because when you put two lawyers in one room you get no less that 15 opinions.

Further, while He whose name goes unbolded is incommunicado, have you delved deep into your bottle of wisdom to commission the map for this extravaganza le militaire? Will you select your own troops or entrust this to combative noncombatants?

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Oh, don't you worry. I'm still here. Just waiting for Stalin's Organ to wake him up so he can send me another turn in Rune's Battle of Overloon. Where my Infantry have been putting up a magnificent fight, delaying British regulars from making it to the town of Overloon. In fact one platoon has almost run out of ammo participating in 2 Ambushes!

Another batch of Redcoats has run into a mine field and another platoon of my Stormtroopers. Stalin has tried to pull off a coup de main with his TD apprently and just barely missed some heavy arty. But its no matter now, the field will be mine no matter what he does. If I have to level the whole town of Overloon, I will.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berli hissed the following: Pardon me Sir Idiot, but you did state that she had not been heard from in ages. Any post within recent time would put the lie to that statement...bile or no<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {Sigh!} And what part of "...doesn't qualify" did you NOT understand. An unqualified post is AS IF IT NEVER WAS ... therefore, pay attention now, IT WASN'T. The lack of bile was just icing on the cake ... or lack of icing, whichever. I note with pleasure, however, that Dame Kitty has rightfully taken Mace to task for his faithless and fickle nature. Oh sure, some might claim that he HAD to since he lost the Blood Hamster match, but a TRUE CHAMPION would have won. She's better off without him.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Righteous indignation is fine if delivered with a brick... spurs should be

left to your questionable social life.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But, fool that you are, you fail to note that a brick doesn't go with the equestrian motif I was establishing, while a curb bit and Mexican spurs DO!

Evil is as evil does, that's what I always say ... well, okay I've probably NEVER said it but that's not the point. We had some moments of agreement early in this thread but now you seem to be looking for confrontation. So be it, I wonder if you can find a setup that DOESN'T contain the words "best played against the A.I." when you are playing the side "best played by" ... unlike the last scenario you foisted upon me.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Pssst! Rumour has it that he also rides a crap Japanese bike instead of an Italian brand.


Japanese? Japa-Bloody'nese?

I'll have you know, young man, that I ride the best of British, A goddamn "Triumph Daytona" and yes you may quiver in your boots as even a non entity such as yourself will recognise that the haunting wail of a triple at full noise stirs the emotions more than a dull twin ever could.

How far away from your little Italian scooter are you at the moment, Sandy?


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Lorak, a briefing from das Vestern Front.

Our Secund Speedy/Mace has resulted in a ...vait vor it ... DRAW!

It vas mit der tank battle, Panthers undt Pumas versus Shermans undt Wolverines undt the odd Churchill.

It vas twilight, it vas foggy, das ground vas damp undt so vas our trousers from all the frights.

Both of us were left with one Panzer each, undt lots of crew vithout mit tank.

I am pleased to announce that I, at 50 points, had 2 points more than herr Speedy.

Again, let us zing das Macey Macey uber alles

Lorak, please note

Speedy, A draw

Mace, Draw, but mit das 2 more points!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I'll have you know, young man, that I ride the best of British, A goddamn "Triumph Daytona" and yes you may quiver in your boots as even a non entity such as yourself will recognise that the haunting wail of a triple at full noise stirs the emotions more than a dull twin ever could.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is very true of course - the emotions in question being disbelief and incredulity that anything British could ever work, let alone roar.

Speeking of things British that fail miserably, like Henman, the Lions, and their Netball and Cricket Teams, Sir Belly Aching continues to whinge his way through our game, claiming to have surrounded me because I've snuck a sniper to where the sun doesn't shine (it being a night game and all that).

Having turned the battle through 90 degrees and successfully avoiding all the flags he did suggest he was going to surrender at one stage. However he's failed to manage to do even that.

I see Mrs Robinson's gossiping above about something. I think she claims it's a game with me, but reality appears to have no part in her description.

