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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

A "bickie"? What the hell's a "bickie"?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If'n ya ganna prrrance aboot the 'Pool lak some mincey wee sporan sniffer, ya could at least mak an effort tae learn the local language - Australian. A "bickie" as a "biscuit", ya semi-lingual spotty arrsed herring rubber. An' Ah knoo that tae you, thet's lackely tae be somethin' thet looks lak a scone. But it's nae a bloody scone, at's a bloody biscuit, lak a "cookie". Ya twat.

Af'n Ah found tha likes o' yoo Jimmy slitherin' aboot mah garden, Ah'd thrrrash ye wi' mah straw brroom an' dreeve ye slimey carcass intae mah garden hose fer refuge. Then Ah'd tie the ends off and dunk tha bit wi' yoo inside into a wee vat o' boilin water - sae the air heats oop and tha pressure burrsts ye ear drums, bulges ye eyes oot o' ya poxy haid, an' causes ye lungs tae burst oot through ye spotty bottom. An' then Ah'd pierrrce tha hose wi' mah trusty pen knife, tae squirrt ye yellow bile an' boiled giblets inta the water, creatin' a stanky version o' egg drop soup, which Ah'd feed tae mah scrawny cat. Ah'd then shoot mah cat......(Ah thank ye kin see wheer this un's headin', oot tae the rose bushes...).

Oh by tha way...sod off.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

If'n ya ganna prrrance aboot the 'Pool lak some mincey wee sporan sniffer, ya could at least mak an effort tae learn the local language - Australian. A "bickie" as a "biscuit", ya semi-lingual spotty arrsed herring rubber. An' Ah knoo that tae you, thet's lackely tae be somethin' thet looks lak a scone. But it's nae a bloody scone, at's a bloody biscuit, lak a "cookie". Ya twat.

(then much broguish panty-waving follows)


Ohhhhh, I should have figured. Useless Roo jibberish explained to me by an incontinent Scots-wannabe. No wonder I neither know what a "bickie" is nor care. Anything Aussie that is loved that much by a hairy-assed Red Rory o' the Glen type such as yourself is less than useless.

Hell, it's almost French.

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Again... the Peng thread is NOT causing the problems. At least until it reaches at least two thousand posts. We have had MANY non-Peng related threads that have exceeded 60 posts, and quite a few that have gone well over 100. A couple that come to mind even topped 500.

The problem we are hoping to solve has to do with the total quantity of posts on this BBS. We could ban Peng and his motely crew from this BBS and we would STILL have the same problems since they have nothing to do with the Peng thread.

I also don't buy the "I'm sick of seeing the thread in the list" point of view. If this were a valid reason to lock down threads there would be more than a few that would have qualified at one time or another. 88 accuracy or Jeep recon anybody?


Hail, Hail the Peng Thread home of the Brave and Free!


Leave the denizens of the Peng Thread alone.


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YK2, where are you? Did you get the turn I resent? Did you get the short story I'd sent you previously? I need to hear from you lassie, as I've gone all adrift!

PawBroon, where the hell are you? Where's that new setup that will, once and for all, prove who is more maddeningly French, thou or I?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Bugger. Tristram Shandorf, I was again without the house, as it were. No joy for TCP/IP.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Useless Roo jibberish


Roo jibberish indeed!

There is nothing more Aussie than enjoying a chokky bikky for chrissy brekky!

If you need an interpreter for this I suggest you consult the poster who cannot be named, as he will no doubt whip out the trusty babelfish for you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

When has that ever happened? =/



You never noticed?! eek.gif


Well obviously I'm not too good at it!


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-08-2000).]

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Soon, I will be back. This is not good news for those whose various topplements have been staved off only by my absence with this goddam NT.

Nor is it particularly good news for those who are turning this thread into a personal chat room. Duly noted, little worms.

Of course butts and poop are funny stuff. But we expect a little extra effort here, some creativity, and lots of ill-will. Those whacky butts must be separated from their owners, tanned, inverted, shellacked, and set upon the mantle to hold the ashes of self-esteem, to truly merit mention here.

We have a lofty mission on this BBS and we must meet that challenge for a Peng Thread death sentence against an outsider, say Binkie, to have any meaning. Please try to maintain standards for another 24 hours or so.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

You never noticed?! eek.gif


Well obviously I'm not too good at it!



macy ol'chap no one notices when you post so whats the diference. tongue.gif

come to think of it who wrote this post that I am responing to...well I'm off to "Move" not "Run" to a meeting.. the WISYWIG may seem the same but I yam "moving"

btw Andreas I think "sprint" and "stagger" should be included. THATS "STAGGER" not "SHAG HER" you sick little puppies.

also I think a "Taunt" order would be a good Idea here are some taunt ideas

"you aim like Peng you Kraut!"

"nice shot Ami! who taught you to shoot? Seanachai???"


"…my other 1/2 is going out with some girlfriends soon.. I've got a carton of beer sheep pornos and a relaxing evening ahead."



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-08-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Soon, I will be back. This is not good news for those whose various topplements have been staved off only by my absence with this goddam NT.

Nor is it particularly good news for those who are turning this thread into a personal chat room. Duly noted, little worms.

