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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And everyone forgets the subsequent Charge of the Heavy Brigade, which worked.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually the Charge of the Heavy Brigade PRECEDED the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade. It was, however, quite successful in very poor circumstances. They charged UPHILL, through a camp into a mass of Russian cavalry (regulars mind you, not cossacks) that had a head of steam already and numbers to boot.

As to Kipling, I always recall the one line (I've probably butchered it a bit): When you're wounded and lying on Afganistan's plains,

And the women come out with their knives and their pain,

Just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,

And go to your death like a soldier.


He's correct to.


Kittys words :)

For whatever reason, my guess is because the post was damn funny, the hamster jokes grew and grew. Slapdragon added some classic WWII photo retouches with hamsters (see "Combat Photos" on this site), and eventually it took on a life of it's own which, I guess pretty much peaked with my mods and this site. So you see, I'm not the originator of this thing, I just happened to stumble upon the CM boards at about the same time as OGSF's post appeared and I found it, and the subsequent posts it spawned, to be a refreshing change from the endless barrage of condescending and ultra-serious posts from insulting and short-tempered wanna-be academics about obscure information,

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>First it is a pleasure to meet someone who actualy knows something about Irish history.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let's see, Irish history can be summed up in two points.

1... It took Giere's ancestors to bring them civilization

2... They still have Pommies in their country... a problem the rest of the world has managed to solve

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Irish history can be summed up in two points.

1... It took Giere's ancestors to bring them civilization

2... They still have Pommies in their country... a problem the rest of the world has managed to solve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lindisfarne monastery 796. That was a memorable event as well. At least for some.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

2... They still have Pommies in their country... a problem the rest of the world has managed to solve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

See, the funniest thing about living in England is the degree to which some folk hang on to their whole Anglo-Saxon thing. I suppose it would be impolitic to tell them that half of them are Danes and half of them are French, and the monarchy's German. Ha! And that, as they say over here, is a piss take.

In other news -

Seanahoochi-ya-ya-ya-ya has lost the only thing propping up his worthless attempt at a plan- the StuG of Doom. Now that it's gone I believe we'll see many dead German people very shortly. His Puma is being targetted from the rear (not an unusual circumstance for one of Snoochy's Viennese Mädchentruppen to find itself in, I'm sure) by my massive, thrusting, turgid .50 Browning and will soon be blown all to hell.

Snoochy is also jealous of English beer, to which I say Chug-a-lug, old bean, wot?

Squirrelichtingen hasn't set anything on fire yet, I'm starting to get worried about him. Although that could be due to the fact that his Wasp is dead, dead, dead. As is the Firefly he apparently thought would be holding off my tank advance. Throw in another Sherman and a Universal Carrier and I've got quite a decent bag so far. Only a few miscellaneous Churchills and Fireflies to dispatch, and I'll be sitting right pretty, drinking my good, good beer.

Scrota has managed to expose most of his anti-tank assets in the first few turns of play. They will go die now. Not much else going on, except that he has a silly taste in movies. Heh. Gladiator.

Evan Shando-rf is the luckiest, armored-car racing-down-well-defended-road bastard ever. Since I don't know where exactly he's planning on going with said armored car, it doesn't really throw much of a monkey wrench in my plans, but it's annoying nonetheless. Poor boy still thinks he's winning, which is amusing.

Snoriarty is veeeeeeery slooooooowly advaaaaaaancing. Hop to it, soldier!

All die soon.



Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Guest Wildman


Having did a quick search of your posts, I found them, like you; innane, dull, and slightly disgusting, kind of like the old socks I used to keep in my gym locker. The only thing amusing is you name, which reminds me of the toe cheese I get between my toes.


I refuse to recognize you as that would only inflate your already oversized ego...Damn, I recognized you. Just forget I even mentioned your name you scabborous cur.


