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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Guest Germanboy

Gentleworms (and Joe). Let it be known that due to the technical ineptness of Yahoo's own, the challenge between our own Senilitylosttopeng and the shismati worm of a heretical scumbag Squeals could not start until now. But I have spent a morning in bed, nursing my cold, and rebuilding the file. I expect that none of the two (variously) challenged will want to talk to me again once they have had a look at their forces. Which is good.

Roborat, my offer to take you on as a squire still stands.

Hiram, Senilitylosttopeng is just that and did just that. He probably forgot. Having said that, I believe you are much too nice for this thread, and should be punished for that by having to play Plainprolet in PBEMs until Kingdom come, with nothing but a cup of tea at 11, continuously exchanging niceties.

We loathe you both, well at least I do.



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Allright, the long overdue Croda update (mock cheering from the peanut gallery):

ChupaChupaChupaChupaChupaChameleon: The platoon you think is running, is not running, it is redeploying to a more demonstrative position. The platoon that will be running is the group you tried to "stealthily" sneak around my flank. You will notice it's location by the smoke pouring off of your flaming halftrack. That thing's burning so much it's probably visible from space. And the spread out squad that you have there will soon be cut to pieces by the nasty things I have on that hill. And as for you scaring my Sherman? Let me tell you something...area fire that exhausts your ammo and does nothing more than give my tank crews a nice massage is far from scary. I'll tell you what, you keep digging that whole deeper, I'll watch. When you think I've had enough you let me know. In the meantime, I'll be dismantling the buildings between your men and my armor. I suggest you retreat now.

Hiram "Weekend Warrior" Sedai: Hiram learned a great lesson in the art of the ambush this weekend. He lost 2 pieces of armor in 1 turn to a fantastic AT ambush. Looks to me like you've got 1 tank left, and he won't last long. Then it's just a matter of chewing up your infantry...and that was just turn 2.

Elvis: Not sure where you get the idea that I'm going down in flames...although I wish you could see my situation...you'd laugh. Granted you don't know my disposition, but suffice it so say that there's a KT that I would have liked to have worked you over with who's stuck in the mud in an area that won't allow him to see any piece of this fight. oh the pain! But seeing as your little men are cowering in their foxholes, and those AT guns you have are shrinking like color-forms...I don't see a big win in your future.

Stuka: It's foggy out today, it's foggy out today, hi-ho the derry-o it's foggy out today. And that is the report from the Knight's Challenge. No contact.

Meeks: I loathe you more than Lorak. Again, my forces are bested by the army of rodentia, and it pisses me off really bad. Battle #3 has been issued, my axis forces attacking his allied defenses. Naturally very hilly, a seemingly custom made map for defending. High hills overlook narrow valleys. There will be some long-distance fighting to be sure. I'll send this one back as soon as I figure out exactly where I want my men to die.

PawBroon: "Tearing you a new one." I believe that is how you phrased it in the mail you sent me. Your left is collapsing (and that TD and utility car will soon be off the map if you reverse them anymore...oh, maybe that's the plan), your right is being worked over by my armor, and soon the twain SHALL meet, and that armored car you have in the middle will not be enough to stop it (by the way...he's going to die this next turn too. Just wanted to give you advance notice so that you could prepare the letters to the next of kin).

mensch: I'm waiting on you buddy. You've got the upper hand, after sending my Tiger crew to the hell of being burned alive inside a hulking mass of scrap metal. Let's see if you can exploit the gap there. Send that file.

I can't remember if I'm kicking the arse of anyone else right now...well I am, but no Cesspooligans that I can think of. And as for you ridiculous Cesspool newbies (most of whom seem to have names that end in head for some odd reason), I am the character that you do not want to mess with. Pick fights with the other morons, but stand clear of me, for we great commanders are subtle and quick to anger! I shall dispatch you all to the Hell of Being Skinned Alive with a Cheese Grater!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kurtz:

Peng is also mentioned in "Boing Boom Tschak" by Kraftwerk.

