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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You just say that because you suck. I of coarse place GREAT inportance on CM skill.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are, I agree, quite coarse, and that's why you HAVE to place importance on CM skill. Look, I could quote chapter and verse from some of the finest minds in the CessPool ... okay, strike that last part ... from many of the people in the CessPool, that CM skill is indeed the LEAST important attribute of a Knight of the CessPool. Far more important is the ability to string a few words together in a coherent and (preferably) libelous manner. I place into evidence YOUR emails which are bleak to the point of being virtually mute. Obviously you have to place value upon your CM skills ... for you clearly can't communicate worth a damn.

But don't lose heart, continue to attempt, in your own minimalist way, to contribute to this thread. Read the works of Seanachai, of Berli, of Agua Perdido even of ... if may be so immodest ... mine own humble self. One day jshandorf, one day you TOO will post something that is not only worth reading but something that will bring a tear of joy and yes, pride to my eye ... or not.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I am important because I can post pages of mindless drivel!


Joe likes the age old idea of carpet boming his prey with pages of his thoughts of them, therefore boaring the living crap right out of um!

I have to admit that when it comes to filling a page with utter tripe, you are the man Joe! :D

Preach on o'proclaimer of the of that which reaks more than Croda's inner-cruda.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Other than endlessly demanding the complete re-coding of the currently completed game, I thought that was the only purpose many of them served in the Universe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is obviously the work of an imposter!

Seanachai always posts in 10 paragraphs what can be communicated in 1!

Begone, foul doppleganger!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Originally posted by MrPeng:

[qb]Berli, uh, like that is about the lamest challenge I have gotten for months. I am very disappointed in you. You shall have no pie.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lame challenge for a lame player. It was far better than you deserve. Perhap you are correct, I really should be looking for a challenge. You Sir Pod should stick to playing the AI... maybe with enough practice, you'll be good enough to provide a challenge to Moriarty. You can then work your way up to losing to Newbie Pond Scum. If all works out, you may be good enough to lose to me by the time CM4 comes out.[/QB]

Hell hath no fury like a woman...oh wait, this is Berli. Can it be that the devil is actually FEMALE?

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Here I stand with my forces at ready, still waiting for one of your lesser pool lackeys to be sent to dispose of me with your so called superior Nazi equipment.

Maybe Herr Mensch would care to send some of his sorry goose-stepping human targets my way so I can show them the error in their ways.

Some of you might not know what a Marine is all about, but before the first battle neither did the Japanese.

In the mean time, I suggest that a select few of you invest on a spellchecker.


[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

blither... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Y'know, if you don't start defining your terms, we'll start comparing you to mensch...

Sure: I may be a "scum/pond sucking" co-inhabitant of the One True 'Pool, but, the oh-so-unfortunate other term... "newbie" remains to be defined.

Are we speaking of shear number of posts? I hope not, 'cause then Heidman is God. Posts to the Holy Mother Thread (whether or not animated by ruach)? That just might qualify you for "newbie" status. Maybe just something as simple as how long was has been on-or-about the Scylla of Cess? Sure, you're right in there, with quite a few others, too. And the point is... what? You remain: a pod, who can't play for crap (which has nothing to do with winning), in a lousy part of the country, in an old house, on a derelict computer, drinking awful beer and/or hootch. You're just worthless and weak... I'd say drop-and-give-me-twenty, but when ever you do "go down" you have that nasy tendency to turn into Mr Happy and acting out your most forbidden "smilie" fantasies on various and sundry newsgroups that all tend to start with alt.binaries.pictures.pods.peng.erotica.nausiating... well, that's enough for an idea.

Fine, so don't send me a setup. BUT, not because I'm a newbie -- I'm not. Blame my dashing looks, keen mind or tactical genius, but not some unreal attachment to the ephemerality of longevity.

It doesn't suck to be you. It just sucks.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:



Oh my, Icky you don't get it do you?

I will spell it out for you:

Y o u a r e a s c u m s u c k i n g n e w b i e.

