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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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20 minutes ago, Harmon Rabb said:





Did he really say that about the UK? 

Be the Soviet Union. A German navy sub sinks your ship off the coast of Spain. Ally Germany. 

Be Churchill: Reach out personally to Stalin immediately after Barbarossa commences. Offer hundreds of fighters to be delivered in two months. You desperately need these as the Battle of Britain rages on overhead. V1 rockets are being intercepted by your fighters daily. You are the only country to reach out to help, yet you were previously the only country left fighting the Axis. Become Russia's eternal enemy. 

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1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

Definitely a "squishy" definition.  There's been some comments made that Ukraine counts mechanical or pilot errors that result in an obvious miss as "interception".  So I think the best way to look at the numbers is those which didn't strike a target.


I guess it all boils down to what the Russians are trying to achieve.

If it's to deplete Ukrainian AD and sap the will of the West to keep resupplying AD missiles then intercepts vs technical failures matters.

If the Russians are trying to erode the will/capability of Ukraine to carry on then it doesn't matter whether the failure was technical or intercept.

Either way $1.7 billion is a lot of money to spaff on missile in one month unless your country is called either the USA or China.

As to why the Russian are doing these attacks. My own personal belief is that it's the only thing left they can think of to do. Oh and spite!

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43 minutes ago, Artkin said:

Be Churchill: Reach out personally to Stalin immediately after Barbarossa commences. Offer hundreds of fighters to be delivered in two months. You desperately need these as the Battle of Britain rages on overhead. V1 rockets are being intercepted by your fighters daily. Y

I get where you're going with this, but your analogy breaks down a bit at the end there.

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From what I understand Slava Ukraini which means Glory to Ukraine was a Ukrainian motto around since before World War Two. I looked up what the Ustaša slogen was and it is Za dom spremni which meant For home – ready, which was created during World War Two by the Ustaša .


Besides both being Slavic languages I'm not sure I see any connected. Am I missing something or is this another bizarre anti-Ukrainian comment coming from Zoran Milanović? I know this forum has a lot of World War 2 buffs. 🙂

Edited by Harmon Rabb
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So, while Prigozhin seems to prepare his expedition to Africa like Napoleon to Egypt, his convicts who survived and were let loose start to do predictable things. Here- ex-wagnerite raped two girls 20th May:


Much wider effects are to be expected when thousands of soldiers are to go home en masse:

I try to imagine what it ould be like if Dirlewanger scum actually survive and being left loose like they -shortly- were in 1944. We may see cumullative effects of this one day.

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Oh, sh....t. 3:30 of night now and next mass ballistic strike on Kyiv was 20 minutes ago. It was VERY loud and reportedly over left-bank districts of the city. About two dozens explosions. Preliminary Iskanders, launched from Klintsy area, Briansk oblast. Looks like all were intercepted. I think, more details will be at the morning. Well, I should try to sleep after THIS.

Edited by Haiduk
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17 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Oh, sh....t. 3:30 of night now and next mass ballistic strike on Kyiv was 20 minutes ago. It was VERY loud and reportedly over left-bank districts of the city. About two dozens explosions. Preliminary Iskanders, launched from Klintsy area, Briansk oblast. Looks like all were intercepted. I think, more details will be at the morning. Well, I should try to sleep after THIS.

How long can RU keep this up?  They are burning thru a lot of missiles and I recall they didn't have a lot left, while production was supposedly slow.  I guess they have lots of shaheds though. 

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"six months later they fall apart... They're dangerous to fly." 

"One HIMARS system can drop (on enemy heads) ten times more such munitions per day than one F-16 aircraft,”

Sit down,  Tom,  you're drunk. 


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2 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Oh, sh....t. 3:30 of night now and next mass ballistic strike on Kyiv was 20 minutes ago. It was VERY loud and reportedly over left-bank districts of the city. About two dozens explosions. Preliminary Iskanders, launched from Klintsy area, Briansk oblast. Looks like all were intercepted. I think, more details will be at the morning. Well, I should try to sleep after THIS.

It's odd that they never launch a truly overwhelming,  rapid and escalating series of strikes. If they're trying to exhaust the Patriot ammo stocks then,  they're doing it wrong... 

The strike waves are too far apart,  but that jibes with their slow Fires/BDA/Retarget process. 

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4 hours ago, Beleg85 said:

So, while Prigozhin seems to prepare his expedition to Africa like Napoleon to Egypt, his convicts who survived and were let loose start to do predictable things. Here- ex-wagnerite raped two girls 20th May:


Much wider effects are to be expected when thousands of soldiers are to go home en masse:

I try to imagine what it ould be like if Dirlewanger scum actually survive and being left loose like they -shortly- were in 1944. We may see cumullative effects of this one day.

Gee, who didn't see that coming?  Maybe if the Russians continue to ignore it the problems will just go away?


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ISW's report for May 31st has quite a bit to say about the supposed deployment of thousands of Kadyrovites to the Donbas.  ISW focuses on Russia's need to replace the burnt out Wagner and only a little bit on the political dimension.  What they didn't say, likely because they've seen no evidence to support it, is that Putin might be doing this to weaken Kadyrov's private army.  In other words, what the Soviets did with partisans when territories were liberated from the Nazis. Better to use them in the war effort and have them die that way than to just round them up and shoot them. 

In any case, the fact that Kadyrov's TikTokers are being pushed into the meat grinder is significant.  To me it is more evidence that Russia doesn't have any backup forces.  Even more evidence of this is also in yesterday's ISW report stating that, once again, they have confirmed DPR and other "irregular" forces being moved from Avdiivka to Bakhmut to take over positions held by Wagner.


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28 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

ISW's report for May 31st has quite a bit to say about the supposed deployment of thousands of Kadyrovites to the Donbas.  ISW focuses on Russia's need to replace the burnt out Wagner and only a little bit on the political dimension.  What they didn't say, likely because they've seen no evidence to support it, is that Putin might be doing this to weaken Kadyrov's private army.  In other words, what the Soviets did with partisans when territories were liberated from the Nazis. Better to use them in the war effort and have them die that way than to just round them up and shoot them. 

In any case, the fact that Kadyrov's TikTokers are being pushed into the meat grinder is significant.  To me it is more evidence that Russia doesn't have any backup forces.  Even more evidence of this is also in yesterday's ISW report stating that, once again, they have confirmed DPR and other "irregular" forces being moved from Avdiivka to Bakhmut to take over positions held by Wagner.


I suspect there is a spot or five along that almost endless front were the lead Ukrainian brigade will only have to slow down long enough fire a MICLIK or three before they advance twenty or thirty clicks. 

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Result of night attack - 7 Iskander-M and 3 Iskander-K are intercepted, but large fragments of misiles, damaged several buildings and cars. Most of damages are in NE districts of Kyiv. 

Tragical incident happened when people tried to come in shelter located in polyclinic. Drunken security rejected to open the door and in this moment either was air explosion or large fragment of intercepted missile hit at this place - two women and 9-year girl were killed, 12 were wounded. The security is arrested now, probably investigation will be opened against head physician of polyclinic, which probably has ordered security to reject passing of people. 

This is not firsr accident, where during air raids people either encountered with closed shelters or owners of private facilities or residentioal complexes rejected a passing for "not-residents"

SInce morning two more air raids alarms of ballistic manace, but both times there were EW imitations of launches. 

On the photo - polyclinic building, damaged this night and some unknown building ruined by fragment of missile



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