What is the connection between Peng and and the German band Kraftwerk?


We find each other dense, tedious, monotonous, irritating and dull. I shall sic morse on them if they continue to use my name without my permission, however.

Peng - Sole member of the "Kraftwerk Blows" club.


"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

ChupaChupaChupaChupaChupaChameleon: The platoon you think is running, is not running, it is redeploying to a more demonstrative position.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So said the Marines at Chosin.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The platoon that will be running is the group you tried to "stealthily" sneak around my flank. You will notice it's location by the smoke pouring off of your flaming halftrack. That thing's burning so much it's probably visible from space. And the spread out squad that you have there will soon be cut to pieces by the nasty things I have on that hill. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Were it not for an AI brain-fart, your tune would be something more like "his HT nailed my Sherman, gamey cheater bastard!" As it is, your troops can redeploy whereever they want, but my flanks are secure, so have fun coming up the middle.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And as for you scaring my Sherman? Let me tell you something...area fire that exhausts your ammo and does nothing more than give my tank crews a nice massage is far from scary. I'll tell you what, you keep digging that whole deeper, I'll watch. When you think I've had enough you let me know. In the meantime, I'll be dismantling the buildings between your men and my armor. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Town-fighting 101, sit down, boys and girls.

A) rubble is better to fight from than buildings.

B) Tank's gotta be able to target infantry to shoot it.

C) Can't pin infantry down long enough to target it with your tank if all your squads are "displacing" COUGHfleeingCOUGHCOUGHpansies.

That's right, leave that tank riiiiight there. Please do. Because we all know how well Shermans do when they stay in the same place for more than 2 seconds. Howdy ho, Mr. Panther!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I suggest you retreat now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I suggest you develop a bloody flux and drown in your own vile pustulent fluids now.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by someone who thinks he's got me licked:

B) Tank's gotta be able to target infantry to shoot it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Buildings falling on your head 101:

When you are in a building, and that building blows up, it hurts...lots. Do stay put in those houses. You can fight from the rubble. It'll provide great cover, I agree. The only other thing you'll handy to cover yourself with is corpses...and lots of them.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rainpoet:

I have been watching this thread from afar, and seeing how I have never played a PBEM and how this seems to be the place to pick a fight for one per se. Would someone be so kind as to show me just how well you all lose in combat. Looking forward to battles to come and how did this whole thing start in the first place lads? care to illuminate a rookie to the war? or should i just march right on in?

{insert viciously murdered smiley guts here}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Alright, you nasty little bowl of pus. You sashay in here with a happy disposition and a simpering "can I play too?" and expect us all to drop what we are doing {do not drop trau basuhaus you filthy, buggering nit!} and faun all over you and crowd each other out of the way so that we can be the "special" one to pop your PBEM cherry.

It ain't that easy, worm. You may have seen the advice of some of the "members" who say that it might be a good idea for you to taunt someone if you want to get a game. If you are so inanely and unselfconciously half-witted that you cannot gain by merely reading what this whole thing is about then there isn't any hope for you at all. In case you haven't noticed no one here ever has anything nice to say to anyone else or even comes close to being in any way shape or form what most humans would consider to be "polite."

Make your first post be your last and do us all a favor and take your sissy little requests over to the "Kindness Mission: Beyond Sesame Street" message board. Hiram tells us they have some cutthroat games of "Chutes and Ladders" going on over there.

Your moniker and your attitude make me sick. If you post here again I will have no choice but to rip your head off and puke down your neck.


P.S. Your use of per se is extremely irritating, which is a start. Perhaps there is hope for you.


"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-16-2000).]

Edits to rid this post of characters used in creation of the offending smiley in "rainpoet's" {bet it isn't his real name} extremely offensive post

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-16-2000).]