As an American it is my God give right, NO God given DUTY to remember history correctly. Roughly 200 years ago a shining civilization arose from the muck and developed all sorts of neat and cool things like, football, TVs, PS2's, computers, the internet (thanks Al Gore), and I'm sure CM. As for the Celts all I am required or will remember is some other people came to your land, you fought, you lost, and then Enya showed up on a CD I bought. Yup, that's pretty much it.


Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I really do understand why your posts have fallen off. I was forced to live in the Great White North (Minot, ND) for three years. A mere 50 miles from the Canadian border. Fortunately I escaped before my mind was warped with UFFDA, U betcha, and lutefisk. It is very obvious you were not so lucky as you stuck up for the Canadian and actully seem to like temperatures with a minus sign in front of them.


Its good to see some piss-n-vinegar in your posts, but to insult me with Patton? If you trying to connect my inability to lead pixilated men into battle with Patton, I assure you that I've only got one gun and its not pearl handled. I'd say sod off back to you but that sounds waaaay to Brit so in true American fashion. BITE ME!


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It may be Friday now but Sunday is coming.

Sit a spell and lets ponder this event that will shape our futures. On Sunday afternoon there will be an Eagles game. "How does this affect me?" you ask once again. Perhaps some history well help you out and the veil will be lifted from your eyes.

Remember back with me when the NFL season started and a token Eagles fan appeared in the cesspool? He was constantly berated for mentioning his team in the confines of the Peng thread. He was even accused of being a "bandwagon fan" by the King of South Philly A visit to Broad and Pattison convinced the King otherwise.

On Sunday there will be an Eagles game. All of the Eagles fans in this cubicle would invite you to watch, but there is one among you who is so very evil that his watching would force a tie between the teams. So, I humbly request that Berli sleep very late that day and watch ice skating instead. Thanks.

The game I would suggest you watch on Sunday is the Eagles game. You are welcome to tape it too. The question is posed once more "How does this affect me?" Here is the answer folks: You already suffer from my inane posts and it would behoove you to understand why I am either ecstatic or downtrodden on the Monday morning after. You would catch a glimpse into the Hiram psyche. Nothing frightening there. Juvenile ponderings, but nothing maleovent.

So, when you are watching the Eagles game on Sunday, keep in mind that the battle of good (Eagles) versus evil (Giants) is an universal struggle and that good will only win with your support. If you have Eagles socks, underoos, shirts, and/or hats, put them on and cheer. If and when the Eagles win, Herr Oberst will be called a prophet because I will be out in the snow as a scantily clad, hirsute Eagles fan, shaking my hairy can and spelling out the word that annoys you all so much:



Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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May I call you Wild? How about Mary? Your attempt at a deep understanding of the Cesspool is (and I mean this in the best possible way) is somewhat frightening. Your observations show that you have far more interest in the various and assorted inmates of the Peng than anyone in their right mind would care to know. Nevertheless, despite your efforts, the accuracy of your various character sketches clearly demonstrate that you have the brains of an eggplant. A few examples:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

SEENAPIE: Originator of the thread, but lately seems to be dropping off, his recent posts lack the vitrol they once had.


Wrong-o Mary, Sean-a-chiapet has never had much vitriol in his posts. Just ask Eagleboy Hiram. Seanachia has always been the 'pools semi-official welcoming committee, eager to embrace newcomers (especially the young ones) with as much warmth and affection as is ever seen in the pool (I know, kind of iccy isn't it).


GERMANBOY: No better name for the lack of testicular fortitude he has shown lately. Damnit! I want more posts, give me, give me, give me.


Plenty-o-posts O dimwitted one, just look outside of the 'pool. Lots of good stuff for all in the Gamey tactics threat.


JD,jd,jdmorse: A lawyer. Enough said. I only hope he was not part of that blunder of an airdrop into West Palm Beach.


You forgot the most important part of your analysis of Sir lowercase jd: HE LOST TO ME!


