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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Shup, (You very tasteless Slat-n-Pepper song)

Okay, I had it up to about here with your "He still doesn't see it coming" BS. Unless Wild Bill gave you a set up zone BEHIND my forces you are full of sh*t. I have the ENTIRE board covered. All avenues of approach I am watching. I have seen your advance and YOU have been thrown back. Other than that one half platoon I have lost in the hedgerows I have taken NO other casualties. YOU on the other hand have been dealt with severely by my troops. I have about a 3:1 kill ratio on your sorry arse so quit your BS you simpleton.

That pathetic arty barrage killed ONE man. It is SOOOOO off the mark I won't begin to tell you how much I laughed when it came in. You better have some secret weapon like flying Uber tanks or you are screwed blue and tattooed. Comprende?


My urban renewal plan is on schedule. My developers tell me we should have that strip mall in before winter. I hope this won't inconvenience you.


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-06-2000).]

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Hey Cruuud-da this is The Bastard talking to ya,

Quit licking your wounds and send me another setup file. This time YOU attack. Lets see what you can accomplish with that jelly filled skull of yours. Probably not much but in the name of primate studies around the world it is worth a try.


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The cc5 thread is getting depressing. The enemy are using the whine-till-bored and cry-for-mommey technique and it's just annoying.

I expect soon to be removed from the cc5 thread and they can go back to their laughable discussions on history, on-board nebelwurfers and other such junk.


I believe most of replies stated to get the full version....playing the demo is for slack jawed wannabes. Of course, you can't purchase the full version since you're planning your big move out of mommy and daddy's basement. Your next big life event is discovering girls!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

1. Accept that their death will be all the more worthwhile if their lives are prolonged and their death can only be viewed on weekends.(The Hiram method)

2. Give up or ask me to give up. If you ask me for my surrender you will get it. If you think you deserve it, think again. But receive it you will.(The Other Hiram method)


No, silly. The "Hiram Method" is when you take your right index finger and place it gently on the pubis mons and then...oh nevermind.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Remember that the time we spend here, is time we cannot spend dynamiting coral reefs for tasty abalone and the occasional whale feast, such as the tender young blue we had at our last convention. I remember Seanatchai leading a sing-song to its cries as, consumed alive with chopsticks, it bellowed for its mother. Haunting, though a bit salty.

Thanks for your contribution and come again soon!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dayo! They said it was a day old whale!

C'mon everybody, it's Belafonte! Everyone sing along!

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-06-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:


The cc5 thread is getting depressing. The enemy are using the whine-till-bored and cry-for-mommey technique and it's just annoying.

I expect soon to be removed from the cc5 thread and they can go back to their laughable discussions on history, on-board nebelwurfers and other such junk.




Stop That! I went over to that horrible place because Peng asked me to, and I didn't understand what was going on; I thought he'd sent me over to a CMers BBS. Do not go taunt the CC people, it does not promote wargaming brotherhood. Worse, they start coming over here. Now, there's plenty of people to insult right here at home. The Peng Challenge Thread is considered sufficiently horrible here on a forum dedicated to CM, without acting like a bunch of raccoons knocking over garbage cans on other people's forums. How can you stand to go over there anyway? That is the most hideous UBB I've ever seen. Someone's going to spend time in Hell for that site design.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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To my long suffering opponents. I thought I would be posting many turns on Sunday. That was before the next door neighbour decided to take a tree down and ripped the phone connection off our building. Apparently he was not a lumberjack in his last incarnation (In fact, I checked the Karmic Registry and he was, I believe, a doorstop. Hopefully his next pass through will be as a toilet brush). It is my belief that Qwest will have service restored by the time I get home today (working late), so that I may once again listen to the death cries of the ill-led.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-06-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

To my long suffering opponents. I thought I would be posting many turns on Sunday. That was before the next door neighbour decided to take a tree down and ripped the phone connection off our building. Apparently he was not a lumberjack in his last incarnation (In fact, I checked the Karmic Registry and he was, I believe, a doorstop. Hopefully his next pass through will be as a toilet brush). It is my belief that Qwest will have service restored by the time I get home today (working late), so that I may once again listen to the death cries of the ill-led.


But I though all Minn-e-SO-tans were lumberjacks.

C'mon everybody, It's Monty Python. Everyone sing along.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-06-2000).]

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greetings cesspolligans,

humm, updates.