Of course butts and poop are funny stuff. But we expect a little extra effort here, some creativity, and lots of ill-will. Those whacky butts must be separated from their owners, tanned, inverted, shellacked, and set upon the mantle to hold the ashes of self-esteem, to truly merit mention here.

We have a lofty mission on this BBS and we must meet that challenge for a Peng Thread death sentence against an outsider, say Binkie, to have any meaning. Please try to maintain standards for another 24 hours or so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I, and my stalwart defenders, eagerly await your return. Seeing as you brought it up, however, I feel compelled to mention that I have no interest whatsoever in seeing your butt, be it on my mantle or elsewhere. I will though have your elbows bronzed and hung in my kitchen and when it is dinner time, I will take your shin bone and strike the elbows and scream "Soup's on! Come and get it!" And your elbows will clang together and cause a glorious din. And in milder weather, I shall leave the window above the sink open so as to take advantage of your clanging bronzed elbows as wind-chimes, merrilly singing the day away. And I shall sit in my hammock and sway in the breeze and listen to your elbows clanging together as I fade away into soft slumber, dreaming of the magnificent topplement I dealt you once upon a time...



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You rock, Croda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The PengChallengeThread:

Hail, Hail the Peng Thread home of the Brave and Free!


Rasputin, is that you??


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Rasputin, is that you??


Hiram? Are you still hanging around? I thought that after the bold move you pulled last night, you'd be in bed recovering for a week at the least. Rushing a beat up platoon straight into the teeth of my defenses in a desperate attempt to "dig in" by the VLs late in the game...some would call it gamey. I won't, providing you won't call it gamey when I slaughter each and every one of those men.

You see, those boys are now in the midst of my lines, and separated from their own men. My Sherman will obliterate your SP next turn, and you already know you lost every man on your left. This means that my fresh platoon on your left and their accompanying SP are now free to move over and blast away at your scurrying little rats. Had you tried that move earlier, with support...then it may have had a chance. Now it was simply a kamikaze mission. My poles will hold. And don't get any lofty ideas about that Puma you have trapseing around in the background. If I see him I'll take his head clean off, so be a good laddy and put it in the garage.

And I've been informed that I forgot to mention Von ****hole in my list of PBEMs. I also forgot to mention Berli. I wonder if anyone can figure out why I'd miss them.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You rock, Croda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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To all you silly bastards -

Some of you are apparently too blighted (or in PolTroon's case, too French) to actually read the squiggly talk-lines on the glow-box, so I will spell it out veeeeeery slowly:

I. Am. Too. Busy. To. Deal. With. Your. Turns. Just. Now. My. Poor. Stupid. Wank-a-lanks.

I. Have. One. More. Paper. To. Write.

After. I. Write. It. I. Will. Send. You. All. Turns.

I hope you all see your great-aunt naked.


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

If'n ya ganna prrrance aboot the 'Pool lak some mincey wee sporan sniffer, ya could at least mak an effort tae learn the local language - Australian. A "bickie" as a "biscuit", ya semi-lingual spotty arrsed herring rubber. An' Ah knoo that tae you, thet's lackely tae be somethin' thet looks lak a scone. But it's nae a bloody scone, at's a bloody biscuit, lak a "cookie". Ya twat.

Af'n Ah found tha likes o' yoo Jimmy slitherin' aboot mah garden, Ah'd thrrrash ye wi' mah straw brroom an' dreeve ye slimey carcass intae mah garden hose fer refuge. Then Ah'd tie the ends off and dunk tha bit wi' yoo inside into a wee vat o' boilin water - sae the air heats oop and tha pressure burrsts ye ear drums, bulges ye eyes oot o' ya poxy haid, an' causes ye lungs tae burst oot through ye spotty bottom. An' then Ah'd pierrrce tha hose wi' mah trusty pen knife, tae squirrt ye yellow bile an' boiled giblets inta the water, creatin' a stanky version o' egg drop soup, which Ah'd feed tae mah scrawny cat. Ah'd then shoot mah cat......(Ah thank ye kin see wheer this un's headin', oot tae the rose bushes...).

Oh by tha way...sod off.


No wonder old Longshanks had such problems with you Scottish bastards, he was laughing to hard. I'm stll wiping away tears.

An' don ya be thrrrrash'n ol poxy haided dalem aboot tae mooch ya gimpy Celtic bastarrrd. It's nae bloody sporrrt'n to beat up'n ah brrrrick brrrrained sod tha mah wee bairn in his nappies coud trrrrounce.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jshandorf said:

Does this post refresh your memory, Croda? IIRC that payment was in the form of setting the others SIG. Don't make me wade through the Pool to pull up this skeleton.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, Jshaaaaandorfff, you are correct. But croda is an honourless little whelp.

No croda, this battle ISN'T over our sigs. You have ALREADY Lost this one. If you want ot make this one about sigs AS WELL then you are more than welcome to. But only on the condition that we go with the PREVIOUS gentlemans agreement and let me change your sig file.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Hiram? Here is a huge load of horse****. I'm going to try to talk you into surrendering by inundating you with verbiage.