HYMAN SEDAI: I can only assume you picked your name from the girly witches in Robert Jordan's books. Which from the tone of the posts was the tactic you used to become a cesspoolian. "I don't know if I could ever be like you Peng, its an honor to be here Seenapie..." You make me want to hurl huge amounts of vomitous mass at you.


You completely miss the point with our little passive aggressive Hiram. He is, perhaps, the most evil of all.

Finally Mary, and please don't take this the wrong way. My inner Croda doesn't like you (especially since you failed to stoke his fragile ego by mentioning him in your first post), so you are cordially invited to Get the Hell Out.


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>... Look, Shaw, if you can't quote the Poet correctly, don't quote him at all. The actual quote is:

{snipped ... irrelevant}

Of course, if you had done a search ... {snipped ... trite} Mr. Shaw will just lose lots of armor in the snow.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>This is just ... wrong! On more levels than I like to count (and certainly on more levels than Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze (hereinafter referred to as EWNSLAS) CAN count) it's simply wrong.

1. I like MY version better.

2. I stated in the preamble to my post that I probably missed something trivial ... trust EWNSLAS (see above) to ignore that and try to make a Federal case out of it.

3. I should waste MY valuable time doing a search? Nonsense, in the first place it would have deprived EWNSLAS of the joy of posting the allegedly correct version (he gets so little joy we must do what we can to brighten his life). In the second place, I ask you, how many of you would looked to a post by EWNSLAS for the correct version of ANYTHING?

4. As to the status of our battle, it is true that there have been some minor setbacks on my right flank (his left flank), but he neglects to mention the OTHER flank in which my victorious Panzers are sweeping all before them and leaving the field littered with the burning hulks of his Shermans.

5. Despite that ... {gag} it's nice to see Eathan posting to the 'pool again ... as much as I hate to admit it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

Croda: You will have to forgive me. I am an utter moron. Mr. T would call me a "Soopa-Foo!" for I am the dumbest lump of **** to ever disgrace the planet. I am dumber than an empty soda can. As imaginative as shag carpeting. As interesting as pencil lead. Excuse my ignorance and the fetid stench eminating from my armpits.


hrmph! Newcomers. You think you're so smart. The fact of the matter is that Hiram's Eagles postings and Joe Shaw's "Thank you for noticing me" are better than your posts.

Ever hear of the art of visualization? That if you can visualize yourself doing something, it can come true? Let's try it!

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in the middle of the Sahara desert. Mountains of sand surrounding you on all sides. It is hot and dry. Your deodorant stopped working days ago. You stink. You lay down to sleep for a few minutes. In your sleep, you die.

Ok, ready? You've visualized it, now go do it! I know you can, I believe in you. Come back and tell me how it went when the experiment's over.

Also, The Thin Red Line is still a piece of artsy crap. I can enjoy an artsy movie done well, but TRL ain't it.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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Guest Wildman

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ever hear of the art of visualization? That if you can visualize yourself doing something, it can come true? Let's try it!

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in the middle of the Sahara desert. Mountains of sand surrounding you on all sides. It is hot and dry. Your deodorant stopped working days ago. You stink. You lay down to sleep for a few minutes. In your sleep, you die.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok let me see. Closing eyes...visualizing...visualizing...nope its not working Cromagnon. All I see is a vast desert landscape with pillars of black smoke rising ever-so-gently into the air. I visualize the source and surprise, surprise all I see are little, itty-bitty burning hulks with Croda written on the side.

Hey, your right this visualizing really does work.


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ROFLOL: esp as my legal assistant walked by and heard the wave file!!!!!!!!!