New squire match:

Foobar vs Roborat

Games vs the loathed....

Berli: what can I say... I suck. I'm not surprised satan brung his smoke to the party..again... Good news is it blinds me to the utter follishness of my given defense.

Moriarty: Still believes he can lose this one! Ha! I am the master of losing, and I plan on proving it.

Meeks: Crazy as a tree legged tree turtle, As hard as it is for me to believe, I'm holding my own in this one.....so far.

Germanboy: As much as it feels me with sorry to dispatch my beloved irishmen. It warms my heart knowing that I managed to at least blow something up before my demise.

OGSF: Still foggy, still blind, still losing. Bastard.

Lorak the loathed...


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Update time...

Crawdad: I really hate that clanky piece of metal you have over there on your right flank. Your 20mm flak went bye-bye, and Greenpeace is now after your butt for destroying even more gophers. Official statement follows:

Ian Treehugger of Greenpeace wrote, "We are marching on Crawdad because his treatment of the animals currently living in western europe, specifically the rare western european gopher, is shameful. While condemning war in general, Greenpeace realizes that some of what you militants call collateral damage is inevitable. What we find unacceptable is the deployment of Mr. Crawdad's artillery. By the best of our reckonings, Crawdad's artillery barrages have lightly wounded one American soldier while decimating the local gopher population. Latest counts have it at 4,127 gophers killed, wounded, or MIA.


WANTED: Greyhound Drivers with brass ones the size of Chicago. Duties include speeding around the battlefield of Herr Oberst and Peter "Sheepman" NZ, with bonuses paid for knocking out Jerry armor, successful evasion of Panzerschrek shots, drive-by shootings of infantry, and generally making a pain of yourself. Apply to poster...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 11-07-2000).]

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My unconditional surrender has been sent to Meeks. If I had any surviors I am sure he would treat them right...But I didn't.

Lorak you bitch mark me down for another loss.....even if you still haven't given me credit for Peter surrendering to me yet.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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My game updates...

Chup-pa-dup: You puzzle me with your insistence that things are going well for you when they obviously are not. Put that Guinness down when you send me my turns and take of those cheap 3D glasses.

Leaks(and other Scottish veggies): I move on you but at great cost. I am waiting for your last little trick, or that Umpah band, which either one comes first.

Herr Ooobutt:Wasn't that first turn pretty thrilling? Damn can those Amis vehicles boogie! Hope your men aren't too tired by the time they get to the town! Ha!

Sean-a-Hoochi-Koochi:Hey... Get that tank moving. I gotta get some elevation measurements and it is blocking my view! The strip mall's anchor store is going there.

Cruuud-da... Me thinks he mopes now. Licking his wounds and making them fester even more. Come back outside and play, Cruud-da. I promise I'll use a lighter bat.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

But I though all Minn-e-SO-tans were lumberjacks.

C'mon everybody, It's Monty Python. Everyone sing along.


Most of us have a good grasp of removing unwanted growths (yes, Shandorf, that's you). But the idjit next door must be from one of those competency challenged states, like Illinois. Actually, after hearing his tale of how he and his buddy tried to take the tree out and screwed up big time (he realized he'd knocked out our phones, and called the Phone Company[sod them], himself), I was so moved to laughter that I completely forgave him his trespasses. He spared not himself, nor his friend, in describing the inept comedy of errors that was their attempt at manly north woods tree removal.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My game updates...And general display of idiocy...

Leaks(and other Scottish veggies)

You sodding git. The Leek is a Welsh vegetable. I pity your humiliating ignorance.

Sean-a-Hoochi-Koochi:Hey... Get that tank moving. I gotta get some elevation measurements and it is blocking my view! The strip mall's anchor store is going there.

I've removed one of your property management vehicles. I didn't see any of your urban renewal squad climb out of the burning wreckage.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

greetings cesspolligans,

Lorak the loathed...


Lorak, let it be noted that I never loathed you.

To paraphrase the words of Cassius Clay, later Muhammed Ali (heavily paraphrased to avoid using terminology that would offend all, out of context):

No Lorak ever called this Seanachai an arsehole.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Stop That! I went over to that horrible place because Peng asked me to, and I didn't understand what was going on; I thought he'd sent me over to a CMers BBS. Do not go taunt the CC people, it does not promote wargaming brotherhood. Worse, they start coming over here. Now, there's plenty of people to insult right here at home. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What's the difference between being insulted by a CMer and CC5er?

