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Recommended game for starting "small" and to gradually progress?

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10 minutes ago, Zloba said:

Yeah but the engine manual doesn't cover game specific training missions which i was planning to play. Nevermind, i'll save those which comes with the demos, even if they aren't up-to-date.

Those are in the manuals that come with the games. Along with the units covered by the game etc.

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8 hours ago, surfimp said:

It's so true! I'm having a literal blast (pardon the pun) just cooking up my own small, simple scenarios and messing around with them.

This evening, I threw together a King Tiger vs four Sherman scenario. Let's just say... it's not going well for the Americans, lol! I should probably try using actual tactics, haha.

Last night, I made a scenario to help me learn the mechanics for assaulting houses. I setup a German rifle squad in the house, with their mandatory HQ unit along, and the LMG in one of the upper windows. An American Glider squad with their HQ was outside, and I had to practice splitting the squad, using covering fire, and then running the assault unit up - but just outside, so they could fire in through the windows and throw grenades.

Very good way to learn how the game works, when you take it in tiny bite-sized pieces like that. And you can just create endless variations, it's tons of fun for someone like me, who enjoys the kind of tinkering that sandboxes like this provide.


A 76 mm Sherman like the 'Easy Eight' in 'Fury' Can penetrate the side armor of a 'King Tiger' up to 1 KM. You learn that movies like Fury is a lot of bulldust. The game teaches you coordination. Dueling doesn't work my first advice. You have artillery, (The USA had the best in the world), Armor the Sherman has four lifting eyes its purpose to transfer it from the quay to a 'Liberty Ship'. The Sherman could be shipped anywhere in the world. Europe has lots of Bridges. A King Tiger has problems crossing a bridge which capacity is forty tons. If you have air support coordinate it with all your other tools. Good, Infantry advancing, Artillery strikes have been called in, you outnumber German Armor by 3 -5 to 1. You have better radio's your trucks are now ammunition dumps. Surprise surprise you see the King Tiger is not that effective. It is popping smoke and it seems to reverse in panic. After the game you discover your sniper which was hidden away, and you forgot about killed the HQ commander. This happened to me in a game. The sniper attached to its Company HQ in the British Commonwealth module turned a battle. Don't plot too many biased plans based on movies or TV. Take advice from Heinz Guderian 'Klotzen nicht kleckern'. To explain it. "Don't point one finger but punch with your fist. In CM it is coordination of: Airpower, Artillery, Armor, Infantry operating as one. Carefully read the scenario before a battle, which is your operation orders, plan which units you use for what, your fragmentation orders and Troop Leading Procedures. Recon Programs, Listening Recon, Scouting, Ambushing, Raids, without them the battle will fail. Sometimes all you need to do is to read the scenario. See what was done in the scenario before you start a battle. Shermans vs a King Tiger you started with. All five go at full speed at an angle. Three 75 mm Shermans obscure with smoke if you have a 76 mm Sherman, he will get the opportunity at the side. (The Tiger either rotates its turret or rotates its hull.) You have the HQ Sherman and a 76 MM Sherman tackling the Tiger. Often you lose a Sherman often you lose none. It is a tactic I used successfully. My rant for the day happy gaming. 

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I would recommend CMFB as your first CM title as it doesn't have any modules and does not end up close to or over $100.


  • Tank riders (not available in CMBN & CMFI)
  • Autumn - Winter Weather/Maps. (CMBN only summer even with full bundle)
  • Units (Heer, Waffen-SS & Luftwaffe and US Army).
  • Base game only (future module will not be released anytime soon* so no feeling of loosing out on a bundle deal).


  • Only US Army (if you prefer to play other allies)

If you get hooked you can buy the rest and take advantage of the bundle deals :)

*Unless there is a ketchup effect after Fire & Rubble is released!

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1 hour ago, RepsolCBR said:

Watch these videos on YOUTUBE...and you will get the entire playlist for each....

I have already bookmarked a long list of tutorials and some of them had the time to watch already (including those two above). Great source of info.

From what i remember the Tactical Problems were some custom scenario which i coudln't play in the demo obviously. But i'll give it a shot with the full game, thanks for reminding me.

And the C2 thread is very interesting, love it, thanks!

48 minutes ago, ratdeath said:

I would recommend CMFB as your first CM title as it doesn't have any modules and does not end up close to or over $100.

I was actually thinking about that but Red Thunder is somewhat more appealing to me than Final Blitzkrieg (i just like T34's i guess 😊). But i'm pretty sure i'll be modding the game and in that regard BN looks like the best option (?).

Btw. anybody knows how to filter mods on the fewgoodmen site? For example what if i want to sort them by the most downloaded? Is it possible?

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1 hour ago, Zloba said:

I was actually thinking about that but Red Thunder is somewhat more appealing to me than Final Blitzkrieg (i just like T34's i guess 😊). But i'm pretty sure i'll be modding the game and in that regard BN looks like the best option (?).