Good to see you at least drop by.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The fact of the matter is that Hiram's Eagles postings and Joe Shaw's "Thank you for noticing me" are better than your posts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You DARE to equate ANY of my posts to the vapid posturings of that insignificant, mewling, "please Sir, may I have another" PUP Hiram? You sir are a bounder and a cad ... which, I suppose, is why you're here in the first place. I would explain the significance of the post to which you refer with emphasis on the clever literary techniques utilized (specifically irony and hyperbole), but you are incapable of understanding the literary significance of COMMAS so I shall not waste my time further.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

things doing good here.. I gave the RCMP the slip at the airport so no jail for me here.. the bloody CISIS almost took my head off with some sharp shooter! And I am eating donuts to my hearts content and drinking Labatts 50.... yer all hosers eh!

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-04-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn, he managed to elude the first line of defence. No matter, I have arranged to have Mr. Canoehead, Canada's only aluminum crime fighter, to take the case. Should track the

traitor down in no time. From his post, he appears to be doing the Tim Horton's cross canada tour. If this is the case, he should be apprehended in no time, since, as we all know, the RCMP and OPP rarely leave the donut shops.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm a big fag who never plays CM let alone actually posts about games played. My best friend is my dictionary.


Hey Joe, where you going with that thesaurus in your hand? You play TCPIP yet? I'm looking for another TCPIP deflowering. I just hope you're no good so I can win. Mooo hahaha ha ha

I had a draw against your twin brother, Mark IV, but I lost against your uncle JD, and your aunt Shandorf. (She of the big butt)


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 01-05-2001).]

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For those ignorant gits who missed it, Hiram just made a Hendrix reference. (I love the word 'git').

Shaw, you aren't fit to change Hiram's diaper. And funny about the commas...I'm usually accused of over-comma-ing when I rant.

And as for the man with the only handle less imaginative than 'Joe Shaw':

Wildman you are amusing in the same way that Marlow was amusing his first week here. He too hadn't an educated guess as to what he was doing. He was annoying, travelling around on the river in his little rubber raft. It took the mighty PT212 to straighten him out. Perhaps the old PT boat will have to get dragged out of drydock...

Point is that Marlow is now funny and you still suck like the Thin Red Line, or dalem at CM, or Bauhaus at a fluffy dog convention.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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Guest Wildman

Croda, you overgrown bag of toe jam. Your ignorance of my CM skills will be no excuse. I will use your guts to grease up the fat lady before I....whoops wrong board...I mean I'll use your guts to grease the treads of my tanks. Send my a setup file at you convenience if your ready for the humiliation of losing to a complete pool newbie; you craven dog, may your mouse finger become infected and fall off.

***A Legal Pre-Game Qualifier***

I reserve the right to whine and complain about the setup and the "gamey" way you used to beat me. If I lose it was because of no fault of my own, however, if I win it is obviously because of my superior intellect and warfighting abilities.


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I've been thrown far too many insults around this pool to have another Meeks wannabe (not wallabee you Aussies, settle down) strut on in and demand a setup file from me. I shall give you the same amount of attention I give to the crusty-goop in my eyes in the morning. If you have the wherewithall to generate a setup file and mail it to me, I will attend to it. But if you're still excited because you won a Minor in VOT, then you may want to play a few games against the grog-slobs on the main board before you attempt to tackle the likes of me. Regardless what the braintrust in the pool says (whose collective IQ may hit 3 digits), I am on one helluva hot streak and will simply kill your dog like I did to poor dalem. I will concoct something especially unsettling to humiliate you with.

So if your nads didn't just seek refuge in your abdomen, send that file and we'll do what men do best - slaughter each other and **** in the woods.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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Staring Sean Penn, in his most compelling role since The Thin Red Line, as the daring Capt. Croda

With Sandy Duncan as J. Shandorf on the forward .50

This Episode: Wildman's Bluff (or Frankly Mary, I Don't Give a Damn)

And now a word from our sponsor:

Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny)

[Fade in from black … a melancholy bagpipe tune plays lowly in the background]

Dawn breaks over the Schloss Peng. A bleak hopeless light that gives no warmth. A low rumble permeates the air, as around a bend, a tugboat from Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service pulls the half submerged wreckage of PT 212 towards dry dock. Capt. Croda observes the salvage operation from the shore. He turns away in disgust, as he knows that it will take several weeks to repair the damage from the run in with Marlow's dingy (down Bauhaus) Ol' Pisspot.