My poles will hold. And don't get any lofty ideas about that Puma you have trapseing around in the background. If I see him I'll take his head clean off, so be a good laddy and put it in the garage.

And I've been informed that I forgot to mention Von ****hole in my list of PBEMs. I also forgot to mention Berli. I wonder if anyone can figure out why I'd miss them.


Some Questions:

1. What is a SP?

2. What does your men and their poles have to do with PBEM? Your posts should have an NC-17 rating. yeesh

3. Did I move anywhere near a VL on last move? Look closer. I moved away from the freakin VL I've been occupying all game long to come over to you because of your pissing and moaning.

Now do us all a freakin favor and shut yer pie-hole.

PS Its not a Puma!!


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

...And I've been informed that I forgot to mention Von ****hole in my list of PBEMs. I also forgot to mention Berli. I wonder if anyone can figure out why I'd miss them.


Listen up, hamster-bait-for-brains. Our own little PBEM is not yet finished! Finish this or I shall have to recant my earlier agreement and hunt down your little krauter-weenies and skewer them on the barrel of my Sherman. Your last HT is between a rock and a hard thingy (SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!!!) Pick your poison, for either the 'zook or the Sherman will get him this next turn. Surrender, or sue for cease-fire cur!! I care not which, but be quick about it.

As for you, Formerly Barbara-Walters, time to state your last meal request. Like a condemned man, make it a good one, for the next taste in your mouth will be that of the blood of your troops. Blood spilled by my victorious troops as they proceed to pound your little vermin into the ground with a Big Smitey Thing. Then I will chop up your men, chop them into little bitty pieces, freeze-dry them, put them in little ZipLock "Blue and Yellow Makes Green" baggies and FedEx them to MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBarstard so he can feed them to whatever pet he has remaining at his house, and, well, you know the rest...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Some Questions:

1. What is a SP?

2. What does your men and their poles have to do with PBEM? Your posts should have an NC-17 rating. yeesh

3. Did I move anywhere near a VL on last move? Look closer. I moved away from the freakin VL I've been occupying all game long to come over to you because of your pissing and moaning.

Now do us all a freakin favor and shut yer pie-hole.

PS Its not a Puma!!


1) SP stands for Stupid Pastard, as you are. (Or Self-Propelled Gun/Artillery, if you prefer)

2) So much more than you really want to know.

3)You'll die wherever you are, so it matters not.

Well, if it's not a Puma, than I'm sure it's a much less scary HT or something...possibly Meeks' dreaded Kubelwagen of death. Thanks for the info.

As for you, Sheep-boinker-boy, I am a man of little skill and great moral fiber (fibre for you British sods). Therefore, my sig awaits the sterling wit and uniquitous charm that can only come from a man who shags sheep.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by a man with breasts:

Don't take your ball and go home, I want to play some more!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You may take the HT, but I have 4 pzfausts aimed at your Shermie. I'll hold this VL. I have sued for Cease Fire twice. Acknowledge it.


This Space For Rent

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 12-08-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

An' don ya be thrrrrash'n ol poxy haided dalem aboot tae mooch ya gimpy Celtic bastarrrd. It's nae bloody sporrrt'n to beat up'n ah brrrrick brrrrained sod tha mah wee bairn in his nappies coud trrrrounce. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So trounce me, setup-boy. And I'm shocked that they let the likes of you actually reproduce. Did someone lose a bet and have to give you their firstborn? Did they not figure out in time that your real name is Rumpelsheepskin?

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Listen up you flaming fairies!

Tonight I have a reprieve of my normal gaming activities and therefore I will be available to crush you all. Turns will be sent out with a dizzying flurry. Death will be handed out aplenty. Rivers will overflow with the blood of your troops. Can I go on with these inane comments? Yes, but I won't.

SO! If any of your sods want to finish our games with TCP/IP I will be MORE than happy to oblige. Either e-mail me or stop by CMHQ's chat area. I will be slumming there and rolling any drunks I see passed out in the gutter. Yes.. That includes you too PeterNZer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

come to think of it who wrote this post that I am responing to...well I'm off to "Move" not "Run" to a meeting.. the WISYWIG may seem the same but I yam "moving"


A meeting, Mensch?

Oh yes, I remember, you'll be discussing ways with your peers and collegues to immortalise yourself through a Darwin Award! (for the rest of you reprobates who don't know what a Darwin Award is, I would suggest doing a google search on it)!

Having such a fine goal is important in life, but do get a move on, chum, because you have a lot of competition in the pool, and it's only a matter of time before someone here gets that recognition! wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Tonight then! Meet me in the chat area after dinner!


Sorry, Joffrey, but we're moving into that fun filled Holiday season, when large numbers of people who do not,in fact, like me very much (you know, friends, family and such) insist on my presence at various functions and get togethers to punish me for having inflicted my presence on their lives. Tonight is not 'on', I'm afraid, but if it should change I will check to see if you're still standing around the chat room with your hand out asking for change...


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Guest Germanboy

Okay - any of you Mac Savvy nerds, head over to the Tech support thread, read my post exposing my ignorance, and then send me an email answering it. Pronto, or else.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 12-08-2000).]

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