CMRT is not a bad choice and with the upcoming Fire & Rubble module that will take the eastern front to the end of the war you will have a lot of content and fun especially if you like the eastern front a bit more :)

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@Zloba The price of the game you see on the website is not a sale price but rather a discount for purchasing the bundle. If you choose to purchase just the base game and then add the modules later, it will cost more than deciding to purchase the bundle up front. 

The price of these games is subject to great debate and a search history of those who post here will show many have asked the same questions as you are asking now. I know I was looking for a sale price when I first thought about buying one. These games are not something you will finish or beat in a few days. Even if you only buy one base game and play a single scenario every night, it will take you over a month to complete all the scenarios and campaigns that came with the game.  So is a $1 or $2 a day really all that excessive to spend on entertainment? Add in community created scenarios, quick battles, multi-player battles, and exploring with the editor and the cost of these games is actually quite cheap per hour of entertainment. 

The manuals for each game are included with the purchase. The website wording refers to an older option where you could purchase a physical copy of the manual and have it shipped to your house. The manuals are now all pdf files and will be installed along with the game of your choice.

I would recommend picking up the CMFI big bundle for your first purchase. It may seem less interesting at first glance but consider the following:

Accurate TO&E for at least 10 different nations from July 1943 to May 1945, the most for any CM title. All the cool little tankettes and armoured cars up to the big cats. Wide array of different small arms, mortars and off map artillery.

Longest timeline of any CM game giving all 4 season to play through. Hot, humid, hazy summer days, the rain, mud and fog of spring and fall, the winter snows and frozen ground.

Widest variety of terrain to fight through. Desert, mountains, valleys, rich agricultural lands and dreaded city battles.

All together, the CMFI big bundle gives you the most opportunity to experience a wide variety of tactical challenges.

But is sounds to me like you have already been bitten by the CM bug so it doesn't matter what title you buy first, soon you will buy another. So pick one, and start having fun playing!

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I would also go for CMRT...

The basegame has some good content and there are several very high quality scenarios and campaigns made by the community ready for download.

If you buy it now you can enjoy this basegame and the downloadable content while you wait for the Fire and Rubble module to be released.

This module will give you the most recently designed scenarios and campaigns...Stuff that fully takes advantage of the latest gameengine updates and the improved skill and experience of th scenario designers.

The CMBN bundle will give you lots and lots of content...but remember that many of these scenarios and campaigns were made years ago...The gameengine has evolved quite a bit since these were made. They don't take advantage of recent updates made to the scenario editor. I'm not saying that the content is bad...because it is not...but if you want to experience combat mission from its finest right away....Go for CMRT and then add the F&R module to that ones it is released in a few weeks.

The F&R module will show of the game at its best 😎


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Well, you guys are very kind with your input, but the more i read and listen, the more unsure i am about which title to get again 😄

F&R module in a few weeks you say? Hm .. i might aswell stick with the 4 demos and then get it with RT in a bundle? But i just checked one of the R&B threads and they said "soon" on February 2020. You sure about the "few weeks"? 😁

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Fire and Rubble will ready for release when it is ready as the saying around here goes. If you are thinking about Red Thunder, there will most likely be a bundle deal when Fire and Rubble comes out saving you a few dollars if you wait until then.

However, every day spent waiting is another day not playing the game. If you have the financial capabilities, pick a title, buy it and start enjoying the game. You really don't sound like someone who will regret the purchase.

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It's always fun to read these kind off threads in which people recommend their favourite CM-version because one gets this and that. I'm sure in a couple of months zloba might enjoy them too and maybe even recommend the version he is buying because one gets this and that.

Whichever version zloba is choosing I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

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TBH guys you've answered my original question to the smallest detail. Thanks everyone for their input. This is not the first time i'm trying Combat Mission games (probably the 3rd one i guess), but this time i'm serious and that's why i decided to join the community and ask "personally". Heirloom_Tomato and BornGinger might think i won't regret my purchase and logically i would assume the same thing as i'm already enjoying the demos in a different way than year or two before. But after spending lots of money on other titles with which i was dissapointed in the past few weeks, just trying to find the one that would scratch that itch of mine ... considering that if i knew what i know now, i could spent that money on my 4 months newborn child ... it's starting to be very complicated and hard for me to justify the money Battlefront is asking for their "games". $60 for every base game and another $35 for additional modules. Yes, i'm enjoying the demos and i think they've finally grew up on me (or vice versa?) .. but who knows if i won't be sick of the games in the next 3-4 weeks?

Seems like i won't but who knows what comes? $60 = every WWII title. Which one? Well if i want to be honest ... Red Thunder. If i would want to get the most content for the money ... should i pay another 30 or 50 bucks for additional content? Would i be able to play it now (1-2 months)? Well i don't know .. that's why i came here 😉

Edited by Zloba
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20 minutes ago, Zloba said:

TBH guys you've answered my original question to the smallest detail. Thanks everyone for their input. This is not the first time i'm trying Combat Mission games (probably the 3rd one i guess), but this time i'm serious and that's why i decided to join the community and ask "personally". Heirloom_Tomato and BornGinger might think i won't regret my purchase and logically i would assume the same thing as i'm already enjoying the demos in a different way than year or two before. But after spending lots of money on other titles with which i was dissapointed in the past few weeks, just trying to find the one that would scratch that itch of mine ... considering that if i knew what i know now, i could spent that money on my 4 months newborn child ... it's starting to be very complicated and hard for me to justify the money Battlefront is asking for their "games". $60 for every base game and another $35 for additional modules. Yes, i'm enjoying the demos and i think they've finally grew up on me (or vice versa?) .. but who knows if i won't be sick of the games in the next 3-4 weeks?

