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CMFI KOREA 1950 MOD scenario creation thread (and later with PBEM DAR)

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Baker Company (which is really the HQ company cooks and clerks) reaches the edge of the village...


I need more of B Co up along the hedge. I will bring up A Co on the other side of the little path from the orchard. 


REMINDER: I need to capture and hold until the scenario ends 5 of those 9 houses in the village. Or bar his re-entry into the houses I kicked him out of. This is why we 2 humans will talk at the end of the scenario and determine the victor.

THE CLOCK SAYS 15 minutes left so maybe between that and 20 minutes remain.







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The Meatchopper is earning its pay... 


But my green guys still did some closing with the enemy. The squad on the right got up to the hedge and began firing into that first building. They finished what the Meatchopper had started. We move into that house next turn I hope.


The men have some success! We tried for 3 houses this turn, but just 2 of 3 houses were fully taken.


I grabbed a building on my right! That is 3 we hold. We need 2 more at least. and 1 extra for good measure. WE NEED 3 MORE HOUSES!


The Meatchopper took out a building! I can grab those points by just running through it. Then maybe those 2 on my left. Stealth approach or down the hill sled style?

BELOW: Some action went down. 2 of my assaults were deflected. We have 4 of 5 required houses.


ABOVE: I got a bit distracted and only now realized he was using his mortar on my backfield. Maybe the main area is out of range? No. Maybe Out of LOS? Probably Out of LOS.

We take a building on my far right! That makes 5 and we should get 2 more for good measure. THEN WE HOLD ON!!!



OK, we are finito. I have the required Victory Conditions (The Highground and (a) 5 of 9 houses in the village -or- (b) The Temple.


Gary texted that he doesn't see how he could turn it around so he throws in the towel. 



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This coming week Gary and I will lock horns in another Korean War VASL scenario called "Bullets for Breakfast". Eventually I hope to create that very interesting scenario using my CMFI Korea 1950 mod.

But, an easier task for me now is to start to create a different scenario called "Rebel's Roost". There are no houses, just 2 ridges so I can probably take the Kadong-ni map and edit it into what I need.

(Original ASL scenario author is Evan E. Sherry out of Florida).


SOUTH OF CHONUI, KOREA. 10 JULY 1950: The North Korean 4th Division (commanded by Major General Lee Kwon Mu) with Colonel Choe U Silk's 107th Tank Regiment was attacking south from Chonui. Earlier in the morning, the North Koreans mauled the U.S. Army's 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment. The battalion held for three hours against the North Korean onslaught. But two mistaken attacks, one from USAF F-80 fighters and the other a bombardment from friendly 155mm artillery were too much for these green troops to endure. Soon, the battalion was running in headlong flight to the south despite the regimental commander, Colonel Richard W. Stephens' efforts to maintain order. Colonel Stephens ordered LTC Delbert Pryor to launch a counterattack with 3rd Battalion to regain a low ridge south of Chonui. LTC Pryor became a non-battle casualty and was unable to carry out the order. Colonel Stephens immediately replaced him with LTC Carl C. Jensen. At about 1200, with the support of four M-24 Chaffee tanks, LTC Jensen launched his counterattack on the ridge. A firefight ensued with the defending North Korean infantry on the ridge. M-24 Chaffee tanks form the 24th Reconnaissance Company and Company A, 78th Heavy Tank Battalion engaged in the first tank-to-tank action of the war. One Chaffee tank achieved a "lucky hit" and killed a T-34/85. Two M-24s were knocked out in the process, while at least one M-24 (Rebel's Roost) survived the action. It was "no small achievement", but the 3rd battalion soon regained control of the ridge. Jensen's victory was short-lived. The next morning, the North Koreans executed a nearly perfect text book attack that regained the ridge, killing LTC Jensen in the process.




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REBEL'S ROOST (map and H2H scenario) is ready to go.

Gary and I are in a VASL battle right now. A real complex ASL scenario called "Bullets for Breakfast". The US tanks and guns start off unmanned. It is a surprise early morning attack by the NKPA. I hope I will eventually translate it over to the CM world using whatever tricks are up my sleeve to have CM tanks and guns not be fully ready until a certain PBEM turn...based on manual die roll honor system by the human player. We'll see.

I am trying to make a KOREA 1950 battle pack of small single player scenarios versus the AI. Release it by Christmas is my goal...

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24 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

using whatever tricks are up my sleeve to have CM tanks and guns not be fully ready until a certain PBEM turn...

Maybe having the tanks and guns show up as reinforcements?  There could also be a variable in the time they show up (between 10 and 15 minutes).  This time variable would add to the replay potential and probably the stress level of the US player. 🙂

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12 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Maybe having the tanks and guns show up as reinforcements?  There could also be a variable in the time they show up (between 10 and 15 minutes).  This time variable would add to the replay potential and probably the stress level of the US player. 🙂

Hey Karl! Yes, that is definitely the typical way to tackle it. But Gary will probably play the NKPA and will be doing his cabbage chomping best to nail the crews before they get into the tanks or "man the guns". The vehicle crews can be set up as dismounted and off a ways from their tank. Thus the NKPA might nail the crew as it tries to get to their tank. That matches nicely with the intent of the ASL scenario. Guns cannot be remanned once abandoned so this might be solved by having each gun on a small circular arc but crew not on hide. US player (me?) is on an honor system to not go to normal arc until a certain PBEM turn for each gun. The NKPA can then try and nail the guns/crews during this initial period. That matches as close as I can get with the intent of the ASL scenario.

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I would think a Korean War module would be an easy project for BF to make. Alot of the equipment was WW2 inventory and the late war weapons and vehicles that didn't see action could be done. We already have late WW2 American infantry we need Korean and Chicom soldiers while the maps would probably take the most time. Also the war was short so there wasn't much change of forces and equipment like WW2. Just my opinion of course I'm not a programmer.

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2 hours ago, jtsjc1 said:

We already have late WW2 American infantry we need Korean and Chicom soldiers while the maps would probably take the most time.

The maps (terrain) would take no time at all for BFC. Korea is a temperate country so every type of terrain is already available, save perhaps rice paddies.

Edited by PEB14
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