And now you complain that I have not properly defined my terms? One thing is this. As it is in MY thread, they most certainly are MY terms. Everything in all incarnations of all Peng threads belong entirely to me in perpetuity. Even your Lord Kinigget JD knows this (I am almost certain that he authored bits of the Book of Peng relating to rules of ownership, easements, leases, etc etc.)

Anyway, as they are my terms, belonging to me, and what it is too, I may and do choose to define them in any way I so choose and may and often do choose to re-define them at my whim and whimsey to mean entirely different things. At this juncture I choose to define Scum Sucking Newbie as any thing or person or event which happens to post to the current incarnation of the Peng thread under the name "Iskander" It is also my whim that, "Iskander" being posted in MY thread also now belongs to ME. If you wish to continue to post under the moniker "Iskander" I will require that you send me several large paper sacks full of Good English Pounds in varying denominations. Mostly fivers and tens please.

So, that bit out of the way we can move on to the next thing:

That next thing being that you demand that I send you a setup.

I do not send set-ups (sets-up?) to supplicants. They send them to me. {strike two Icky-boy}

We shall see how you stand in at the plate for this pitch. either you knock the cover off or you go down swinging. Either way, I will not be sending you a setup. This is my thread, MY thread, and you are a garscon du piss. Any sets-up will either be coming from you to me or through a neutered third party. Someone like Moriarity (whom, by the way, I defeated, MrSmartyPants Berlichtingling - he has the dreaded asterkicks in his pants on Lorak's site) or Goanna; a Trustworthy sort who is not wracked by opium poisoning or crippled with end stage Klienfelter's syndrome (as is yours truly).



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Any sets-up will either be coming from you to me or through a neutered third party.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why Peng, are you in need of a third party created scenario? I think I may have something stashed away here somewhere...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Goanna; a Trustworthy sort...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh come now Peng we were willing to grant you the amusing conceit that the thread was yours simply because it bears your name (as if that has any relevance to anything) but really this goes too far. As you rightly point out, there are scum sucking newbies about ... why they might BELIEVE YOU about Goanna.


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Thank you for the renewed interest, MrPeng. However, in searching my hard drive here on the road, as I perpetually seem to be of late, I find that I have left all my half-baked scenarios in my other pants back in Sydney which my dog then devoured. Perhaps, it would be best to get a map off of Berli since Moriarty will have difficultly breathing let alone producing a map once he witnesses our latest movie.

I think that will be all for now. A full Überlizard Update is planned very shortly once I finish handing virtually every Cesspudlian his ass. In the spirit of the day, is there anyone here I am not currently beating like a red-headed stepchild (and I should know - I have one)




. . . I thought not.

Also, in an attempt to stick it ot the man, screw the rules, and get in touch with entropy, I add to the call to lower Agua to full faeces-tainted status. If it's one more game he needs, then I flick a bogie on his clean shirt and challenge him to send me a 300 pt all random QB.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

Some of you might not know what a Marine is all about, but before the first battle neither did the Japanese.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I believe that statement refers to real Marines (infantry) as opposed to pencil pushing REMFs such as yourself. I assume you are/were a REMF (airwing perhaps?) as you certainly can't seem to... (all together now)...


Semper Fi!

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Berlichtingen, you call that sounding off? A gaggle of Air Force women could make a manlier sound than that. I can tell by your slick appearance and close-set shifty eyes that you must have been an admin type, and by Jesus, Mary and Chesty! I bet you were a Recruiter when you weren't counting wooly peter bags at Barstow.

But we must be grateful for your service, because every day you spent on mess duty or mowing the C.O.'s wife's lawn was another day that a valuable Marine was freed from that drudgery to go and fight communism, and now you can go hang out at Air National Guard bases and amaze the bus drivers with your tales of heroism behind enemy pots and pans!

Now get back to your detail, policing up Peng droppings!


p.s. Oorrah!