Seems like i won't but who knows what comes? $60 = every WWII title. Which one? Well if i want to be honest ... Red Thunder. If i would want to get the most content for the money ... should i pay another 30 or 50 bucks for additional content? Would i be able to play it now (1-2 months)? Well i don't know .. that's why i came here 😉

You can't go wrong indeed. Although Red Thunders default campaigns focus on battalion plus sized forces :-). Personally I think CMRT is great too (have all CMx2 games) and you can also fight smaller engagements. 
Probably CMFB and CMFI are my favorites, but all will scratch your itch if CMx2 will do that for you. Unfortunately nobody knows if you will be sick of it in 4 weeks. 😁

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16 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

You can't go wrong indeed. Although Red Thunders default campaigns focus on battalion plus sized forces :-).

Yes, this is the information i need from you guys. OK, so let's say RT campaigns or overall settings and formations in the battles are battalion-sized in general. So how do the othe 3 WWII CM titles compare in terms of size of the army which you control on the average (without taking Quick battles into account?)

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32 minutes ago, Zloba said:

Yes, this is the information i need from you guys. OK, so let's say RT campaigns or overall settings and formations in the battles are battalion-sized in general. So how do the othe 3 WWII CM titles compare in terms of size of the army which you control on the average (without taking Quick battles into account?)

CMFB shipped campaigns also on the large side I think. CMBN and CMFI both have smaller and larger campaigns IIRC. However, there are also user made scenario's and campaigns for each title. So basically just go with what your gut feeling says. I'd repeat the recommendation by Heirloom Tomato for CMFI. It is a good game to start with, good training campaign. 43 is less lethal than 45. Really nice maps.


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@Zloba I have a young one at home, 8 months old now, along with a bunch of siblings for the little guy, so I know cash can be tight sometimes and spending money on a game can be hard to justify. If you want to wait for the Red Thunder/ Fire and Rubble bundle to save a few bucks no one will blame you. The demos are fun and can keep you entertained until either you are certain you want to buy the game or you have enough free cash to justify the purchase.

If you really want to make sure you have the money to buy the game, follow a tip an old man gave me. He put $2 into a jar on his nightstand every day. If you need to raid the jar for an important purchase, the money is right there and ready to go. If at the end of the month, the jar hasn't been raided and you still have some extra cash, use the money for whatever you want. In your case, put $2 in the jar every day until the Fire and Rubble bundle is available. If your jar is still full, a guilt free purchase awaits!

Or just trust a random internet stranger, buy the CMFI bundle and really start having fun!

Edited by Heirloom_Tomato
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4 hours ago, Zloba said:

who knows if i won't be sick of the games in the next 3-4 weeks?

It is possible for anyone to feel a bit "sick" of a CM-game after three or four weeks. But the reason for that is probably that they have played them a bit too much.

I have tried out games earlier and after a week or two felt that I don't want to play it anymore because it was too stupid or there was something else in the game I didn't agree with.

There are some things in the CM-games I wish were different, but I still enjoy them enough to continue. The reason for me is mostly that I enjoy playing with a few companies with armored support on large or huge maps.

If you would buy a CM-game and later on feel that you want to play something else I'm pretty sure that you will come back to the  game later on. And one reason to this could be that you have watched a documentary about the WW2 and would like to play out something similar as what you just have watched. Another reason could be that you have a friend or relative with whom you'd like to play a hotseat game or who convinces you to play a hotseat game with him/her.

Edited by BornGinger
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I think you're both right. Who am i trying to fool? If i knew i won't be  playing CM for a long time i wouldn't be here in the first place. When i look into my Steam library i'm coming back for years to my most played games every now and then and it will be no different with CM. 1200 hours in Post Scriptum and 550 hours in Company of Heroes 2. I think it's safe to say i won't regret buying any of the CM games or even bundles.

So now i'll focus on the important thing, that's in the topic of this thread - starting small. I've just watched  SmartWargames's guide to CM campaigns. It confirmed what you guys said about RT and FB. The campaigns are on the bigger scale compared to BN. Shame he hasn't covered FI. I'll look into it tomorow and maybe finaly decide.

Thanks again for helping me 👍

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6 hours ago, RepsolCBR said:

This for example...


This is the video i've watched yesterday and he covered FI at the end of the video, which i skipped as i thought CM Afghanistan was the last game he would go through.

Btw. I've already watched several of his videos and they were always mega-helpful. Great channel

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