Her blocking troops are managing to put up a bit of resistance - well they would considering the visibility in woods and trees being about as far as you can spit! As a result a few of my lads have had to be taken to the rear with sprained ankles.

Otherwise her defence is as full of holes as any suggestion that Stupkid and Flyspray might share a brain cell between them.

[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Wow... judging by the posting, it seems my fellow 'Murcans (that's hegemons for those of you with fake money) have partied far too much to post at all during this weekend. Thus, consider this a public service post on behalf of the 400-pound gorilla on the world stage. Please do not feel jealous or embarrassed, it's just a matter of time before someone owes us money....

Until then, you may all select one of my non-functioning generative organs to suck... except of the antipodeans, of course: they can merely kiss my soon-to-be-shielded ass....

If anyone sees Shaunakey with his brown shirt and armband at the Volkmoot, tell him to knock that crap the Hell off.

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Dear Colin:

Sorry to hear about your mum; I know how painful that can be. Take heart though, I just saw mine this weekend and they grew back just fine, a little misshapen perhaps and a bit redder than they used to be, but functioning and not at all tender like when they got pulled off.

Have a game going against Several of the Gentleworms on the board. Things are not going quite as well as the last bit. Geier is having a jolly time with a nasty band of FJs who seem to delight in spoiling everthing. My reinforcement pack of Shermies is going to arrive on scence just in time to get blown up by some well placed 'schrecks, seeing as there wont be a single infatry man left alive.

I'm on the attack against MrIV again. This time he has decided it would be fun to cremate me while he is dressed up as Yankies - c'est la vie and death so to speak.

Attacking against Shaggy too, and given my ineptitude this will most likely turn into a shameful route.

The Mad Frenchman is also up against me, this one a meeting engagement and PawBroon looks like he is in a peck of trouble at this particular period in history, due to my gamey unnatural purchasing of Hetzers o' doom and uberSS hamstertruppengerwaffenfellahs.

Oh yeah, we are defending against Lawyer too. ho hum.

Anyway, the real meat of the matter is this double secret probation blood hamster exorcism thing going against the unbolded Seanachai for his heretical and some say hysterical invitation to those horrid outerboarders to come here HERE of all places and discuss things like penetration and stiffness and hardened things and other unseemly and, quite frankly in my opinion inappropriate topics for a family message board.

Well, some of the boys think I should just make up some rules since I can't seem to find the rule book - I can only find it when I am drunk and then when I do find it I am too drunk to read - and then when I am sober enough to read I can't remember where it is again - {ad infinitum)I am becoming inclined to agree with that particular strategem.

SO in keeping with a political model of dictatorship of the anarcho-syndaclist and as Father Confessor and OWNER of the 'pool I hereby ammend the rules of double secret probation blood hamster excorcisms to include the following:

33.iv - this rule has been expurgated and emended and fed a bottle of cheap vodka.

ii. The one wo be excorcised will be played by the acting father confessor of the 'pool in no less than 3 (three) {tres} concurrent games by not less then three game designers, two of whom shall be the evil one rune and three of whom shall be the other evil one Berli.

11. The third game shall be a game already in progress and will have a pseudo-sci-fi sort of a thing going and must have been created by a terrible liar whom we shall call 'chrisl'

11. the excorschism will be considered a suckcess should the acting father confessor win two out of three of the games. see rule XIV.331 for the conditions should this happen

133.XIV should this not actually come to pass and should the accused win two out of three games please see rule 44.342.C.1.cxii/b37

Well, sorry have to go now Colin. Give my best to your ol' mum and tell her they should grow back just fine.

By the way, If you have any cheap vodka, send it along will you?


edited for disrespect

[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Evil is as evil does<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, no screamin' eagle... kinder, gentler cess. Kinder, gentler cess... err, that is correct

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We had some moments of agreement early in this thread but now you seem to be looking for confrontation. So be it, I wonder if you can find a setup that DOESN'T contain the words "best played against the A.I." when you are playing the side "best played by" ... unlike the last scenario you foisted upon me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


If you could be so vile as to whip up a scenario, I will loath you forever

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