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The first thing you need to do is stick your face down into the water and choke down a big old mouthfull or two of festering cess water (just not too close to PeterNZer...we don't like to talk about what HE does in the water, ewww!). Now when all of the rancid and rotten filth gets to your stomach, the first thing that it's going to want to do is come back up again. That is what you want. When that comes flying out, direct it and all of the horrid words that you're thinking as it comes out, right at a member of the forum. That is how you get into the spirit. If you have nothing but vulgar abuse, you can be a little GermanBoy. If you use words that have gone unused for so long that they get dusty, then you are a Hamster. If you drone on endlessly and people nap during your posts, then you have achieved Seanachai fame. If you have to translate everything from your native french before posting and you end up almost making sense in several different ways, then you are a PawBroon. If you are elloquent beyond words, dashing, cunning, suave, debonair, caring and come with a witty and wry smile, then GO THE HELL AWAY! We don't want your kind. Depravity is the drug, sincerity the enemy, and gloating the apex of Cesspoolian society.



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Gentlepoolers (and Andreas) surely we are too hard on young Rainpoet who showed, if nothing else, a fine sense of discernment in seeking to join our ranks. Granted his name is ... well, sissified to a degree, but we've lived with Senility's moniker and can surely adapt to this one. Granted his approach reminds one more of Hiram than Roborat, yet we gave Hiram another opportunity ... he has fallen on evil times and in with evil companions {couGeeksgh} but promise was there. Granted he displays no passion or fire or even panache ... Oh to hell with it ... get a freaking life Stainpoet! You're a blight on humanity and an embarrassment to lower forms of life ... of which there are TWO that occupy ranks below yours. Were it not for my continued occupancy of this CessPool and the resultant ability to retain my lunch, I'd have been talking on the big white phone, flashing my food, abasing myself before the porcelain goddess and, yes, blowing chunks at your polite prattle long before now. SOUND OFF LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR SON!

There ... I feel better now.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Alright, you nasty little bowl of pus. You sashay in here...you filthy, buggering nit...pop your PBEM cherry...worm...inanely and unselfconciously half-witted...sissy...make me sick...rip your head off and puke down your neck.



Ahhh, the gentle lilting tones of a vicious penging, music to my ears.

Made particularly more appealing by consideration of the fact that it wasn't me on the receiving end for a change.

PBEM Update

Peng: Turn 3 I beleive and first blood has been drawn, on a flank far away from the town of VL's, on a hillock commanding a potentially important crossroad, Kampgruppe Stuka prepared for either an ambush of pengian armour or (if the coast was clear) a thrust around, behind and deftly into Peng's rear.(and we all love thrusting things into peng's rear don't we kids?)

Amid the darkness and rain steely-eyed SS troopers and their supporting H/T move up into position....without warning a Brit A/C in top gear screams through the trees in a four wheel drift, this thing is flying! The flames painted down its sides and the fox tail on the aerial denoted it as an illegally hotrodded model (very gamey) and while dooing over 90mph it pops off 1 shot only and blows buggery out of said H/T...

Ugh, things can only get better.

OGSF: 2nd turn and contact made already. My US armour attack against Infantry defense will require some head-scratching as I know OGSF to be cunning as a ****e-house rat. His initial barrage of piffling 5 or perhaps even 6mm arty has succeeded only in rearranging the dust and causing one of my doughboys to spill his coffee.

Croda: Turn 6 (yawn) still no contact, theres something irritating about french voices echoing through the fog.

Mensch: After losing a squad and a half of Vet SS for only 2 reg US in the space of 15 seconds, he's decided that he doesn't have the ability to fight it out like a man and will rely on his trusty Tiger, the same tiger that has spent 15 turns perched on a hill in autofire mode, he's killed trees, bushes, empty buildings, dirt and a dachshund called phillip but bugger all else. Said Tiger is now creeping forward......

Stay tuned for updates, same Stuka-time, same Stuka-channel.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

After a weekend of sleeping and playing CM I am pleased to report some progress on some battles...

