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Battlefront site down?

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First time I try to buy CW, my internet cuts out before I can complete the purchase

The second time, my credit card company throws a tantrum and refuses to allow the purchase through thinking someone has stolen my card.

Third time, the website goes down. I'm beginning to think that this outage is partially my fault hahaha

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I was planning on buying Fire and Rubble this weekend, I guess not then. I have no experience on website hosting nor development, but looking at how fast site probles are usually resolved, I'd be looking real hard at my options on moving my business to a different hosting service ASAP.

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9 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Chrome, Firefox, and Safari don't work for me.  I don't think it is working for you either.  Check Brave and I think you will see it is cached.  If you can navigate the whole website, freely, then *that* is interesting indeed.


No I can only access the forums.

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A small update.

We're still getting no support for our problem.  We've been with this e-commerce company for 5 or 6 years and we've always had great support.  We've also been able to verify that other sites hosted by them are experiencing the same problem, but others (probably the vast majority) are not.  At least one of the database error sites is also not getting any response from technical support.

Anybody thinking we haven't spent most of Sunday plotting out moving our business elsewhere definitely doesn't now us that well.  Unfortunately, the downside of hosted e-commerce solutions is either you go generic and stay portable or you go customized and make moving to another host difficult.  We're in the latter group.  Not only is our storefront itself highly customized, but we also had custom backend services coded to handle license codes and virtual products that have physical options.  Transitioning is not going to be fun.


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Yup.  I've cased out a bunch of different scenarios and the only one that fits all the available info is they cut back on weekend tech support and didn't tell us customers.  Which is really odd and on its own is a reason to look for somewhere else to call home.  Yet the other scenarios don't fit the facts as we can see them.  Really strange.


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11 minutes ago, Rosmarus said:

Would it be possible to have Matrix/Slitherine and/or Steam handle the product distribution via their site for the meantime while you look for alternative solutions?

Website looks good now - I logged in and all my orders are there...

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Everything appears back to normal, though I still don't have an explanation for the outage.

As an FYI, we keep a local backup of all customer data.  If our site should ever go down completely we can reconstitute everything, including license keys and what not.  This outage reminds me why backing up is a good thing to do!


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