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    Saint Marys,Ga.,US
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    Flight sims,wargaming,history,blondes,redheads,brunettes,etc
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    Jack O trades

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  1. popular legend (which I am unable to confirm) Has T-34's being constructed at one end of the Tractor works and going into action at the other end. (which sounds highly improbable, until you recall the Soviets were masters of the "highly improbable")
  2. Umm, I leave for nearly 2 years and this stuff is still going on? The Peng thing I can understand, (in a twisted, self-loathing gathering of pyschotics desperately looking for anything to grind an axe on kind of way) But this?
  3. As to the question of Indian tribes on Helicopters and what do they do when they get to the unpronouncable ones :0 The troops ignore the given name and tack on their own Sp/4 W Stewman UH-1 <Iroqoui> <sp?> crewman Happy Hawg boy since '78
  4. Hmm, seen quite a few relics, after a tour in schwienfurt I quit looking for them, a guy from 1/30th inf went down in the old tunnels that the Germans had built between the airfield (now known as Conn barracks) and the HQ (now known as Ledward barracks) well, dunno what he found, but I was on the recovery team, let's just say mailing him home to his parents was on the reduced postal rate for packages under 10 lbs and pretty much cured our looking for "relics"
  5. ugh, way to far ta drive, originally from Gainesville, Jawja (georgia is for misplaced Yankees) Now trapped in the netherhell called Kings Bay
  6. Don't dismiss French tanks lightly, The Char 1B was in it's day a monster (1940) with armor that laughed at the tiny German guns, The French were not prepared to employ them effectively (conservative thinking in upper levels) and so a tank that could have stopped the Germans cold was sent out in penny packets to be destroyed. As for the usefulness of the H-39, I'm reminded of a line from an old WWII movie, GI- "Boy you armor guys live the life" Tanker- "You wouldn't say that if we meet Tigers, this thing's only got 3 inches of armor" GI- "Oh yeah? How thick do you think this GI shirt is?" The threat level of the armored vehicle is directly proportional to how much armor you're behind
  7. What! talk? to you people? why on earth would I want to do that? I have no need of some glorified virtual society to make me feel unacceptable and unwanted, stupid and diminished in value, I have a wife for that Really, mayhaps we have nothing to say? ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  8. Nice observation Wesrei, And on target, my guess is that less than 1% of site visitors hit a banner, And you know what? the price of bandwidth keeps going up as the host companies realise what a cash cow they have. But no, I think CombatSim may have just received a self-inflicted wound, I hear too many folks nowadays complaining about the price of MMOG's,how do you think they'll react to paying for a forum? (hint, the word is...INCOMING!) These are my opinions,not the opinions of anyone else,I do not work for a computer company nor do I own stock in one,(but I do have some nicely matured oil futures) Sorry for the disclaimer, but life on the World wide weird is getting a little too interesting. ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  9. RMC, it's been awhile since you've been around an Abrams I'd guess, they have a baffle system on the exhaust now, walking behind an Abrams is quite comfortable in the dead of winter 'course before the refit, Uncle Sam bought a lot of tents and windshields (cars following M1's would have the paint and front glass scorched and/or melted, was hysterical) ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  10. Actually, troops didn't mind the "freighttrain" sound of heavy arty, since the shell preceded the sound by a second or so, if you could hear it, it wasn't heading for you. to quote my dad, (US army,'nam '63-'70) "It's not the bullet with my name on it I'm worried about, it's the one addressed 'To whom it may concern'" ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" [This message has been edited by pzvg (edited 11-24-2000).]
  11. Interesting, but I personally find the trend towards Light combat disturbing. We used to call those things "disposables" I mean, ok, force projection is important, but what use is a fast light air transportable force that can only die when it gets where it's going? Shinseki is playing politics, (not an unusual state of affairs in the higher brass) when they start playing these kinda games, good folks get killed a lot. (Captain Morton, if you're out there, I'm out now, try to shut me up ) ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  12. Just remember the rest of us (especially Tiger) or we'll have to repaint all your panzers pink ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  13. Having been blessed to fire a BAR, I contribute the following, Larger round then MP44,more reach,more hitting power. actually in terms of relative capabilities,the Bren is an exact match for the BAR, the 42 having a higher ROF. And last note, firing a BAR is only a little worse than an M1 garand, same recoil, just closer together ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  14. Hmm, if you think the price is too high you won't pay. Seems to me there's an issue here, but I can't see it, not like they're making you do anything. Always strikes me as funny that the nation that is the model for Capitalism has the highest percentage of folks looking for a free lunch ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
  15. Mr Clark, not to worry, see a long time ago in a galaxy far,far away(Texas) The gurus behind Warbirds(and now behind Aces High and WWIIo/l) came up with the sometimes lamented but very effective solution to folks who just don't get it, It's called Killshooter, and it is elegant in it's simplicity, you shoot friendly, YOU take the damage. ------------------ Pzvg "Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
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