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Bill Paxton as patron saint of the Peng Challenge Thread

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That has got to be the lamest beginning of the MBT that I have ever had the misfortune to experience...

I don't mean lame like an old SenileTea-ish codger that can't get around like he used to...

I don't mean lame like those sophomoric Bill and Ted's Waste of Celluloid Adventures...

I mean lame like the neighbor's dog who used to chase cars and stuff right up until the day when the guy who drove the old Oscar Meyer weiner hot dog truck was feeling mean and aimed for the dog, knocking him good with bumper, so good that the dog flew over the cars parked alongside the road, into old lady Johnson's front yard where the dog mangled his leg on the yard statuary shaped like a short african american carrying a lantern...

Yes, that kind of lame. The lame where it would be best if it was strangled to put it out of its misery and laid to rest in a shallow grave... the kind of lame where a coup de grace with a big wooden mallet like the old slaughterhouses used to do would be a blessing... the kind of lame where Death by Mormon Wives would mean spending a few final moments with a reduction in the pain of living...

Oh, and before I forget... BITE ME.

[edited 'cause my eyes still hurt from reading the first post...]

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

The timing was too good to be a fluke. I nominate Bill Paxton as our new patron saint. Every home should have one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You simp, I'm the only patron saint here. Now sod off!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Can anyone tell me what parts he played in Commando and The Terminitor<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"That guy is definately several cans short of a sixpack." Famous last words from Paxxy in Terminator. At least the way I remember it.

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Apologies to CMplayer, I pressed 'OK' instead of 'Map' and dropped the connection before thanking him for the great game, or indeed surveying the remnants of his shattered forces and getting to know my new captives.

The screen with the buttons on it said:


56 casualties

3 vehicles KO

83 men OK

score: 72


88 casualties

9 captured

3 vehicles KO

84 men OK

score: 28

'Twas a meeting engagement in rainy rural setting. I had 4 Marders and 3 StuH's and a company of riflemen, he had a couple of Shermans, a Chaffee and several battalions of infantry.

I moved everying up the right flank, where some of his men subsequently appeared, and I proceeded to blow them into bite-sized pieces and then throw a platoon in to hold them off, to protect my flank as I pushed left towards the VL. A bazooka took out two of my Marders, but the StuH's and the remaining Marders acquitted themselves well (despite the continual bogging of the former), and I kept him off balance whilst I kicked his infantry off the main VL.

He had the cheek to call me an SSN at the outset (not to mention refusing to believe that I was the almighty DA himself), because I didn't attempt to conceal my forces. He should be advised that I'm not an SSN, I'm just tactically incompetent. But that didn't stop me showing him how kind and polite people are dealt with in the Peng Thread! I might add that he's putting it all on, he's not really that nice, he called me a f***head when my StuH sent little pieces of his Chaffee raining down on the battlefield with an HE round! Waaa!

Thanks again, you are a worthy sacrifical lamb to my ego.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is this really the Mutha Beautiful? It just feels...sort of... strange or something. Something is not quite right, but I just can't place it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds like you may have had a few problems when you reformated your comp BRO, I suggest you do it again.

Course that would mean you being offline for a few more days, but I'm sure things will be much clearer by the time you re-surface.

Edited to say.....

GEIERS a Bill Paxton Fan???

I assume that must be for his flair as Director/producer rather than his acting ability. Still, he looks pretty good in a Ski suit. :D

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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I am inspired to post a game update of my own. What the hell, it's 4:30 Friday on the west coast and no one's reading anyway:

Hiram: AWOL, dead. No turns in several months.

Meeks: MIA, incarcerated. No turns in a year or so.

Peng: MIA, dead or worse. No turns in a long time.

Geier: Retarded. Sent corrupt file.

The non-poolian acquaintance of Moriarty: MIA, presumed dead of terror.

And that grueling schedule would leave...

Wildman! Only the beginning of the little thriller where he stuck me with the French, but dyin' enough for all the deadbeats above. Thanks for that...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I am inspired to post a game update of my own. What the hell, it's 4:30 Friday on the west coast and no one's reading anyway:

Hiram: AWOL, dead. No turns in several months.

Meeks: MIA, incarcerated. No turns in a year or so.

Peng: MIA, dead or worse. No turns in a long time.

Geier: Retarded. Sent corrupt file.

The non-poolian acquaintance of Moriarty: MIA, presumed dead of terror.

And that grueling schedule would leave...

Wildman! Only the beginning of the little thriller where he stuck me with the French, but dyin' enough for all the deadbeats above. Thanks for that...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hum sounds like you have been having fun. :D

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Since Markymark felcompelled to give updates I guess I should do the same.

