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CMBS Korean Campaign: Red Dragon


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Here is a link to some preliminary screenshots of a work in progress. Red Dragon is a campaign depicting a North Korean blitzkrieg into South Korea in autumn of 2018. I have modded nearly every building in CMBS to what hopefully will give an Asian feel. Terrain, uniforms,vehicles have also been modded. This is my first attempt at modding so it may not appeal to some.

I have done a huge amount of research into this to make the conflicting sides as accurate as possible. However obvious limitations in the BS game engine will limit this. I have even modded some of the Russian voice files to Korean for the NK side. 

The SK will use the coyote brown slot so nothing I can do on voices there. Im still debating on using them in the campaign.

Anyhoo here is the link to some screens. Any feedback is welcome.



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Thanks Erwin. Ive already put a huge amount of time into this. Anyone who has any info on North korean TOE's and such will be appreciated. I have found some documents that list current NK units but I will take any info available. I am also entertaining the idea of making this a community campaign. What I mean by this is I will present an overall blueprint of the campaign path and create maps based on this path. Then what I would like to see is if any scenario designers that would be interested I will give a battle blueprint of objectives and situations of each battle and let that designer create a individual scenario putting his (or her) on twist on the situation. I send them the map and the situation and say have at it, create AI plans based on how they would approach the situation. Of course they would be the authors of the mission with all the credits.

The campaign would then be compiled with scenarios by different designers and give the player  the opportunity to play a campaign with design characteristics of the different designers. Just something I'm considering so anyone who may be interested let me know.


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Thanks guys. still working on the first map. Do have the core units for the most part in place. Im still undecided about the SK forces. Ideally I wanted to create the SK forces from the Ukranian data base. That way I could use my asian faces mod (yes I created asian faces for the NK's and it was a freakin pain) as well as the asian voice mod. The problem was the weapon load out would be all wrong for the SK's. So I created a SK uniform mod depicting the South Korean 8th Infantry Division (Tumbler) tagged to the Coyote Brown US forces. This gave me the right weapon mix but now you have english speaking SK's as well as some ethnic mixing in the faces.

To do the Korean voice mod I took the US voice files, typed them into a English to Korean voice translator which created a Korean mp3 file. I took that into a audio program, changed the tempo and pitch so it wouldnt be quite so monotone and created a .wav file. I then saved them as Russian voice files and tagged them to the campaign. Since there seems to be a hundred voice files I didnt do them all just some basic ones so every once in a while one will spit out something in Russian. If patience persisits I will try add more. Most of the action will probably be at a distance so you wont hear them much anyway but I am anal about immersion.

I have been working on a horizon mod using photographs of South Korean mountainous terrain but I cant get the dang seams right. The campaign will feature missions in different terrian types, villages, valleys, rice paddies, as well as urban combat.

There will be a storyline to create the events leading to the conflict.



Edited by dragonwynn
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Hey dragonwynn, I'm a new poster and I don't even have Black Sea but having served recently as a language analyst in USFK I thought I might give you some feedback. Having looked over the TO&E of Black Sea you would be better served using the Ukrainians as the basis for the KPA in your mod. The most modern KPA equipment is late 80s Soviet or early 90s Russian gear. They simply don't have the modern equipment that the Russians in Black Sea do. Also, ROK army forces use mostly Korean developed weapon systems so any conversion of the US to ROK will be a bit weird. As for the terrain don't forget that the Korean peninsula is mostly mountainous. There is some flat(ish) farmland in the eastern and southern parts of the country but it is all surrounded by hills. Good luck with the mod. I really enjoyed your CMBN and CMRT campaigns.

Edited by Bearstronaut
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Very cool idea.....The only issue might be getting gear that is pants enough for the North Koreans!  

While I'm sure they would love the latest iteration of the P'okp'ung-Ho MBT to be as capable as a T-72B3, it surely ain't!   It's a stretch T-62 with a 125mm smoothbore and ERA probably equivalent to early versions of Kontakt.  It doesn't have GLATGM, but the tank commander can have a pop with cupola mounted Spandrel if he's feeling heroic:


This project might work better in CM:SF/CM:SF II.


Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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1 hour ago, Bearstronaut said:

Having looked over the TO&E of Black Sea you would be better served using the Ukrainians as the basis for the KPA in your mod. The most modern KPA equipment is late 80s Soviet or early 90s Russian gear. They simply don't have the modern equipment that the Russians in Black Sea do.

Thanks Bear. I actually have considered this and you probably just switched me to it. It wont take alot of work to switch some files to the Uk side.


55 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

While I'm sure they would love the latest iteration of the P'okp'ung-Ho MBT to be as capable as a T-72B3, it surely ain't!

Im sure you are quite correct. I was going to try and offset some of this by adjusting the skill level for the NK's. I will see what I can do. Either way players will have to use their imaginations a bit here. As I stated I know this project is limited by the game engine. Just trying to give everyone something different.


1 hour ago, Bearstronaut said:

As for the terrain don't forget that the Korean peninsula is mostly mountainous. There is some flat(ish) farmland in the eastern and southern parts of the country but it is all surrounded by hills.

Yea Im working those hills in. trying to do due dilligence on my research for each map on terrian. Thanks for the input guys.

That pic Sgt. I actually have used as a base model. I just removed the big insignia since I assume its for parade purposes and not combat.

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1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I think it's a great idea and I didn't mean to be discouraging, but I do think you might get a better capability match using CM:SF.....I'd suggest that P'okp'ung-Ho is a lot closer to a T-62M than a T-72B3 in actual capability terms.


But, by switching to UKR forces for the NKPA, I assume that means T-64 and T-64BV can be used...probably as close as you can get to T-62 with the CMBS engine.

I agree UKR probably will be a better match for NKPA...as for terrain...if anyone has played dragonwynn's Mountains of Allah campaign (highly recommended :D) I wouldn't worry about maps.  They will be good.

Yea ROKs have their own versions of US equip...but I think it will be close enough.  The ROK K1 and K1A1 are close enough to an Abrams.

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@dragonwynn You might want to consider waiting for CMSF2 and using that instead. If I'm not mistaken you should be able to port most of the assets you make for CMBS into CMSF2 when it comes out. 

The Syrians might be better at representing the North Koreans than either the Russians or Ukrainians in Black Sea. Granted, all the porting could be more trouble than its worth, and there could be other unforeseen issues with that. Some of the others here who are more experienced modders can probably give you a better idea on that. 

Might be worth looking into though, especially before you start a lot of the heavy map work. 

Regardless, I'm pretty interested in how this all turns out. I'm honestly not very interested in contemporary Korean conflict head cannons for a multitude of reasons, but I've always liked your campaigns and this one could be a lot of fun.

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Thanks for all the input guys. I understand the NK's are a little more modernized than in reality and Im looking at work arounds for this but as I stated this is a fictional situation. Once the mods are done for this I may release them as a mod pack. While I see the advantages in CMSF2 I still think BS is the better choice for this, especially for terrian options. Once I get the NK switched over to the Ukrainian TO&E hopefully it will give a bit more realism.

But we shall see.

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2 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

That video ain't going to help anyone.....Apparently they don't even know the difference between North & South!  :rolleyes:

Could be...but could be that you are not interresting only...anyway there are others links and they could be interresting...and my action is to try to help nothing else wish a good day in England my friend 😊

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Thanks for the videos guys. All info is helpful. As for the SK in this campaign my plan was to use them strictly in a infantry only role and not try to mod US armor for them. I feel I need to include them in some form but not being able to use the face mod or voice mod for them is irritating. So Ill keep punching forward for now and try to make this somewhat worth while.

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49 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Not much help for your campaign I suspect, but it made me smile:


Lol yea got to love the goose stepping


2 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

How about using one of the putative invasion tunnels or NorK SOF units as the focus of your work until CM:SF II (or a CM:BS Vehicle Pack) become available.....This should allow you to bypass any issues with heavy vehicles and set the groundwork for the main invasion to come, so to speak.

Just a thought.

Not a bad idea. Just invested alot of time into this already would like to see it through but may just can the project. Cant get the Ukrainian uniforms to NK mod to work right. Keeps showing different uniforms for different soldiers so some have the correct ones some dont. The Russians worked fine but Uks are not playing well together.

Thought the mod tags were suppose to eliminate that issue so not sure what Im doing wrong.

Edited by dragonwynn
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