Herr Oberst:

Ahh, poor lad. I feel almost sorry for him. Two platoons decimated in the first 5 or so turns. There's running, screaming, dying. *sigh* poor yanks, best to just run off the board now before you die alot.


Why you impudent little twit! I would call your mother a hamster, but that would be a compliment to her and an insult to the hamster!

As for these sorry troops I command, well... you've got me there.

But we are still in the opening portion of the game, and I may yet have some surprises in store for you. Once my boys in green get through surveying the countryside, they might actually decide to fight. Then we'll see what happens to your panties, er panzers...

Herr Oberst

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Buildings falling on your head 101:

When you are in a building, and that building blows up, it hurts...lots. Do stay put in those houses. You can fight from the rubble. It'll provide great cover, I agree. The only other thing you'll handy to cover yourself with is corpses...and lots of them.


Personally, I think it is very gamey to use such a glaring deficiency in the game engine as was pointed out by Mumma Teresa and Col_Bonehead to us. I mean, when a building collapses no one should get hurt, and therefore using this to deal with your opponent is just not fair.



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Lorak, you incomprehensibly ignorant incompetent you've managed to screw up my ratings on your alleged page. You show me at 1/2/0 when I have, in point of fact, lost not a single game to a pooler*!

My record, as best I can recollect, should be 1/0/2, representing a win against Geeks, and two draws versus the hated and evil Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze. Furthermore your list of games in progress shows a game continuing against Geeks when I have vanquished him and refuse to play further against an acknowledged splitter.

Fix it, you simpleton, or face my wrath. And BTW, no whining about how you're doing this for free, I have to listen to that music each time and it's bringing me down so this is just punishment.

* As a preemptive strike against Andreas, my two losses to him (yes, we know Andreas, you're the very embodiment of tactical knowledge) occurred PRIOR to the establishment of the rankings ... the same is also true of a loss to Lower GI Tom. This is in accordance with the rules YOU published, Lorak, so no whining on that score either. As to the games and their status, time will tell but odds are very good that the "2" shown in the loss column will NOT represent my personal best in that category ... if you get my drift.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Buildings falling on your head 101:

When you are in a building, and that building blows up, it hurts...lots. Do stay put in those houses. You can fight from the rubble. It'll provide great cover, I agree. The only other thing you'll handy to cover yourself with is corpses...and lots of them.


See my orginal post about having to target the infantry first. Unless you think I'm about to hang around in buildings waiting for your tank to target them. In which case I say to you:

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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It seems this group of posters are getting old and weak!


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Herr Oberst

As for these sorry troops I command, well... you've got me there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While indeed I am bending his men over a barrel and right-royally giving them a jolly good spanking, (and some are liking it i suspsect), you could at least show a bit of backbone in public!

Furthermore, it has been reported, (see London Drinkies thread), that GermanGIRL won't be coming tonight cos he's got a touch of the sniffles. AWWW POOR BABY! Get hard man!

What is the world coming to?!



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

I am rambling<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay, I just realised (the cold is slowing my brain down)...

What is he doing here. He is a grog, we don't deal in that here. I mean, have you been standing too close to the tubes when some unsuspecting Iraquis got hammered? Radar fried your brain? Inquiring minds want to know. Next thing you know he wants to discuss the underbelly fur thickness of various rodents with us. Where we all know that BTS has cut corners on this. Bullethead, go back to the Beta-tester mailing list and amuse yourself with skipping HE rounds, Panther top armour, turret speeds and the question why collapsing buildings kill people in this most unrealistic game ever. Shoo. Alternatively, post AARs. I am sure you are going to select your typical BH force, consisting of 25 FOOs and a mule.



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Dear Skroda.. damn getting confused,

yes I sent your tiger to burning hell and to top it off I'm going to send that Armour scout car to a burning hell... I just need a positive ID on that sucker to make sure me lads are not just pulling my leg and its really a kübelwagen.

enjoy the arty its pack with those yummy minerals your troos need to swallow.