Absolutely Nothing!

Let them come, let them insult, we'll just treat the poster with the same level of distaste and contempt that we reserve for our fellow CMers anyhow!


btw, I agree with Seanachai....terrible, terrible place!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Correction: So much time on their one hand, the other hand is busy fantasising about kitty....


Hmm. I'm going to add a special section on my site just for you. =)


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Is anyone playing a game against Kitty? If not I would like to put a challenge out right now. Hell, even if someone is. It'll be like Bobby Riggs and Billy Jean King (I get to be Billy Jean). It's time the inferior gender is taught a lesson and the bus driver is here to take her to school.

Other updates:

I already mentioned my loss to Meeks. It was a nifty looking very very small battle that when I surrendered I had absoultly NO units let. None...Zero...Nil. If I still had the file he sent me I would go back to see if my global moral was 0.

Cruda. He just had a major set back that should make the game a walk in the woods for me. I sucker punched his last mobile King Tiger with a Zook. My global moral is at 90% and we are very deep into the game. I am sensing checkmate in 4 turns.

Hiram. My methodical advance towards his in this meeting engagement is like Casias Clay beating up the kid from "The Sixth Sense". He has troops running in every direction because he is trying to find a place to hide them....There is no place to hide.

Germangirl. This will be a very ugly a bloody game. We have each taken some losses. So far his seem to be much greater than mine but it is hard to tell at this point.

Peng. I guess we are still playing but I get about one file a week from him so I forget sometimes.

Kitty. Send a setup file. Any type of game any side. Or if you would like to just send your surrender across you can do that too.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

I feel this strange urge<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Then resist. Isn't it funny how everybody here is falling over themselves (I don't care what you do Bauhaus) to challenge the supposed female? Doing my bit for affirmative action, I shall not challenge her. Are you doing your bit?

Blousehouse - send a turn. Or surrender. You are finished. Are you still reeling from losing that thing with tracks? Get over it.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-07-2000).]

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<center> ferret.gif

Dig. 102-D</center>

Why the U.S. use ferrets for troops.

1. One normal trooper two boots, one ferret one boot.

2. they sneek behind enemy lines and chew on the cables of tanks and vehicles so they don't start

3. would you shoot something as cute as this? (see Dig. 102-D)

4. normal trooper eats 5kg of food a day. Ferrets eat about anything they find.. Hamsters, Nuts (ie.. stuka. he's a nut).

5. they don't scream "ow my leg" the just go "sqeek!"**

** <h5>sqeek is much about all they can say but to a ferret squeek has many meanings.. like "hey thats my chew toy!" or "not tonight honey I got a headache". Other examples are "Jerry ahead 200m you can see his pointy head sticking out of the foxhole, you go around I'll sneek up on him and pee on his shoulder". The best advantage is the enemy does not know if the enemy ferret is not up for sex tonight or is wounded in the leg. </h5>


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-07-2000).]

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Elvis, ChupInYourPants - End games coming shortly. You both played gamey, and I've been whupped.

PeterSheepDipper, your arty is annoying me. How did you get arty anyway? This is the goofiest force I've ever played with. Anyway, you continue to lose an AFV per turn. Do you want to go until they're gone, or do you want to quit while you still have a few points left?

Meeks - I find it hard to believe that all you have are freaking machine guns in the hills. You're becoming a pest.

jdmorse - You laughable vat of contaminated buffalo excrement. You took my last HT. But it appears to be a much more even field here. I sense more carnage on its way, and I will not die easily.

PawBroon - You back from drying out yet? I thought you French could hold your booze! YK2, let the poor boy play his games! He's the one frigging match I'm going to win!

mensch - Endgame is so much fun, isn't it?

shandorff - You atrocious ball of fermenting walrus blubber. Do you want auto troop select again? Maybe this time, you'll end up with no arty! Let me know and I'll send the shrubbery to you.

And no takers for the assault on Crodaburg? I'm appalled. 2 Squires step up before I conscript you. This will make a man of you faster than 2 whores and a bottle of Wild Turkey.



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yup got a game going on with Kitty... watch it shes got claws... she beat me on the first game we had..but (everyone together now) "but mensch your wife can beat you so whats the diff!!" ok shut your holes you fermenting fig worms! At least she had the decency to kill ALL my men on the field. and use my Tanks as temporary Lighting fixtures for the night battle.


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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