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This is a new thread here in the opponent finder section.

I am trying to evolve and dial down my modding and scenario efforts to the nitty gritty. That being where folks can fight it out in an early war aura PBEM.

I will strip away the scenario briefing to the bare bones.

Chime in here please if you have any interest in a PBEM H2H using one of the early war mods. And....They are now on sale, 2 for 1, Valentines Day discount, get them for that special person! 

Chime in if you want a PBEM against me or another person...

This is a little club but we should have a mascot. Suitably for BFC ditching us (Early War afficionados) on the side of the road, it should be a sad neglected animal. Vote in with an image! 




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3 minutes ago, Erwin said:

vs AI is almost exclusively what I play.

I get you Tony.

IDEA: Maybe you would enjoy a play of a QB against the AI? Versus me having to write scenarios and AI plans.

If yes, maybe you can help me experiment down the line with using Early War Mods in quick battles? You might have to pick the AI's forces so you don't see odd stuff that I never modded -- or never intended to be on the 1941 battlefield.

Follow me?

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If you pop your head into this thread and have an interest in CM Early War, please say hello. My goodybox link is below my signature. It goes to a place where you can download mods and scenarios. A pretty decent sized pile has built up.

I (with the help of many talented fellow forumites) have used CM and the inherent "modability" to do the below:

CMRT WINTER MOD <obviously now no longer needed because of the CMRT F&R module, but it allowed snow for 5 years I think>






CMRT WARSAW UPRISING MOD <not early war but it brings in Polish voice files for possible 1939 scenarios>







and  a new one I am seriously excited to start tackling

CMFI FRANCE 1940 MOD (just started in progress)

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Another thing I want to throw out there and I cannot for sure say I thought of this first, I am thinking for sure SOMEBODY probably already does this at FGM or Blitz websites...

The "Umpire Orchestrated PBEM" for 2 guys to fight an early war PBEM. I would probably be the umpire for these UOP's as I know the mods the best. It could work like this...2 guys agree to fight an early war PBEM and pick sides and they both PM me or as a 3-way PM. We set up a dropbox or whatever or I share email address to find out what they want as to the normal battle parameters and force type and what early war setting they want. THEY could pick a QB map or even an EXISTING scenario and have objectives decided. Fog of War could be using separate PM's or emails. I go in and delete out the purchases and briefings and do my magic to purchase and set things up. NO BRIEFINGS NEEDED. NO AI PLANS NEEDED. Then they get it as a file and go at it. I think that could work. I would then have THAT particular one racked up as a microwave and eat H2H PBEM. The filename could have a system to know what it is. Like with QB's.


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Alright, this will be our PBEM. I need another day to make sure I fixed a few errors from when I tested it.




1330, 19 December 1941. 7 miles south of Halfaya Pass, Egypt. During the tedious days of confining the Axis to their ring of frontier fortresses around Halfaya, HQ 4th South African Infantry Brigade authorized a small operation to eliminate an enemy forward position. This strongpoint, manned by mostly Italian troops of the 55th Savona Divisione, was making a nuisance of itself by firing on Allied reconnaissance patrols. B Company, 2nd Royal Durban Light Infantry was assigned to the task of "removing" it. The sky is a haze of dry desert dust kicked up by a light wind from the south. It is hot.
You are Lieutenant Nettlestock of B Coy, 2RDLI. You have your rifle platoon. A forward observer is assigned with a limited number of mortar bombs at his disposal. Brigade has promised they will will send light support vehicles from both the 2nd South African AT Regiment and the 6th South African Armoured Car Regiment to support your attack. They should arrive 5 to 10 minutes after your attack starts.  
Your mission is to assault and clear out the strongpoint.
The Italians and some Germans are in trenches surrounded by a belt of anti-tank mines. Reports indicate they have several heavy weapons dug-in and also have artillery support. The axis have mechanized forces only a few miles away which may respond to assist the strongpoint's defence.
You are observing that the terrain is mostly flat but some depressions known as "deirs" may offer concealment as you make your approach. You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. The axis trench position is the terrain objective worth 150 points. Both sides also get points for the destruction of enemy vehicles.

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On 2/15/2023 at 7:25 PM, kohlenklau said:

If you pop your head into this thread and have an interest in CM Early War, please say hello.

and  a new one I am seriously excited to start tackling

CMFI FRANCE 1940 MOD (just started in progress)

Hola  Oberbefehlshaber Phill

I am very interrested to have a mod of the early war, this open us lot of possibilities of countries but also see new vehicles and lot of news  things from this period.

I would enjoy to play, when is finish, so 
why not give my contribution of certain part of this project, and this will be for me a pleasure.

If you aren't starting something about french uniforms, I propose to have a view on, I think I could have a couple of textures. just let me know :
which mds that you choose in cmfi
Your red line
Your time line

All of reserve that I can do really something usefull.


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So far the French 


First test, just the front for the time, also the gears has to be in 3d but this give you a short overview !



In game ! dont pay attention to the winter, it was the only possibility to have an overview !






I need to know which mds it has to be, I was trying to use the tools that we were talking about months ago, but dont remember how it s work !

So Phill, check please the mds that we will lnked with !


PS is there a place that we can talk, of do you want the place here ?

Let me know that I can go further !


When we can created the early war, we can also prepare like I read above, the first wwar, than the 1870, the Nord vs Sud in America, the Napoleonic war and the 7 years war... untill america was found,! 😉




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I would be up for this.  I remember a scenario designer by the name of Hans used to make lots of early war/SCW/other obscure front scenarios in CM1 using the various early war vehicles from CMBB and CMAK.  I downloaded and played most of them vs AI and tried a few H2H.  I love the early war vehicles which is why CMFI is my favourite game as being the nearest to this.  I need to work out how to load mods so I can try and get the most out of your scenarios,@kohlenklau.  Thanks for keeping the early war dream alive.

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13 minutes ago, Raging Al said:

I need to work out how to load mods

We're from the government and we are here to help!

Mods intended to be seen while playing CMFI must go in your CMFI "Z folder"...

My CMFI Z folder has this address:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Fortress Italy\Data\Z"

You can find mods at various places.

You download them. Maybe unzip them if applicable. You then put that mod folder into your Z folder. It CAN BECOME quite massive and cluttered. You can have a mods storage folder OUTSIDE of Z as you feel certain mods are not needed.

You can rename the folders or add a readme of your own comments in the mod folder to remind you if you liked them.

THEN you restart the CMFI so it loads the mods.

You SHOULD only see the mods for scenarios if the scenario author used the corresponding modtag.

Some mods are so awesome that you want to always see them and they don't have a modtag.

These are generic mods for grass, tracers, trees, stuff like that.

Most of my mods are modtagged and will only be seen in my scenarios.

Good luck soldier!


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