BTW that PENG-A-POOPOOHEADMAMASBOYSTOPHIDINGBEHINDHERSKIRTYOUWEENIE has not returned any responce on my private challange (GIRLYBOY) that or I figure he forgot his brain that managed to hold his password for his ICQ.

Update on Gumbaboy, his troops are slowly advancing on my boys.. I figure his trick is to take so long my lads fall asleep from boredom, then come in and strangle them with strings of Bratwustschen.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

JD Morse:

What amuses me most about this battle is JD keeps doing the tactically right thing, but he always manages to do it 30 seconds too late. That is, He charges a building, i'm in there and slaughter in bound troops. He moves a half track, there are two of mine and his goes booooom, he moves a light tank.. splato.

This battle has made me laugh in great heaving chortles as the bodies mount up in the snow around a VL. I think he's getting desperate now so I can't wait to see what he tries. Hopefully it will involve some kind of running into an ambush or throwing himself at my units feet again.


Yes well aren't you the image of a modern major general. You, whose tactical doctrine seems to be drive forward until something kills you....which I have been doing. Granted a "few" of my boys seem to be making snow angels in the snow, flat on their backs and all, but war can't be all seriousness, doncha'know. Of course I have taught them not to start fires (like launching bazookas inside buildings) so you might want to do some retraining.

Now for something completely different (like I am winning) GiT's slow, painful and ever so pleasurable strangulation proceeds apace. My four tanks are setting up and whaling on his troops. My Hamstertruppen keep haing to wipe their hobnails on the bodily effulent that Git's troops seemed to have vacated from their body cavities as they abandon their position and run for the hills.

Meeks & Hakko proceed smartly. The computer pick on the Meeks (or is it Hakko?) game has thrown us in with Fog and at night. Seems he may have picked some onboard mortars and air support. As to the former, the visual range is 55m's, the later.... well if they fly I suspect we both will be ducking.

Sasquatch and I still can't figure out how to mount any offense without killing our units. Nothing like issuing orders and being notified that "We might bloody well get around to it." in 78 seconds, if at all. Tanks are sitting ducks, anything bigger than a 2 incher WILL take out a Wespe and the ugliness continues.

PawPuff and I seem to be running AFV's all over the countryside in random fits of insanity. Here, no there. This has gone like a bicycle sprint....ie lay about until the final lap then sprint like crazy. Only a few turns, left and he seems to think running some of his forces to assault my VL while I do the same to him is jolly good fun. I did find out, after a merry chase that there is design flaw with the new Hetzer camo. Seems the branches and foliage make it particularly susceptible to the flames from a Wasp, sigh.

HieronimusrejectedbySirS.Sedai actually manged a few turns, even BEFORE the weekend. His few (the very few) the proud (not) the gerbilfood, are in disarray. He may or may not have a nother vehicle, but it shall join the others on the ash heap of CM history. It only remains to apply the remaining trowelfulls.



Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Lorak, you are welcome to remove me from your website. It would appear that the Knight who was sponsoring me, Sir Seanachai has released me and found another squire to sponsor. Never a more fickle Knight have I found. Verbose, but fickle.


Oh stop whinging, I'll sponsor you both, you apostate. Don't think I didn't see you splashing around in Meeks's little 36 hour Cesspool. But if you've returned to your proper allegiance, and feel really, really sorry, then I remain your sponsor. Besides, Meeks and I are still fighting the whole schism thing out (or will be, on a truly hideous map that I had assumed Berli put together to be cruel to us specifically, but apparently it was a product of his normal, day to day cruelty that just happened to work for us).


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Stuka you ingrate I sent those pissant troops to thier death cuz the ate the last of the Sauerkraut.. my tiger is getting bored sitting there waiting for a challange that never came from you yellow bellied tanker crews who couldn't find thier own ass with both hands... even if the managed too find something resembling an ass the wouldn't know what to do with it because they are so inbred!

