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WWII Online

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

It'll never get off the ground, but if it does, you'll have 80% pilots, 19% tankers, and 1% infantry (the brave and witless). Don't hold your breath for this one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

but i wanna be quartermaster! (i think they actually do model that...)



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

It'll never get off the ground, but if it does, you'll have 80% pilots, 19% tankers, and 1% infantry (the brave and witless). Don't hold your breath for this one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, it's more like 50% infantry, 20% tankers, with another 20 to pilots and 10 to navy smile.gif

It seems like the pilots are the big majority, but that's because the Warbirds community (where the founding team of CRS comes from) has come on en masse.

Rest assured, gentlemen, it will be an AWESOME event smile.gif


-Rebel out!-

"The only thing more accurate then incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire" -Murphy

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Any openings for file clerks, cooks or staff drivers? I want to be the little guy that drives around Patton and sucks his ass.



" the recruits are salty,they are ready to eat their own guts and ask for seconds."

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I think entire armies may not be a great idea...I can't see a few hundred thousand people signing up...

Maybe if you fought it at the battalion level...you still need 800 or more players online for relatively battered battalions on each side, and thats only over a square kilometer. And let me tell you, people aren't going to be pleased that there's only 40-50 tank positions available (meaning gunners, drivers, commanders, loaders, assitant drivers,a nd less if you leave the two less glamorous ones out), and only 5-10 pilots... But lets assume you can feasibly get this level if you prepare a week or so for the battles so everyone has notice, a strategic level of a brigade might work.

And you could have quick "pick-up" games of around the platoon size...even if the massive campaign system doens't work, this would still be really fun..of course, the navy and the airforce aren't going to be pleased.

And I would like to say, that despite my fears, i'm truly looking forward to this and hoping it works out... wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bloo-home:

Care to make a wager on that, Vergeltungswaffe? Don't count the infantry out. I work at Cornered Rat Software (which has several CM players, btw). We certainly hope that it is hard for CM players not to like it. :)



I would be happy to make you a wager on it. I wish you all the best of luck and success, it would be wonderful if it worked, but I am confident that it doesn't have a prayer.

And to Rebel, I stand by my guesstimates. No way on God's green earth that half of the people you could get to play this game would play as infantry (read: targets).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

It'll never get off the ground, but if it does, you'll have 80% pilots, 19% tankers, and 1% infantry (the brave and witless). Don't hold your breath for this one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think you're wrong there. Even if you're correct though, how would that prevent it from being a good game? Personally I would like to play on a U-boat, but that wouldn't figure into the 0% you think would play in the navy wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Azuth:

You must have seen this by now, but if you haven't then check it out. Its a massively multiplayer WWII game.


If you're into CM then I think it will be hard not to like WWII online.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HA! Check it out if you haven't seen it for the last 6 years as "soon to be released" and if you can afford the $60-$70 to buy it off the shelf then whatever it is to play it online per month after that. Go back and pleasure yourself w/screenshots.



ICQ 8273286


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I don't "pay to play" anything. Coin ops went out a long time ago. I wish they would quit trying to install a quarter slot on my machine.


As I walk through the Valley of Death, I will fear nothing, for I am the meanest mother*#*#** in the valley. (George S. Patton)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mikeadams:

Since it is Windows only, it won't get any of the Mac CMM addicts<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ummmmm, it's Mac, too, buddy wink.gif


-Rebel out!-

"The only thing more accurate then incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire" -Murphy

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An errie silence has fallen over the city. Our squad has been cut off from the company. We are holed up in the basement of a burnt out factory. Temperature has dropped to -20 degrees. There's six of us left. That Russian tank came out from nowhere. Bloody almost cut our unit apart.

I passed the order to count ammo and redistribute. We're lucky we still have the mg42. A distance growl permiates the horizon. The battle is not over yet. "Saddle up boys, lets rock and roll".

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pedro:

I want to be the little guy that drives around Patton and sucks his ass.



Well, I don't think there will be much in the way of competition for this slot, so you'll have no problems locking it up wink.gif


Frag Hanoi Jane

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi:

An errie silence has fallen over the city. Our squad has been cut off from the company. We are holed up in the basement of a burnt out factory. Temperature has dropped to -20 degrees. There's six of us left. That Russian tank came out from nowhere. Bloody almost cut our unit apart.

I passed the order to count ammo and redistribute. We're lucky we still have the mg42. A distance growl permiates the horizon. The battle is not over yet. "Saddle up boys, lets rock and roll".


Oops, sorry to leave you guys hanging, but I need to get to bed. Work tommorrow. Looks like there's just 5 of you to take on that tank.

But you have the MG42! You can't leave now!

**Joe the MG 42 Guy has disconnected**






Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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I would like to cast a vote for "pipe dream". A real large scale military opration takes weeks of planning and thousands of well trained men to (hopefully) carry it off. History has shown us that 9 times out of ten the operation still reverts to chaos when the two opposing sides collide.

The command and control factor in this game is going to be immpossible. Why? Go and play Counter-Strike or another co-op online multi-player game and see how easy it is to try and coord the actions of 10 people. Now try and get 500 (per side) working together at the same time. I won't even get into the little pre-teen A##Holes who will have nothing better to do than to figure out how to cheat/TK or generally screw things up.

Last point, scope. The scope of area, firepower and strategic/operational/tactical employment of everything proposed in this game is ridiculously large. For example, a battleship, a fighter and a GI, c'mon! You shouldn't use these words in the same sentence let alone blend their employment into one game. The scope of employment is totally out of whack.

If I could make a constructive suggestion to the folks at Cornered Rat, narrow your scope to something in line with CM. A battalion operation (or even Bde) would provide more than enough interest for 500 people and could be done with some semblance of realistic scope...plus the CO could have anybody who wants to be a prick shot.

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Take this for what its worth, since I post here only occasionally (too busy playing CMBO), but all the comments about this game never getting off the ground seem out of place coming from a group that helped an "independent" game succeed.

From what I can tell about the game, their hoping to draw from all areas of online gaming..the FPS people for infantry, the WB'ers for pilots, and the like. Their trying to pull off what others have always dreamed of doing...this is a GOOD THING for us. See, when people decide to go out on their own, try something a little different than the norm, such as the guys here at Battlefront, then we reap the benefits. As of now, I believe they have 5,000 people signed up for the closed beta, which is going to get going in Jan/Feb of 2001..with a target release date of spring 2001.

Of course, you could just check out their site and get all the info you desire, or you could just call it a "pipe dream" and forget about it...I'm looking forward to it, and I have no doubts as to whether it will get going or not. Besides, I have to have something to do while I wait for my turns to get back to me. One last thing...We all "pay to play"...last time I checked BTS asked me, very nicely, to pay for this game, which I did. I understand that asking a group of guys to dedicate 2 years of their life to bring together another revolutionary game, then give to us for free, isn't asking much at all...(add sarcasm for extra flavor)

Cav Scout

"If you ain't Cav...you ain't"

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Cav-Scout makes a good point but I am afraid the reverse is true. A truly poor outing will be a black mark on what many already call a "fringe community". Hurting development in the long run

I encourage and will always cheer for the under-dog but when the entire concept is flawed from the "get go", you are setting the stage for failure, hence "pipe dream".

I did look at the website (where do you think I came up with my points?).

The concept is unrealistic and flawed. I think a multi-player wargame is an excellent idea but trying to encompass and blend such a ridiculous scope is naive in the extreme and will hurt the credibility of other developers trying to break into the mainstream.

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