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A complaint to BTS!!!

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I would like to make the following complaint to BTS!!! frown.gif

Ahhhhhh! What have you guys done to me? confused.gif

I've always had a passing interest in WWII and even built models as a kid, planes n' tanks, that kind of stuff. But didn't every kid do that?

So when CMBO came out, I thought "Hey, this looks like a cool game."

Played the demo..... Loved it!!!

Bought the game..... Loved it more!!! smile.gif

Got assimilated by the CM Borg..... What an honor biggrin.gif

Started to look for books on tank warfare..... Hey! Stop! What are you doing.

I've suddenly found my self in a world of armor slopes and Sherman variants. A world where I care about the "correct" way to storm a bunker! A world the finds me scouring the internet for picture and articles on WWII tactics. And I love it!

I spend my time playing CMBO, and when i'm not, thinking about it! After a game i'll sit down and think "If i'd done this, would i have captured this more quickly"

Me and some mates were watching Saving Private Ryan the other day and I broke into a long lecture about mobile AT guns, just because Captain Miller mentioned "Towed 88's". Half my mates quickly went to sleep.

Is this sort of reaction normal?

Can I expect this situation to worsen?

Please, Please, Please BTS, but a clear label on the CD or on the manual cover, stating "Playing this game can seriously effect your social life."

Please take this complaint as seriously as it deserves! wink.gif



Funding's what makes this bird go up. No Bucks, No Buck-Rogers!! ---- The Right Stuff

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Where is the mention of fitifully waiting each and everyday for Santa Matt to update CMHQ? eek.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Phoenix buddy, I feel your pain. I quit EverQuest (aka EverCrack, NeverRest) a couple of months ago, and wanted something fun that wouldn't take up as much time (called every night 'til 2AM). I found the demo and thought it was great. Bought the game, can't get enough. I even got assimilated also (a momentous day, to say the least). Now I am at the point you mentioned about reading up on tank warfare. So I only have one thing to say about it:

Can you recommend any good books?

If this is hell, you can keep heaven.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SilentPhoenix:

Is this sort of reaction normal?

Can I expect this situation to worsen?


Yes dammit!! frown.gif

It's almost a year now. I only had a small break between

the gold demo and the final game.

(You can only play each scenario about a million times,

before it gets repetitive.)


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

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Hairy Oberst

Yes! Feel free to go on. Are those English translations I assume? And forgive me for asking this if it is the most moronic question of the week, but was U.S./Allied Tank strategy and theory so poor that there are no books worth reading on the topic? Call me closed-minded, but I am much more interested in reading American stories right now, I think I can relate to them better. Though the German stufff may still find it's way to my bedside.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SilentPhoenix:

...I've always had a passing interest in WWII and even built models as a kid, planes n' tanks, that kind of stuff. But didn't every kid do that?


Still do. Only thanks to CMBO the emphasis has changed. I usually build WWII aircraft, but now I've started armor, half-tracks, even a towed 88.

Only trouble I'm having with this change is that they look kinda funny hanging from the ceiling... nut.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SilentPhoenix:

Got assimilated by the CM Borg..... What an honor biggrin.gif

Started to look for books on tank warfare..... Hey! Stop! What are you doing.


While I've not been assimilated by the borg(perhaps it's my breath?), I too had only a passing interest in WWII prior to finding CM.

Then came CM. Then came hours of playing. Then came pondering the game and strategys while not playing. Then, today, I bought 6 books on WWII topics. This was my monthly disposable income that I usually spend on video games, but I found myself comparing every game I browsed through to CM for it's expected replay and enjoyment value. None came close enough to warrent a serious consideration for purchase, so I wandered into the bookstore and looked at some WWII books.

So I guess we're in the same boat. CM is the first game that's inspired me to learn more about history. It's simply that good.

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Sounds like Grognard symptoms to me. eek.gif

Other things to look out for:

(i) an urge to purchase military books, videos and wargames;

(ii) a craving to learn about key military battles, OOBs, and military hardware;

(iii) regular visits to local military museums; and

(iv) if you're really addicted, a large stock pile of military models that you'll buy, but never complete because you only have anough time for (i) to (iii) above.

Oh, and it's fatal (on the contents of your wallet)!


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This game has had the same effect on me. I've always been a fan of war-movies and books and played some of the board games when I was younger but since buying and playing CM (clicked on PLACE ORDER button within one hour of playing demo) it has kicked up my interest in WWII even more. My wife was already nitpicking about my time on the computer, let alone my choices in movies and books. Now it's just a little worse.

We recently decided to go to Europe next year for a vacation. My problem is trying to fit a few military museum and battlefield visits in without upsetting the balance. I have at least convinced her to go to Normandy. She said she would not mind going for a couple of hours. HA, she'll be suprised that it will take up most of the vacation. Does anyone know if there are any shopping districts close by Normandy? Could always drop her off with the credit card.

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Guest Lord General MB


I love to visit, ole "Santa Matt," and see what he can pull out of his sack of goodies! (I love all the mods flying around. Made some [small] mods myself [new landmine pics, and I took the green German uniforms and touched them up abit {made 'em slightly darker and inreased res.}]).



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sounds like Grognard symptoms to me.

Other things to look out for:

(i) an urge to purchase military books, videos and wargames;

(ii) a craving to learn about key military battles, OOBs, and military hardware;

(iii) regular visits to local military museums; and

(iv) if you're really addicted, a large stock pile of military models that you'll buy, but never complete because you only have anough time for (i) to (iii) above.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Add in:

(v) When driving around your neighborhood, you examine your neighbor's lawns to see which one would provide the best cover for an infantry team and which one has the best walls for your tank to be hull down behind.


Everything in moderation...except CM.

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Gentlemen, what all of you are experiencing is something I experienced in the Army. When you love what you do or what you play it invades every facet of your life. When in the Army, I used to have dreams about pulling up to a gas station in my M1 and demanding the attendand turn on pumps 1 through 3 so I could fill all my fuel tanks quicker. It will get so bad that people not in the know won't even be able to understand you...Talking about explosive decompression resulting from depleted uranium penetration of a RHA turret really bores wives. So I say welcome to the private hell that most professional tankers and cavalrymen have felt for years. Regardless, it's still the most fun you can have with you clothes on.

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You guys forgot to mention Panzer Colors 1,2,and 3 by Bruce Culver

Squadron/Signal publications

ISBN #'s 0-89747-057-5,0-89747-069-9,and 0-89747-156-3 cool.gif



"Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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