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Oooooooh, them's fighting words. Looks like we might have a marine catfight on our hands. Nothing better than seeing a couple of pinheads square off. Well, there are better things to watch actually, but decorum prevents me from listing them here.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Why Peng, are you in need of a third party created scenario? I think I may have something stashed away here somewhere...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is the sort of thing Lucretia Borgia used to smilingly whisper at banquets. Becareful, Peng. Lucifer, Bringer of the Light, they used to call him, but the Adversary is how he's known now. Nothing is what it seems, and to sup with the Devil, you must have a long handled spoon.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


... As it is in MY thread...

... Even your Lord Kinigget JD knows this...

...Anyway, as they are my terms, belonging to me, and what it is too...

At this juncture I choose to define Scum Sucking Newbie as any thing or person or event which happens to post to the current incarnation of the Peng thread under the name "Iskander" ... If you wish to continue to post under the moniker "Iskander" I will require that you send me several large paper sacks full of Good English Pounds...

...This is my thread, MY thread... Any sets-up will either be coming from you to me or through a neutered third party...

crippled with end stage Klienfelter's syndrome (as is yours truly)...



I really hate responding to this tripe sober and in the morning, but at least I know that both shall soon pass.

1. Thanks oh-so-much to B & G for covering the ground that this is as much your thread as the Balkans are known for their peace-loving citizens.

*. My Most Just and Gracious Lord, jd knows all things, and there is no reason to rehash it.

3. Hmmm... I'm going to guess that your terms are very thin at one end, much, MUCH thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the far end... "[" miss "]".

MCMXXVI. Thank you too for dragging Billy James' corpse in here with your Pragmatic Prattlings about "I define this" and "my Truth is that." Hey: it only works as a means-to-and-end, and Pods Don't Have Ends!

And as for "good english poonds" -- please see "peace-loving balkans", above, for a recapitualion of that breathtaking statement...

B. Asked and answered, asked and answered.

VX. I missed the neutering party? DAMN! However, I am quite sure that right now, crusing serenely just under the surface of the Cess, there is a fellow-'Pooler with just the right settee-uppee, waiting to burst forth through the surface into our midst like a 688-boat stuffed full of doners and hangers-on through a fishing trawler. Anyone? Beuhler?

The End. Oh, it's Kleinfelter's Syndrome, and so sorry about your having to bring the wrong size "driver-balls-and-bag" to the "course" so to speak. Must suck to be a Pod...

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ALRIGHT, where has that despicable excuse for an opponent Hamsters gotten off to this time? Send me another of your Looney Tunes type moves. I am looking forward to beating your gameily picked OOB with my non-gamey picks.

I still laugh at your constant attempts to ask me for surrender in the early going. It isn’t over until the fat pig sings!

Thhee.. Thhee.. Thaaaaaaaats all folks.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Abbott:

ALRIGHT, where has that despicable excuse for an opponent Hamsters gotten off to this time? Send me another of your Looney Tunes type moves. I am looking forward to beating your gameily picked OOB with my non-gamey picks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hamsters? What about his kin by whatever Harpooner? Haven't heard from him either. Maybe they absconded to Siberia to watch lemmings jump off cliffs.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Also, in an attempt to stick it ot the man, screw the rules, and get in touch with entropy, I add to the call to lower Agua to full faeces-tainted status. If it's one more game he needs, then I flick a bogie on his clean shirt and challenge him to send me a 300 pt all random QB.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flick a bogie on my clean shirt will you, you scaly, fork-tongued git? Well then, I shall gladly send you to The Hell Where Lizards Are Skinned Alive, it's just that simple.

All-random mini-QB of Futile Resistance to The Man is in the mail.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to Fight The Power!]

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Where the bloody hell are my files? I'm killing mensch, Mark IV(who was granted a leave, but not by me), Moriarty (If I had a heart I would feel sorry for him. But I haven't so I don't.) and I've started killing PeterNZer (who was very quick to return files until I started shooting back at him) and Peng. Maybe others too.

Peng is allowed to take as much time as he wants since we're not really playing each other, at least not in the usual sense.

As it turns out, the only one you can trust and rely on is the Devil. Thanks Berli.

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