Those trees you say that are empty are quite empty like that space between your ears... and if you please! could you not stand in the wind that irritating whistle sound it makes is distracting me from more important PBEM's I am playing.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-16-2000).]

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By the way, can we get any sort of update on the Cleansing of Meeks {not that type of cleansing, bauhaus}? I'd like to know how the battle for the supreme thread has been going. Any of the combatants care to post the current situation? Or, since Captain Hamster won't post any more due to utter humiliation at his thread's topplement, can the Knight who says many longwinded things please comment?



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And this just in, an update on what really matters......

BastedBalls v OGSF: Second match, a dog's map. Still, between my cunning and his gambolling puppy tactics, the OGSF you love to hate will triumph. His best taunts are composed of quotes from me. Hah!

Stuka: He comes on in the same old way, I will disembowel his deadthingsinacan the same old way.

HiramKnockKnockSedai: I've decided to let my massive amounts of ricketry do the job after all. After I captur a third of the village with a single conscript half squad, he counter attacks with innumerable units and kicks my wheezing pooters back out again. I have reversed my imperceptibly-slow mass assault and ordered the rockets in. Should be arriving around February 2001 I think.

Lorak: It's like having a Chinchilla's head in a vice and slowly squeezing, waiting for the eyes to pop out.

Hamsters/Meeks: Having fought ourselves to a draw in out first game, the second game is going a little more predictably. The wailer of "unbalanced games" has had his Crack Panther G, Elite MG team, Veteran Gerbiljager platoons and what-all-else thoroughly whuped by my medium quality G.I.s'. I expect his surrender momentarily. Quote *that* BloatedBoils and tremble.


[This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 10-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

It seems this group of posters are getting old and weak!



Old and weak?!?

Far from it you young cur.

Not all of us feel the need to rush in and grab one of the VL's so that we can start raucously squawking, like a vermin-ridden, bent-winged crow, our misguided perceptions of tactical superiority.

Nay, others of us like to lie in wait, with arachnidian patience, allowing our plans to fully develop and mature.

Now there's a word I might have to define for you: Mature:

1. Having reached full natural growth or development: a mature cell. Oh, so sorry, doesn't apply to you.

2. Having reached a desired or final condition; ripe: a mature cheese. Hmm..., this might do to describe you, but isn't what I intended...

3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical: mature for her age. Closer still...

4. Suitable or intended for adults: mature subject matter. No, farther off base.

5. Composed of adults: a mature audience. Interesting possibilities, but not right. That would be appropriate for describing what will happen after I squash you vermintruppen.

6. Worked out fully by the mind; considered: a mature plan of action. Ah ha! That's the ticket.

7. Other definitions deemed irrelevant.

Where was I? Oh yes, letting a plan develop and mature before we strut and preen and crow. All in its good and proper time, young lad.

Perhaps you were upset that I did not deign to bestow more effort onto your pathetic existence in my post. Consider this a boon I have granted not for you, but for the benefit

of the 'poolers reading the thread.

I have lost most of two platoons... but to what purpose? We shall see.

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-16-2000).]

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Originally puked up by Queier:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you want to call a one-sided slaughter ending with the total annhilation of your troops along with the crucufixion of what remains of their souls "war", then war it is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bah. The corpses of you and your hamsters shall rot on the shell-scarred earth for the prescribed celebratory period of 6.236 days. Then I'll grind you all up into sausage meat, mix that with Ex-Lax, and feed the result to diseased dogs, so you can spend the rest of eternity as little brown, stinky puddles.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Chloroxthrowers huh? Using weapons banned by every authority in all the planes are we? I like that. Let's dance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Even as we fulminate here, my legions are marching into your territory in an orgy of looting, burning, raping, and cleansing. There is still no sign of your cowardly forces.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 10-16-2000).]

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