Capt. Croda: Come on Shandorf, nothing to see here.

Shandorf: Yes sir, boy did that Marlow kick your ass, I haven't seen and ass kicking like that since …

Croda: Shut up you poxy headed pillock. Isn't he administering a topplement of epic proportion to you right now?

Shadorf: Well, yea, but you were the first to lose to the newbie git.

[Croda smacks Shandorf in the back of the head] Shut up already. [Croda turns away, and begins to saunter off down the road]

Shandorf: Where you goin' capt?

Croda: To drown my sorrows Shandy, join me if you wish, but don't open your piehole.

The pair heads down the road to the Hotel Peng. A rather imposing structure, more medieval keep than hotel. In the dark and drafty hotel bar, Croda orders a couple of Yueglings (or whatever the hell they're called). In the doorway, a stranger appears: vacant eyes listlessly scan the room, drool flows freely from his slack jaw. A regulation USAF cap perches awkwardly on his remarkably pointy head.

Wildman(AKA Mary): I know you! You're Croda. I call you out. I know all about the Cesspool, cause I read the past posts. See how smart I am. I can even count to 5.

[the brave Capt. yawns and slowly raises his head] *not another one, why do they always go after me? Hey, I've even won a few games now, it can't be my 3 and 10 record, can it?* Who are you, and what do you want

[Mary puffs out his chest] I'm Wildman. Didn't you see my posts? You know, I came and taunted, now you are supposed to fight me aren’t you?

You staggeringly stupid sack of degenerate flesh. Give me one good reason I should waste my valuable time on you. You say you understand the 'pool, but it’s the understanding of a child, and a dim one at that. A handful of posts, and all in the pool. Even Marlow had the good sense to occasionally venture onto the main board. Now go away and annoy a grog in the 88mm penetration thread.

[Mary slinks off muttering] nobody likes me, everybody hates me.

Shandorf: Croda, you idiot, He's a Zoomie. There is no way that he can be any good at CM. Easy pickins.

The Brave Capt.: You're right Shandy. HEY NEWBIE, SEND A SETUP.

Meanwhile in another part of the Peng

Marlow pulls ol' PissPot into a bank of reeds growing along the bank of the Schloss and cuts the engine. Pulling his straw rice paddy hat low over his eyes, straps on his chest pouch full of magazines and grenades, grabs his AK, and slips into the waters of the Delta … er, Schloss. He is preparing a new and evil confrontation for our hero …



This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 01-05-2001).]

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Hot streak, ha!

More like hot lead cooling in the bodies of your digital men.

Wildman?! What the hell kind of name is that? It sounds like some over-grown steroid hoppin' character on WWF Smackdown. Next thing ya know he will be going for that aluminum chair that is so conveniently place near ringside.

You pathetic little worm. How dare you crawl in here and defecate about the place. Go away or I shall be forced to place the label of suckitude on you.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

Originally posted by mensch:

things doing good here.. I gave the RCMP the slip at the airport so no jail for me here.. the bloody CISIS almost took my head off with some sharp shooter! And I am eating donuts to my hearts content and drinking Labatts 50.... yer all hosers eh!

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-04-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn, he managed to elude the first line of defence. No matter, I have arranged to have Mr. Canoehead, Canada's only aluminum crime fighter, to take the case. Should track the

traitor down in no time. From his post, he appears to be doing the Tim Horton's cross canada tour. If this is the case, he should be apprehended in no time, since, as we all know, the RCMP and OPP rarely leave the donut shops.

ho ho.. you think your so smug! I get me mom to buy my donuts.. I'm to busy downing my second case of Labatts and Upper canadian Lager! Mr. Canoehead is a minor problem...

to the peanut bar!

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