Lawyer: Too early to tell as there has been no contact with our units yet and sends files at a fairly slow speed. I think I have gotten him off of numbering for this game and am quite happy about it.

jdmorse : A humdinger of a game. Loads of fun even if I lose but now that I have found his crying in the woods soon to be dead units I doubt that I will. We switched to taunting renaing filesa while ago which is just as bad as numbering files (begun by MarkIV and myself). I haven't goten a file from him in a couple of days so maybe he's busy (jd..last received from you 7/23 last sent to you 7/24).

Lorak : We are playing a clown game that either Berli or Meeks made. We started it so long ago that I forget. Lots of my troops died last turn but that was doneto confuse you. Now I have you right where I think I want you in this silly affair. Mr. Lorak has sitched over to non-numbering and I thank him.

LEON : Our neat little game should begood pratice for my uncoming Blood Hamster. Soon to be stripped of all your armor your infantry should fall quickly after that. Started without numbering and have continued that way.

Lizardboy : I think I am waiting to see the map for our Blood Hamster. HAving never done one I am not sure if you see the map before selecting the unts. I have selected units already but thought I would wait to see if I get a peek at the map. We will not be numbering our files as my rule of engagement stands for any and all games I will ever play outside of CMMC.

That's about it....Hey at least I didn't bring up numbring turns this time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>YK2 wrote:

I assume that must be for his flair as Director/producer rather than his acting ability.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bill Paxton is da man. I saw a film he co-starred in, the name was (checks)... I can't work out what the name was, but he was a smalltown Sherriff who has to prove himself to a couple of patronising FBI agents. He ranks up there with Harrison Ford in my book.

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Marlow has lost over 4 dozen men (that I know of) and a light gun. He has managed to kill or injure 9 men and has given Schutzie, our company mascot, a terrible fright. He says he is reorganizing for another attack. I say he is simply deciding who to leave behind as cover while he beats a hasty retreat.

Speedbump is still running away faster than I can catch him. He appears to have three whole squads left that are not panicking, routed, broken, or dead. They are green troops, however, so I don't give it long before they run away too.

jshandorf and I are still locked in a death struggle for this tiny little town. He is getting his troops together, but he may have already lost too many to win this one. Too bad.

leeo has pulled a nasty little trick by fording troops across teh river and into my line of communication. However, he wasted a wonderful opportunity to really decimate my forces when his men stumbled onto one of my outposts. He tried rushing across a small bridge, and appears to have lost a tank and half a platoon for his troubles. This one could go either way.

dalem appears to be dead set on bleeding all over my troops. His men are dying in waves, while my Canadians are beginning to complain about blisters on their trigger fingers and some nasty dry-cleaning problems.

David Aitken is charging the victory location with about a company of men. I have a few surprises for him, though I don't suspect he will like them very much.

That's all. Move along.

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Well I haven’t yet riled Berlichtingen or Elvis to the level of accepting a challenge (I’ll keep trying), so I’ll try a wider plea:

If any of you cretins are interested in starting a moderately sized QB, I can promise several turns this weekend, and nasty insults packaged with each turn. Say the word, and I can wing you the file to right away. I haven’t the time for gushing invective right now. I need my CM fix.

Berlichtingen and Elvis are still worthless gits, but I will deal with them later.

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MarkIV ye scurvy Pacific paddler, af'n ye'd lak tae gi oop agin a live opponent, Ah'll whup ye spotty arrrse agin. Wha ever ye like, Ah'm nae fussed.


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Sigh. I see another lesson in basic reading -- first grade level -- is in order.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ButtSquaw:

Well I haven’t yet riled Berlichtingen or Elvis to the level of accepting a challenge<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First, when referring to a knight, his name should be bolded. Even useless git knights like Elvis should be shown the respect of bolding his name.

Now, you utterly useless twit, read what was supposed to be the first post, but somehow ended up as the 4th post (bloody useless gits, the Swede's are):


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pick someone out, preferably something as newly arrived and worthless as yourself, taunt and challenge it, and you might get a game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A senior knight is not going to take up your challenge, you useless bag of pustulent ooze.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh please oh please, someone honro me with a game. I just gotta have it, mister. Give it to me. Just a little bit. C'mon mister, I'll do ya' right. Just gimme a little fix, huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bloody ignorant useless crack-whore git -- read the rules again (or have your collie do it for you -- probably a few more brain cells there anyway):

Rule 38.7(i)(A)(2)(B):

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Should you remain on despite the first rule, we next wish you to know that coming in, striking a pose, and challenging everyone in the Thread to a match will cause the wastelands to echo with laughter, and you will look like the stupid pillock you are. You will then be told to Go Away, more forcibly, and people will really begin to mean it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berlichtingen and Elvis are still worthless gits.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The only intelligent thing in your entire post. Now Go Away. I mean it. Really.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Blah blah blah

I need my CM fix.

Blah blah blah<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I saw we deny him his CM fix on the grounds of bad form and watch him writhe around on the floor for the weekend. If we throw some soap down on top of him, he might actually scrub the floor for us, lord knows (apologies Berli) the floor needs it.

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